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considering you started a couple of months ago, it doesn't look bad at all ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ 

ofc practice as much as you can, look at other people's art styles, practice pony anatomy etc. 

with this drawing in particular, i have no critique to give hehe the only thing i could say is that shading could've made the drawing a little bit better /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ :mlp_wink:

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15 hours ago, FlutteringGuardian said:

 Hi, I am very new to this and I have practiced for just a few month's, I would love to hear some Critique :squee:


Considering you're just practicing for some months this is incredible good :>

You even tried to give Fluttershy her typical eye shape from the show. Not everyone does that. Clearly you put a lot of time, effort, attention and love in this drawing! 

What I also especially like is you tried to to add some more details like her hooves which is something the show doesn't do for female characters. 

Cause you wanna hear ideas for improvements:

Proportions of her body are a bit to off for example her head, and her ear, you could also draw a bit more of her back head which would help you directly with her ear.  The chin line should start to curve up and meet the backline of her head. You could move the hair line a little bit lower. I would put her cutie mark a bit higher. 

I don't know if you like to have some tips too?

Because you're drawing with pen and paper you should use a Mirror in regular intervals to look at the mirrored version of your drawings. You spent a long time (even a couple of hours) to look at the same image and our eyes getting used this image rather fast and some point it's hard or even impossible to see irregularities in ones drawings. When looking at the mirrored image you can prevent that. People who drawing digitally flipping there canvas horizontally in regulars intervals too. 

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@Astral Soul First of all thank you for the compliment's I feel butterflies in my stomach "Giggle"

thanks for all the Critique, and I didn't think about using a mirror I will try that.

I didn't know I could learn so much by letting people criticize my work lol


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Moments ago, FlutteringGuardian said:

@Astral Soul First of all thank you for the compliment's I feel butterflies in my stomach "Giggle"

thanks for all the Critique, and I didn't think about using a mirror I will try that.

I didn't know I could learn so much by letting people criticize my work lol


Well, it was also the first time for me to give someone else some tips and hints publically in a thread  from what I've learned so far. I hope it helps and you make drawing give you more joy  ^_^

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9 hours ago, FlutteringGuardian said:

@Astral Soul First of all thank you for the compliment's I feel butterflies in my stomach "Giggle"

thanks for all the Critique, and I didn't think about using a mirror I will try that.

I didn't know I could learn so much by letting people criticize my work lol


Practice makes perfect, keep at it and you'll improve in no time;)  

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