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That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"Ace. Ace High. I take it we aren't going to be fighting bandits, or anything like that, correct? Well, I can do some short-range teleportation, and I'm decent at hoof-to-hoof fighting. I never really had much use for magic."

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"No, not bandits, we think we're dealing with inter-dimensional predators that can track you by your pulse in a cave complex that might not be so good for teleporting in because there seems to be a weakness in the boundaries of different dimmensions, which may have been caused by a recent abnormalty with the Elements of Harmony, and is probably related to the discomfortable feeling in this general area..." Breech said, pausing to give the Unicorn a moment to make sense of everything he just learned. "Well assassin's aren't exactly trained to mess around.... Straight to the point, thats the only way I've ever known," he thought to himself, "though it doesn't seem like he'll have much he can do in this place..." Breech felt it was worth asking, "Is there anything else you might've not mentioned, because otherwise... well... I mentioned 'bait'..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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"Yeah. Um. I know some stun spells, and I have a knife in my pack. That's pretty much it...." He chuckled, obviously a bit unnerved by this turn of events."Did he say something about inter-dimensional creatures? Are these ponies crazy?" he wondered.

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“Stun spells, teleportation, and physical attacks. Those sound useful to me. Though, like Breech said, teleporting may be too risky, unfortunately.” Starshift looks deeper in the cave. “Of course, we’re not exactly erring on the side of caution as it is, are we?”

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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Breech, quick to recognize the threatening nature of the monster, pulls out his four katana with telekinesis, and mocks, "Really? I don't see how considering you'll only last moments." Breech attacks using a (neccesarily risky in opinion) teleportation spell (while spinning them to cause confusion to someone watching), sending one of his four blades behind the creature aiming for..., "What organs would these things have?" Breech quickly considered, he'd never studied the anatomy of this monster, but checking it's chest, Breech estimated where its lungs would likely be and sent his blade to stab at them, along with his other three slashinging at it from the front. "Lets see what you can do..." Breech mused, ready to react to whatever he could.

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Starshift sends a Ghost Flare at the presumably-sorrowsworn. The presumably-sorrowsworn can apparently quite easily render physical attacks harmless, but that seems to be an active defense. Even if this thing can also block magical attacks, Starshift feels that they still have a chance.

Edited by Joat

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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Hearing the creature behind him, Breech immidiately grappled himself twoards a stalagmite, with telekinesis, noting with irritation what happened to his sword and pulled his other blades back to triangulate around him, "Sneak up again and I'll slice you in two," Breech thought at the creature, he didn't want to say any plans he would set up out loud but felt the need to threaten the monster. Breech used his cloning spell to make a helf dozen mimics of himself to attack the creature as well as another half dozen copies of his blades to supopport his personal defenses, "I was reckless, and it cost me one of my weapons, I need to figure out this thing and any weaknesses I can exploit, but I need to make sure it doesn't get too close to me like that again." With that he selected a few other stalagmites to grapple to if neccessary. "Let's go."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Starshift leaps behind the sorrowsworn (not necessarily right behind, but somewhere behind) and prepares a Ghost Flare. She does not fire, though, until the same time that another ally attacks. She reasons that this sorrowsworn may have difficultly blocking two attacks at once.


That said, if this does not work, the only other option that she can think of left (both physical and magical attacks being completely useless) is to flee. One key lesson in the IPA is recognizing when a fight is unwinnable. Actually… upon thinking of the instability in the area, there would be one more option…

Edited by Joat

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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It blasted at Starshift, but it missed. The ghost flare, this time, hit it in the back. The sorrowsworn paused, and then laughed. "Dooo yooouuu really think you can defeat me with my own element?" It fired another spell at Starshift.

Edited by Sly Cooper
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Starshift leaps out of the way of the attack, barely missing being hit. “It may not have hit you,” Starshift thinks, “but it sure seems to have distracted you from the others.”

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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Starshift is not being targeted and is not the ideal person to strike from behind next (that would be Breech, who is actually more skilled at striking in close quarters), so she takes this moment of opportunity to quickly examine her surroundings to see if there are any objects or terrain features that they can use to their advantage.

Edited by Joat

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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"Smooth. Real smooth. Not only have you blinded your new companions, but you're also dinner for some creepy bat thing." Ace thinks to himself as he scrambles to stand up. In an act of desperation, he readies his knife, praying that it will do some good.
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I'm just gonna to say as the real person "TheBreech," sorry for going off line for the past couple of days, hailstorm beat the hell out my house and some windows were destoryed which is completely insane considering it's SUMMER! Weather in Texas... Back to the story

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reconsidering the wisdom of bringing Ace along, Breech uses his other assassin trained senses and some similar magics to the pulse track the Sorrowsworn to fix it's location and sends the 6 clone blades he made earlier to intercept the creature and (hopefully...) prevent it from reaching Ace. He also makes a few more clones to keep its attention and blade mimics to mantain adegree of his own defenses. He send his blades sheilding Ace an impulse instruction, "Attack anything that tries to attack Ace," without directly controlling them they wouldn't be able to do any tricks or attack with a great deal of precission but it was something and Breech wanted to focus his energy on directing the clones and his defenses, "If working as a team is always this draining on an individual, I might just start doing solo work. On my own, I would've found ways to make myself completely untracable even to these things but instead I use a basic spell and 'poof' I loose one of my... swords... by Teleporting!" Realizing a possible method of defeating the creature, Breech surrenders the blade copies around himself, "This had better work..." to cast a teleportation spell on the creature, "If nothing else I'll try to put him in the way of my clones. Celestia let this work..."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(put OOC talk, if you have to put it in the RP, goes in parenthesis. I've lived in Texas. Nuts.)

The spell wrapped around it. With much screeching, it slid into a portal, angry to have missed it's prey. The host gone, the unnatural features followed, disappearing into the abyss.

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(OOC talk, Oh, okay. Sorry bout that.)

Breech looked at the spot where the creature had been seconds before, just staring at it for a moment... If the monster hadn't been sreaming as his spell took hold he'd be expecting it to appear from thin air and attack him... with a sigh of relief Breech let go of his other spells and sat down for a moment. "I've never had to face something like that face to face before... I'm lucky to be alive... No thanks to 'Flash Bang' over there," he thought with... humor? Odd, usually Breech would kill the Unicorn immidiately and prevent any complications later... but right now he felt... different... almost... happy... "Maybe this is... friendship..." Breech mused with a hint of amazment, reflecting on the concept he never truely known. He made a clone go check on Starshift, help herregain her balance if needed, though she didn't seem as injured as she could've been, "Thank you Celestia," he said and approached Ace. Looking straight at his companion, Breech smiled at him and said, "You do realize I wasn't really serious when I said bait right?"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Starshift casts a unicorn spell and starts softly glowing light green. This should help her until her sight returns. She is in a combat stance, but she doesn’t hear much movement right now. It seems to have died down, which makes sense, considering the angry screeching she heard. Maybe the sorrowsworn was destroyed?


A quite concerning issue, though, is whether the blindness is temporary or permanent. Knowing what she does about this kind of magic, probably temporary. It is still worrying, though.

Edited by Joat

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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