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open Destroy the Godmodder: Equis (Feel Free to Jump In without asking!))


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This kind of flopped when I tried to do this in forum games, so I'm taking a fresh start where the audience may be more appropriate, and the story way better.


G4 Equestria, Ponyville

Twilight Sparkle has just taken the throne of Equestria. Her reign is one of friendship and peace. All in the land are very happy, and all is well. That is until a summer sun celebration even worse then the 1,000th...


"Thank you all for coming to the 1,010th summer sun celebration!"

The Ponies, griffons, yaks, reformed changelings, dragons, and other creatures present cheered.

"To think only 10 years ago was when Nightmare Moon returned from the moon, and Princess Luna came back to us. My friends and I have been through a lot since then, but I doubt that there will be a Summer Sun Celebration worse than that!"

What a way to jinx it.

Meanwhile at a secret hideout in an unknown location

The Godmodder growled... He had only barely survived the last battle he was in, and he was thinking of his many past defeats.

How bitter he felt. That splinter of his consciousness Alpha had been hogging the spotlight and title of Godmodder for a long time. He felt forgotten (Especially as everyone thought he was canonically dead).

He decided to surf his trans dimensional television to find something to watch. When he came to a live broadcast of the Summer Sun Celebration live from Equestria's dimension. How he hated My little Pony.

He was about to change away to something else, when he heard something that made him stop. "To think only 10 years ago was when Nightmare Moon returned from the moon, and Princess Luna came back to us. My friends and I have been through a lot since then, but I doubt that there will be a Summer Sun Celebration worse than that!"

"Oh really... You think nothing could be worse? I'll show you worse!" He then vanished in a flash of green light.


Back in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle breathed a sigh of relief. It had been so stressful to take on royal duties. She almost missed fighting whatever Villain wanted to take over Equestria. That also made her wonder on whether the people of Equestria would be strong enough to protect their home. She wondered whether anyone had the courage to step up if she and her friends could not. Just then a flash of light came from in the crowd of Ponies where a human was addressing them. Wait. WHAT????

"Citizens of Equestria! I am here to destroy your world! Your puny friendship is no match for me!"

Before you could say Rainbow sparkle nuke, Twilight and the other element bearers were there to blast him. He simply stood there and took the blast full force. However, instead of it turning him to stone, he held up a little card and yelled "UNO REVERSE SUCKERS!!!"

Before Her and her friends are turned to stone, Twilight cries out, "WHO ARE YOU???"

He chuckled. My name is Richard, but you can call me:


The Godmodder


It's up to you now. The only way to free The element bearers is to defeat this reality warping, nigh-invulnerable creep.


Who will step up?


The Rules


1. The Godmodder is not 100% invulnerable. more like 98%. You have to use attacks that are very creative. Think outside the box. 

2. Most attacks only work once. After that, he will counter them with no problem. Some things may work twice, but you'll have to find them yourself.

3. You have 3 actions each round, or time between my posts (Usually from 6-8 pm pacific time give or take). You can generate CP (Charge Points),  attack the Godmodder, summon stuff...

4. The more off the rails this gets, the looser I will be on what shenanigans can be pulled. A godmodding war tends to draw attention from across the multiverse...

5. In addition to regular attacks, you may use actions to get CP.   Use CP to summon entities, items, boost actions... The more CP, the better the item, entity, etc

6. If an entity is killed or defeated, its gone. Kaput. However if there is a good justification for bringing them back...

7. I can edit and add to these rules as I please.

8. Players have 5 health. if they die, they only have one action next round, as they take 2 actions to respawn.

9. You can help the Godmodder for whatever reason, but he still considers Players beneath him, and will do what every one of these DTG antagonists has done: Throw you under the bus when you are no longer useful.


The Godmodder [GM] 100/100 HP


OOC thread

Edited by ChrysalisM
adding ooc thread, and adding the updated rules.

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As Thundy participated in the events, suddenly, some crazy maniac calling himself "The Godmodder" invaded and claimed Equestria for his own, taking the element bearers. If this guy called himself "The Godmodder", then he must've been strong...and with a name like that...he had a feeling the space-time continuum would be compromised. He therefore powered up to his SSJ2 form and made his battle guitar appear that was able to fire high-powered melodies and harmonies. He stepped forth. "Hey you! Who do you think you are? You think you could just waltz right in and claim Equestria for yourself?!" Thundy called out, aiming the head of his guitar at The Godmodder, charging a power chord shockwave. Whirring could be heard. 

  • Brohoof 1
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While I'm here, I'll treat this as round one.

47 minutes ago, Thundy said:

As Thundy participated in the events, suddenly, some crazy maniac calling himself "The Godmodder" invaded and claimed Equestria for his own, taking the element bearers. If this guy called himself "The Godmodder", then he must've been strong...and with a name like that...he had a feeling the space-time continuum would be compromised. He therefore powered up to his SSJ2 form and made his battle guitar appear that was able to fire high-powered melodies and harmonies. He stepped forth. "Hey you! Who do you think you are? You think you could just waltz right in and claim Equestria for yourself?!" Thundy called out, aiming the head of his guitar at The Godmodder, charging a power chord shockwave. Whirring could be heard. 

The Godmodder immediately whips out an electric guitar and does an epic solo drowning out your power chord shockwave that you realize sounds familiar...  "BARRACUDA!!!" 

He slams his guitar to the ground, breaking it, and sending a shockwave, causing no harm, but it did make all of your guitar strings fall off... 


The Godmodder frowns. "Why is it that I have to deal with a bunch of people trying to foil my plans..."


End of round 1:

The Godmodder: 100/100 HP

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Light would once again appear Infront of the Godmodder by ripping a portal from another dimension to this one.

Because of this he would block the shockwave and end up saving Thundy's guitar. 

" You again... Now this time, you're here to ruin another world... I've already beaten you once... You up for another round?" Light mocked the Godmodder.

 He would charge at the Godmodder and released his Black claws from his hooves, which are made from changeling rocks, the one that absorbs non changeling magic. He would then follow up with throwing darts of his Black Rock Shards, which can weaken anyone's magic.

" Even a draconicous cannot escape unscathed from this...Not like you're as capable as them to be honest. " Light gave a sick burn to the Godmodder, adding EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, to him. 



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2 hours ago, Kujamih said:


Light would once again appear Infront of the Godmodder by ripping a portal from another dimension to this one.

Because of this he would block the shockwave and end up saving Thundy's guitar. 

" You again... Now this time, you're here to ruin another world... I've already beaten you once... You up for another round?" Light mocked the Godmodder.

 He would charge at the Godmodder and released his Black claws from his hooves, which are made from changeling rocks, the one that absorbs non changeling magic. He would then follow up with throwing darts of his Black Rock Shards, which can weaken anyone's magic.

" Even a draconicous cannot escape unscathed from this...Not like you're as capable as them to be honest. " Light gave a sick burn to the Godmodder, adding EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, to him. 



"That was my cousin 30 times removed." Thundys guitar saved, but the godmodder is protected from the rocks because:

36 minutes ago, -Solstice- said:

Ambrosia would appear in front of the Godmodder by coming in through a purple portal. She looks at the situation and turns to the Godmodder. "Looks like we've got a child pretending to play god, how pathetic is that." she laughed, and soared over him with her alicorn wings, and fired a massive barrage of lightning. 

The rock shards and changeling rocks Light fired at the godmodder absorb your lightning, and bean you in the back of the head.


real end of round one

Godmodder: 100/100 HP

  • Brohoof 1

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Twinkle Theory was casually watching the Summer sun celebration when a human interrupted it. She watched on in silent horror as the elements of harmony got turned to stone. At first, she wasn't sure what to do, but then she noticed several other creatures suddenly appear to fight Richard.

"Woah, an alicorn? And a draconicous? Well this day just got a whole lot more interesting..." she said to herself. Now that others were fighting Richard, Twinkle decided to join in too. There was no way she was going to some random dude turn the elements of harmony to stone like that. She levitated one of Pinkie Pie's rock pies and smashed it in Richard's face.

"You know, you are kind of lame. Like it sounds like you want to destroy this place just for the sake of it. Like seriously, what would that accomplish? If you were a villain in a roleplay, I would rank you as the least realistic villain ever. Also, you do realize that's not how the elements of harmony work right? I bet you don't even know how Equestria actually works. Yeah that's right, I'm serving emotional damage now!" Twinkle Theory shouted.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
  • Brohoof 1


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20 hours ago, ChrysalisM said:

While I'm here, I'll treat this as round one.

The Godmodder immediately whips out an electric guitar and does an epic solo drowning out your power chord shockwave that you realize sounds familiar...  "BARRACUDA!!!" 

He slams his guitar to the ground, breaking it, and sending a shockwave, causing no harm, but it did make all of your guitar strings fall off... 


The Godmodder frowns. "Why is it that I have to deal with a bunch of people trying to foil my plans..."


End of round 1:

The Godmodder: 100/100 HP

Thundy saw as his guitar was broken, but...saw that it had been saved. He quickly reformed the guitar into Whis's staff, giving it a tap on the ground. He then rewound time to the point where the Godmodder was performing the solo. He then redirected the soundwaves...to earphones he sneakily slipped on the godmodder...and cranked up the godmodder's amp all the way up...then backed away to watch what would unfold.

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Light would then start to stab the earth and Black Shards starts to grow from the ground scattering everywhere impaling anything in it's path. 

" Let's see what you'll do with this kind of situation." 

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On 2022-06-21 at 1:18 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Twinkle Theory was casually watching the Summer sun celebration when a human interrupted it. She watched on in silent horror as the elements of harmony got turned to stone. At first, she wasn't sure what to do, but then she noticed several other creatures suddenly appear to fight Richard.

"Woah, an alicorn? And a draconicous? Well this day just got a whole lot more interesting..." she said to herself. Now that others were fighting Richard, Twinkle decided to join in too. There was no way she was going to some random dude turn the elements of harmony to stone like that. She levitated one of Pinkie Pie's rock pies and smashed it in Richard's face.

"You know, you are kind of lame. Like it sounds like you want to destroy this place just for the sake of it. Like seriously, what would that accomplish? If you were a villain in a roleplay, I would rank you as the least realistic villain ever. Also, you do realize that's not how the elements of harmony work right? I bet you don't even know how Equestria actually works. Yeah that's right, I'm serving emotional damage now!" Twinkle Theory shouted.

That would have worked if not for:

20 hours ago, Thundy said:

Thundy saw as his guitar was broken, but...saw that it had been saved. He quickly reformed the guitar into Whis's staff, giving it a tap on the ground. He then rewound time to the point where the Godmodder was performing the solo. He then redirected the soundwaves...to earphones he sneakily slipped on the godmodder...and cranked up the godmodder's amp all the way up...then backed away to watch what would unfold.

"AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!" First blood! It deals... 1 damage! And drowns out Twinkle Theory's expert burn.

19 hours ago, -Solstice- said:

Ambrosia quickly dodged the attack and fired a green static field out at the Godmodder. "Take this, oversize oaf!" she shouted powerfully, cackling while doing so. Seemed to be quite an eccentric sort, she was.

He is hit by a wave of static electricity. You never said it did anything.

15 hours ago, Kujamih said:

Light would then start to stab the earth and Black Shards starts to grow from the ground scattering everywhere impaling anything in it's path. 

" Let's see what you'll do with this kind of situation." 

Battlefield modified! Impaling spikes everywhere! Even around your allies! Light seems fond of friendly fire...




The Godmodder throws off the earphones and his eye starts twitching. "You wanna play rough huh... I need back up..."

Battlefield: SPIKE EVERYWHERE!!!!!

The Ground starts rumbling, and a giant green thing pops out... Thundy recognizes it as a giant Minecraft zombie...

[AG]= Anti Godmodder [PG]= Pro Godmodder

Godmodder[GM]: 99/100HP




Terror Zombie [PG]: 50,000 HP, 5,000 attack

Edited by ChrysalisM

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The black spikes are made of non changeling absorbing magic.... Thus anyone casting non changeling magic will be absorbed by light, even the god modder calling a mine craft character.

" Foolish Godmodder... You just made me stronger..."

The field is not only littered with spikes, but spikes that absorbs non changeling magic.

Light's hooves are still stabbed to the earth and still producing black shards. To the point that it is invaded on him and the shards are starting to spread further and further away and growing and growing as it starts absorbing magic.

" Let's see Godmodder..... Who the true villain is...." 



The spikes are growing beneath the earth.... Hence you can't cast none changeling magic from below the soil.... You can in the air though. That is if it's made from magic once it hits the ground, it will get absorbed... 

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On 2022-06-22 at 12:43 PM, -Solstice- said:

Ambrosia dodges the spikes and her eyes glow with an electrical field and she fires a burning deadly laser beam right at the Terror Zombie and when it contacts, it burns - like a minecraft zombie burns in the daylight.

3,000 damage to the terror zombie!

On 2022-06-22 at 3:40 PM, Kujamih said:

The black spikes are made of non changeling absorbing magic.... Thus anyone casting non changeling magic will be absorbed by light, even the god modder calling a mine craft character.

" Foolish Godmodder... You just made me stronger..."

The field is not only littered with spikes, but spikes that absorbs non changeling magic.

Light's hooves are still stabbed to the earth and still producing black shards. To the point that it is invaded on him and the shards are starting to spread further and further away and growing and growing as it starts absorbing magic.

" Let's see Godmodder..... Who the true villain is...." 



The spikes are growing beneath the earth.... Hence you can't cast none changeling magic from below the soil.... You can in the air though. That is if it's made from magic once it hits the ground, it will get absorbed... 

The Godmodder laughs! "Fools! I don't use magic! I use my L33t RE@LITY HAXOR SKILLZ!!!!" 

End of round 3:

The terror zombie strikes at Light! He will take 2 damage if this is not countered!

Godmodder [GM]: 99/100HP

Terror Zombie [PG] 47,000 HP 5,000 ATT


Players health:

Light: 3/3HP

Twinkle Theory: 3/3 HP

Ambrosia: 3/3 HP

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"Well that doesn't seem to be working. Let's turn up the heat! Literally!" Twinkle Theory declared. She grabbed the rock pie and heated it up to molten lava in her magical aurora before smashing it in Richard's face again. 

When Richard summoned a giant zombie, Twinkle Theory pretended to yawn. "Oh wow, you're pulling things in from other universes? How unoriginal can you get? Look, I was doing this fourth wall breaking thing way before you did, so I'm going to sue you for plagiarism. You'll be hearing from my lawyers very soon," Twinkle Theory said snarkily as she summoned a blocky player to fight the zombie. "Oh and I heard from a little birdie called Mx. Scintillate that this creature has a diamond sword with fire aspect and smite. Do your research next time."


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On 2022-06-28 at 12:07 PM, Thundy said:


Thundy gathered some electricity and made a large screen appear. On that screen was a puzzle matching game appear. He matched 2 pairs of TNT barrels, creating a large TNT barrel. He then tossed it at the large terror zombie.

5,000 damage to the terror zombie!

23 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Well that doesn't seem to be working. Let's turn up the heat! Literally!" Twinkle Theory declared. She grabbed the rock pie and heated it up to molten lava in her magical aurora before smashing it in Richard's face again. 

When Richard summoned a giant zombie, Twinkle Theory pretended to yawn. "Oh wow, you're pulling things in from other universes? How unoriginal can you get? Look, I was doing this fourth wall breaking thing way before you did, so I'm going to sue you for plagiarism. You'll be hearing from my lawyers very soon," Twinkle Theory said snarkily as she summoned a blocky player to fight the zombie. "Oh and I heard from a little birdie called Mx. Scintillate that this creature has a diamond sword with fire aspect and smite. Do your research next time."

Player summoned! This time, the godmodder saw the pan coming, and put a welding mask on to block it before you could say 'speed hax'...


The Zombie is distracted by the player, so light is saved.


Player deals 8,000 damage to the terror zombie.


The Godmodder casts spell at the ground. It of course, is absorbed by the black stone shards, but he seems to have a broad grin instead of being ticked of. He's up to something. The importance of this could not be emBOSSed more. Those shards are growing. It will be ready in 3 turns. Prepare yourselves...



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  • 3 months later...

Bump to resurrect thread. I've gotten more experience at handling this kind of game, and feel 2 RPs updated on a semiregular basis wouldn't hurt my school schedule. Is anyone still interested?                                                 

The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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  • The title was changed to Destroy the Godmodder: Equis
On 2022-07-01 at 6:52 PM, ChrysalisM said:

The Godmodder casts spell at the ground. It of course, is absorbed by the black stone shards, but he seems to have a broad grin instead of being ticked of. He's up to something. The importance of this could not be emBOSSed more. Those shards are growing. It will be ready in 3 turns. Prepare yourselves...


Suddenly, the spell fizzles. "WHAT???"


Sorry Richard. I think my overzealous boss throwing put off my players. Lets wait on that till they have made a dent in your health and gotten the gist of this thing.



I could stop trying to revive this RP. Your return would never have a chance to become canon. Alpha would keep the title of Godmod-

The Godmodder looks panicked for a second.  "FINE! JUST DON'T BRING HIM UP!" 


Now, for a total rules overhaul:


You feel like the entire rules of the universe are being rewritten.


1. The Godmodder is not 100% invulnerable. more like 98%. You have to use attacks that are very creative. Think outside the box. 

2. Most attacks only work once. After that, he will counter them with no problem. Some things may work twice, but you'll have to find them yourself.

3. You have 3 actions each round, or time between my posts (Usually from 6-8 pm pacific time give or take). You can generate CP (Charge Points),  attack the Godmodder, summon stuff...

4. The more off the rails this gets, the looser I will be on what shenanigans can be pulled. A godmodding war tends to draw attention from across the multiverse...

5. In addition to regular attacks, you may use actions to get CP.   Use CP to summon entities, items, boost actions... The more CP, the better the item, entity, etc

6. If an entity is killed or defeated, its gone. Kaput. However if there is a good justification for bringing them back...

7. I can edit and add to these rules as I please.

8. Players have 5 health. if they die, they only have one action next round, as they take 2 actions to respawn.

9. You can help the Godmodder for whatever reason, but he still considers Players beneath him, and will do what every one of these DTG antagonists has done: Throw you under the bus when you are no longer useful.


You might wonder how I pulled these rules out of nowhere, but I have a little surprise involving the reason if you keep with me in this RP...


Suddenly the battlefield resets itself. The spikes disappear, the entities are gone, and all that is left are a bunch of confused AGs, and one seething Godmodder.




For my plan to work, the battles must be synchronized. Also, I have a better idea of what I'm doing now.


All Players Receive 5 CP as recompense for the mostly reset board, and as an apology for my early GMing rashness. I am a Much wiser GM now.


The Godmodder [GM] 99/100 HP

Immunities: Earrape

Players health:

@Kujamih Light: 5/5HP


@Props ValRoa Ambrosia: 5/5 HP

@Courageous Thunder DashThundy : 5/5 HP

@Skylight Scintillate Twinkle Theory: 5/5 HP



Edited by ChrysalisM
adding to rules

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"Foolish god modder... This thread is dead. " Light spoke.

" You did not notice that you where not the one I directly targeted but the others.... And your inexperience to hold a world made it's collapse... This is my win."

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On 2022-10-14 at 3:13 AM, Kujamih said:

"Foolish god modder... This thread is dead. " Light spoke.

" You did not notice that you where not the one I directly targeted but the others.... And your inexperience to hold a world made it's collapse... This is my win."

The Godmodder laughs!


Light suddenly finds himself unable to shoot those black stone spikes due to invocation of rule #2 and the new rule # 10:


Anything that implies or states to automatically kill The Godmodder in a way that excludes other players will instantly fail. You win as a team, or not at all.


End of Round 5.

The Godmodder [GM] 99/100 HP

Immunities: Earrape

Players health:

@Kujamih Light: 5/5HP


@Props ValRoa Ambrosia: 5/5 HP

@Courageous Thunder DashThundy : 5/5 HP

@Skylight Scintillate Twinkle Theory: 5/5 HP


Edited by ChrysalisM

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On 2022-10-14 at 11:19 PM, Kujamih said:

"haaa!"  Light laughs.... 

Light did nothing and just watched the god modder as he tries his attempts.

" I do not need to lift a hoof on you, Nor bother...this world is ending... Try as you might..."

"You underestimate me."

He ignores your words and turns to address the crowd of innocents.


"Which of you are willing to fight on my side"


A gang of diamond dogs leader steps up.

"Skyke never bow down to-"

"I have free dental coverage."

"someone in most cases, but you seem like a good exception."

"Welcome aboard."


End of Round 6.

The Godmodder [GM] 99/100 HP

Immunities: Earrape



Diamond Dogs (x5) [PG]: 10 HP 5 Atk

Players health:

@Kujamih Light: 5/5HP


@Props ValRoa Ambrosia: 5/5 HP

@Courageous Thunder DashThundy : 5/5 HP

@Skylight Scintillate Twinkle Theory: 5/5 HP



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  • The title was changed to Destroy the Godmodder: Equis (Feel Free to Jump Right In!))
  • The title was changed to Destroy the Godmodder: Equis (Feel Free to Jump In without asking!))
On 2022-10-17 at 12:09 AM, Kujamih said:


The Godmodder spends so much energy trying to figure out how this is an attack, that he takes 1 damage.


The Godmodder notices none but Light has taken action so he respects their non-action by waiting for more participants in this battle.

End of Round 6.

The Godmodder [GM] 98/100 HP

Immunities: Earrape, Confusing Posts



Diamond Dogs (x5) [PG]: 10 HP 5 Atk

Players health:

@Kujamih Light: 5/5HP


@Props ValRoa Ambrosia: 5/5 HP

@Courageous Thunder DashThundy : 5/5 HP

@Skylight Scintillate Twinkle Theory: 5/5 HP



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