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private Canterlot Mystery


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Seeing her pain, Lord Fireheart pulled Ebony into a more comfortable position with his magic, propping her leg under a pillow. Stonewall brushed her hair softly, smiling gently. Jasmine meanwhile cuddled against her brother and his soon to be bride. Lord Fireheart smiled again, and departed from the room. Seeing that Jasmine was asleep, Stonewall whispered into Ebony's ear. "He... he was spot on Ebony... I know it is a bit early, but... I want to start a family with you. You are the love of my life, and I want to love you in every way possible." He nuzzled against her, while a not actually asleep Jasmine giggled in her fake sleep.


Both inside and out of the Castle were busy with preparations. Ponies were eager to celebrate in a time of darkness and misery. Somehow, things were not all well. Malcolent undercurrents were sweeping through the minds of pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns alike. Dissatisfaction with how the situation was being dealt with was rampant. Many people had already lost loved ones in a place that was supposed to be safe. Many were blaming the presence of foreign nobility, who attracted their own issues to Canterlot. This may have been true, but whether it was or not wasn't relevant at this point. Under the glitter and smiles, the mood was turning deadly.


((Timeskip to the next morning~))


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Splinter and his squad were arguing with the guards at the hospital where Stonewall was at. ''WE NEED TO GET IN THERE! OUR FRIEND IS THERE!''Yelled Splinter. The Guards laughed and rolled their eyes. They pushed Splinter to the ground. ''I didn't want to do this... Cameron?'' Said Splinter as getting up. Cameron had a gun in his hands and he aimed it at the Guards. ''Were the most elite Military Squad in Equestria... Does that explain why I need a friend who is in there?'' Said Splinter as smirking under his mask. The Guards began to sweat and opened the door to the hospital. Splinter and his squad walked into the hospital calmly. ''Squad, That explains why Violence is always the answer.'' Said Splinter as laughing wildly.

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Stonewall stretched and climbed out of bed. The first rays of light were penetrating the sky, and the clouds were pink with sunshine. It truely was a beautiful day. The fact that his coronation was to be later only slightly marred the happy atmosphere. Jasmine snuggled against Ebony in her sleep, as innocent as you could imagine. Hearing the shouting, Stonewall looked outside to see Splinter and company enter the building. True to current events, something bad happened right after he saw this. A large ruckus was heard in the hallway, and a masked black stallion burst into the room. Running at full speed, the masked foe tackled Stonewall, sending them both flying through the window and onto the ground three stories below. Luckily, both landed in opposite bushes, though it still hurt.


Groggily, Stonewall stumbled out of the foilage to face his assailant. While still an earth pony, the masked stallion had amazing strength. A single kick from his hindhooves sent Stonewall flying back into the bush again. Stonewall responded by lashing out with his magic, only to have the pony dodge it with ease. Twisting around, the stallion gave a sharp kick to Stonewall's jaw, sending him further into his prediciment. Crawling out of the now destroyed bush, Stonewall dodged the next two flying kicks. It sort of looked like a karate battle. Most of the time Stonewall was unable to get a clear shot with his horn, so instead he tried his best to defend himself manually. Both punched at the same time, each pushing the other back several feet. In an instant, they were at each other's throat again, wrestling on the ground in an attempt to bring each other into submission.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Ebony woke up with a start when she heard the glass break. She pretty much fell out of the bed and limped over to the window. She gasped and closed her eyes, red magic crackling around her. She teleported to the ground below, her horn glowing, ready to use a spell on the stallion attacking Stonewall. She kept her injured leg off the ground.

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''Um... Stonewall?'' Said Splinter as his eyes widened. He looked out the window to see Stonewall and a Stallion fighting. Splinter took Cameron's gun and aimed it at the Masked Stallions head. ''DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE, FANCY MAN!'' Said Splinter as aiming the gun. Sweat dripped down his head.
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The masked stallion squinted at the new threats out of the corner of his eye. Without hardly moving a muscle, he spoke to Stonewall. "This is all your fault you bastard. Ever pony that died is because of you. My... my sister was killed by your flunkies. Now, DIE!" In a flash, the pony rushed at stonewall, pulling a small object from a satchel. Tackling Stonewall, the stallion attempted to hold the struggling pony to his chest when the pin was dropped. Clutched in the assailant's mouth as a grenade, pin already pulled. Stonewall, eyes wide, tried to cast a spell. The explosion rocked the building, shattering nearby windows and leaving a large crater in the ground. Police ponies, once again too late on the scene, rushed in from all sides.


A very confused Stonewall, opened his eyes only to see an empty room. He had no idea where he was, or how he had gotten here. The last thing he remembered was a spell. Apparently, it had been a teleportation spell, because he wasn't dead. The room he was in was blank, and white. The only access was through a small panel in the ceiling. How he had gotten here may be a problem, but how he was going to get out really confused him. A loud female voice spoke, startling him. "Hello deary, welcome back to the Facility. Well, here we are again. Its always such a pleasure. Remember when you tried to kill me twice? No matter, you're alone here now. There will be no escape. I hope you have fun testing. It's going to be all you do for the next eternity."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Ebony's spell unleashed after Stonewall disappeared, bouncing off the wall and hitting a tree. She looked around wildly. "Stonewall?" She called, her eyes panicked. "Stonewall?!" She screamed,.

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Stonewall paced around the room for what seemed to be hours. The voice did not speak again. Only the sound of his breath and hooves hitting the floor echoed through the room. At random, a panel in the wall hissed and seperated from the others. Behind it was a small and narrow hallway. Carefully, Stonewall walked into it, only to have the panel shut behind him. The hallway, while well lit, was claustrophobic. After what seemed to be a short walk, Stonewall emerged in a room containing a single pedestal. On the raised platform sat something akin to a sock. It was made of metal, and clearly was meant to be worn on his right forehoof. At the end was a clear disk of crystal, which sparkled and fizzled. When he had donned the contraption, the voice spoke again. "Very good deary. Now that you have been outfitted properly, we can begin testing. I will be leaving you to figure out how it works."


Another panel opened, leading Stonewall to a large spherical room. Emblazoned on one wall was 'Pony Inc. Testing Matrix'. The panels on the wall began to shift, and formed a large maze of impossible jumps and mazes to the top of the room, where a lonely hatcch rested. "Complete the course deary," the voice chuckled. "Just don't try to escape. The Matrix hates it when the toys try to escape." Stonewall, looking at the device on his hoof, decided to begin. Raising the device to the wall, he leaked a small amount of magic into the crystal. Instantly, the device fired a mass of energy at the targeted area, producing what appeared to be a nexus. When Stonewall tried to go through it, it repelled him. Another shot of the device produced another, portal, upon which both opened up.


Carefully, Stonewall stuck one hoof through the first portal, only to see it exit the other. In short order, he learned the process of travel. Jumping and running, he made his way through the maze. Once or twice obstacles tried to kill him. At one point, a panel disappeared alltogether, replaced by fire. When he finally reached the end, he was exhausted from the amount of magic he had used. Cautiously, he opened the hatch to find himself looking into the original room from the ceiling. Dropping through, he curled up in one corner and fell asleep against the suprisingly cushioned floor.


Meanwhile, Inspector Coppertail was trying to figure out how things kept happening. The time of coronation had been cancelled in Stonewall's absence. For all intents and purposes, it looked like the stallion had been consumed by the explosion. But, unlike the assailant, there was nothing left of him. This led the Inspector to believe that he was still alive. However, the search produced some troubling results. Magic residue suggested he had teleported to a nearby alley. From there, they were able to track him down to somewhere outside of Canterlot, where the trail ran cold. All evidence of his existence had simply vanished at a literal bend in the road. The only clue they had left was the pin from the grenade. It had a small code on it, next to what appeared to be a maufacturing mark. As of yet, no one had been able to identify it.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Artemisia was touched, she was speechless. Shocked, she stuttered " I...I...but you don't even know me..." SHe blushed, nopony had ever said such wonderful things about her. "You...uh...thank you, you are a kind and gentlecoltly young stallion but...I...I don't know what to say...maybe later we could...take a stroll or eat brunch together." She was suddenly very nervous, she looked at the dark skies "Zut, it is late I should be heading in."


(yeah french class! *high five*)

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Ebony screamed his name once more, then hung her head. 'No use. There's nothing I can do anyway.' She thought, defeated. She sat on the ground and looked at the gauze wrapped around her foreleg; it was stained with blood.

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''Hey, Ebony. Are you okay?'' Splinter said as cocking an eyebrow. Cameron Slapped him. ''I don't think she's okay.'' Said Cameron after Slapping Splinter. ''You Punch like a girl... But you slap like a God.'' Said Splinter as rubbing his cheek.
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''Okay, Okay. Don't be so harsh about it.'' Said Splinter as backing away. ''How are we going to find them now? As far as I know... Pinks is Either doomed or destined to be dead.'' Said Splinter as huddling with his squad. ''Want me to play the failure music, sir?'' Said Conner as holding a MP3 Player in his hands. ''Now would be a great time.'' Said Splinter as taking of his mask. He used it to wipe the tears from his eyes. Then slow, Mellow, Music began to play. Making the scene even more depressing than it already was.


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Despite the police cordon, a small filly managed to penetrate to the group arrayed at the crime scene. Covered by a hooded cloak, she spoke with authority and seductiveness. "Greetings ladies and gentlecolts," she said quietly. "I see that tradgedy has once again struck Canterlot." Inspector Coppertail was about to apprehend her when she froze him with a bolt of magic. "Now, I'm sure you are all wondering what this is about. Well, I'm going to give you an opprotunity to find those lost, and maybe even save the day. How cliche. Here is the deal. Each of you will come to Sugarcube corner tomorrow at sunset. Enter alone or as a group. It does not matter. But be wary. For every person you bring in, it is less likely you will suceed. Now, I am really busy." She was about to leave, but turned to Ebony and Splinter. "I assure you that both of your loved ones are alive. Just make sure that the orange one doesn't get knocked over the ledge." With that said, she teleported to an unknown location. Shortly after, Inspector Coppertail unfroze.


"For the love of... ugh. Fine. Well, it appears that we're either all going to die horribly, or we can finally solve this mess," he grumbled. Stamping his hoof, he looked at those assembled. "I'll be damned if I'm going to stand around and do nothing. Ebony and Splinter, meet me at Sugarcube Corner at the appointed time. I just hope we aren't going to go through all this for nothing.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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He certainly was an odd stallion, Artemisia thought, she smiled "Thank you for escorting me back to my room. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." She smiled "Goodnight."



(now we can go back to the same time as everybody else right?)

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''Sir Yes Sir!'' Said Splinter as saluting. ''Are you sure this is a good idea, Splinter?'' Said Cameron as cocking an eyebrow. ''The good thing is that she wasn't one of my old girlfriends.'' Said Splinter as rolling his eyes. ''Will we get some food there? I'm starving!'' Said Conner as rubbing his stomach. ''I'm guessing as soon as we get out of Canterlot... We'll get food.'' Said Ryan as patting Conner on the back and smiling.
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Ebony stayed quiet. "Sugarcube corner. Got it." She nodded to stallion, then stood up, the gashes on her leg uncovered. She stood normally though; the pain wasn't bothering her.

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''Are you sure your leg is okay? I have a healing factor that could fix that in 10 seconds flat...'' Said Splinter as putting his mask back on.
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Ebony shook her head. "No. I'm fine." She wrapped the bloody gauze around it again and teleported herself to her room, stumbing a bit. She still wasn't used to the teleportation spell. She put her hoof to the side of her head and winced slightly. She shook her head to clear it and went over to her mirror. It was still cracked in one spot. She reached for the spot where it was cracked, then stopped. She sighed and looked at her reflection. She looked ragged; her mane was tangled, there were small cuts on her face and neck, and her eyes looked wide and crazed. She closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them again; now they looked dangerous.

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Artemisia knocked and entered Ebony's room. "Mademoiselle, how are you? Oh dear you are quite a....sight. Would you like some help?" She cantered over to the princess and picked a brush off her dressing table using her horn, waiting for consent to brush Ebony's mane.

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''What do we do, sir?'' Said Cameron as sweating. ''Either we go to sugarcube corner tomorrow, or we take matters into our own hands.'' Said Splinter as clenching his hoof.
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"Uh...I don't know. The princess has yet to inform me of what has transpired. I am sure that we can get brunch later...once things have calmed down...and you too."


(i will be back in a little while i need to go to a doctors appointment.)

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