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private Canterlot Mystery


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''The Medic Fixed me up!' Said Splinter as coming out with no scars at all. ''She couldn't fix my ear though...'' Said Splinter as looking at the last half of his ear in a mirror.

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Stonewall watched stoicly as the pony named Splinter crashed through the roof and fell in a heap. It was of course not an optional method of intrusion, but he supposed it would work. He was just about to lay the idiot out flat with a blast of magic when it became apparent that he meant no harm. Well, why he had been on the roof was questionable, but that really wasn't Stonewall's problem to deal with. What was a problem was the Pegasus pony blasting a large hole in the front door with that contraption of his and proceeding to rush towards the Princess. Once again, Stonewall built up his magic, only to call it off when the threat was subdued. It appeared that Fine Tune had thought burglars were invading the castle.


Trotting over to the young pony, Stonewall dismissed the guards and brought the pegasus to his hooves. "Next time," he spoke. "I would recommend NOT destroying more of the castle architecture than neccesary. Its a pain for the maintenance to fix." Turning back to Nightingale, he shrugged and continued. "As to what that thing was, it was more of the creature from last night. There are many kinds of those monstrosities as I understand, though none will attack during the day. Now, we must get you dressed for your first meeting. I believe it is a formal event, so a dress is recommended." He then trotted over and watched the various entrances into the room.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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''Yes, I did fall through the roof... I needed to get somewhere quick. I thought the roof would be a short cut. Also, Stonewall... Why are you giving me the Snake Eye?'' Said Splinter as staring at Stonewall.

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//yeah i think time zones are kinda screwing with us xD but like I said, I'll be on almost all day after tuesday.....but sadly i have to go camping with my family for a week on the 28th or something D: hm....i guess we could make it so nightingale slips into a coma for some reason (or something else that would keep her doing nothing for a week while you guys continue) , i dont want all of you waiting for me to come back :p//


Ebony nodded and went to her closet, looking through her dresses.


//I'm making her a dress on hubworld, give me a few minutes xD//

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Looking at the various gathered ponies, Stonewall cocked his head. While it wasn't entirely unexpected, he was not used to people not knowing who he was. Shaking his mane, he responded. "My name is Stonewall Fireheart, third colt born to Granitehoof Fireheart. As to what you mean about snake eye, I am not giving you any special attention." Turning back to the Princess, he helped her select a dress. Meanwhile, he made sure her mane was brushed, and tiara in its correct position. In the same fashion he made sure she looked presentable.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"What's the meeting for?" She asked, staying still so he could help her.


//thats the dress. pretend her mane looks good, i did it in like, a minute and a half xD//

Edited by Princess Nightingale
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Stonewall helped the Princess into her dress, readjusting her tiara and slippers. Once that was done, he proceeded to braid a small brooch in the shape of a nightingale in her mane. Stepping back, he nodded in satisfaction. "The meeting is between the Prince of Cloudsdale and His Majesty Ironmane of Trotterton. As I am aware, the meeting is to settle a certain dispute that has been raging inbetween their families for some time. Normally... I would not agree with you going to this meeting, but the Prince specifically asked that you come and mediate between the two parties. This being because you are the only other present royalty, and the Royal Sisters are unavailable."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Ebony smiled when she saw the brooch in her mane, and her dress. She turned back to Stonewall and nodded. "Alright. I'll try my best." She half smiled at him thankfully.

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//okie dokie, sleep well :)//


Ebony looked over at him. "Um...go to one of the guards and tell them that I told them to let you stay in one of the many guest rooms."

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Stonewall nodded to her in a friendly manner. "I take it you two stallions will be staying for a while in Canterlot? Well, I might as well make use of you two. Come with us to the meeting, but I would recommend keeping your voices down. The arguements can get... heated." He gestured to the princess, and left the room. Leading those assembled to the meeting only took a minute. Even from down the hallway, they could hear raised voices exchanging verbal strikes. Stonewall didn't so much as knock on the door, but simply entered. Standing tall, he coughed loudly to attract their attention. "Gentlemen, I present the Princess Ebony Nightingale." Standing back, he let her enter and escorted her to a place at the table. The two opposing parties were vastly different. One was a group of young pegasi, adorned with stark symbols of the air and sky. The other was a gathering of earth ponies, dressed sharply in any sense of the word. The leaders of both groups were not exactly elderly, but were of greater age than the ponies around them.


The Prince of Cloudsdale was a specimen of speed and grace. Stark white hair travelled down his neck in spiked waves, flowing along his light blue coat. Smiling, he nodded towards Nightingale and winked one eye. King Irondale was the exact opposite. A massive example of strength and muscle, his brown mane was shortcropped and accentuated his tan coat. Both wore their badge of office on a necklace around their necks. As soon as all were gathered, they went straight back to arguing. "I tell you! Those fillies are rightfully ours! Their fathers were pegasi!" The Prince snarled at the King. King Ironhoof huffed and responded, "Aye, but their mothers are ours! Would you really pull the younglings away from their own kin?"


Stonewall leaned in and whispered to Nightingale. "Apparently the stallions of Cloudsdale were running out of wives some time ago, so they went and found suitable couplings in the town of Trotterton. Needless to say there'll be a war if things don't get solved soon."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Ebony bowed her head to the stallions and took her place at the table beside Stonewall. She leaned towards him when he whispered to him and nodded. "I see." She listened for a few seconds, then put one of her hooves on the table, getting their attention. "Gentlecolts, please. I'm sure we can settle this in a less heated matter." She started strongly, her eyes closed for the first few words. She opened her red eyes and looked at both of them. "Tell me exactly what the disbute it here, and please don't intturupt each other." She looked at the Prince of Cloudsdale, indicating for him to go first.

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The Prince flashed a sparkling smile before speaking, drawing a glare from King Ironmane. Standing up taller and spreading his wings, the Prince began in a haughty and royal tune. "Madam Nightingale. This unfortunate situation arose from the lack of fillies born in the previous years amongst the Pegasi of Cloudsdale. Aswell, many of the young mares amongst us have become barren. It has been suggested that perhaps the bloodpool of families has become too small. So, to our regret, a dozen of stallions were picked to find new mates. Their search brought them to those mares currently being discussed." "Discussed?" King Ironmane growled. "Your 'stallions' broke into several houses and made off with some of the finest and brightest among our children!" The Prince changed from dashing to menacing. "Oh, they stole them did they? I would say it was a far sight better than being locked up all day under constant watch!" Both stallions were close to leaping onto each other in an all out brawl.


Stonewall stamped a hoof loudly, bringing their attention towards him. Staring both stallions down into submission, Stonewall said, "Look at the two of you, arguing like yearling colts. The Princess has asked that you DO NOT raise your voices in her presence. If it is so hard I will escort you outside and let your seconds speak for you." Both stallions appeared furious, but now their anger was directed at Stonewall instead of each other. "The way it looked to us is that the stallions kidnapped nearly two dozen of our children while we slept. You can tell what happened. Now, they want to take both the mares and their pegasus and earthpony children away from us. As you can imagine, we disagreed." The Prince was going to say something, but Stonewall gave him a third grade glare, the likes of which only a certain shy pony can upstage.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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The Princess couldn't help but slightly smile when Stonewall silenced them. She looked back at the stallions, serious once more. "Now then. First off, I'd like to hear how you sirs would like to solve this problem." She looked at King Ironmane, letting him start this time.

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King Ironmane nodded cordaily to the Princess before starting. "The solution is somewhat simple to me and my compatriots," he spoke. "We would have those mares still in the custody of Cloudsdale be returned to us, along with their children, regardless of whether they have wings or not. The Pegasi of Cloudsdale can have chidlren elsewhere." The Prince shook his head, narrowing his eyes. This time he kept his mouth shut until it was his turn. When indicated, he sighed. "My friends have a different solution. I must beg the question: Who will teach the Pegasus fillies amongst the children? No ponies of suitable caliber live anywhere near Trotterton. Aswell, many of the mares do not want to leave their husbands. We can accommadate them in a settlement below Cloudsdale." The uneasy peace was already fracturing again as the Stallions stared each other down, but they weren't yelling as of yet."


Leaning into the Princess's ear, Stonewall made a suggestion. "Perhaps they can compromise. Cloudsdale and Trotterton are a fairly equal distance from Ponyville, and I have heard the teachers there are quite competent." Withdrawing his head, Stonewall was about to adress the two stallions when the tension snapped. Leaping up onto the table, both males were standing face to face, wings flared and hooves raised. Stonewall growled and lit his horn. A burst of magic flared at both stallions, smashing them off the table and to the ground. Trotting over, Stonewall magically pulled them up by their collars and stared right into their eyes. "You WILL NOT fight in Canterlot," he hissed. "So much as glare in each others or the Princess's direction again and I will have both of you thrown out of this city." Letting them back down her glared at the two parties, daring them to try something. All were suitably cowed.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Ebony smiled at Stonewall. "Thank you Stonewall. Now." She left her spot at the table and started walking around it, looking the 2 stallions in the eyes as she passed them. "Ponyville is equal distance away from both of your fair cities." She started, glancing at Stonewall in thanks for the suggestion. "Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth ponies live there. The ponies there are very nice and very understanding." Her red eyes hardened slightly. "I'm sure we can find housing there for the colts, mares, and fillies. If not, we shall build housing." She finished back at her spot at the table, and she looked at both of the stallions. "Speak. But do not inturrupt each other, or go for each others throats again." She looked at them, waiting for their answers.

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It appeared neither Stallion was entirely satisfied with the solution given. But, as there was no other option in the cards, they let down their hackles. "Yes Princess," The Prince said with another dashing smile. "It sounds like a wonderful idea. I will make sure that the families are well accomadated." He was about to speak more, but was silenced by Stonewall, who saw that Ironmane needed to speak. "I am sure this needs to be a joint effort my good Prince. BOTH of our towns will be helping in the funding and construction of any houses needed and their furnishings. Aswell, the stallions responsible will be staying in Ponyville with their families." The Prince's mouth dropped for a moment, only to be replaced by a grim smile. "Of course your Highness," he sighed with regret.


"I believe that this meeting is finished ladies and gentlecolts," Stonewall said with authority. "I assume that both parties can work out the fine details on their own. But be assured, the guards WILL be watching you for the duration. Stonewall turned to the Princess and both Stallions. Turning to the Princess, he escorted her out of the room. Only when the door was firmly shut did he relax, slumping his head slightly. "Oh Celestia," he sighed. "Those two idiots drove me insane even before this mess."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Artemisia had been watching the event from above to learn what she needs work on. She nodded at somethigs in approval but thought that she could do better at not depending on StoneWall to defend and gain attention, her ides and skills were fairly good but she needed more elegance and independance. In her opinion she should hold herself much more gracefully and be able to command the attention of the room. She looked down as she left with StoneWall. "She should not be alone with any stallion ever. Proffesional or other wise" She jotted this down on a parchment. They would begin lessons soon.

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Ebony giggled. "I thought they'd continue arguing forever." She smiled at him. "Thank you. I'm sure I wouldn't have been much help if you weren't with me. I don't think they would've listened otherwise."

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Stonewall chuckled at her comment and stood up again. "Oh, they'll be arguing for a few days still. But as long as they don't go for each other again or disturb the peace they'll be fine. I'm sure they're much angrier with me right now. Nopony from where they come from would even think of bashing their thick skulls together. Otherwise Ebony, I think you caught their attention very nicely. I apologize for taking things into my hooves, but it is not suitable behavior in front of one such as yourself, or anypony for that manner." Sighing, he looked out a window. "I do believe I saw your tutor watching us from a balcony. Doubtless she has some advice and critique on our preformance. We should go meet her." He then led the way towards the balcony he had seen said mare at.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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She shook her head. "You don't need to apologize. I'm glad you did, they needed to be put in their place." She smirked slightly. "Yes, I believe I was a bit less then graceful in there.." She laughed quietly. "A bit hard when trying to negotiate."

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Artemisia took more notes, and she started planning the first lesson, one thing she did not understand though was who StoneWall was. She shook her mane out of her face and continued writing. The dress wasn't quite right either, she should have been wearing royal robes. She had a lot of work to do but surprisingly less than she suspected.

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Stonewall eventually made his way into the room occupied by Artemisia, entering with a polite knock. As the Princess followed him in, he went over to one corner and stood facing the rest of the room, making sure to cover all entrances, and the ceiling this time. For a moment, he reviewed the meeting in his head. Both the stallions had gotten along better than expected. Last time the two had been in a room even in the same building the situation had gone critical. He also doubted he could have pulled the same stunt without the presence of Nightingale. in most other circumstances he would have been locked up for assaulting two royal ponies.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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