Illiad Easle 3,177 June 25, 2024 Share June 25, 2024 (Any new characters should first apply in the OOC thread) (OOC Thread) @Blitz Boom @PerlsteinProps @Evil Pink One The time had come, after twenty five years away, for the Æther to return. Twenty five years of jumping from place to place, hopping in and out of parallel universes, had taken its toll on the massive project. As the bridge crew prepared for what would be the final cycle, strapping the pilots into their worn harnesses and fraying cables, they knew that the Æther would either arrive at its final destination, or tear itself apart as it crossed through the void one final time. Glen Conegher, the latest and last of the ships chief navigators, waited with her hoof over the button, waiting for the moment that the path would show a successful outcome. Everyone waited for her signal. *Click* And the Project lurched into motion. For all those on board, it was the roughest transition yet. The groaning of the components as they struggled to stay together becoming more than worrisome to the strapped in passengers. As the Project passed through the void, one passenger in particular was visited. @Evil Pink One A strange figure stood before White Light, where he had previously been alone in his quarters while still under observation by the medical staff. This is where you get off, and go back to whatever it was you were doing before you got involved here. Where we're going, you simply won't fit... unless... A door appeared, and next to it, a paper with a pen. Light was presented with a choice, either to go back to where he had come from, or give up all of his special powers, become a normal pony again, the pony he had been before he had been experimented on, he would be made part of this world, and not allowed to leave it. @Blitz Boom @PerlsteinProps @Evil Pink One Regardless of his choice, after what seemed like forever of shaking and shuddering, the Project stopped. Several alarms rang out and those whose jobs it was to repair the Project moved into action. Putting out fires and clearing hallways that had been damaged or had collapsed. On the upper decks, those capable of fighting manned the operable turrets and took to the skies to defend the Project. The sky was full of creatures of all kinds fighting, and the ground was no different. It took a bit for the cartographers to identify where exactly they had arrived, but those on the turrets recognized Canterlot Castle before those results returned. And in the distance, well, no one could mistake Discord. It was unclear who was fighting who, and the movement of all those fighting was towards Discord. The order was given to hold back, only shoot those who approached the Project, and wait. @PerlsteinProps In the Consul's quarters, Spiral had a perfect view of the devastation below, as well as the fighting. A bright light flashed in the distance, a faint rainbow, and Discord who was previously gigantic disappeared from view. Things grew quieter as more of those fighting turned their attention towards the center, and more than a few started to flee. "A prophecy fulfilled, it would seem." Play Write, former Consul, stood with Spiral at the window. Despite the years he looked only a bit older than he had when the two had first met. While they weren't exactly friends they were cordial, and he had asked to be here when the Project returned, as he had been in this room 25 years ago when the Project had first left, leaving his one true friend behind. "Discord defeated, his legions scatter. There will still be much fighting and hardship in the time to come." @Blitz Boom @PerlsteinProps @Evil Pink One (And this is where I diverge a bit from the story as told by Five Score) It took a few days for the Project to restore its ability to move, and in that time much of the noise below had quieted. Scouts reported that the former site of Ponyville had been covered with landmarks stolen from all across Equestria, and a few from the lands beyond. Further, it appeared to be inhabited by a good number of ponies, about a hundred, who were working to rebuild the area. Some early scouts had even reported a sighting on an Element of Harmony, but such reports were filed with skepticism. Still, with the Project able to move, it was up to the Consul to decide where it ought to go. Should they attempt to establish contact with this new group? Or should they try and find a place to establish a permanent settlement first? If they sought to establish contact, who would they send? (Individual stories) @Evil Pink One Much of Aligner's room and workspace had been damaged in the final jump, but his projects were secure along with his research notes. Silver had come by, once the Project was mostly repaired, to indicate that his job description had not changed, and that he was still to research the device that had been entrusted to him until the Project had set a proper course. The other passengers were all quite active lately, many asking what they should do now, and what would come next. Many were disheartened by the sad state of the world outside, commenting that it seemed futile to try and rebuild on the ground. @Blitz Boom (Blackwater) Twenty Five years. It had taken twenty five years to build that special teleporter that Dax wanted, and it hadn't even worked. Molotov was at least grateful that it hadn't retrieved a desiccated corpse when they tried to retrieve Dax's long lost friend, but still. Life in the Quarry had been tense at the start. Everyone trapped in a bubble, even one as large as this one was, led to many feeling cramped, trapped. The constant attacks outside, at all hours, did little to boost morale. The changelings here, young offspring of the young Queen Oracle Delphi who had arrived in secret a few years prior, did their best to keep spirits up, and were invaluable in maintaining the strength of the shield rune that Taps had constructed during the battle against Erasmus Blackwater and those under his command. Lately, there was a feeling of trepidation. There had not been an attack in several days now, and they had seen many of those who had been loitering outside the shield run away prior to that. Oracle had had a note sent along to Molotov, asking him to meet with her at his earliest convenience. (Earth) Sorrow, she was familiar with the concept and had done her best in her life to help others overcome it. The change had been... difficult... to say the least. She had just started a long expedition into an abandoned haunted town, she figured it would be a great 25th birthday experience to be alone, out of reach of cell service, for a few weeks. She hadn't imagined that she would turn into a pony as a result. At first she had thought that this was some sort of curse, that she had angered the spirits in this town in some way. When she got out of that town... she remembered being taken somewhere, being in a facility for a short while as she drifted in and out of consciousness, then had found herself with a group of other ponies like her, and was more or less swept up into joining them as they returned to Equestria. The fighting... she was not prepared for. Nor the extent of the death in the area she had been returned to. But when offered the chance to go back, to be human again and to either remain human or come back in five years when the portal re-opened, she had elected to stay. She didn't tell anyone, but when she had first found herself among all the other ponies, she had found a strange note in her bag. Sorrow, You won't remember me, but I got you out of that facility, and I brought you here. You can trust these ponies. When you get back to Equestria, I need you to find a pony there. Her name is Silver, and you can recognize her by her silver coat and red mane. She might have changed her last name, and if she has, I don't blame her, but she'll likely go by Studs or Easle if she hasn't. If you find her, give her the other letter. Consider that repaying me for getting you out of there. I.E. The bottom of the note was stamped with a mark, a paintbrush crossed by a ruler and a quill. Sorrow did not remember the pony who had given her this note, or how she had gotten to be with these ponies, but she felt indebted to whoever had left it. This made it all the more sorrowful that she could not find the second note that the first note mentioned. In all likelihood, it had gotten lost during the fighting. But she had seen Discord defeated and banished first hoof. Sorrow was among the ponies working to rebuild Equestria, they had five years to make the place habitable before the portal opened again. They had their work cut out for them. @PerlsteinProps (Archback) Janet had been told that, 25 years ago, the mountains had risen to cut off their section of the world from the dangers outside. She had learned in history class that, 20 years ago, tensions had risen between the zebra and the thestrals to the point of fighting over territory and resources. The two groups had agreed to a truce when the ponies at Archback had stepped in, but every so often fighting broke out in small groups, building resentment between the three factions. The Lunar Order, which included her parents, had done their best to maintain peace with the Zebra and the Thestrals, but it seemed inevitable that all out fighting would emerge, especially after Midnight Star and the Black Knight, who had historically been respected by all parties, had elected to seclude themselves in the castle five years prior, interacting only with the Order. The other factions claimed that they were dead, or had found a way to escape the mountains, and the Order was lying. Janet's parents told her that it wasn't true, and were all the more relieved when the mountains containing them crumbled away. They were all horrified though to see the devastation that stood outside their walls. The parts of the Shimmerwood forest that had been outside the walls were burned, so too were the fields. In the distance, they could see the ruins of Glascow, and further East the remains of Las Pegasus, though lights from the city at night gave them some hope that there were yet creatures alive out there. For Janet though, the collapse of the mountains had only meant a few days off of school, and her parents being especially busy for the foreseeable future. 2 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starforce 31 June 26, 2024 Share June 26, 2024 @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Cannot mention Kujamih here for whatever reason) (Spiral) Spiral had been more than ready for the last flight of the Project - she had been thinking about her chances for re-election of the project and assumed that it would not happen due to a plan she had in her mind but had not spoken about. That plan was that the Project would split and the Group Members would eventually go their separate ways once they were ready to do so. For now though, she had strapped herself in - in the Consul's office. More than ready to see the Project through to its Final Destination. Upon arriving, Spiral had risen from her seat to observe the devastation and that battle that had took place. It was chaotic - really. Speaking of Chaos, she saw the gigantic form of Discord apparently be defeated in a mysterious battle she knew nothing about. Spiral frowned and considered it to be rather Anticlimatic. She wanted to be the one leading the destruction of Discord, but after all - with him out of the picture, it would be easier for her. Not easy. Easier. Spiral looked to Play Write. "So, it is up to us to write our future, for what it is worth." Spiral leaned against her desk, feeling the heavy weight of responsibility upon her. Spiral had definitely aged somewhat - though mentally, she was probably one of the oldest members of the Project - physically? Somewhere in her 40's. Still looking young, compared to Play Write. "Now, we must entrench ourselves in this world, purge all Spawn and Legions of Discord's followers - and right the wrongs of the past two and a half decades." Spiral said, with determination. --- Quote It took a few days for the Project to restore its ability to move, and in that time much of the noise below had quieted. Scouts reported that the former site of Ponyville had been covered with landmarks stolen from all across Equestria, and a few from the lands beyond. Further, it appeared to be inhabited by a good number of ponies, about a hundred, who were working to rebuild the area. Some early scouts had even reported a sighting on an Element of Harmony, but such reports were filed with skepticism. Still, with the Project able to move, it was up to the Consul to decide where it ought to go. Should they attempt to establish contact with this new group? Or should they try and find a place to establish a permanent settlement first? If they sought to establish contact, who would they send? Spiral's skepticism of an Element of Harmony being spotted was clear - and it was made clear early on in the few days that Spiral was planning to establish a permanent settlement before pursuing contacts with anyone else here. They would make a move on to find somewhere safe to go. The Project had many matters to attend to. Its future was most pressing to Spiral. Spiral made it clear in her orders that they would establish contact once they had found a permanent settlement. One thing at a time. She was very much a mare that preferred to focus on one task before attending to another. It had lead her to have a reputation of staying true to her word and following through with it - so she hoped. First they must find a place to put down permanently. Then they can begin discussing how the different factions of the Project might go their separate ways after some initial scouting groups were sent. Spiral did not bring up her plan about going separate ways just yet, though. One thing at a time. (Janet) Janet grew up knowing those mountains as the edge of her small, little world - but she couldn't care less. While she understood to some extent the differences between Ponies, Thestrals and Zebras, she thought about it rarely. Janet was more focused on settling petty scores with her classmates and proving herself to be the best of the best. The desire to be the best drove her to be rather eccentric around others. But that was not today, however. School had been canceled for a few days due to those mountains vanishing. Looking out her bedroom window she could see beyond and see Glascow and Las Pegasus - what was left of it. It looked nothing like the books she read about those places in school. Everything beyond those mountains was left in ruins. Janet then realized that her parents likely would be occupied by whatever was going on. Janet always wanted to see beyond the area she lived - but she knew that she couldn't walk out there all on her own. She was just a little filly after all. So for now, she would sort of sit in her room, thinking about what just happened. The grown ups were all terrified at what was going on. Knowing what she knew though, the Mountains were there to protect the area she lived in. Now they were gone - so did that mean that the world was safe now? Janet was just going to wait here for now. Perhaps someone she knew may run along and see what she thinks of it. Perhaps her parents may say something to her - perhaps not. The curious mind began to fester, pondering at what lay beyond all she knew. To Janet though, she was the smartest and strongest filly of them all - and anyone who disagreed with that needed to prove themselves to her. 1 1 MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 June 27, 2024 Share June 27, 2024 @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (I can't tag Evil Pink One for some reason) (Blitz and Briar) On 2024-06-25 at 11:30 PM, Illiad Easle said: Regardless of his choice, after what seemed like forever of shaking and shuddering, the Project stopped. Several alarms rang out and those whose jobs it was to repair the Project moved into action. Putting out fires and clearing hallways that had been damaged or had collapsed. On the upper decks, those capable of fighting manned the operable turrets and took to the skies to defend the Project. The sky was full of creatures of all kinds fighting, and the ground was no different. It took a bit for the cartographers to identify where exactly they had arrived, but those on the turrets recognized Canterlot Castle before those results returned. And in the distance, well, no one could mistake Discord. It was unclear who was fighting who, and the movement of all those fighting was towards Discord. The order was given to hold back, only shoot those who approached the Project, and wait. To say that this is what many had hoped to return to, would be false. Whilst those like Blitz were busy tending to repairs, and putting out fires, both Briar and Last's groups had stood ready to see when the doors opened. The former wanting to feel the ground beneath his hooves again, and Last assuming that her group would do best in protecting those who ventured out first. As this were not the case, they would turn inwards. Briar and his were perhaps not able to help much with the turrets and such, but they could help to clear debris, and move those who might have gotten trapped by some of the collapsing hallways. Last's group would do much the same, except the few of her group, who knew how to use the turrets, and thus had gotten on duty for that. Last weren't one f those, so she made herself and hers useful in other ways, whilst she anxiously awaited news of what were going on, and what were going to happen now. On 2024-06-25 at 11:30 PM, Illiad Easle said: It took a few days for the Project to restore its ability to move, and in that time much of the noise below had quieted. Scouts reported that the former site of Ponyville had been covered with landmarks stolen from all across Equestria, and a few from the lands beyond. Further, it appeared to be inhabited by a good number of ponies, about a hundred, who were working to rebuild the area. Some early scouts had even reported a sighting on an Element of Harmony, but such reports were filed with skepticism. Still, with the Project able to move, it was up to the Consul to decide where it ought to go. Should they attempt to establish contact with this new group? Or should they try and find a place to establish a permanent settlement first? If they sought to establish contact, who would they send? Blitz would be as often the case these days, wander around with her toolbelt. Occam and Fizzy having a rest after yet another long day, she would rather go and be active at this time, as she still had plenty of energy left, and felt restless. Things had not gone as she hoped. She had hopped when they got back, things were fine, and they could simply go and partake in things again. Alas, that hadn't been the case so far, and so she kept herself busy, watching her daughter, or helping out where she could. Better to keep herself occupied than wandering aimlessly and worrying. She were looking over a section of the wall, when she heard someone approaching her from the side. Some distance away still, and kept their distance. She knew who it were because of that, and the calm steps. Brought a bit of a smile to her face. "Afraid I'm gonna set you on fire?" "Whilst I wouldn't call it a nonexistent worry, my concern more is about interrupting you in your work. How are you doing?" Briar were wandering alone for a change, which weren't too normal, but with Oakley and Thorn Weaver helping elsewhere - Oakley with his strength, and Thorn in helping to keep medicine rolling for their injured - it left but Lily to be around him often, which she were most of the time, but she needed rest too. And so he sometimes took a walk while she were, and endeavoring to return before she woke up, and worried where he might be. A little clingy some said, but he understood her. He had given her hope, and she had put all her faith in him being their future. So she worried he'd get hurt, or trapped up in something where she couldn't help him. Even if the seed were not on him, but rather in their dwelling, it did not stop her from being paranoid that something would happen, and everything would shatter. In truth, he found it flattering, to have so much hope put into him by others, but it also added a weight upon his shoulder. hers were not the only hope he carried, and the closer they came to the fated day, where they could regrow, the more keenly he felt the responsibilities pressure him further. So it were good to sometimes go and get some air by himself. As were it, to run into friends, and see how they were doing. "Oh I'm fine. A little stressed sometimes, and worried about what might happen, but we seem to hold steady so far, and there's a lot less alarms going on, so things have to be improving, right? I just hope that things will be okay, once we finally get out there. I've waited so long to come home, but it sounds more like a warzone than anything, even after all these years." "I worry about such things too." "Really? You always seem the same to me. Composed and calm, like nothings affecting you." "I have to. Lily, Thorn, Oakley, Mercury, Hammerhead, Gnarly... They all put their faith in me being their deliverance of sorts. The path forward, that they had assumed gone. If I show myself to be faltering, it will affect them. That is not to mention the hopes of The Consul, regarding us settling down, and working together with The Æther, to ensure prosperous harvests, that the residents don't starve. Yet I find strength to march on, because of those who depend on me. Much as I know you do, Blitz. Not only your family, but The Æther itself, is counting on you too. And here you are, living up to those expectations, regardless of how stirred you are below the surface." She'd chuckle a little. In truth, she didn't think of it like that, and she suspected he were just trying to cheer her up, and put some pep in her step, rather than let the talk linger on him and his responsibilities. The Evergrown, the hungry mouths who were used to the help from his kin, to keep their harvests plentiful, and the three others who had come to join his cause. Two of them she got, but the last... Bit of an oddball she supposed. Hammerhead were one of the former fighters on The Æther, who had mostly been on guard duty here at base for ten or so years. He'd been pulled out of an ambush they had suffered, and had some surgery done to save his life, but he were still left mostly blinded, severely scarred, and lacking two legs. They had done theirs to help him adapt, via the use of technology, so he could walk fine and see still but he did not feel right. Said that it just wasn't the same, and he felt less and less like himself, with every procedure that had been done. Mercury on the other hoof, were someone who had worked in the kitchen, but over time got increasingly more bed ridden, so she had to stop working there most days. The last couple of years especially had caused her to be hampered from doing much, due to an incurable disease, that had spread throughout her body, that were slowly eating away at her. Her mother were inconsolable when told that, as she were just a young teenager when she were told that there were only way things would go, and that they didn't think they would be able to stop it. Both of them had heard of the Evergrown in their time, with Hammerhead having even heard of them before The Æther, when he were part of the Solar Guards, but they hadn't known much, until they met them in person. Briar were ever happy to tell tales of his kin, to those wanting to listen, and Hammerhead had been there at one of the times, when Briar told what happened, when a seed were planted. He had inquired a bit more with Briar, and that had given him quite the things to think about. A chance to be whole again, without the machinery assisting him... A thought that became more enticing the more he thought on it, as he did not want to be reliant on this metal forever. He did not feel comfortable in his own body anymore, and wanted to feel like himself again. Mercury, Briar had approached personally. Having heard of the youth trying to chose her own end, rather than waiting for the disease to do so, he had believed it best to approach with an offer of hope. Not one that had a guaranteed result, as the disease would be extensive, and might be too much for the transformation to handle, but he could at least offer a chance, which were more than medicine were currently able to offer her. And so she had accepted, and it had managed to bring some peace to her mind over time. An acceptance that she would either die, and be buried as one of the Evergrown - a promise from Briar - or be reborn, and live a life she had been told he'd never have. She had a few months left to live at this point, the doctors said, and it weren't too unusual for her to need a crutch to walk, and she had bouts of coughing up blood, but the young minotaur were at peace with things. Whatever happened, she'd at least face the end, knowing that she had tried. Though the time also added to Briar's worries about them not leaving this place with any degree of haste. He did not wish for Mercury's hopes to at the least not have a chance to be tested. As for Gnarly... He were a self proclaimed druid, and wanted nothing more than to be one with nature. Briar had doubts he actually were, as it seemed more like Gnarly were just enthralled with the books and tales about the sect from Germane, but it were his choice, and far be it for him to deny the earth pony his want. For the time being, Briar and Blitz would have a bit of small talk, whilst she continued working. It would help to pass time, while they waited for something new to happen. ========================================================================== @Illiad Easle (Blackwater) Molotov would look down on the note, cursing a bit under his breath. They wanted him in now? Of all times? He were working here. Twenty-five bloody years, and the special device had been a failure, and he wasn't sure why. Ever since the bust, he had been going over his schematics and plans time and time again, trying to find some fault in all of this, and yet he couldn't see it. Everything seemed to be exactly like it should be, and the minute test with plants and such, hadn't made an issue clear. Even that animal he had tagged to test on a living creature, had come in without an issue. Yet Illiad were a no show. Which either meant his machine were at fault, he were too far away for the energy they had ready, or had had been killed to the point of being pulverized, and there were nothing to bring back. He hadn't the heart to bring up the third option to Dax, and so had endeavored to instead check the science behind it all, while the device were charging for the next attempt. It'd be nice having a second pair of eyes on this, but no one here understood half of the stuff he drew up. Heck, he couldn't even find anypony here who understood how the cube he used to store all his designs in worked. His oldest kid were fascinated, and were having some minor successes in making something of the sort herself, but she were still young, and needed time to grasp some of the concepts. But he had hopes that in time, he'd be able to talk science with somepony proper. Somepony beyond his mess of a sister. Poor Blitz... If only he had known what happened at that camp sooner, he could've maybe saved her from it. Instead he had been too slow, and now she had become a menace to the country side. Sometimes to them, but in a way, still helping them, as she were hunting down the cultists of Discord, and destroying their stuff and personal. Horrible stuff really, but it were still some thorns out of their sides. And yet, he yearned to grab her, and get her in her. Just tie her down, and get her the help she so sorely needed, before she ended up destroying the countryside. He had tried getting some messages out to her, to establish communication, but not a single attempt had gone well. She were intensely paranoid, erratic, and dangerous. Especially in that town of hers, and that caused issues when it came to getting hold of her. If he did it at the wrong time, she'd hurt others in here. Probably a lot of them, and he couldn't go and put them in danger. He had to wait until she were unarmed, and prone to be taken. Which hadn't been the case for at least a half year by now. But he'd have patience. Sooner or later, he'd get her. He weren't gonna let it end like this. He'd let out a sigh and looked over to look at Napalm, writing away in her notebook, trying to sort the science out in how to improve, while she stood with the part of her contraption in front of her. He loved his family. His wife, and all three of his kids were great, but Napalm had the family spirit there, and he were proud to see an inventor spark flare so brightly as hers. Fifteen years old, and already had made several weapons, and improvements to existing ones, using methods he hadn't thought of properly before. A Boom through and through, even if she looked nothing like him. Took most of her traits from her mother she did. An ashen and grey striped coat with long, slick back silvery hair, and blue eyes narrowing over a small part that she had to fix, as her wings reached for a tool she didn't even need to look at, to get hold of. Unicorns were the norm in his family, but she weren't the first pegasus, and science wasn't hampered by not having a horn. And in some case, she were likely helped by having her mothers razor-sharp focus, rather than the casual fixation that others like Blitz tended to have. It kept her from doing something dumb, that might cause an accident. She'd be a great inventor too someday, he just knew it. But that didn't mean he was playing favorites. Whilst his youngest were too young to tell what his fascination would be, his second kid still had his fascinating talents. Just because they weren't in science, didn't mean that they weren't as valuable, and he'd celebrate his achievements, just the same as his daughter. Of course they kept comparing and competing with one another, but long as it were harmless, he didn't move to stop it. Some competition were healthy, to get the creative juices flowing. "You can't keep thinking about your failures, father. Think about how to solve them." "Throwing my own words back at me, are you? Heh, little rascal. But nah, that ain't it. Got a message from Oracle. Seems like her majesty wants a word." "Good. You've been looking at the same thing for hours now. You're starring yourself blind on a problem you can't focus on. Take a breather." "Yeah, you're probably right... Keep the fort, and if your mom asks where I've gone-" "- I'll tell mother you're off hitting on the nurse." Molotov stool quiet for a moment, as Napalm rose her head and looked over to him, with a sly grin on her face. At which point he couldn't keep back the hearty laugh that ere pushing through his throat. "Sharpest wit in the quarry. Atta girl." He'd shut down the cube and be on his way. Might as well have this talk done, and get some fresh air in the meantime. Might be he'd get a revelation while he was out here, or talking to the queen. (like this, but with a bit more wrinkles in his face) ================================================================================= (Earth) "Aaand... There." Sorrow dropped the supplies off at what were going to be an inn, for the workers to get on with. It were most of what she did, beyond using her wings to help with roofing. It were still weird honestly, having wings, all this fur, no hands, and just... Everything. Yet as odd as it had felt at first, it were starting to feel kinda familiar. Like she had felt like this before, even if she couldn't remember it. Maybe she were just starting to get used to it? it were hard to say for her. She had ever felt some things more keenly. Spirits mostly. That pull of death had gotten her around many places over the years, and at the end, even gotten her into a place all by herself. A proper haunted house, just for her to have the first stab at, before she'd call in her friends for the second attempt. If they even wanted to. A lot of them had started to fall off recently, saying it were kids stuff, or that they didn't believe. That they hadn't found enough evidence and such. It were sad to lose folks, but in their line of hobby, folks came and went nearly constantly. It wasn't many who stuck around for long. They probably thought the same about her, when she didn't come back. Or that she had died, but just look, she were still alive, unto a brand new adventure, far beyond the shores she were used to. Or she were dead, and this were some kind of afterlife, but she didn't believe that were the case. It felt too real, and death had a different feel to it. It was hard to explain, but she always had some feeling for it. That were one of the things that brought her to go to haunted houses. But since coming back here, it were like she were blooming or something. It were still minor, but she could swear that she felt something, more keenly by the day. From around her, as well as her necklace. The large rodent skull had been with her for so long, she couldn't even tell where it were from. She felt like it were a gift to her, from someone very close to her. And it were sturdy! She had dropped it, had to tossed into things, stepped on even, and nothing even gave it a scratch. Probably made out of some sort of metal. She had never checked, but it sounded right to her. Just something felt weird about it lately. She couldn't put her finger... Uhm, hoof on it right now though. Didn't seem a bad thing. Maybe it'd come to her eventually? For now, she were just trying to do her part, in repairing the area. Going home had seemed tempted, but she had a letter to deliver, provided that she could find it. By all accounts, it were just gone. Likely dropped somewhere in the area, after the ruckus when they arrived. Or well, that she had woken up into. Something had happened between her going into that haunted house, and then waking up among all these ponies, but she just wasn't sure what it were. It felt like a blur of bad dreams and drugs of some kind, but it was all so intangible. Maybe just a fever dream, as she had gone from one reality to the next. The letter wasn't though, and whenever she wasn't helping around with something, she were out looking for it all over town. She were fairly sure that it had been dropped here in town, and it would be somewhere, so she were on the lookout. She even asked others to let her know, if they found some letters, and a few had. Not the one she were looking for sadly, but it would eventually pop up. Right? It had to. The letter and handing it over wasn't the only reason she had chosen to stay though. There were something about this place. A pull that she felt, ever so weakly in her being. She tended to consider that her *Ghost Instinct*. The part of her that knew where she had to go, and she tended to trust that. This were the first time when it hadn't lead her to just a particular space, like a building though. It felt like it were everything. Something that drew her too it. Some... It were hard to put words too. A familiarity of some sort? Maybe it'd become clearer down the line. She hoped so at least, because she wanted to know what in her told her that she were meant to be here. 2 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 July 1, 2024 Author Share July 1, 2024 @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) On 2024-06-25 at 9:18 PM, PerlsteinProps said: "Now, we must entrench ourselves in this world, purge all Spawn and Legions of Discord's followers - and right the wrongs of the past two and a half decades." Play snorted, "More like the past Millennium, we have a chance to build an entirely new society without the flaws of the old world." On 2024-06-25 at 9:18 PM, PerlsteinProps said: First they must find a place to put down permanently. Then they can begin discussing how the different factions of the Project might go their separate ways after some initial scouting groups were sent. Scouts had gone out in search of a clear area where they could se the Project down. One had suggested the dockyard where the Project had been built, but initial reports indicated that the cities of Troy were not in any state to be inhabited. Presently, the Project stood above the Everfree Forest a few dozen kilometers south of Ponyville. Canterlot mountain was visible from where they were. Scouts indicated that the following areas appeared suitable for habitation: A clearing north of Ponyville, bordering on the Whitetail Woods. A clearing west of Ponyville, between it and the ruins of Manehatten, near the end of the Drackenridge mountain range. A clearing south between Ponyville and the ruins of Fillydelphia, bordering on the southern Everfree forest. Heading north, the Project could merge with the ruins of Cloudsdale. The Project could set partially down on the ruins of Canterlot. With the castle having been removed and the train lines broken Discord had not left many loyalists on the plateau where the rest of the city was, and it was a bit better preserved than the other cities that had been scouted. Some scouts also reported: Signs of life in Las Pegasus, a makeshift wall had been constructed around the city, and they seemed to have a small functional cloud city. Strong magical signatures from the north, towards the Crystal Empire The elected representatives were divided on what they thought the Project should do, so ultimately the decision rested with the Consul, but prevailing opinions were towards setting down near one of the forests so as to have access to lumber for construction and arable land for farming and foraging. (Janet) On 2024-06-25 at 9:18 PM, PerlsteinProps said: Looking out her bedroom window she could see beyond and see Glascow and Las Pegasus - what was left of it. It looked nothing like the books she read about those places in school. Everything beyond those mountains was left in ruins. Janet then realized that her parents likely would be occupied by whatever was going on. Janet had a window as, as a child of the Lunar Order, she lived in Archback Castle. This was a privilege that most of her classmates did not have, as most of them lived in one of the hollowed out portions of the mountain, specifically the one that sat closest to the castle itself. Inside the mountain was where most of the Children of the Night lived, with the outside of the mountain used for more commercial interests and socializing. According to her studies, Las Pegasus and Manehatten had been the major ports for goods entering and leaving Archback, they had been described as large, thriving cities. Clearly that was no longer the case. Down the mountain she could see lights in Mohotma, the zebra city, starting to gather on the far side. What that meant she could only guess. Maybe she could sneak into the looking tower of the castle to get a closer look? She could also look for her parents in the castle archives. On 2024-06-25 at 9:18 PM, PerlsteinProps said: Perhaps her parents may say something to her - perhaps not. The curious mind began to fester, pondering at what lay beyond all she knew. To Janet though, she was the smartest and strongest filly of them all - and anyone who disagreed with that needed to prove themselves to her. She would find herself visited by one of the castle's dark residents, Slend, purported to be related to the Black Knight in some way. Usually the shadow specter operated a wooden ponequin to at least appear equine, but it had elected to forego it to better traverse the castle secretly, "So, going to stay here all day when there's no school? Your classmates are all out on the mountainside playing." Her parents had previously used Slend to get messages to her when they were occupied. Maybe they had sent it to try and encourage her to spend some time not studying? or had the specter come to her of its own accord? @Blitz Boom (Briar and Blitz) The pair would be approached by Plein, who seemed about as composed as one would expect given all that had recently happened, which was to say a healthy mix of caution, disappointment, and excitement. "Hey, Briar? Do you know where Brittle is? I've been meaning to check up on her since we arrived, I've just been busy on the scouting expeditions. Speaking of..." She pulled a few papers out of her bag to show to Briar, then remembered he was blind and put them back, "Oh, right, yeah, I'll just tell you then. They had me on the scouting group headed north of the Ponyville site, and I got a pretty good look at the forest areas for you. The Everfree forest seems about as wild as it ever has been, and the Whitetail woods seem about as wild as the Everfree was. I guess without ponies to maintain them they all got a bit more dangerous over the years. So, unlikely we'll be able to find you a peaceful forest to just move into, you'll probably have to do some cleanup." Blitz on the other hoof would be approached, or rather Power would appear a short distance behind her, then approach normally, "There you are, repairs are going well I hope? I know it might be a while before you've got some spare time but I did manage to make some progress with the item we were testing before the cycle, so we can start doing some application testing when you have some time." (Blackwater) Queen Oracle took up her primary residence in the quarry's statue garden where she had constructed a small apiary prior to the event. While being under a magical dome had caused issues elsewhere in the quarry, her apiary had managed to thrive, and the presence of the bees made pollinating the quarry's impromptu crop fields a much simpler task. Molotov would be able to find her there, standing among the bees as they flew about the flowers. Spoiler (Drawn as a gift by my sister) She turned when Molotov approached, a bit of her normal weariness returning. "Ah, I hadn't expected you quite so soon. Still, I won't keep you long. I've seen... strange things in the future, but many of them are positive for a change. Still, I think I've discovered what was wrong with your previous attempt. Tell me, what do you know of other worlds?" (Sorrow) Despite all the new life in this place, there was still oh so much death that had occurred here. To the best anyone could piece together, after Discord had come though and sent most of the population away to Earth, many ponies had tried coming here to escape the devastation present elsewhere, not having heard that the princesses had all fallen. Those refugees had died here, slain by Discord's loyalists and the monsters he had brought out of Tartarus. Still, the bones made decent fertilizer, and at least a few of the spirits didn't mind that. That being said, it would take time for the crops to grow, especially without a stable source of weather. There were discussions in the town center, which was the rebuilt main floor of Rarity's old shop, led by Applejack, who had been the one to stay here and organize as she had had actual farming experience as a human, between whether they should send groups to hunt and forage in the forest, or to try and figure out how to manage the weather again. Applejack explained to the group that, while it wasn't the most healthy long-term, ponies were perfectly capable of consuming meat as a high calorie food source. Though she did warn that the animals in the forest would more than likely fight back, and not all the fruit in the forest could be trusted to be safe even as ponies. Sorrow would have the option as a pegasus to join herself to either group, or remain working in her current job of investigating the ruins and structures transplanted by Discord for useful materials and supplies. 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Spell July 1, 2024 Share July 1, 2024 @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) Quote Play snorted, "More like the past Millennium, we have a chance to build an entirely new society without the flaws of the old world." This would make Spiral smirk as she looked at him and went silent for a second. "I would have wanted nothing short of that." she said in agreement. Quote Scouts had gone out in search of a clear area where they could se the Project down. One had suggested the dockyard where the Project had been built, but initial reports indicated that the cities of Troy were not in any state to be inhabited. Presently, the Project stood above the Everfree Forest a few dozen kilometers south of Ponyville. Canterlot mountain was visible from where they were. Scouts indicated that the following areas appeared suitable for habitation: A clearing north of Ponyville, bordering on the Whitetail Woods. A clearing west of Ponyville, between it and the ruins of Manehatten, near the end of the Drackenridge mountain range. A clearing south between Ponyville and the ruins of Fillydelphia, bordering on the southern Everfree forest. Heading north, the Project could merge with the ruins of Cloudsdale. The Project could set partially down on the ruins of Canterlot. With the castle having been removed and the train lines broken Discord had not left many loyalists on the plateau where the rest of the city was, and it was a bit better preserved than the other cities that had been scouted. Some scouts also reported: Signs of life in Las Pegasus, a makeshift wall had been constructed around the city, and they seemed to have a small functional cloud city. Strong magical signatures from the north, towards the Crystal Empire The elected representatives were divided on what they thought the Project should do, so ultimately the decision rested with the Consul, but prevailing opinions were towards setting down near one of the forests so as to have access to lumber for construction and arable land for farming and foraging. Spiral would have looked over all of the available options that were presented here and discussed it with the elected representatives. It was clear that Spiral wasn't interested in setting the Project down on the ruins of Canterlot. It was too isolated away from the forests that they would need for construction and Spiral had the opinion that it was best to start an entirely new society like Play had stated - and the way to show that would be to set down somewhere where nothing symbolic of the old world was located that could influence the construction of what was to be built. With the options that presented themselves Spiral had elected to go with the first option. Whitetail woods. Exploration could be sent out into the other abandoned ruins that once were thriving cities at another time. Spiral wasn't interested in seeing those cities be re-inhabited by the Project's populace at this time. So there was her decision. North of Ponyville on the Whitetail Woods. Spiral would also show some interest in the locations where signs of life had been shown, but she opted for them to focus on setting down and beginning construction of the clearing north of Ponyville. A new slate to build from. No connections to the other cities that once existed at the center of Equestrian Consciousness. (Janet) Quote Janet had a window as, as a child of the Lunar Order, she lived in Archback Castle. This was a privilege that most of her classmates did not have, as most of them lived in one of the hollowed out portions of the mountain, specifically the one that sat closest to the castle itself. Inside the mountain was where most of the Children of the Night lived, with the outside of the mountain used for more commercial interests and socializing. According to her studies, Las Pegasus and Manehatten had been the major ports for goods entering and leaving Archback, they had been described as large, thriving cities. Clearly that was no longer the case. Down the mountain she could see lights in Mohotma, the zebra city, starting to gather on the far side. What that meant she could only guess. Maybe she could sneak into the looking tower of the castle to get a closer look? She could also look for her parents in the castle archives. Janet had loved living in the Archback Castle. It was something that she regularly prided herself in - having something far better than anyone else which was a point of contention between her and the other students. Janet viewed them as some sort of lower life-form in comparison to her, seeing them as inferior. Janet had preferred to mostly stick within the realm of the castle away from the other Children - however she had gone over into where they lived on many occasions for school work. Now that out the window, she could see the two abandoned cities - there was a sense of eeriness she felt in the air. Sure, reading about them was one thing but actually seeing them? That was something that she never expected to see. That, and this were going to change a lot of things. How life works here. What would they do with the outside world and how would that affect her? Seeing the lights gathering on the far side - that made her think that perhaps the Zebras were going to gather a scouting party to go look beyond the mountains? Though, Janet had never had a fond view of them. Zebras were weird. Quote She would find herself visited by one of the castle's dark residents, Slend, purported to be related to the Black Knight in some way. Usually the shadow specter operated a wooden ponequin to at least appear equine, but it had elected to forego it to better traverse the castle secretly, "So, going to stay here all day when there's no school? Your classmates are all out on the mountainside playing." Her parents had previously used Slend to get messages to her when they were occupied. Maybe they had sent it to try and encourage her to spend some time not studying? or had the specter come to her of its own accord? Janet would look towards Slend - Slend was always an interesting figure in her life. Perhaps her parents had sent him to try to encourage her to go play with the other students. Something she didn't particularly feel inclined to do. "Right now I'm going to the looking tower to look at those lights gathering on the far side of the mountain. I could care less what some low lives are doing when there is the greatest event in all our lives showing itself." she said in a dismissive snooty tone. Though that was a lie. Part of her wanted to go down and boast that she was the first one to see the cities from her high up window. "It isn't every day after all that I get to see this from my amazing window." Janet added, though it was going to be every day from now on - as the mountains that had sealed them away from the world were now gone. That can wait. She wanted a closer look. With that, she'd start heading off towards the looking tower to go try to see - unless there was an interruption. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 July 5, 2024 Share July 5, 2024 @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (Briar and Blitz) On 2024-07-01 at 11:02 PM, Illiad Easle said: The pair would be approached by Plein, who seemed about as composed as one would expect given all that had recently happened, which was to say a healthy mix of caution, disappointment, and excitement. "Hey, Briar? Do you know where Brittle is? I've been meaning to check up on her since we arrived, I've just been busy on the scouting expeditions. Speaking of..." She pulled a few papers out of her bag to show to Briar, then remembered he was blind and put them back, "Oh, right, yeah, I'll just tell you then. They had me on the scouting group headed north of the Ponyville site, and I got a pretty good look at the forest areas for you. The Everfree forest seems about as wild as it ever has been, and the Whitetail woods seem about as wild as the Everfree was. I guess without ponies to maintain them they all got a bit more dangerous over the years. So, unlikely we'll be able to find you a peaceful forest to just move into, you'll probably have to do some cleanup." "Huh? Oh hey there Plein." Blitz would look and wave, but otherwise return to her work, as it seemed this were more meant for Briar than herself. The Evergrown in turn, moving to face Plein, and bowing to her as a greeting. At her little snafu with trying to present him something to read, his smile would widen a little, and a chuckle escape him. She were not the first to do so, and would invariably not be the last either, as the way he handled himself, he did not give off the impression that he were blind. No cane, no helpers- He seemed simply as if he had his eyes closed by choice, yet still saw. As if it were an aesthetic thing, that he only did when around others. Were it only that simple. "You would be surprised how often others tend to forget my lack of sight. It is okay. As for the news you bring, it is much better than I had been concerned about. I had worried that everything had been scorched, and the earth salted. But wilderness as you mention it, tells me that nature if rich and thriving in these woods. It is a very good omen indeed. The creatures of nature that resides within, I would as much as possible, leave be. This is their home, as it will be ours. It would be best to live with them, rather than replace them. Though with that in mind, I am concerned if there is more than mere animals and spirits residing among the trees... That I will need to find, before we irreversibly change beings who did not want it, into more of us. We may be few, but I will not bolster our kin with force." Much still to find out, but to hear that the lands were yet fertile and full of life, were good news, and he would look forward to tell his kin of this. "As for Brittle, I do know where she is yes. She is helping Thorn Weaver with a potion. She have been fascinated by the process the past few weeks. I can imagine she is looking forward to roaming the world, and trying to prepare further. She also has a kind soul, so helping those who need it, is in her nature. Helping the medical team in what ways she can, gives her purpose and drive for the time being. I'm certain she would be happy to hear that you are back though, and no worse for the wear. She have been anxious about your absence. It seems as if Blitz have her own company to entertain. Shall I perhaps lead you to her, or do you know where Thorn Weaver normally work?" On 2024-07-01 at 11:02 PM, Illiad Easle said: Blitz on the other hoof would be approached, or rather Power would appear a short distance behind her, then approach normally, "There you are, repairs are going well I hope? I know it might be a while before you've got some spare time but I did manage to make some progress with the item we were testing before the cycle, so we can start doing some application testing when you have some time." "Hey there Power. It's going as well as one can hope. No one's currently getting sucked out to be flung at enemies, and the collapses are mostly secured. We just need to ride it out and wait to see when things clear up out there. Always some repairs to do though. The Æther is showing its age, with all the maintenance we have to do." She'd shut the panel, and get it stuck nicely in place again. It were done for the time being, but she doubted it'd be long before she had to fix it up again. That and a thousand others like it. "I'm really hoping we can soon go and catch some fresh air. It's been so long since I've been home, and the excitement is showing. Just like worry that it's too dangerous for Fizzy out there. *sigh* But I guess I'll never stop worrying about her, will I? You talked about your science project, yeah? I still need to check a few panels more, just to make sure nothing's gone haywire in the last few days, but nothing's burning right now... Might be I have an hour or so to spare, so we can run some initial tests? Unless you've been alerted to anything technical that broke down again? I swear, if the air vents started screaming again, I will lose it..." That had been a very weird situation. Blockage, wiring frayed in bad places, other systems acting up- It had caused a howling to come from the air vents in a few sectors, and it had creeped folks out. Herself included, and it were good when they had finally fixed enough of it to stop that sound. Made fixing the rest a lot more tolerable. But if she weren't alerted to anything, or Power knew of something, she could spare a bit of time for him now. Perhaps a small experiment would help to lighten her spirits a little, and distract her from the constant checkup of things she were doing. ================================================================================= (Blackwater) Molotov would bow his neck to the queen when he approached her. Seemed she were keeping busy with her bees right now, which were a peculiar thing really, but at this point, it was weirder when she wasn't honestly. He'd say she were the bees knees, but he had been told to stop doing that ages ago, as it wasn't funny then, and repeating it weren't helping. He thought it was funny, but some claimed that he had a bad sense of humor. Their loss, yeah? "Good seeing ya again, though I wish it would've been because there were room for celebration. If you have an idea about why it fluked instead though, I'm happy to hear it. Guessing it means the issue and a technical one at least, so I don't have to go over the plans for the next two weeks, looking for an inconsistency in the code. As for other worlds... Not a lot. My great great uncle Bastion Boom, did run experiments with portals to other worlds, and managed to tear a hole in the fabric of space once. I ain't sure what exactly he saw, since it looked like gibberish. Something about tentacles speaking in pain, and eyes suckling marrow from bones. Anyway, it became a family rule to never test those sorta things again, and his machine were smashed, melted, and turned into the frame for a a couch. Solid piece of furniture really. It still stood when the town got ransacked. But I'm going off trail. You're thinking that maybe it tried pulling him from another world, and that's why it ain't working? Or that he got sucked into another world? Cause if the latter, I ain't gonna tell Dax 'bout that. He'd be heartbroken. Course, he also would've been so, if we managed to pull a pile of bones through, but y'know, no answer, least still gives him hope." ============================================================== (Sorrow) Sorrow wasn't one for joining up on hunts. She didn't like the thought of hurting animals, and when she were still human, had often gone and helped strays she ran into, and kept some animal feed on her, just in case she ran into a hungry cat, or crow. Closest she came to hunting, were hunting for a good spot to see swarms of bats flying off in the evening. It was a beautiful sight to her, just watching the myriad of flapping wings, soaring under the moons light. She also wasn't particularly good at foraging for wild food though. She knew what some of the worst and best things you could eat were, but in this place? She hadn't the foggiest about a fair bit of the fauna, and might end up bringing back something poisonous. And she definitely did not want that to weigh on her conscience. This here were a time to help, not accidentally kill a dozen of her fellow hu- Ponies. That said, she did still want to help. So far, that had been by bringing some things around, and looking for the letter. At which time, she were also doubling as a scavenger, looking for things they might be able to use. She had been surprisingly successful about that, and a few had asked her if she had a talent for that, or just the best of luck. Honestly she weren't sure, and just said she had a sort of instinct. It were like something called out to her to go to certain places, and when there, she'd find things. Often alongside bodies too, and if it were feasible, she'd gather the bones up in bags. Or if not, mark that there were one there, and let others know who cleared the area. It felt like the right thing to do, to gather up the bones of those who had died, so they could be buries later. Poor souls had suffered enough, and while not everyone believed in spirits, she always thought you should treat the dead with some respect. They'd all die sooner or later too, and how would they feel, if someone went and treated them like dirt? Might be they'd end up all being buried in small plots under a garden or something for fertilizer, but at least they'd be buried, and that mattered. Controlling the weather sounded interesting too though, yet considering her luck during her scavenging, and the fact that if she ran into more pungent bodies, that weren't just bones, she weren't squeamish about it, maybe she should just continue to do this? Perhaps she could do both though. Replace moving materials, with the weather work, and then spare time scavenging? Might be it were best to simply ask Applejack though. She were the boss, and she felt like the pony would make the right choice. So she'd go and see if she could have a chat with the mare, though she would halt briefly, and turn her head to the side. The ruins of a two story home, that had not yet been cleared, caught her eye some distance from this, and she felt that pull again. Something drawing her in. And so, she went there first. Rightly so, she'd dig in through an opening to the side, rummage around under some debris, and find the shattered bones of someone. A mare by the looks of it, her bony hooves reaching towards a small satchel. Seemed like a part of the roof had come down, and crushed her skull. A quick, and painless death, albeit sudden. Better than to suffer, like some others had. She'd come over to Applejack about twenty minutes later. The bone fragments bagged and left at the site, with a few kind words along, and her showing up with the satchel. it were dusty and had seen far better days, but it still had some things in it. Including a library card, noting the pony this had been, alongside a few valuables and bits. Might have been more, but she only took a cursory glance. Soon as she had seen the library card, she figured it were best to bring it all to Applejack to see. Might be she had known this one, since apparently, she had been local, before they were sent off, and had their minds wiped. Could be it were a library card for elsewhere too, but she did see Ponyville written on it, so it were likely to be from one of the locals. Or the mare had tried to grab it when she herself scavenged, and gotten caught in the middle of things? She wasn't sure, but she'd still bring the belongings with her all the same, and then see what would happen later. "Excuse me? Miss Applejack? Do you have a moment?" Applejack had likely seen the teenage mare wander off as she had addressed the group, and assumed that she had gone out finding something again. It wasn't the first time, and it were unlikely to be the last either. This town had death sprinkled throughout, and Sorrow seemed to increasingly connect with it. Applejack might even have heard how Sorrow had talked to a few others, about swearing she sometimes saw figures standing just at the outskirts of her sight, and pondered if there were ghosts here, who tried to get through to them. Regardless, she would still approach, provided Applejack had time, with the satchel in hoof. "Just wondering how you think I'd be the most helpful? I'm not good at hunting, or foraging, but maybe I can be helpful with the weather? Sorry I didn't say something before, but I felt a pull from one of the ruins. Found another body, and a satchel of things. Maybe some of it is useful?" She'd hold it up, the card poking out at the top of it. 1 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 July 8, 2024 Author Share July 8, 2024 @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) The order went out, and so the Project would soon be set into motion. Alerts rang out to all the residents that the Project would be moving in a more traditional sense, and to expect shifting and shaking as it did. It was also announced to the populous that they were headed towards the Whitetail Woods, north of Ponyville. It would take several hours for the Project to reach its destination, giving Spiral time to discuss with the rest of the council how exactly they should go about establishing a permanent settlement on the surface. (Janet) On 2024-07-01 at 4:50 PM, Spiral Spell said: Janet had loved living in the Archback Castle. It was something that she regularly prided herself in - having something far better than anyone else which was a point of contention between her and the other students. Janet viewed them as some sort of lower life-form in comparison to her, seeing them as inferior. Janet had preferred to mostly stick within the realm of the castle away from the other Children - however she had gone over into where they lived on many occasions for school work. It was no secret that her parents disapproved of Janet's view of the rest of the Children, and they had reminded her that she would not always be allowed to live up in the castle. But her parents' duties had kept them away from her often enough that this disappointment was not frequently stated. On 2024-07-01 at 4:50 PM, Spiral Spell said: "Right now I'm going to the looking tower to look at those lights gathering on the far side of the mountain. I could care less what some low lives are doing when there is the greatest event in all our lives showing itself." she said in a dismissive snooty tone. Though that was a lie. Part of her wanted to go down and boast that she was the first one to see the cities from her high up window. "It isn't every day after all that I get to see this from my amazing window." Janet added, though it was going to be every day from now on - as the mountains that had sealed them away from the world were now gone. That can wait. She wanted a closer look. With that, she'd start heading off towards the looking tower to go try to see - unless there was an interruption. Slend would have rolled its eyes if it had any, but Janet got the impression that it was not amused, "Your classmates are your equals, at least fundamentally if not mentally, you wont find yourself a friend or a mate by looking down on them." Slend shrugged, "But what do I know?" Slend wouldn't stop her as she made her way to the back of the castle and up the stairs to the looking tower. The looking tower stood as the second highest tower of the castle, and was lined with several enchanted panes of glass that allowed a clear view anywhere the user pointed them, like some form of enchanted telescope. Janet would find that she was not alone up there though, Nightshade, another member of the Lunar Order in charge of defense and by far the most morose and stoic of the order, stood watching over the land. It was hard to see what the ever cheerful and boisterous Spirit saw in him. The panes were already pointed at the lights gathered at the edge of Mohotma, confirming what Janet had previously guessed, that a large group of zebra had gathered. They seemed to be carrying a lot of supplies. There seemed to be a particularly animated discussion between what was likely one of the zebra elders and one of the younger zebra stallions, who carried a spear and a shield on his back. Unfortunately the looking tower did not allow them to hear what was being said. Nightshade spared a glance from his watching to address Janet, "What are you doing up here young one, shouldn't you be in school?" His tone was even throughout, it was hard to tell that his statement was even a question. @Blitz Boom (Briar and Blitz) Their conversations would be interrupted by the announcement that the Project would be moving towards the Whitetail woods to establish a permanent settlement. Everyone was advised to report to their duty stations and prepare any necessary items for transport to the surface. On 2024-07-05 at 9:51 AM, Blitz Boom said: "Huh? Oh hey there Plein." Blitz would look and wave, but otherwise return to her work, as it seemed this were more meant for Briar than herself. The Evergrown in turn, moving to face Plein, and bowing to her as a greeting. Plein would wave back at Blitz with a smile. On 2024-07-05 at 9:51 AM, Blitz Boom said: It seems as if Blitz have her own company to entertain. Shall I perhaps lead you to her, or do you know where Thorn Weaver normally work?" Plein nodded, "I think I can find her, I was meaning to swing by Aurum's classroom anyway and the two areas aren't that far apart. Besides, with that announcement I shouldn't be keeping you, I'm sure you've got plenty of preparations of your own to make ahead of us getting to where we're going, right?" Plein would turn to leave, only to be replaced by a changeling who had approached, "Briar of the Evergrown? My Queen Permu desires to speak with you about our destination. Please go to her at your earliest convenience." What the resident Queen of the changelings on the Project could want with him, was a mystery. To his knowledge, he had never so much as seen the queen, much less spoken with her, only interacting with her changelings in the early weeks of acclimating Aurum to the presence and coexistence of other races on the Project. On 2024-07-05 at 9:51 AM, Blitz Boom said: Unless you've been alerted to anything technical that broke down again? I swear, if the air vents started screaming again, I will lose it..." Power was about to say that he hadn't heard of any issues before the announcement went out, and he sighed, "Well, I guess there's that now. I'm sure you have to get to your duty station, there's plenty on your end that needs to be properly packed up to be moved off of the Project right? I won't keep you, just come by the labs when you've got a few hours to spare." As Blitz made her way to wherever she decided to go first she might notice some of the new posters that had been put up ahead of the election scheduled far a few months in the future. One had a picture of Power, his angular features accentuated, with the words: I'm not Other, I'm a Gem Pony. Vote for Representation, Vote for Power. There were a few other creatures featured on other posters, a thestral with the phrase changed to: I'm not Other, I'm a Thestral. Another with a reindeer with the phrase similarly changed, and so on with several other examples of minority races and cross breeds that were found on the Project. It seemed that Power was looking to gather support from the underrepresented groups on the Project, that often were categorized under Other on surveys. I'm not Other, I'm a Reinstral. I'm an Electric Pony I'm a Pegadeer One or more of the Evergrown had been approached by Power's team asking if they wanted to be featured on one of these posters before, and if any had agreed they would also be featured, though Power's team would not push the issue if they had declined to make a public statement like that. (Blackwater) On 2024-07-05 at 9:51 AM, Blitz Boom said: But I'm going off trail. You're thinking that maybe it tried pulling him from another world, and that's why it ain't working? Or that he got sucked into another world? Cause if the latter, I ain't gonna tell Dax 'bout that. He'd be heartbroken. Course, he also would've been so, if we managed to pull a pile of bones through, but y'know, no answer, least still gives him hope." Oracle sighed, "Not so much tried to, but rather it wasn't designed to. " She looked off in the middle distance, "You'll recall that I haven't been able to see into his future? Well, that isn't entirely true. On rare occasions, about every thirty moons, I've been able to catch glimpses of him, but every time he was simply sitting in a bubble, or in a featureless room. Just a few days ago though, the vision changed, I saw him with several strange creatures as well as ponies, moving towards some goal. I've never seen creatures like them before, they were like minotaurs or diamond dogs, but not quite like them. What's more, I saw Princess Sparkle, who I've not been able to see this whole time we've been here, in a similar situation." She turned her attention back to Molotov, "It isn't certain yet, but I think these strange creatures are the key as to where he is, and how he might be found. Access can show you the drawings of my visions so you can better study them. Maybe you'll recognize something in them that I did not understand." He wouldn't have to ask as Access walked up the path behind him, as though she had been summoned. Access was a changeling, the first one born here on the quarry before the event. Her primary disguise was that of a zebra filly, almost the spitting image of Dax as a colt, just with more and thinner stripes to match her mother, or rather her mother's primary disguise as Mystic Glow, the zebra filly that Dax had saved from a slaver during his trip to Troy and had come to the quarry as an executive assistant to Vylia Blackwater and part time therapist for the quarry. Dax and Oracle had officially gotten married the same year as Illiad and Silver. While Oracle had come out officially as a changeling queen soon after everyone was trapped inside the shield, Access still preferred to maintain her pony disguise and status as Dax and Mystic's daughter, taking on Oracle's former role as the executive assistant of the quarry once she was old enough. "Hello Molotov, I hope your foals are doing well? I know you prefer to teach them yourself, like you were taught growing up, but maybe I can convince you to enroll them with the rest of the quarry foals in the next semester? Not to offend, but there's more to school than knowledge, and I worry they'll end up... like you... at least socially, if they aren't encouraged to spend time with ponies their age." Access was nothing if not direct, but there was an obvious kindess to her. Oracle's hive was founded on comradery, and so her children strived to encourage everyone inside the shield to work together, rather than insulate like many had been keen to do at the start. Even Taps had gotten a bit out of her shell, though that could be due more to the pair of hangers on she had gained in Left and Right, the pegasus pilots of the Scarves of Red that had been sent to defend the quarry before the shield had gone up. She was seldom seen without at least one of them with her, though she was seen out and about more often than before. (Sorrow) On 2024-07-05 at 9:51 AM, Blitz Boom said: "Just wondering how you think I'd be the most helpful? I'm not good at hunting, or foraging, but maybe I can be helpful with the weather? Sorry I didn't say something before, but I felt a pull from one of the ruins. Found another body, and a satchel of things. Maybe some of it is useful?" She'd hold it up, the card poking out at the top of it. Applejack looked over the bag she had been presented, frowning as she read the name before shrugging, "I can't say I recognize the name, but I wasn't the most invested in the deeper lore of the show. Still, their remains should be shown the same respect as the rest. I trust you've already handled that? You can take the bag over to the depot, let them sort out what is or isn't useful. As to you though..." She looked thoughtful, "You seem to be doing well enough as you have. As squeamish as it makes some of the ponies here we need all the quality fertilizer we can get if we're going to make it through the winter, or whatever passes as winter here. If you think you've got some weather talent in you you can bring it up with Flutters or you can..." She trailed off as her gaze caught something in the distance. If Sorrow turned to look she would see it too, a massive cloud city, built more like a flying battleship with giant wings made of cloud, heading their way from the south. Many other ponies had taken notice of the ship too, and were heading to Applejack for answers, "I don't recognize that from the show," she turned to the gathering crowd, "Any theories?" One pony answered, "Well, there was the thought that, if a cloud city could exist, that other cloud constructs could also exist. Maybe a cloud city like Las Pegasus was repurposed into some sort of mobile stronghold?" That didn't seem to reassure anyone. Applejack nodded, "Everyone get to shelter, and prepare for another fight." She turned to Sorrow, "We can talk more later, if you want, but if you're happy with your scavenging efforts I think you're doing a plenty good job there." That said, she and the other ponies quickly moved to shelter in the buildings that had been reinforced since their arrival. Some considered the catapults that had been erected for the fight against Discord, but this threat was far too high for them to strike, so they moved to shelter as well. Sorrow's efforts before, in clearing buildings looking for resources, had already helped by providing more safe places for the ponies here to shelter in. 1 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Spell July 8, 2024 Share July 8, 2024 @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) Quote The order went out, and so the Project would soon be set into motion. Alerts rang out to all the residents that the Project would be moving in a more traditional sense, and to expect shifting and shaking as it did. It was also announced to the populous that they were headed towards the Whitetail Woods, north of Ponyville. It would take several hours for the Project to reach its destination, giving Spiral time to discuss with the rest of the council how exactly they should go about establishing a permanent settlement on the surface. Spiral, now with the time given by the few hours it would take for it to reach its destination would outline her proposals. Though she made it clear that everyone else on the council was free to mention their own proposals as well. For Spiral's proposal, it would involve that they would use whatever materials those of the project would be willing to use to construct a settlement. Spiral also wouldn't suggest any restrictions on logging, for they had all the lumber they could need from the Whitetail woods to build up new homes. This place was now theirs to lay claim to as there wasn't anything else there to stand in the way of that as far as they knew. Those willing to live in the settlement would be expected to be able to pull their weight in the construction of it as building a new settlement from scratch was going to take a lot of effort to do so. Spiral also would propose this settlement would largely be for those of the new generation - without ancestral attachments to Canterlot or Troy and would add that perhaps those who seek to reclaim their roots in their homelands would be allowed to do so at their own risk, though Spiral was most interested in starting over from scratch with a new society without any ties to the old. (Janet) Quote It was no secret that her parents disapproved of Janet's view of the rest of the Children, and they had reminded her that she would not always be allowed to live up in the castle. But her parents' duties had kept them away from her often enough that this disappointment was not frequently stated. Janet of course would pout and disagree with her parents views on this matter but was secretly thankful they were often busy so she could do whatever she wanted - within limits of course. While Janet did have attachment to her parents, it wasn't as strong as one may think a filly should have. Though all that stemmed from her parents being away quite often. Quote Slend would have rolled its eyes if it had any, but Janet got the impression that it was not amused, "Your classmates are your equals, at least fundamentally if not mentally, you wont find yourself a friend or a mate by looking down on them." Slend shrugged, "But what do I know?" Slend wouldn't stop her as she made her way to the back of the castle and up the stairs to the looking tower. The looking tower stood as the second highest tower of the castle, and was lined with several enchanted panes of glass that allowed a clear view anywhere the user pointed them, like some form of enchanted telescope. Janet would find that she was not alone up there though, Nightshade, another member of the Lunar Order in charge of defense and by far the most morose and stoic of the order, stood watching over the land. It was hard to see what the ever cheerful and boisterous Spirit saw in him. The panes were already pointed at the lights gathered at the edge of Mohotma, confirming what Janet had previously guessed, that a large group of zebra had gathered. They seemed to be carrying a lot of supplies. There seemed to be a particularly animated discussion between what was likely one of the zebra elders and one of the younger zebra stallions, who carried a spear and a shield on his back. Unfortunately the looking tower did not allow them to hear what was being said. Nightshade spared a glance from his watching to address Janet, "What are you doing up here young one, shouldn't you be in school?" His tone was even throughout, it was hard to tell that his statement was even a question. Janet would shrug off Slend's comments towards her. "Sure, whatever you sayyyy. I live in a castle, they do not!" she responded obnoxiously before trotting off at a brisk pace. Janet's young mind was only really focused on a few select things. Proving others wrong. Proving she was the best. Most importantly - sabotaging those who disagreed. Janet couldn't sabotage her parents or other adults, so it mostly ranged towards her other classmates. Being such a young filly, at the age of 10, she didn't understand concepts such as mates or even what true friendship really even was. Janet would then quietly trot towards the castle confidently like she was the filly who owned the world, when in reality she was the one who knew very little about it. After making her way, she'd look out across the landscape in the distance through the enchanted panes. Janet always liked to come up here - usually she was alone when she came here, but often times she'd take other classmates up here just so she could brag to them endlessly about how good she was. This time, she was silently as she took in what she saw through the panes. Smirking at what she saw, she would see yet more proof that she was always right. Correct that she had guessed that the Zebras were scouting out what lay beyond. Janet then spun around to Nightshade, "Just confirming what I already knew, anyway, school's not in session - the mountains vanishing that contained us all in our happy valley of social division suddenly vanishing tends to close out school, doesn't it?" 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 July 13, 2024 Share July 13, 2024 (edited) @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (Briar and Blitz) On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: Plein nodded, "I think I can find her, I was meaning to swing by Aurum's classroom anyway and the two areas aren't that far apart. Besides, with that announcement I shouldn't be keeping you, I'm sure you've got plenty of preparations of your own to make ahead of us getting to where we're going, right?" Plein would turn to leave, only to be replaced by a changeling who had approached, "Briar of the Evergrown? My Queen Permu desires to speak with you about our destination. Please go to her at your earliest convenience." "Take care then, until next we meet. And please, do not be concerned if Thorn Weaver is with her. I know she can be unnerving to some, but she means no harm." He needed to say this quite a few times, ever since they had picked her up. It were understandable, considering her form being what it were, and some simply refused to interact with her, despite reassurances from him, and others who had spoken or worked with her, and knew that Thorn were not someone who sought to harm anyone on The Æther. Yet he still hoped that as more time passed, she would be accepted more, and he did consider the slow increase in tolerance towards her to be a good start. Yet tolerance and acceptance were not the same, but he would keep trying to speak for her, and convince others that she were a friend, and not a foe. Perhaps after some time, with their own established home again, it would be easier for others to see? He could only hope, as he did not wish her to be shunned. He barely had a chance to respond and bow his neck in farewell though, before Plein were replaced with another. A changeling, which were not too unusual. Especially considering how Brittle had grown over time, and come to interact more with others of her own kin, his interaction on some level, were more or less impossible to avoid. Yet he would admit, that this were the first time that he recalled the queen herself wanting to speak with him directly. Was it something to do with Brittle? Perhaps her decision that she did not feel like Permu's hive were where she belonged, made the queen have thoughts? Potentially hoping that he, as her father, could convince her otherwise? It were hard to say, but it made sense that at least in some fashion, it were related to Brittle. It made him curious. "It will be my honor to accept her invitation. I shall make my way there now." Honestly, there were no reason he would have said no regardless, as he liked to interact with most other creatures, and while he had never met the queen, the things he heard were encouraging. Regardless if this were about Brittle, or something else, he would happily go and see what she wished from him. He knew the general area she were in, from what others said, so he assumed he were simply to go there, and he would be directed to the specific chamber when he neared. Or perhaps this changeling would lead his way? He would see, but regardless, he would go to have this done sooner, rather than later. No need to let the queen wait, and he needn't worry about the seed. Thorn Weaver had it in a protective case, inside her chest cavity these days. She had argued successfully that it were safer, rather than it being in their room, and it then suddenly collapsing. Even if it survived via the case - that Blitz had generously donated to the cause - it would be very difficult to dig it out of the ruins. It were safer with Thornweaver for now. On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: Power was about to say that he hadn't heard of any issues before the announcement went out, and he sighed, "Well, I guess there's that now. I'm sure you have to get to your duty station, there's plenty on your end that needs to be properly packed up to be moved off of the Project right? I won't keep you, just come by the labs when you've got a few hours to spare." "Awh bugger... This here's gonna be a long day, but you're right. I best go and get to my station. Can't be slacking during an important moment like this." She did feel an instinctual want to simply abandon it all, and go grab her daughter. Make sure that she were safe and unharmed as they made their final landing, in case it would start to shake a lot, or she'd cry out for her to be there. She should be there for Fizzy. But her logical side hadn't a hard time to convince her that the best thing she could do for her family, and countless others, were to go to her station, and do hers to make sure the landing and subsequent time were safe, in whatever parts that she were able to. Occam would keep their daughter safe, and he had a bottle ready in case she got hungry. It were just maternal instincts, interfering with her mind for a moment. She had been told that would happen a lot. On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: One or more of the Evergrown had been approached by Power's team asking if they wanted to be featured on one of these posters before, and if any had agreed they would also be featured, though Power's team would not push the issue if they had declined to make a public statement like that. Briar himself wouldn't be shown, as he didn't feel comfortable picking a side in the conflict of leadership, when it would hardly affect him and his kin for that long of a time. Certainly it mattered to some extend what leadership The Æther had, but he were confident that whoever won, would want to continue the work and agreement that they had with him and his kin. As such, he believed it best that those who would long term be affected, were the ones who should get to decide. And Lily would follow his example, wanting nothing to do with the election, for mostly the same reasons. Though she also simply didn't much care for politics, and didn't know the candidates enough regardless. So both had respectfully declined. Power might have gotten more lucky with Oakley or Thorn Weaver though. If Power and Oakley knew another at least reasonably well at this time, the huge evergrown would happily help him. Everything for a friend after all, right? Though if not, He would be indecisive, and not get back in time for these posters to get up, as he'd have trouble juggling which candidate he liked the most from a non-friend position. As for Thorn Weaver, that would depend wholly on Power. If he approached her, and made a logical argument that her inclusion could be helpful in leading to a future of broad inclusion, that didn't simply mark rarities as *other species*, she would accept. But he would need to both show the respect that were to speak with her in person, as well as make a logical argument, as she were wholly indifferent to the vote otherwise, and not bothered endorsing anyone, if they couldn't even get themselves to ask her directly. Regarding Blitz's alliances, she supported Power, as did Occam. But she were wholly accepting of the fact that she were biased towards being on side side, considering their history. Though right now, politics hardly crossed her mind, as she made her way to where she needed to be. Plenty to do in these last moments, and then more as this old thing would make yet another flight. Hopefully it could do that without too much rattling loose, or getting set on fire. ================================================================================= (Blackwater) On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: She turned her attention back to Molotov, "It isn't certain yet, but I think these strange creatures are the key as to where he is, and how he might be found. Access can show you the drawings of my visions so you can better study them. Maybe you'll recognize something in them that I did not understand." "Center Zero had a large compendium of odd creatures. I'll be happy to take a look." His father had been one of those who studied odd creatures, and managed to discover several dozen in his time. Blitz sadly never got to knew him, as not long after their mother had gotten pregnant with her, he had gone missing while on an expedition near a former manticore spawning ground. Judging by the few clues found later, and how manticores began showing again in higher numbers not long after, it more or less cemented to them all, that he had gotten eaten by a manticore. Just like several others from their expedition had been, as some remains had been found. never those from his father though. All they really found were his battered helmet, and torn journal. As for her talk of futures and seeing Illiad... Hoh boy, this were going into some weird territory. Not that he didn't believe in future sight and all that. The queen had proven to be accurate in several ways, regarding her sight, and logic dictated that he should accept the evidence. But he were only sometimes visible? And now the princess were getting in on it too? This were seven kinds of weird, but... Well, so were many other things over the last twenty or so years at this point. Keeping an open mind, had become daily routine at this point, so he'd wait and see where this would lead, and for the time being, consider it to just be something he were lacking data on. On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: While Oracle had come out officially as a changeling queen soon after everyone was trapped inside the shield, Access still preferred to maintain her pony disguise and status as Dax and Mystic's daughter, taking on Oracle's former role as the executive assistant of the quarry once she was old enough. "Hello Molotov, I hope your foals are doing well? I know you prefer to teach them yourself, like you were taught growing up, but maybe I can convince you to enroll them with the rest of the quarry foals in the next semester? Not to offend, but there's more to school than knowledge, and I worry they'll end up... like you... at least socially, if they aren't encouraged to spend time with ponies their age." Aaah, here was the kid. He wondered when she'd show up. Considering who her parents were, seeing Access around when something important happened, weren't exactly out of the question. Being the daughter of the local queen and the Blackwaters, meant she had some status. Nice kid overall really. A bit blunt, but he could respect that she said her opinion. Though her comment made him frown a bit. It didn't last, but you could see he had a moment of having to think a few things through, before he responded here, cause he were feeling like he were missing something. "...I'm thinking there's been a communication error here somewhere. Azizi is still not old enough, and I could've sworn I sent a letter 'bout Fragrance a few months ago, that he should be ready to start up proper the next time 'round. He got that fungal infection after he broke his leg, so a bit of home schooling sounded smart enough to us, 'til he got back on his hooves. It's healed up nicely, and he's looking forward to going in next semester actually. He's been dying to mingle and expand horizons. As for Napalm... Heh, how'd I best put it... You remember how it went the first time I tried getting her into class proper?" It were hard not to, even if you weren't there. Napalm had strolled into class, listened to what the teacher had said, and the lessons presented, and then spent the next hour lecturing the teacher, and pointing out logistical flaws in the lesson, as well as the inefficiency of the class, placements, and generally being somewhat condescending, giving off clear vibes that she thought the teacher were incapable of teaching her anything of worth, and that she felt sorry that the other students had to wallow in mental stagnation. She then wandered out, and went home to work on a rail gun. It had been a hot debate in their household. His wife scolded Napalm for her behavior, and while he did so himself,. it were hard for him not to laugh too, when he heard some of the things she had said. Rather harsh, but brutal and to the point, which were rather peak comedy to him. This were nearly five years ago, and he had taken to do some general home schooling for her, on things that she would need for general life, and they had both worked on getting her to be a bit nicer. Even to those she considered to be insufficient as teachers. They both insisted that Napalm still did follow the school curriculum, and had her go through that, but she eased through it more or less effortlessly, and often found it to be a tedious distraction between herself, and real knowledge. "Anyway, we've been working on it, and she's agreed to join in on classes too from the next semester, and be on her best behavior this time 'round. You folks didn't know?" He'd tilt his head briefly, pondering a bit. "...Did I forget to send the letter? With how focused I've been on this pile of tech, I suppose it could've dropped behind the work bench, and slipped my mind. Wouldn't be the first time... Eh, let's assume so. My bad then." He'd shrug. A minor misstep from his side it seemed, but nothing crazy or disruptive. Just a small slip of the mind, that wouldn't end up hurting anypony. Just a small bit of confusion. He would neglect to mention that one more reason that he knew Napalm were wanting to take classes again, were also that she had gotten herself a crush. She refused to say anything, and thought she hid it well, but he knew her daughter. She were smitten, and she wanted to mingle a bit more with the young stallion. He didn't have much of an pinion yet, and just kept an ear open in case he heard something bad. She were allowed to make her own mistakes in life, but he'd still try and keep her from bad elements. "That reminds me. Fragrance says hi." This wasn't a crush. Fragrance just thought Access was kinda cool, and he had asked Molotov to say hi from him, the next time he encountered Access. It reminded him a bit of how it used to be with Blitz and Pinkie, though with less fanatical reverence. "Anyway, you had some pictures for me to ogle, yeah? Let's see if something clicks." ============================================================== (Sorrow) On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: Applejack looked over the bag she had been presented, frowning as she read the name before shrugging, "I can't say I recognize the name, but I wasn't the most invested in the deeper lore of the show. Still, their remains should be shown the same respect as the rest. I trust you've already handled that? You can take the bag over to the depot, let them sort out what is or isn't useful. As to you though..." She looked thoughtful, "You seem to be doing well enough as you have. As squeamish as it makes some of the ponies here we need all the quality fertilizer we can get if we're going to make it through the winter, or whatever passes as winter here. If you think you've got some weather talent in you you can bring it up with Flutters or you can..." "I'll always show the dead respect. They deserve that much." Sorrow wasn't sure why, but she had always had a deep fascination with death. Not in a way where she wanted to cause it though. No, she cherished life, and wanted those around her to live long, healthy happy lives. But she did not see death as something to fear. It were the inevitability of life. The last part of the cycle, before the soul moved on to its next chapter. So she had often gone and helped out in the community by doing stuff that others her age hadn't the faintest interest in, and mostly found icky or disturbing. Collecting road kill, help deliver flowers at funeral homes, visited burial grounds to learn stories, etc. Death were not something to fear in her mind, and she considered it a calling of sorts, to celebrate the end of a life, by showing them some respect in death. It helped those left behind, when they felt like someone was there for them, instead of having to be alone with their memories. And it also made her feel sorta like... Well, kinda like she were helping their souls find peace, and move on. Of course some called her crazy, and more than a few had flat out called her creepy and weird, in so many ways it were hard to keep track of all of them. The fact she went to study taxidermy wasn't helping on things either, even if it was something she had found immensely fascinating. Even more when she eventually found a place that were willing to let her help along, and get some on hooves experience. Heh, old Mayflower had said she were not just the youngest he ever had come asking him if he needed help, but also by far the most lively. He had been a lovely, enlightening man to learn from. Her shoprt trip down memory lane were cut short though, when Applejack trailed off, and stayed off, which made Sorrow eventually turn around, to figure out what it were that had seemingly captured her interest. She would admit, that what she saw, were not what she had expected, and her jaw went a little slack. On 2024-07-08 at 4:38 AM, Illiad Easle said: Applejack nodded, "Everyone get to shelter, and prepare for another fight." She turned to Sorrow, "We can talk more later, if you want, but if you're happy with your scavenging efforts I think you're doing a plenty good job there." A city in a cloud? It were a beautiful sight to Sorrow. Like something taken straight out of a faerie tale. But the worries of those around her got to her too. This might be an enemy force, and then there would be more fighting. More death, and not of a kind, or pretty variety. Just senseless murder, and they already had far, far too much of that. The plentiful bodies they had found, and would continue to find, were proof of that, if any had been needed. "I'll think about it, but maybe I should just do what I do best. Please stay safe, okay?" She'd wander off to seek shelter, but something happened that drew her attention first. A voice, weak and tired, barely audible somewhere near her. "Thank... You..." "You're welcome. ...Huh?" She had answered near automatically, and felt a tingling of joy in her chest, and yet as she turned around, expecting to see some elderly pony that she had helped with something, she saw no one expect those who were going to seek shelter. Not a soul in sight, and yet she felt certain that she had heard someone. And it certainly wasn't Applejack. Her voice were far more robust than that. She'd spin around herself once, looking to see if someone were there, and just in a bad angle, but nope. No one... Maybe she had just imagined it? She best get going, and seek shelter for the time being, whilst hoping that there weren't gonna be further bloodshed. Her place wasn't far from here, and Applejack surely had much to see to, so she would get a move on right away. If Applejack, or someone else nearby had looked, they might have managed to see something that had missed Sorrow's attention. A brief, flickering pale light, in the left eye socket of the skull around her neck. Edited August 13, 2024 by Blitz Boom 2 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 July 15, 2024 Author Share July 15, 2024 @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) Everyone else had run for shelter at Applejack's order, leaving Sorrow alone when she paused to see who had called for her. This delay gave her the opportunity to witness something else approaching in the shadow of the giant cloud city. It looked like a pony, wearing some sort of tattered garb, and it seemed to have a sort of limp. There was something about it though, something that gave her the impression that this thing was dangerous. It took her a bit to realize what exactly the feeling was, until it hit her. This thing was covered in the scent of death. Countless souls clung to it, crying for vengeance. It stopped a short distance from the edge of town, and it made a sound halfway between radio static and grinding machinery. It was still a bit of a ways off from her, but she could see its eyes fixed on her. Its cold, mechanical, eyes. Then it started running towards her, the mechanical shriek alerting the rest of the survivors. @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) As the Project approached the ruins of Ponyville, the command crew took notice of the ponies there taking shelter, as well as a sudden burst of static over the radio. Someone came to the council room where Spiral was discussing the details with the representatives, "Consul, Comms is reporting a strange signal from below, and navigation is reporting fighting taking place in the ruins of ponyville, one creature seems to be brutalizing the ponies below." She passed the documents over to the Consul for her review, standing nearby, "What are your orders?" The documents were simple. With respect to the attack there were some photos of the creature, it seemed to be wearing a tattered trojan robe, pocked with blood stains and burn marks. With respect to the signal Comms indicated that it was using an old Deep Science encryption, and the message was: Return Baseplate To Colonel Panic Or Be Destroyed. Power User was in Comms when the signal was found, and had been the one to try the Deep Science encryption to decipher the message, he was already making plans as to how to respond to this. @Blitz Boom (Briar) On 2024-07-13 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said: "It will be my honor to accept her invitation. I shall make my way there now." Honestly, there were no reason he would have said no regardless, as he liked to interact with most other creatures, and while he had never met the queen, the things he heard were encouraging. Regardless if this were about Brittle, or something else, he would happily go and see what she wished from him. He knew the general area she were in, from what others said, so he assumed he were simply to go there, and he would be directed to the specific chamber when he neared. Or perhaps this changeling would lead his way? He would see, but regardless, he would go to have this done sooner, rather than later. No need to let the queen wait, and he needn't worry about the seed. Thorn Weaver had it in a protective case, inside her chest cavity these days. She had argued successfully that it were safer, rather than it being in their room, and it then suddenly collapsing. Even if it survived via the case - that Blitz had generously donated to the cause - it would be very difficult to dig it out of the ruins. It were safer with Thornweaver for now. The changeling who had found him did lead the way to Queen Permu, where she was waiting in a section of the pipeworks, in the level just below the lowest residential level. Of all the creatures on the project she had appeared to age the least, but she had been over 1000 years old when she boarded. She nodded when Briar was led in, and motioned for the others in the room to leave. "Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice." Once they were alone, the queen sighed, "I hope to not take up much of your time. I heard that we have set course for the Whitetail Woods, and I've heard that your kind might have plans to settle there? I thought I should forewarn you, or rather ask a favor. Those woods were once the home to another Queen, a cousin of mine named Polistae. I was not able to establish contact with her before the Project left, and I fear that she may have fallen. Either killed or corrupted by Discord. In either case, there may yet be changelings in those woods, and they may not be so kind as the changelings here. If Queen Polistae is still alive... I don't hold much hope that she is uncorrupted. If she is dead... some of her children may yet live." She looked unsure, "I would ask, if they are corrupted by Discord, that they be given a merciful death before they can harm any others. If they are not, please try and aid them. That is all, I would also be willing to answer any questions you might have about this area if you like, but if you need to get ready I understand." (Blitz) Thorn and Oakley would initially have been approached by Power's team, but Power would not be opposed to meet with them in person if they had asked. Thorn Weaver would likely find Power's argument persuasive, if she agreed to meet with him after his team had asked, as he argued that, even if the Evergrown were to separate themselves from the rest of the Project, they only stood to benefit from the Project having a leader that recognized and respected the many differences in the populous. Whether as citizens or allies, Power's calls for broader representation would improve their visibility for policies and decisions. Blitz would need to report to Silver as the chief engineer, who was in her office pouring over blueprints and dusty paperwork, "Oh it feels like we just put all this together... where did we put those plans?" She looked up when Blitz entered, "Ah, you've been pretty much everywhere in the Project by now, you know those giant hinges and levers we have scattered throughout the pipeworks? Well, those are how we assembled the Project originally, and now we need to figure out what order that was in, so we can start to separate out major components to deposit them at the settlement. Here," She pushed over a stack of papers, "See if you can't find the plans in there." @PerlsteinProps (Janet) On 2024-07-07 at 9:13 PM, Spiral Spell said: "Just confirming what I already knew, anyway, school's not in session - the mountains vanishing that contained us all in our happy valley of social division suddenly vanishing tends to close out school, doesn't it?" "Hmm." Nightshade seemed to have hardly been listening to her answer, his attention having already returned to the zebra in view. "And what is it that you think you already knew?" Nightshade seemed unwilling to volunteer any information about what was going on, but seemed interested in hearing what Janet had to say, even if he didn't outwardly display it. @Blitz Boom (Blackwater) On 2024-07-13 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Anyway, we've been working on it, and she's agreed to join in on classes too from the next semester, and be on her best behavior this time 'round. You folks didn't know?" He'd tilt his head briefly, pondering a bit. "...Did I forget to send the letter? With how focused I've been on this pile of tech, I suppose it could've dropped behind the work bench, and slipped my mind. Wouldn't be the first time... Eh, let's assume so. My bad then." Access looked surprised, but shrugged, "I'm not in charge of all that, I just heard that the teacher had been asking about them a bit ago. So I figured I would ask since I saw you. If you've taken care of it already then there's no worry, I'm sure the teacher will be happy to hear about it." The teacher that had been so disrespected by Napalm had been another changeling from Oracle's hive, one who was just starting to teach. Napalm had been in their very first class, and it was likely that inexperience that gave Napalm the opening to react as she had. Napalm might not have been told, but the teacher she had so brutally lectured had given up teaching just a few days later after other students had tried to follow her example. Said changeling now stuck to grading student assignments while other quarry workers filled in teaching until a new teacher could be trained to take their place. That second teacher was the one still teaching today. Molotov might remember a bit of coldness towards his family on the part of the changelings for some time after Napalm's outburst, but things seemed to have gone back to normal after about a year, or sooner if Napalm had genuinely apologized. And when it came to changelings, they could tell if an apology was genuine. On 2024-07-13 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said: "That reminds me. Fragrance says hi." Access smiled, "Aw, that's sweet of him, you can tell him I say hi too." On 2024-07-13 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Anyway, you had some pictures for me to ogle, yeah? Let's see if something clicks." Access nodded, "Let's go to the records then." She would lead the way into the Manor house, heading to the section that had been repurposed into an administrative office shortly before everything happened, and from there into the records room, stacked floor to ceiling with filing cabinets. She mentally counted out a bit before stopping at a particular unlabeled drawer and opened it, pulling out a file from the middle and setting it on a nearby desk. "Here you are, see anything familiar?" The pictures were drawn in Oracle's style, rough outlines indicating that she had been working quickly, which typically indicated that what she saw was fleeting. Illiad himself was unmistakable, despite being 25 years older. He had apparently grown something of a beard wherever he was, similar to Dax. He was carrying a sword and a staff that Molotov wouldn't recognize. But that was hardly what was important about the picture. If Molotov had heard of humans, he would likely recognize them in the image. If not, well, then he wouldn't. 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Spell July 15, 2024 Share July 15, 2024 @Illiad Easle Quote As the Project approached the ruins of Ponyville, the command crew took notice of the ponies there taking shelter, as well as a sudden burst of static over the radio. Someone came to the council room where Spiral was discussing the details with the representatives, "Consul, Comms is reporting a strange signal from below, and navigation is reporting fighting taking place in the ruins of ponyville, one creature seems to be brutalizing the ponies below." She passed the documents over to the Consul for her review, standing nearby, "What are your orders?" The documents were simple. With respect to the attack there were some photos of the creature, it seemed to be wearing a tattered trojan robe, pocked with blood stains and burn marks. With respect to the signal Comms indicated that it was using an old Deep Science encryption, and the message was: Return Baseplate To Colonel Panic Or Be Destroyed. Power User was in Comms when the signal was found, and had been the one to try the Deep Science encryption to decipher the message, he was already making plans as to how to respond to this. Spiral would review the documents. It were no surprise that this would be happening. Spiral had thought it was an attacking spawn or something to deal with one of Discord's followers. Whatever it was, she assumed it was highly dangerous. The encryption that was said to be on it perked her interest and Spiral would spin her chair a bit and face the council after reviewing the documents. "I am most curious about the phrase "Baseplate", is that a name for a place, or for an individual? Is the name Panic of anyone aboard the Project, just out of curiosity? It is unlikely that this has anything to do with the Project, but if there is any chance of getting answers I want to know about it." Spiral said, her brow furrowing slightly. "I would like to send a targeted aerial mission to fly overhead and see if it would be possible to eliminate the creature from above with long range weaponry. We must show good will to the survivors down below, but at the same time - we don't know what we are dealing with so we should to deal with it at a distance." Spiral suggested, wondering if anyone else on the council had any other opinions for her to take into consideration before giving an explicit order. (Janet) Quote "Hmm." Nightshade seemed to have hardly been listening to her answer, his attention having already returned to the zebra in view. "And what is it that you think you already knew?" Nightshade seemed unwilling to volunteer any information about what was going on, but seemed interested in hearing what Janet had to say, even if he didn't outwardly display it. Janet's eyes turned to focus on Nightshade. "That the Zebras are gathering up a scouting party to go look at the world beyond the mountains that no longer exist?" she suggested if it had been the most obvious thing in the world. Nightshade's lack of emotion was something that annoyed her, however she had the tact to not make a scene here. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 July 17, 2024 Share July 17, 2024 @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (Sorrow) On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: It stopped a short distance from the edge of town, and it made a sound halfway between radio static and grinding machinery. It was still a bit of a ways off from her, but she could see its eyes fixed on her. Its cold, mechanical, eyes. Then it started running towards her, the mechanical shriek alerting the rest of the survivors. There weren't a scent for her to catch, from this far a distance, but she did feel it. This sense of dread, and of anger. More than she had ever felt before, in even the worst place she had been, while ghost hunting. The dead left their mark on the world, when they met dangerous ends. That much she were certain about, and she had felt it slightly in places where it had happened. Insane hospitals where horrendous treatments had happened. Sites of war crimes that made you pale just from reading of them. Holy sites barreled over by progress, cursing the ground that was defiled- The examples were many, but she felt much the same with any that she had been at: Dread, and anger. Raw and unfiltered, as if the tormented souls that had been there, had cursed the very air with the last threads of their humanity, leaving a dark, pulsing ooze over the place. Concentrated torment. She felt it from this one in the tattered clothes, more keenly than she had in even the worst of those places. Sites she had visited, that left her shaking and weeping, could not hold a candle to what she felt, even from this distance to the dark rider. It were as if she stared at concentrated evil. But worse than that? It stared at her, and she felt the smile wither on her face. Before it even let out a sound, she were staggering backwards, with her every instinct telling her that she had to get away from this one, no matter what. That if she stayed, she'd join a chorus of souls, crying out in words she could not hear, but sensed as if it bled from the inhuman thing. Then it shrieked and began running towards her, and she turned to flee with all the speed her wings and legs would allow. She were afraid, and with every step, it got worse. She could swear that she heard voices, crying out behind her. One by one, joining in a chorus, crying out for something to be done. For relief. For vengeance. She had never heard or felt anything like this, and yet, she could barely focus on it either. Didn't even know if this were her imagination that were messing with her. All she knew for sure, were that something were after her, and it wasn't equine, or human. She doubted it were even mortal. Evil itself were chasing her, cloaked thickly in drapes of death, and it had judged her ripe for it's grizzly harvest. What choice had she, but to run? ======================================================================================== (Briar) On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: "Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice." Upon meeting her majesty, and hearing her speak with him, Briar would bow gracefully before the changeling queen. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Queen Permu. Thank you for inviting me." On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: "I hope to not take up much of your time. I heard that we have set course for the Whitetail Woods, and I've heard that your kind might have plans to settle there? I thought I should forewarn you, or rather ask a favor. Those woods were once the home to another Queen, a cousin of mine named Polistae. I was not able to establish contact with her before the Project left, and I fear that she may have fallen. Either killed or corrupted by Discord. In either case, there may yet be changelings in those woods, and they may not be so kind as the changelings here. If Queen Polistae is still alive... I don't hold much hope that she is uncorrupted. If she is dead... some of her children may yet live." She looked unsure, "I would ask, if they are corrupted by Discord, that they be given a merciful death before they can harm any others. If they are not, please try and aid them. That is all, I would also be willing to answer any questions you might have about this area if you like, but if you need to get ready I understand." He would admit, that this were not why he had assumed to be called, but the reason from her side were sound. She worried about her kin that may still live in the area. The state they were in, what to do, if they could be helped... He assumed that she had heard stories of what could happen, when the seed were planted, for her to bring this request to him directly? Or perhaps it were because she believed they would traverse the forest and find others with more ease, being creatures of nature? He didn't know, but he supposed, that just gave him reason to ask. "I see... Queen Permu, I will go on with the assumption that you have heard stories of what will happen to others, once the seed of our tree is planted, as you call upon me for assistance. If I am incorrect, please do tell me, and I shall elaborate. As it stands, I can tell you that the process does affect changelings. It happened in the Lotus Arya forest, near the borders to Neighpon. Some members of a hive snuck in where others had left to investigate, and found themselves changed. This can happen for what members remain of the hive, if they still live in the forest. But what happened then, was a tragedy in the eyes of our kin. We do not want to force others to be as us, but offer them the choice. That you now tell us there are some, are welcome information, as we then know who to look for, that we do not act rashly. Yet in regards to your other... Wish, regarding what happen to those beyond saving..." He would silence himself for a few seconds, pondering how best to say this. "I would request that if we are to search around for members of Hive Polistae, that we have a member able to fend for themselves, from your own hive. We are not specialists on changelings, and on The Æther, I have not been made aware of any that have gotten corrupted, or faced certain other harsh extremes, with no way back. We will not know for certain who is corrupted, and who simply believes us invaders, or a readily available food source, and it will stay our hooves. That said, for us, violence is not the first option. is there any way, that those corrupted can be helped? I am not familiar with the exacts of said affliction. Especially on changelings." He would prefer they not become an execution squad. They were meant to nourish new life, not take it, and he would much prefer to not build their new home, upon the fresh bodies of those they might have talked sense with. ============================================================================ (Blitz) On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: Thorn and Oakley would initially have been approached by Power's team, but Power would not be opposed to meet with them in person if they had asked. Thorn Weaver would likely find Power's argument persuasive, if she agreed to meet with him after his team had asked, as he argued that, even if the Evergrown were to separate themselves from the rest of the Project, they only stood to benefit from the Project having a leader that recognized and respected the many differences in the populous. Whether as citizens or allies, Power's calls for broader representation would improve their visibility for policies and decisions. Having heard their arguments, Thorn would have gladly lend them her assistance in the campaign, finding that Power's perspective were sound. That he answered the request from her to come and argue with it in person to her, earned him some favor too. Due to her appearance, she were used to the concept of her being appreciated, as long as she were not seen. Hence why she had wanted him to prove that he wanted to actually work for uniting lesser represented races with more than words, and come talk to her, eye to eye. That he had, and she appreciated that. Even wished him good luck in the election, before going back to blending more potions. On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: Blitz would need to report to Silver as the chief engineer, who was in her office pouring over blueprints and dusty paperwork, "Oh it feels like we just put all this together... where did we put those plans?" She looked up when Blitz entered, "Ah, you've been pretty much everywhere in the Project by now, you know those giant hinges and levers we have scattered throughout the pipeworks? Well, those are how we assembled the Project originally, and now we need to figure out what order that was in, so we can start to separate out major components to deposit them at the settlement. Here," She pushed over a stack of papers, "See if you can't find the plans in there." "Oh, we're finally gonna start working on that? Hype!" She weren't the impish foal she had once been, but Blitz could still get excited, and the mental image she had of this place actually starting to be pulled apart, in the right way, were intriguing to her. Just imagine what a place this size would end up looking like, once the parts were separated into it's own things at the settlement. Plus it would be good to not have to worry this old thing would make a wrong left, and suddenly crack in half anymore. Having some parts off, and stationary, would alleviate a lot of the pressure and wear on it. At least by her best estimate. With a big grin on her face, she'd go over and start looking through the stack of papers. It were probably most, if not all, unrelated, but they wouldn't know if the plans were in here, if they didn't look, right? "So, are you getting anxious about landing for good? It's been a long ride for all of us. Gotta be a bit weird to think we'll soon be home, yeah? I admit to being a bit nervous. It's gonna be a mess, and probably pretty dangerous still for a time, but still, it's home y'know? I wanna show my daughter where we came from. Let her grow up, and see our nation rebuilt into something she'll be proud of. *sigh* Maybe even find my brother again. After all this time, I still wonder if he'd manage to survive it. Heh, though knowing him right, he'll probably have uploaded his consciousness into a machine. It would be so him." Looking through papers didn't require much in the way of focus, as she used her magic to skim through them, rising them into the air and let them pass by her eyes, as she looked for the right work. If it were there, she should find it within a few minutes. If not, she'd move on to the next pile, and keep talking to Silver, if she wanted to. Sometimes Blitz just more or less talked to herself, but she tended to enjoy communicating, or hum whilst working. Silver should be used to that, after being her boss for so many years. probably the best to know when and how to just tune Blitz out, and focus on work too. =================================================================================== (Blackwater) On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: Access looked surprised, but shrugged, "I'm not in charge of all that, I just heard that the teacher had been asking about them a bit ago. So I figured I would ask since I saw you. If you've taken care of it already then there's no worry, I'm sure the teacher will be happy to hear about it." "Yeah, I'm just hoping there's no old animosities. Napalm's a sweet gal, she really is, but she got the family curses that one. High intellect, and the lack of empathy that can sometimes bring. It's helped when her mom took over dealing with her lessons into this. Took away her tools and everything if she didn't listen. She came asking me to go against her, but I ain't getting between Napalm and my wife. I know better than that. But she's a smart one, like I said. Didn't take long before she understood that even if she were pretty sure she were smarter, that weren't an excuse to act like she had. Was some humble pie for her to go and apologize, and explain that she'd work on being better, before she'd come back and insult someone else outta the job. Mighty proud when she did that, and stuck to it. Heh, frankly better behaved now than I were at her age." It had been genuine, when she had come over after a few weeks, to apologize. It wasn't hard for her to come to terms with her behavior being unacceptable, as not even emotionally, but also logically, it simply wasn't okay, but she had been arrogant, and uncaring. And though the apology had been genuine and heartfelt, she had also taken it that step further, which took both her parents by surprise, when she explained that she wasn't gonna return that semester, or the one after that. Because she had acted the way she had by impulse, and she thought that if she went back quickly, it would end up with her doing something like this again. or try to take over lessons, sitting around being bored and not hiding her thoughts of how below her the lessons might be, etc. She vowed to the teacher that she had insulted, to work on herself, and come back only when she were absolutely sure, that she were able to show the decency and respect that it took, to not demean someone like she had. Not accidentally, emotionally, or intentionally. It had taken five years, that were true, but she said she wanted to be sure, and she did keep making strides. Even joked around with her old man well enough, and wandered around interacting with others, without causing more trouble. She might seem like a know-it-all sometimes, but hey, if you asked her a question about something complex, she'd give a full answer. Might be few understood a word she were on about, but it were better than going *I could explain it, but I doubt you'd understand it.* so he'd frankly take her being wordy and actually trying to engage the one she were talking to, over being arrogantly smug. On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: Access smiled, "Aw, that's sweet of him, you can tell him I say hi too." "I will. Outta put a bounce in his step." Fragrance were very little like his sister. Well, sort of. He were inventive and came up with new ideas and lived himself well into his interests. It were simply that it wasn't in engineering that his talents or interests were, but rather in flowers. He were never more thrilled, than when he could care for a garden, and try to cultivate new sorts of plants, or make some flower arrangements, if it were needed for an occasion. His interest for trying new things with plants, did make Molotov wonder if perhaps he would like to try his hooves at alchemy, but his wife had been very clear that if he even dared bring up the option, before the colt turned fourteen, he were sleeping outside for a year. She wanted him to just enjoy his interests for now, and see where it went, before his dad tried to push him towards something. Alchemy were also somewhat dangerous, and she wanted him more mature, before he started with something like that. Unbeknownst to him though, his wife were a bit of a hypocrite, and were teaching Fragrance something behind his back. She knew his blind spots, so to speak, and wanted to try and have her own influence on at least one of their kids. Might be partially why Fragrance were so much more socially adjusted than his sister, though not a big part. He were just rather warm and likable by nature. On 2024-07-15 at 3:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: "Here you are, see anything familiar?" Molotov would look over the papers, the lens in front of his eyes scanning the pictures, and comparing it with the data base he had set up. It was a solid marvel of technology he had there, and way more usable than the clunky one he had back in the day. More sleek, less power consumption, and the chance - albeit minute - of it bursting into flames had all but vanished with this iteration. It had cost him the option for x-ray, since this small, it'd end up melting his brain over time, but you got some, you lost some, yeah? One stuck out to him though, and he even knew where in his data base he had to look there. More for confirmation, that he wasn't misremembering again, but nope, he wasn't. It were still there, buried in the historical records from Center Zero. A glorious town, that had worked for dark ends. A stain on his consciousness that he worked diligently to make amends for, and he darn well thought that he were doing a good job at that. Several of the things he had made that had been twisted into something more malicious, now served their rightful purpose. Including his girls. He hadn't made many new AI's in his time since going in here though. He had the code still, refined and with significant breakthroughs, that he had used to upgrade his girls, but it were few more that he had much need to make in here. They had to focus on what helped, and barring a few exceptions, an AI were not helpful to them, compared to an automaton. The ones his girls send out to do jobs for them, were also that. Automatons under their command, with minimal capabilities for changing behavior, outside of a few program variations. It was smoother that way, though he did hope one day, to make good use of this, to make them something good. Potentially if the shield one day collapsed for instance, he could have an army of AI soldiers keeping them safe. Loyalty were programmable, long as you didn't go overboard and tried making it into blind obedience. "Yeah, I see some familiar things. One being Illiad here. That beard ain't pretty on 'im, but I recognize his mug. I'm sure you do too. The long folks here though? I'd be willing to bet on that being humans. Back in Center Zero, we had a professor... Ratford, it was. He had studied a long time in the royal libraries. Even gotten access to the restricted sections, that spoke about what were beyond some of those portals that certain enemies were banished to. He sometimes told us about what were written and illustrated, and he especially like humans, since they're just ol' faerie tales here. I can't say much more of 'em than that. You weren't really meant to go through the banishing portals, and then have a way to come back, so what information I got is kinda limited." Depending on how well documented this were in the library back in the day, there were some things he could say. Ratford had partially been sent to Center Zero because it were feared that he might know too much of the inner workings of their more sensitive tomes, and it were best to have him somewhere more isolated, where he might be able to put some of it to good use, and just in general not be a security hazard. Whatever he knew, he'd dot down on lines, and have stashed into tome after tome, as he had officially been told that he were to make backup copies, in case something happened. It had been... Eye-opening information, in a few cases, since he did touch on a few iffy subjects. Wasn't like it mattered though, yeah? Center Zero were not meant for folks that could easily chatter with others in public. As for humans? Depended on how well documented things were. Might be a few lines. Could be a couple of tomes. 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 July 21, 2024 Author Share July 21, 2024 @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) On 2024-07-14 at 8:49 PM, Spiral Spell said: "I would like to send a targeted aerial mission to fly overhead and see if it would be possible to eliminate the creature from above with long range weaponry. We must show good will to the survivors down below, but at the same time - we don't know what we are dealing with so we should to deal with it at a distance." Spiral suggested, wondering if anyone else on the council had any other opinions for her to take into consideration before giving an explicit order. The council agreed that a closer assessment from the air was prudent, and so the order went out for a plane to scout out the attack. As they waited to hear back from the scout, one of the council members spoke up, "Per an earlier point, the original plans for the Project indicate that some parts would be disconnected and left behind on a ground settlement. Things like the Foundry and some of the larger cannon emplacements. Are we planning to move forward with those initial plans? If so, what parts should be set down, and what timetable should we prepare for?" @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) Luckily for her, the creature did not have wings, so it could not chase her into the air. But that did not mean she was fully safe from it. There was a loud *Bang!* as something flew past her at remarkable speed. This thing had shot at her! The sound had attracted attention from those sheltering nearby, and a few ventured out to try and protect her, one unicorn igniting the creature, but that only served to burn off the tattered cloak. Underneath, the creature appeared to be a complex mechanical automaton, damaged in many places but nonetheless functional. The attacks against it turned its attention away from Sorrow, towards those who had tried to protect her, and its attacks were vicious against whoever it could reach. She could tell that none of them were killed by it, but their cried indicated the amount of damage it had done before moving to another target. Suddenly, something flew past her overhead, it looked like some sort of primitive aircraft, mostly made of wood and other light materials, with a pair of large propellors on the front with a pegasus in a dome between them. It circled above the fight, not engaging with the creature until a bolt of purple flew out of it, impacting the creature to get its attention. The thing started to chase after the craft, leaving the other ponies alone, before it shot at the craft repeatedly. The propellers stopped spinning, and the craft started to fall before crashing into a field outside of town. The creature did not go back to the ponies it had left, continuing forward towards what remained of Twilight's castle, which had not yet been surveyed given just how much broken crystal surrounded it. @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) Another report came in, the scouting craft had been attacked and had fallen before it could report its findings. Plein Easle had been on board the craft and was now MIA with the other two crew members. @Blitz Boom (Briar) On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: "I would request that if we are to search around for members of Hive Polistae, that we have a member able to fend for themselves, from your own hive. We are not specialists on changelings, and on The Æther, I have not been made aware of any that have gotten corrupted, or faced certain other harsh extremes, with no way back. We will not know for certain who is corrupted, and who simply believes us invaders, or a readily available food source, and it will stay our hooves. That said, for us, violence is not the first option. is there any way, that those corrupted can be helped? I am not familiar with the exacts of said affliction. Especially on changelings." Queen Permu nodded, "I will find someling capable of aiding you, I imagine many will be willing to lend their services to your cause. As to whether they can be helped..." she sighed, "It is unknown to us. There is a chance, but it is not worth the risk that they might kill others. If they are starved to the point of madness, there is no hope for them. I understand that you do not wish to have their ashes on your coat, I will ensure that those I send to help you will be ready to shoulder that burden, should it be necessary." She looked thoughtful, "Perhaps... maybe those driven mad could be saved by the transformation? If that is something you could allow? We don't know if the madness would follow to their new forms." (Blitz) On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: "So, are you getting anxious about landing for good? It's been a long ride for all of us. Gotta be a bit weird to think we'll soon be home, yeah? I admit to being a bit nervous. It's gonna be a mess, and probably pretty dangerous still for a time, but still, it's home y'know? I wanna show my daughter where we came from. Let her grow up, and see our nation rebuilt into something she'll be proud of. *sigh* Maybe even find my brother again. After all this time, I still wonder if he'd manage to survive it. Heh, though knowing him right, he'll probably have uploaded his consciousness into a machine. It would be so him." Silver sighed, "Home..." she shook her head, "Anywhere without him... is not home. Even after all this time..." She looked over all the papers before her, "I designed all of this, built everything, kept it all moving, as a distraction. To keep myself busy so I couldn't spend time thinking about him. Once we're set down... I don't know what I'll do with myself." She pointed to a folder sitting apart from the stacks, "The schematics are over there. I just wanted an excuse to not look at them yet. To postpone being done..." (Blackwater) On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: But she's a smart one, like I said. Didn't take long before she understood that even if she were pretty sure she were smarter, that weren't an excuse to act like she had. Was some humble pie for her to go and apologize, and explain that she'd work on being better, before she'd come back and insult someone else outta the job. Mighty proud when she did that, and stuck to it. Heh, frankly better behaved now than I were at her age." Access had half a smile, "Her apology did surprise us, but I don't know if Tabs has fully forgiven her yet. She's still refused to try again at teaching, but she seems happy with grading, so maybe it all worked out for the best?" On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: It had been genuine, when she had come over after a few weeks, to apologize. It wasn't hard for her to come to terms with her behavior being unacceptable, as not even emotionally, but also logically, it simply wasn't okay, but she had been arrogant, and uncaring. And though the apology had been genuine and heartfelt, she had also taken it that step further, which took both her parents by surprise, when she explained that she wasn't gonna return that semester, or the one after that. Because she had acted the way she had by impulse, and she thought that if she went back quickly, it would end up with her doing something like this again. or try to take over lessons, sitting around being bored and not hiding her thoughts of how below her the lessons might be, etc. She vowed to the teacher that she had insulted, to work on herself, and come back only when she were absolutely sure, that she were able to show the decency and respect that it took, to not demean someone like she had. Not accidentally, emotionally, or intentionally. While her apology had taken most by surprise, Tables, the teacher changeling, had not agreed to forgive her at that meeting, and had remained distant from her and the others of the Boom clan ever since, not speaking to any of them and striving to not be in the same room as any of them whenever possible. Still, it had gotten the rest of the changelings to stop being so cold towards her and her family. A different changeling, Mongo, had taken over teaching after Tables had left, it took a few days to get the class back under control after Napalm had unknowingly taught them the benefits of defiance, but Mongo was more strict than Tabs had been, and was able to get the rest of the class back into shape. Mongo would be the one teaching when Napalm returned. On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Yeah, I see some familiar things. One being Illiad here. That beard ain't pretty on 'im, but I recognize his mug. I'm sure you do too. Access shrugged, "I mean, I figured it was him. I was only like 1 when I first met him so I'm not the best judge of knowing if it was him or someone who looks like him." On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: The long folks here though? I'd be willing to bet on that being humans. Back in Center Zero, we had a professor... Ratford, it was. He had studied a long time in the royal libraries. Even gotten access to the restricted sections, that spoke about what were beyond some of those portals that certain enemies were banished to. He sometimes told us about what were written and illustrated, and he especially like humans, since they're just ol' faerie tales here. I can't say much more of 'em than that. You weren't really meant to go through the banishing portals, and then have a way to come back, so what information I got is kinda limited." The term didn't spark any recognition in Access, but she picked up on Banishment. "Oh, so maybe Discord used some sort of banishment spell on him? So we would just have to figure out which portal was used, then we could try and get him back?" On 2024-07-17 at 5:16 PM, Blitz Boom said: As for humans? Depended on how well documented things were. Might be a few lines. Could be a couple of tomes. There wasn't too much known about humans, no indication as to where they came from other than that it was somewhere else, and that they only ever came here by accident. There were two documented humans in the history of this world. One had been captured by another organization Celestia had put together, called the Zoo. He was originally going to be sent to Center Zero for study, but he had convinced Celestia to let him serve as a secret advisor, and he had caused some trouble for some slavers around the Blackwater Quarry over 200 years ago before disappearing. The second one had come as a result of Discord, and had been working against the Elements until Twilight had put him into a coma after breaking every bone in his body. Center Zero had been destroyed before there were any updates as to that human though, so it was unclear whether he had recovered or not. In any case, the humans were secondary to the discovery that banishment was likely involved. Maybe Molotov could use that knowledge to refine his teleporter? @PerlsteinProps (Janet) Nightshade remained stoic, "Not quite." Being told she was wrong would no doubt infuriate her, but there wasn't much she could do or say against Nightshade. And Nightshade was disinclined to offer correction. Luckily for her, another pony was arriving who might be more sociable, Spirit, the diplomat of the Order and Nightshade's love. She landed on Nightshade's back, nuzzling the back of his neck, "Love? what is so urgent?" Nightshade simply pointed at the zebra in the view, the larger portion having separated, following the younger one away from the colony while the elder and many other older zebra remained. Spirit's expression grew more serious, "Oh, that is bad news indeed. I didn't think they'd move so quickly. We'll need to prepare." She turned to leave, before noticing Janet, unless Janet had taken the moment to leave, "Oh! Hello Janet, does your mother know you're up here? What are you doing up here? Keeping my love company?" She giggled at that, but waited for Janet to respond. 2 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Spell July 22, 2024 Share July 22, 2024 @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) Quote The council agreed that a closer assessment from the air was prudent, and so the order went out for a plane to scout out the attack. As they waited to hear back from the scout, one of the council members spoke up, "Per an earlier point, the original plans for the Project indicate that some parts would be disconnected and left behind on a ground settlement. Things like the Foundry and some of the larger cannon emplacements. Are we planning to move forward with those initial plans? If so, what parts should be set down, and what timetable should we prepare for?" Spiral was pleased that the council agreed with what was stated - and now she would address the original plans for the Project splitting up. " This gets into another proposal that has been on mind lately, so let us discuss that as well. The Project has Endured for 25 years, with the Conflict of Apollo's reign far behind us. Keeping us united has been a difficult task throughout the years, and with the breath of the world before us I believe it is finally time to discuss the inevitable splitting of the Project." Spiral would then take a breathe and begin speaking about her plan next. "It is no surprise that the Equestrians and Trojans, as well as the new Bloods do not agree on various matters. With that in mind, I would suggest that eventually the different groups should go their separate ways, willingly. The Equestrians and those willing to pursue rekindling Equestria should be eventually free to leave and join the survivors on the surface of which no doubt they would have to mingle with. The Trojans and the New Blood can settle upon the new encampment we will construct, as well as those willing to do so. That would be my initial proposal, and we would have to make an agreement which Faction gets what before any final decisions and actions are made on that matter. Thoughts?" Spiral asked, ready to see what the Council had decided on. Quote (Spiral) Another report came in, the scouting craft had been attacked and had fallen before it could report its findings. Plein Easle had been on board the craft and was now MIA with the other two crew members. The report having came in made Spiral's blood run cold before she and the council could even begin to discuss splitting the Project apart. "Send a rescue team, immediately, Plein Easle must be located as soon as possible and brought back to safety! What we are dealing with here has proven to be far more dangerous! Perhaps we should make official contact with the ponies below, they might know more about what we are dealing with" Spiral ordered. (Janet) Quote (Janet) Nightshade remained stoic, "Not quite." Being told she was wrong would no doubt infuriate her, but there wasn't much she could do or say against Nightshade. And Nightshade was disinclined to offer correction. Luckily for her, another pony was arriving who might be more sociable, Spirit, the diplomat of the Order and Nightshade's love. She landed on Nightshade's back, nuzzling the back of his neck, "Love? what is so urgent?" Nightshade simply pointed at the zebra in the view, the larger portion having separated, following the younger one away from the colony while the elder and many other older zebra remained. Spirit's expression grew more serious, "Oh, that is bad news indeed. I didn't think they'd move so quickly. We'll need to prepare." She turned to leave, before noticing Janet, unless Janet had taken the moment to leave, "Oh! Hello Janet, does your mother know you're up here? What are you doing up here? Keeping my love company?" She giggled at that, but waited for Janet to respond. Janet would grit her teeth at Nightshade's correction but before she could answer she had seen Spirit enter. Janet would turn away at their display of affection for one another. Janet would look up towards Spirit with suspicion. "No, she does not know I am here and I don't particularly care. What I want to know is what's going on out there, since he seems pretty certain I was wrong that the Zebras were sending a scouting party." Janet pouted and stared daggers at Nightshade. "So prove me wrong." Janet dared. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 July 25, 2024 Share July 25, 2024 @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (Sorrow) On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: Luckily for her, the creature did not have wings, so it could not chase her into the air. But that did not mean she was fully safe from it. There was a loud *Bang!* as something flew past her at remarkable speed. This thing had shot at her! In a moment, she felt a part of her life flashing before her eyes. She thought it was her life at least? She saw a glimpse of a smiling pony, probably about double her age, and felt him familiar, but she couldn't quite connect the dots. Same with one that had a pair of wrinkled hooves reach the skull towards her, that she carried around her neck. Chain and everything. So she hadn't just found this, but it were given to her by a pony? Maybe? She'd like to contemplate these things, and think on whatever this were just her turning into a pony that were messing with her head, or if she were actually getting some memories back, but it wasn't easy to focus on, since she were literally being shot at! What had she done to deserve this sort of thing? On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: The sound had attracted attention from those sheltering nearby, and a few ventured out to try and protect her, one unicorn igniting the creature, but that only served to burn off the tattered cloak. Underneath, the creature appeared to be a complex mechanical automaton, damaged in many places but nonetheless functional. The attacks against it turned its attention away from Sorrow, towards those who had tried to protect her, and its attacks were vicious against whoever it could reach. She could tell that none of them were killed by it, but their cried indicated the amount of damage it had done before moving to another target. A sound behind her made her turn her head, thinking she were about to get a barrel shoved into the back of her neck, and the last thing she'd hear in this life, be the sound of a bullet, starting its fast trajectory straight into her brain. Yet instead, she saw others were fighting back! And they had just engulfed this one in fire. Served this cruel creature right for trying t- What the hay was that?! It wasn't even a real being who were shooting at her. It was a machine. Some sort of robot, and it were Angry now. Raining destruction down upon those who had damaged it, before it moved on to the next hovel. It didn't sound like any of those it struck died, but they were in pain, and how long would it be, before it would actually kill someone? She had to do something! On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: Suddenly, something flew past her overhead, it looked like some sort of primitive aircraft, mostly made of wood and other light materials, with a pair of large propellors on the front with a pegasus in a dome between them. It circled above the fight, not engaging with the creature until a bolt of purple flew out of it, impacting the creature to get its attention. The thing started to chase after the craft, leaving the other ponies alone, before it shot at the craft repeatedly. The propellers stopped spinning, and the craft started to fall before crashing into a field outside of town. The creature did not go back to the ponies it had left, continuing forward towards what remained of Twilight's castle, which had not yet been surveyed given just how much broken crystal surrounded it. She didn't even have time to take any action, before something else happened. A... Weird plane of some sort? Whatever it were, someone were flying it, and the pegasus inside were fighting back! This was great. Whatever machinery was on that craft, would surely do something, right? That hope did not last long, before it went on to down that flying machine. She could hear the crash, and had followed its trajectory as it were falling. There hadn't been an explosion, like in the movies, but how long would that last? Someone had tried to save them, and had managed to get the machine off of the locals, and distracted for long enough to seemingly make it lose interest on them. And now they might die because of that. Sorrow looked down towards those who had helped her. The other survivors. They needed help... But they had others there with them. Medical equipment, ponies with real medical training- There were help for them, and nearby at that. But their attempted saviors were completely on their own. The thought process were brief, and after that short delay - and seeing that the machine were now headed for the rubble of crystal, that she were told used to be the proper castle of a princess - she would fly as fast she could, towards the field where she had seen the craft crash into. She didn't like leaving the others behind, but she trusted that the others would help them. Right now, she had to try and do something for those who saved them, and then hope that the machine would be distracted for long enough at the castle, for something bad to happen to it. Maybe those that had crashed, had other weapons that might work? Better than what they had at least, more than likely. "Be strong, friends. I'm getting help." She mumbled to herself, as she went on her way, flying through the air like a superhero. Something that once in a while struck her, in all its oddities, but she had too much on her plate to give that much of a thought right now. =========================================================================== (Briar) On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: Queen Permu nodded, "I will find someling capable of aiding you, I imagine many will be willing to lend their services to your cause. As to whether they can be helped..." she sighed, "It is unknown to us. There is a chance, but it is not worth the risk that they might kill others. If they are starved to the point of madness, there is no hope for them. I understand that you do not wish to have their ashes on your coat, I will ensure that those I send to help you will be ready to shoulder that burden, should it be necessary." She looked thoughtful, "Perhaps... maybe those driven mad could be saved by the transformation? If that is something you could allow? We don't know if the madness would follow to their new forms." Briar remained silent for about a minute and a half, thinking over the question that he had been given, searching for an answer to give the queen, that would satisfy her inquiry. "...I do not know, Queen Permu. Please understand, I know a fair few things of my kin, but I have not heard of any tale regarding what can happen to the mind of those changed, beyond general distress. We try our hardest to spare others, from being forced to be as us, so our historical sample size on these things are somewhat limited, I'm afraid. You changelings are very magical creatures too, and as such, though you can be changed, it might affect you differently, if your mind have reached beyond the state of return, so I can't use much in the way of precedence over this. That said, it is a possibility. Worst case, your kin will change, but their minds still be gone. If so, they can be returned to the earth, and perhaps in time, they will bring new life, to the tree which spawns us. Such is our beliefs at the least, and why we bury our kin at the roots of our sacred trees. Either after expiring, or when we believe it is our time to return to the earth. I take it your want is that we try and make contact to those who remain with their sanity, and then when they are accounted for, and either accepted to join, or have left the area of effect, then plant the seed and see what will come of it? It is not ideal, but from what I heard, there is no regular way back from mind death, as I believe I heard it called. If this offers even the slightest chance that some of yours can be saved, I will agree to this plan, and pray as best I can, that your proposition bears fruit. There have been too much pain in this world already. It would be good to bring some salvation to it instead. I also thank you for offering aid, for the task at hoof. You have my word that we will do all we can on our end, to keep them safe too. Violence is not our first option, but we will employ it if we must. Though I speak for myself. I know not how willing the others might be, but I will make sure to talk with them of this. You have my word, that I will try my best to help, if it is possible for us to do." =========================================================================== (Blitz) "I believe he's still down there, waiting for the sign that you're back, Silver. From what you've told, he sounds like an amazing and resilient stallion. I'm sure that you will reunite with him before you know it. And when that happens, I'm gonna need those papers to get to work, cause you two will be busy catching up. I don't care if I have to tie you to him with wire, I'm not letting you work, after he inevitably shows up." Blitz would go over and get the plans, so they could get to things. Yet despite her positive outlook, she would still go over to Silver after, and look her mentor and boss in the eyes. The smile on her face warm, and she hoped, comforting in some fashion. "Hey, we will find him, okay? We'll land this ship, and put up something glorious that he won't be able to miss. Don't lose hope." She understood Silver. She missed her brother dearly too, and it were still not as tightly knit as Silver and Illiad were. All these years of his absence, and worry... It were natural that it grinded on her, but Blitz hoped that it wouldn't all have been in vain. Illiad would be out there somewhere, and they would find him. Bring him home to his loving family, who missed him dearly. And putting up the cloud city proper, were going to be a beacon for miles around, that he could follow. Same with any other struggling survivor, that might still be hiding on the surface. ============================================================================ (Blackwater) On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: Access had half a smile, "Her apology did surprise us, but I don't know if Tabs has fully forgiven her yet. She's still refused to try again at teaching, but she seems happy with grading, so maybe it all worked out for the best?" "Yeah... She's a good kid, but she sadly got my brain to mouth connection. Frankly I'm wondering if Tabs will ever be able to actually forgive Napalm, but sometimes, the best you can do is try to apologize, and do yours to make amends for what you've done. Long as she does that, I'm proud of the way Napalm is handling it. Though I'm not gonna be on Tabs case if she doesn't. It's her decision if she'll accept the apology in the end." Personally, he thought that Tabs carried quite the grudge, but he were also the sort who got over things like this relatively fast. Not much of a point in carrying a long grudge for years on end, if it weren't for something incredibly heinous. Yet the backlash on her had also been rather rough, so yeah... He could see her point, even if he figured this had gone on for long enough. Hopefully things would be okay between them eventually. Though perhaps she first had to hear that Napalm had actually changed. They'd see next semester how things went. On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: Access shrugged, "I mean, I figured it was him. I was only like 1 when I first met him so I'm not the best judge of knowing if it was him or someone who looks like him." "Heh, I keep forgetting how young you are sometimes. But I assure you, that's him. He has a very distinct sorta head shape, in my eyes." In fairness, he could also tell the difference between fourteen nearly identical bolts placed in a pile. An eye for detail did well, in his line of work. On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: The term didn't spark any recognition in Access, but she picked up on Banishment. "Oh, so maybe Discord used some sort of banishment spell on him? So we would just have to figure out which portal was used, then we could try and get him back?" "That... Actually doesn't sound out of the realm of possibility. If Illiad's mingling with humans, it stands to reason a similar spell were used to what's been done by the princesses back in the day. Bugger me, I'm gonna need to dig out what little data we do have on breaking through worlds from the data cube, and go over it all. We don't have the right banishment spell, but if we can assert a link between worlds, and then add the underlying principles of banishment magic to the science, we might be able to establish a safe portal to him, using what we were gonna use for the connection. It's a long shot, and we're gonna need a lot of juice to make it break through probably, but... Yes, the theory is sound enough. If you folks have any experience, or lore regarding banishment magic, that would help a lot too. Quite frankly, if we can find the exact one that was used, it'll probably make the portal stronger, and get things moving faster, but we can likely still get it to function regardless. Bah, if only we had some of those tomes from the depths of the Canterlot library. There had to have been something about how this connection between the human and equine world were established in the first place, or could get to the ruins and see if we couldn't dig out that... I think it was a mirror? Regardless, it would be a lot easier to have something to analyze, but we'll just have to make do with what we have, and some good old fashioned hard work." He honestly felt energized, and full of creativity right now, as he went over things, after this suggestion by Access. He hadn't even thought of that, and now, it felt like not just his next big project, but might be the thing that'd get him written into history. The greatest project of all, that might be able to get folks like Illiad back from beyond the boundaries of this world, without causing interdimensional beings to devour their existence. Just think of the possibilities, if you could do that sort of thing! It were not gonna be easy, and he had to go on basically nothing, science wise, but he would bloody well try. And if any of the changelings here had an knowledge of banishment spells, that would help an actual ton. He had very little information on that, beyond mere unproven theories. Any information or expertise at all, could get this project going far sooner than he at first guess anticipated. On 2024-07-22 at 1:55 AM, Illiad Easle said: There wasn't too much known about humans, no indication as to where they came from other than that it was somewhere else, and that they only ever came here by accident. There were two documented humans in the history of this world. One had been captured by another organization Celestia had put together, called the Zoo. He was originally going to be sent to Center Zero for study, but he had convinced Celestia to let him serve as a secret advisor, and he had caused some trouble for some slavers around the Blackwater Quarry over 200 years ago before disappearing. The second one had come as a result of Discord, and had been working against the Elements until Twilight had put him into a coma after breaking every bone in his body. Center Zero had been destroyed before there were any updates as to that human though, so it was unclear whether he had recovered or not. In any case, the humans were secondary to the discovery that banishment was likely involved. Maybe Molotov could use that knowledge to refine his teleporter? As they had nothing really to work with, the old information were all they really had to work with. Though perhaps it would be enough? Maybe the minor information could in some fashion, hold something of worth. A snippet of legend, that might help explain how things were established? He'd be honest, he never really read these things. He usually had other things to work on, rather than work on old tales of creatures that may or may not, live beyond the veil of this world. As for the one that would have been sent to Center Zero, he had no knowledge of that at all. Molotov were not allowed access to the more sensitive information, about what they truly worked on at Center Zero, until he had unlocked it years later. A horrifying experience, and one that he kept in mind every day, that he questioned why he kept building, and striving to make everything better, in a world that seemed to be falling apart at the seams. It were not the only reason, but the guilt did help offer some determination, on a rough day. He had to go over everything he had. Heck, maybe he should take some of it here? The historical records didn't require his degree of scientific knowledge to go through, and maybe they'd see something there that he didn't? "Say, the records that I do have about humans and such. You think it better I share that here? It's more straight forward, and one of you might be able to see stuff I couldn't. I'll just transfer the right stuff over into a smaller data cube. It wouldn't take too long." Why use paper, when you had immaculate data, right? 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 August 1, 2024 Author Share August 1, 2024 @PerlsteinProps (Spiral) On 2024-07-22 at 12:37 PM, Spiral Spell said: "It is no surprise that the Equestrians and Trojans, as well as the new Bloods do not agree on various matters. With that in mind, I would suggest that eventually the different groups should go their separate ways, willingly. The Equestrians and those willing to pursue rekindling Equestria should be eventually free to leave and join the survivors on the surface of which no doubt they would have to mingle with. The Trojans and the New Blood can settle upon the new encampment we will construct, as well as those willing to do so. That would be my initial proposal, and we would have to make an agreement which Faction gets what before any final decisions and actions are made on that matter. Thoughts?" Most of those gathered looked shocked at that proposal, "Split the Project? That was never part of the plan!" Another spoke up, "Most of the sections are bespoke, unique, how would one even draw a line for equitable distribution?" "Why should the Equestrians get any part of it? They didn't build it. If they want to leave they can leave, but they can't expect the rest of us to cripple ourselves for their benefit." "The Equestrians have helped keep this project going this whole time, surely that deserves something?" "The world out there is hardly suited for there to be rival factions at this point. If we divide we'd be just as poor off as those ponies we're passing over. Besides, we'd have to work out trade agreements, establish borders, erect a whole new system of government." "We have to consider that anyway, with the ponies already on the ground." "United we have all of our resources together, everyone working to a common goal. Just because we've arrived doesn't mean the Project has changed." "And who would lead the Equestrians? Or the ones who remain? Are you suggesting that half of the Children be sent off with their parents? Or are you going to ask them to choose between staying here and going with their parents? The Equestrians are all over 40, hardly suited to rebuild society from the ground up. It's clear that the future belongs to the Children, maybe they should be taking a bigger role in decisions?" The arguing would continue, it seemed like this was a very unpopular proposal that had ignited long seated tensions in the council. On 2024-07-22 at 12:37 PM, Spiral Spell said: "Send a rescue team, immediately, Plein Easle must be located as soon as possible and brought back to safety! What we are dealing with here has proven to be far more dangerous! Perhaps we should make official contact with the ponies below, they might know more about what we are dealing with" Spiral ordered. The lively discussion meant that most of the council was not paying much heed towards Spiral. But one nearby spoke up, "Who's to say that those below aren't responsible for the destruction of the craft? And how do you suggest we get into contact with them when they've already demonstrated that our crafts are not safe?" "And how can we ensure that a rescue team would not meet the same fate? We've never sent down a rescue operation before, all downed craft were considered compromised. No one aboard has training for rescue operations." It seemed like the council required more decisive leadership, but with discussion brewing of a separation the council was already more divided than before, and more than a few were suspicious of her motives. (Janet) Nightshade didn't notice Janet's glare, and Spirit found her pout more cute than annoying, but still her expression was concerned, "Well that's hardly a nice way to ask for information, you won't often get what you want by being mean." She sighed, but decided to elaborate. "Relations between the zebra and the thestrals have been... tense... for some time now. The younger zebra have talked about leaving, splitting off from the elders, and now that they have a chance to, it looks like they're following through with their plans. They're not scouting, they're leaving." @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Be strong, friends. I'm getting help." She mumbled to herself, as she went on her way, flying through the air like a superhero. Something that once in a while struck her, in all its oddities, but she had too much on her plate to give that much of a thought right now. There wasn't any smoke coming from the crash, nor any sign of fire. It looked like it had mostly landed fine before it had hit a large rock that tore one of the wings off the craft. Arriving at the front of the craft, there was a good amount of blood on the front dome, and the pegasus inside that she had seen before was limply hanging there, suspended by a number of straps and wires. She wouldn't have long to investigate before the side of the craft opened, and a unicorn mare stumbled out. There was blood on her tanish grey coat, but she didn't look injured, more dazed. She carried something reminiscent of a rifle in her magic, and moved to take shelter in the shade of the undamaged wing. She looked frantic, breathing heavy, looking everywhere but not really seeing. She sat leaning against the craft, weapon ready, as she closed her eyes and tried to compose herself. Sorrow would need to approach this carefully, lest this mare turn violent. If sorrow could detect death, she'd know that one pony in the craft had died. (Briar) On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: I take it your want is that we try and make contact to those who remain with their sanity, and then when they are accounted for, and either accepted to join, or have left the area of effect, then plant the seed and see what will come of it? It is not ideal, but from what I heard, there is no regular way back from mind death, as I believe I heard it called. If this offers even the slightest chance that some of yours can be saved, I will agree to this plan, and pray as best I can, that your proposition bears fruit. There have been too much pain in this world already. It would be good to bring some salvation to it instead. Queen Permu looked thoughtful, and a bit unsure. "It would perhaps be safer to take care of those affected before risking a transformation. They may well be stronger in their new forms. Alas, if only there were more seeds, so a proper test could be done." She shook her head, "No, meddling in such magics is what drove my mother to madness. Your understanding of the plan is acceptable, establish contact, forewarn any that will heed, and we will do our part to protect you and yours from the rest." On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: I also thank you for offering aid, for the task at hoof. You have my word that we will do all we can on our end, to keep them safe too. Violence is not our first option, but we will employ it if we must. Though I speak for myself. I know not how willing the others might be, but I will make sure to talk with them of this. You have my word, that I will try my best to help, if it is possible for us to do." She nodded, her expression sad. "It pains me that it has come to this, and we hope they will not take advantage of your honorable pacifism. Were she alive, I'm sure their queen would have been delighted to meet you." Briar would then be dismissed if he had nothing else to ask of her. (Blitz) On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Hey, we will find him, okay? We'll land this ship, and put up something glorious that he won't be able to miss. Don't lose hope." She understood Silver. She missed her brother dearly too, and it were still not as tightly knit as Silver and Illiad were. All these years of his absence, and worry... It were natural that it grinded on her, but Blitz hoped that it wouldn't all have been in vain. Illiad would be out there somewhere, and they would find him. Bring him home to his loving family, who missed him dearly. And putting up the cloud city proper, were going to be a beacon for miles around, that he could follow. Same with any other struggling survivor, that might still be hiding on the surface. Silver couldn't meet her gaze, "I... I had hoped that he'd survived. I knew it was stupid, foalish to think he could have survived where so many others failed. But Discord was HERE." She sobbed, "If he died, he would have wanted me to move on. I stubbornly believed that he wasn't dead, somehow, so I wouldn't have to. I don't want to move on. But holding on like he's still out there... it hurt me, it hurt Plein." Under the stack of papers that Silver had pointed her towards, Blitz would find a strange note. It was addressed to Silver, and it looked like it had been read many times. If she skimmed over the note, she'd see it came from someone who had claimed to have met Illiad before the event, in another world, and that he had survived by being sent there. The note was unsigned, and frankly the claim was hard to believe, which made it odd, or perhaps not so odd, that Silver had kept it this long. Given the age of the paper it seemed just about as old as the schematic documents she was looking at, meaning it couldn't have been written too long after the Project set off. (Molotov) On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Heh, I keep forgetting how young you are sometimes. But I assure you, that's him. He has a very distinct sorta head shape, in my eyes." Access snorted at that, "Yeah, we changelings mature quickly, you can't just go by our appearance or demeanor." On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: Bah, if only we had some of those tomes from the depths of the Canterlot library. There had to have been something about how this connection between the human and equine world were established in the first place, or could get to the ruins and see if we couldn't dig out that... I think it was a mirror? Regardless, it would be a lot easier to have something to analyze, but we'll just have to make do with what we have, and some good old fashioned hard work." Access looked thoughtful, "Couldn't you send a bot out to collect it? Now that they aren't lingering on our doorstep it should be a bit safer to send out bots to try and gather things right? Plus, I'm sure everyone else is wondering what the rest of the world looks like after all this time. A bunch here have never seen it outside of pictures or stories." On 2024-07-25 at 3:58 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Say, the records that I do have about humans and such. You think it better I share that here? It's more straight forward, and one of you might be able to see stuff I couldn't. I'll just transfer the right stuff over into a smaller data cube. It wouldn't take too long." Why use paper, when you had immaculate data, right? She shook her head, "It's go right over their heads I'm sure, mine too. Plus I think the thought of banishment might not boost morale. Probably better you just work on it with your team or by yourself, and once you have some solid proof of your theories we can tell others the results. I'll let mother know what you've found, it should at least make dad happy to know that there's more of a chance now than before." 1 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Spell August 2, 2024 Share August 2, 2024 @Illiad Easle (Spiral) Quote Most of those gathered looked shocked at that proposal, "Split the Project? That was never part of the plan!" Another spoke up, "Most of the sections are bespoke, unique, how would one even draw a line for equitable distribution?" "Why should the Equestrians get any part of it? They didn't build it. If they want to leave they can leave, but they can't expect the rest of us to cripple ourselves for their benefit." "The Equestrians have helped keep this project going this whole time, surely that deserves something?" "The world out there is hardly suited for there to be rival factions at this point. If we divide we'd be just as poor off as those ponies we're passing over. Besides, we'd have to work out trade agreements, establish borders, erect a whole new system of government." "We have to consider that anyway, with the ponies already on the ground." "United we have all of our resources together, everyone working to a common goal. Just because we've arrived doesn't mean the Project has changed." "And who would lead the Equestrians? Or the ones who remain? Are you suggesting that half of the Children be sent off with their parents? Or are you going to ask them to choose between staying here and going with their parents? The Equestrians are all over 40, hardly suited to rebuild society from the ground up. It's clear that the future belongs to the Children, maybe they should be taking a bigger role in decisions?" The arguing would continue, it seemed like this was a very unpopular proposal that had ignited long seated tensions in the council. Spiral would remain silent and calm throughout the shouting and divisions that presented themselves on this council. It was going to come about either way for all of them one way or another. For a little bit she'd allow the arguing to continue but after a couple of minutes she would slam her hoof on the desk and shout, "Order, Order!" for everyone to stop and listen to her. If they did, Spiral would speak further. "You all know that this was going to happen eventually, whether you like it or not." she said to everyone. "We have multiple perspectives to take into account here, and we must discuss this in a calm, civil manner or it risks going against everything we stand for. If we all decide to stick together against my theoretical proposal, at least at the moment the tensions between us all have to be resolved. Let's be honest, did you all really think all of us would be on the same page forever?" Spiral asked them all, narrowing her eyes. "One thing is clear, we have to establish trade agreements, establish borders, a new system of government anyway - as we are setting foot on the ground, and as time has passed, the younger ones on this Project will decide the future. My proposal isn't something that, if we end up going with, will happen overnight. Could take months, even longer. All the time to think about how to do it. Besides, we are already deciding how to Split the Project - with deciding where to put certain parts of it on the ground. Even if we do fully split up like I propose - it doesn't mean we would be rival factions. I am not going to decide to force anyone to be sent off anywhere, this is ideally going to be a mutual decision between all involved, if it is to happen." Spiral's speaking was the complete antithesis of the arguing of the council. She was completely calm, and collected. Her gaze maintained a sense of authority that she was not afraid to use, however she remained understanding of the various perspectives involved. Quote The lively discussion meant that most of the council was not paying much heed towards Spiral. But one nearby spoke up, "Who's to say that those below aren't responsible for the destruction of the craft? And how do you suggest we get into contact with them when they've already demonstrated that our crafts are not safe?" "And how can we ensure that a rescue team would not meet the same fate? We've never sent down a rescue operation before, all downed craft were considered compromised. No one aboard has training for rescue operations." It seemed like the council required more decisive leadership, but with discussion brewing of a separation the council was already more divided than before, and more than a few were suspicious of her motives. Spiral would glance towards that one that questioned her idea, and thought about it for a moment. Processing this, Spiral ended up in agreement with this individual that questioned her. They would not be sending anyone for rescue operations since there was no-one that had any training for it. (Janet) Quote Nightshade didn't notice Janet's glare, and Spirit found her pout more cute than annoying, but still her expression was concerned, "Well that's hardly a nice way to ask for information, you won't often get what you want by being mean." She sighed, but decided to elaborate. "Relations between the zebra and the thestrals have been... tense... for some time now. The younger zebra have talked about leaving, splitting off from the elders, and now that they have a chance to, it looks like they're following through with their plans. They're not scouting, they're leaving." Janet didn't seem all that phased by that. "Hmph. So be it then. Makes me wonder who else is going to leave without those big mountains in the way of everything. Perhaps I should check on my fellow low-lif- I mean classmates." Janet said, ready to go see what they were up to, now that she had found her answer about the Zebras here. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 August 8, 2024 Share August 8, 2024 @Illiad Easle @PerlsteinProps (Sorrow) You barely had to be able to detect death, to know that the one hanging from the strips, were already dead. Yet she did feel it. That sense of death, that she tended to feel drawn to. At times something that filled her with excitement, and curiosity, but not like this, when the life had been snuffed out so far before their time. They had deserved a longer life for their bravery, and instead had to face the lands beyond. Least she hoped they did, and didn't linger. A brave soul like this, deserved a peaceful afterlife, along with family and friends likely lost in the terrible war that had ravaged this world. As the other one in the craft suddenly emerged, it startled Sorrow slightly, but she would still sit on her hind, close her eyes, and recite a small prayer for the recently departed. "May your loved ones welcome you with open arms, brave soul." With this, she were done giving her last respects for now, though the body should be dragged out and given a proper burial later. For now, she wished to pay some attention to the living, as one thankfully survived, though she seemed armed and probably rather stressed. It'd be little wonder at least, considering the crash, and the unfortunate death of her comrade. She might have noticed Sorrow sitting and sending a prayer, or heard her words afterwards, before Sorrow addressed her. But if not, her words now would be the first interaction they were going to have, and for that, Sorrow felt there were only one way that were right to say, as the first between them. "Excuse me, but are you okay? I'm one of the ponies you just saved. I came here when I saw you crash, and I..." She'd take a breath, then finish what she wished to say, with a more somber tone. "I'm sorry about your friend. They deserved better." She'd stand there, not having walked closer still, and bowed her head, before looking at the strange mare with great sympathy. Sorrow would be able to tell, if the soul were lingering somewhat. A certain change in presence, that didn't wane so to speak, that she had noticed were more pronounced, since she became a pony. A strange feeling really. Not like she were increasing in power, as much as kinda just... Growing back into things, she supposed? It was a strange sensation, and she assumed it were connected to that sense of death. Like spirits who lingered, kept the sense there, whereas the dead who moved on, couldn't do that. Like if the soul gave off a weak, intangible energy or something. It were hard to explain, even to herself, but she tried her best to just go along with it, and embrace it, rather than try and fight against it, or get concerned. =========================================================================== (Briar) On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: Queen Permu looked thoughtful, and a bit unsure. "It would perhaps be safer to take care of those affected before risking a transformation. They may well be stronger in their new forms. Alas, if only there were more seeds, so a proper test could be done." She shook her head, "No, meddling in such magics is what drove my mother to madness. Your understanding of the plan is acceptable, establish contact, forewarn any that will heed, and we will do our part to protect you and yours from the rest." "In time, there will be, but how long it may be, I cannot say. Our sacred trees shed their seeds at random times. it could be a day, or thirty years. We know not, and most of our kin believes that the seed are distributed, when The Earth Mother feels it is time for us to go out, and spread to new fields. It is up to the Elder Seedseer of every town, to handle a new seed, and prepare a group of carefully selected evergrown, who will go and find new grounds, and in turn, become the leaders of this new community. Other times, a seed is given when the tree withers. A rarity, but every plant might fall to disease, or attacks, and when worst happens, the core holds a seed that is taken, and the town migrates to a new place, leaving the old area to be reclaimed by nature, 'til such a time as other races, or nature take it. It were considered taboo to plant on the stump of an old tree for us. A matter of respect to our The Earth Mother, who we pray will ever slumber, deep beneath the crust. But that did not mean others were not welcome to bring life upon the fallen town. *sigh* Were our story that simple... I do not tell this to many, but I have had the dubious honor of knowing our origin in full, by meeting the one who created us. A draconequus, working under the guidance of one I never met, or heard of. She said only of him, that many futures were seen, by his golden eyes. And one of them, had caused him to direct her in how to craft the first seed, that led to our kin's creation. You know perhaps of the Ahln-Zakur Desert? The barren expanse, that one day suddenly sprouted forth a thick, vibrant jungle? In the midst of the desert that were, the one with golden eyes planted the first seed, and thus came the jungle of Zhemba, and the first evergrown, spawned from the desert guides that took him there. He set them on their path, and never again were he spoken off in our stories. Just a face beneath a hood, telling us to grow and thrive, as The Earth Mother needed. I tell you this, Queen Permu, that you may understand better why I cannot give you true answers to what will happen with your kin's minds, when they transform, nor how long it will take for seeds to spring. We were not spawned by the whim of our slumbering goddess, but the machinations of one who taught sense to chaos, and guided it to make lasting life. As such, you might understand that there is a certain degree of chaos to how things work with us. Misunderstand me not. We are not able to use chaos magic, and we wholly embrace living orderly, stable lives. But our seeds, what can happen to those who change... We are of nature, yet there is a certain element of chaos to our cycle, and what being exposed to the most fundamental of energies of our kin can cause. Yet you have my word, that if an abundance of seeds will one day come, I will speak to my people, and see if they will permit to let me give one to those of you, who will treat it with respect, as you seek your answers. But first I must think of our survival. I trust that you of any, can understand to how vital it is, to protect the sole vector of life, that ensures your species as a whole?" As a changeling queen, she should have some idea, he would assume. To changelings, if there were no queen, there were no future. No seeds, mean that their kind would live, but in the end die, unable to spawn more, and would in time go extinct. So were it with his kin, who needed these trees to not only have proper shelter, but to procreate, and thrive as a species. Without them, they were doomed to the forgotten pages of history. She might also understand why he were not overly open with this origin story. Some knew yes, but it were those he trusted would not blabber on to everyone. Though they were not at fault, nor directly connected to Discord, hearing that the evergrown were the creation of a draconequus, might be too much for all to hear. A lot had lost everything, because of Discord, and their anger sometimes sought targets. Anger that most would not act upon greatly, but all it took were a spark sometimes, and he for one, had no intention of being burned by that. On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: She nodded, her expression sad. "It pains me that it has come to this, and we hope they will not take advantage of your honorable pacifism. Were she alive, I'm sure their queen would have been delighted to meet you." Briar would then be dismissed if he had nothing else to ask of her. "I believe I have harmed too many in my time, to claim the mantle of a pacifist. Even Oakley cannot, and he is one of the gentlest souls of my kind, that I have ever known. Yet I endeavor to not use violence as my first answer, lest no choice is given. I yet carry hope, that reason can prevail over fists. We will see how it goes with your kind soon enough, but we will do our best, to save who we can. Yet speaking of other queens... Forgive a father his worry your majesty, but might I ask you a thing? You know of Brittle decision, to wander the lands when we go down, yes? Her want to find a hive that she feels will be the best for her. It scared her, when she were told what hive she came from. I can tell that in a small way, it still does, now that she finds herself influenced with what her hive could do, despite her never having been part of it. I wonder... The other queens that might remain, will they judge her for this? The fear she can spawn, even if she wants naught but peace? I trust that she does what she thinks is best, but I cannot help but worry what reception she might face, among others who have not seen her as much as you and yours have, and know how opposed she is to her mothers ways." Queen Harrow were she called, and a bad reputation were an understatement. When someone - perhaps it were even Permu herself - had been able to tell what hive Brittle came from, when they were able to see her in her true form, that she herself hadn't even known, there had been some who looked at her differently. Some still did, even if Brittle were as horrified and disgusted at what she heard, as many others likely were when they had first been told the stories. And Briar worried that others who would meet her for the first time, might think poorly of her too, despite how Brittle did not hold those colors. There were some who could tell she were hiding them, and when they saw the truth, would she be welcomed, or a pariah, of a hive even their own kind had largely loathed? =========================================================================== (Blitz) On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: Silver couldn't meet her gaze, "I... I had hoped that he'd survived. I knew it was stupid, foalish to think he could have survived where so many others failed. But Discord was HERE." She sobbed, "If he died, he would have wanted me to move on. I stubbornly believed that he wasn't dead, somehow, so I wouldn't have to. I don't want to move on. But holding on like he's still out there... it hurt me, it hurt Plein." "Things have not been perfect for you two, but I can't fault you for holding out hope. And he might still be down here, Silver. There were no chance to find out up here, but when we're out there again, we are where he should be. We should give it a chance, before you give up and try to move on. Besides, I don't think it's that easy to move on, when you don't know. I don't think he would ever truly leave your mind, if you're uncertain. I care about my brother, and I can't stop wondering what have become of him. Without an answer, I don't think I could ever stop wondering that." Twenty some years, and she still wanted to see her big brother again. Even if she would find just a corpse, or that he had uploaded himself into one of his robots - she could totally see him do that - at least she would know, and she could then begin to move on. He better be alive though. She wanted him to meet his niece. She got the feeling she would become the twinkle in her uncle's eyes. On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: Under the stack of papers that Silver had pointed her towards, Blitz would find a strange note. It was addressed to Silver, and it looked like it had been read many times. If she skimmed over the note, she'd see it came from someone who had claimed to have met Illiad before the event, in another world, and that he had survived by being sent there. The note was unsigned, and frankly the claim was hard to believe, which made it odd, or perhaps not so odd, that Silver had kept it this long. Given the age of the paper it seemed just about as old as the schematic documents she was looking at, meaning it couldn't have been written too long after the Project set off. She were given pause when she found some papers that didn't seem to fit, among those they would need to unmake The Æther, as it were. An old note, speaking of Illiad, but in a way that were mighty strange. Almost unheard of in fact. "Wait... Another world? So like banishment?" She'd get a twinkle in her eyes, and a bit of a wider smile on her face. "If he's in another world, it's all about making a connection there. Yes, I'd just need some stuff from Canterlot. Maybe that connection to the human world, that I were told about, is still there? Or there's some literature about it at least? It'd take some tuning around, and a lot of safety precautions, but... No, I don't see why it couldn't be done. It's been done with magic before, and we got both magic, and science. A bit of data and we could get to some groundbreaking interdimensional work." This was an exciting prospect, but she did need some baseline data. The gate being open still would be the obviously best, but even if not, magical residue, literature, some notion on how the connection were made in the first place, what spells were used, etc. Anything to start them off, would be a great way to get started. And even if he were not in the human world, he might be in another. Breaking through to one world, were just the start. if they could get the first done, why not others? Just took some effort and brains, and this were The Æther. They had all the best brains the world had to offer. ============================================================================ (Blackwater) On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: Access snorted at that, "Yeah, we changelings mature quickly, you can't just go by our appearance or demeanor." "More like I've been here for so long, I keep forgetting when folks were born. Especially since you ain't as prone to wrinkling up like us ponies. Sometimes seems like just yesterday you were this giddy lil' thing running around, y'know?" He could swear that at times, it felt like just a few weeks ago, when Napalm were working on her first hypersonic shock modulator, and looked up at him, big grin on her face, asking if she had done a good job. Time just flew by at times, but he treasured those snippets in time, and seeing kids have fun around them. After the war began, it felt like the only time he saw kids for the longest time, were their corpses, or the crying, harrowed looks of those who had lost everything. Had been some here too, over the years. Including one that were still in medical care, that were found recently. He weren't sure how this young griffon had managed to get into this area, but he were in pretty bad shape, when his girls had found him. Felicia knocked her out, grabbed her, and brought her back, at which point the griffon had been ported in. He were a kid, and while there were some questions that he could be a spy, he had been near death, and had a chain that indicated he weren't part of them, as much as a prisoner. Frankly Molotov didn't care. They could question him after he woke up. If, he woke up... He hadn't been kidding when he said the kid were in pretty bad shape, and he knew already that he had at the very least, were probably going to lose those mangled wings of his. But at least he could help with that. Yet it came down to whatever or not he'd be able to survive first. If they didn't want him to help save folks, they shouldn't have let him use his machines to teleport stuff through the shield. But they wanted his girls to scavenge, and had good usage of those things he got in here, so they just had to live with him making some decisions at times, that couldn't wait for an approval process. Which would usually include waiting for approval, along with Carmen, the first of his engineered masterpieces. On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: Access looked thoughtful, "Couldn't you send a bot out to collect it? Now that they aren't lingering on our doorstep it should be a bit safer to send out bots to try and gather things right? Plus, I'm sure everyone else is wondering what the rest of the world looks like after all this time. A bunch here have never seen it outside of pictures or stories." "In theory? I could, but I can't just use one of the regular scavenger bots for this. Going all the way to the ruins, and not only navigate through, but also manage to make it through whatever raiders, loyalists, and my sister in the way? I could perhaps program around all that, but not when we also include terrain that's definitely been altered in the last few years. And I can't use a control panel for it all. There's too much energy required to handle that on long distance, so it'd take away from what we got stored here. Can't go take potential power from our essentials here, in case something goes awry. But that's not saying I can't do this. What I'm saying is that it means I'm gonna have to make a robot that can adapt on the fly. So it seems Felicia and Carmen's gonna get themselves a new sibling." To him, the AI's that he had crafted, were no less his kids, than his physical ones. Felicia and Carmen were born of his mind, rather than his body, but that didn't change the fact to him, that they were his family. And if he went and crafted another one now, that were gonna be a new member of that family. Funny how things went sometimes, huh? Some didn't even have one family left, and he had both a fleshy one, and a mechanical one. "I'll make sure to rig 'em to have cameras, and connect that to a data cube here at base, so folks can get a solid view of what the world's like out there. *sigh* I just hope Blitz isn't gonna capture this one... She's been surprisingly good at converting my bots to her side, and make them threats. I don't wanna lose one that's sentient to her." On 2024-08-01 at 11:27 PM, Illiad Easle said: She shook her head, "It's go right over their heads I'm sure, mine too. Plus I think the thought of banishment might not boost morale. Probably better you just work on it with your team or by yourself, and once you have some solid proof of your theories we can tell others the results. I'll let mother know what you've found, it should at least make dad happy to know that there's more of a chance now than before." "Bah, you folks need to learn the beauty in science. But fine, I'll talk it over with the family, and see what we can find. I'll have them start while I go and repurpose one of my bots, have it reinforced, and then download the proper programming. If I ain't disturbed, and Napalm lends a hoof..." He'd run the calculations through his head a few times, before he would go talking again. He wanted to make sure the time frame would fit. "Give me 16 hours. I ain't just gonna download the AI program into a random scrap bot. If they're gonna have a fighting chance, it gotta be done proper. I can then design a shape they'd like better when they get home. If my wife asks though, tell her that it's actually important. She ain't too thrilled when I pull an all nighter, but frankly, we gotta take advantage of the calm while it lasts. For all we know, it'll start up again at sunrise. And don't you worry none. I know what I'm doing, with my programs. You've seen Felicia and Carmen. They've been nothing but helpful, and handles a lotta issues out there. Carmen's even gone tinkering herself." It were admittedly easier for Carmen, once he had been able to make her an equine body. Which would have been a lot easier, if he hadn't been trapped in here! He had to get parts through and slowly coordinate with her and Felicia to get something done, and then finally, when that was handled, then go on and handle her transfer. He could have done that like thirty times faster, if they had been on the same side of that barrier. But alas, he had to deal with the cards he had, and it had worked out in the end. Carmen's new chassis and expanded hardware had made her far more capable and intelligent, and she had gone to the point of upgrading her own chassis, that of Felicia, and handling most stuff, regarding the bots that were sent out to scavenge stuff of use. They had offered the same sort of chassis for Felicia, but she had outright refused. She did not find her arachnid form to be limiting. She liked it, and wanted it refined, rather than changed. Gone and made herself a small army of lesser arachnid bots, under her direct command. Extensions of her will, that could strike where it mattered. Spooked him a little to see how bloodthirsty she could be at first, but she were still civil. Just not against their enemies. In truth, she were efficient now. A potential ruthless killing machine, who took advantage of every upgrade she got. Probably the one of his girls they wanted in here the least, but they weren't gonna, until they managed to capture Blitz. 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 August 11, 2024 Author Share August 11, 2024 @Cheerilee (Spiral) On 2024-08-02 at 8:58 AM, Spiral Spell said: Spiral's speaking was the complete antithesis of the arguing of the council. She was completely calm, and collected. Her gaze maintained a sense of authority that she was not afraid to use, however she remained understanding of the various perspectives involved. The atmosphere of the council chamber had changed from when the meeting had started. While before Spiral had held the council's full support, it seemed her proposal had caused several members to consider the prospect that Spiral's goals did not align with what they thought was best for their constituency. Ever since the coup against Apollo independence movements had held very little popularity, which had been the aim of the council for years in an effort to promote unity. For the Consul to come out as pro independence would undermine a lot of the council's efforts to promote unity, indicating, at least to some, that unity had only been pursued out of convenience rather than a genuine desire to become united. They wouldn't comment on this now, but it would come up in their adjusting of their own reelection campaigns over the next few days and weeks, a few changing their support to Power over Spiral. On 2024-08-02 at 8:58 AM, Spiral Spell said: Spiral would glance towards that one that questioned her idea, and thought about it for a moment. Processing this, Spiral ended up in agreement with this individual that questioned her. They would not be sending anyone for rescue operations since there was no-one that had any training for it. This still left the question as to what should be done seeing as the scouting craft had been downed, inaction could cause issues given the popularity of who had gone down with the craft. (More below) (Janet) Spirit chuckled at Janet's comment, "Heh, you almost called yourself a low-life there!" Her expression grew a bit more serious, "You really shouldn't call your classmates lowlifes though, you don't see Spectral acting like that, do you?" She looked concerned at the end there, as though she worried that Spectral might act like that. Spectral was one of her classmates, a quiet pegasus colt that mostly kept to himself in the back of the room. Janet didn't know who his parents were, like she didn't know or care to know the parents of the rest of her classmates. If she went in search of her classmates she'd find them in one of the recreational areas built into the side of the mountain near where the school was. Almost everything at Archback was built into the mountain in some way, and there were larger recreation areas in some of the hollowed out portions of the mountain, but they had built this one on the outside of the mountain to allow for sunlight, which had been in fairly short supply when the area was surrounded by mountains. Most of them were playing, a few were gathered to discuss what rumors they had overheard, and Spectral was sat in the corner reading a book. @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) On 2024-08-08 at 3:18 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Excuse me, but are you okay? I'm one of the ponies you just saved. I came here when I saw you crash, and I..." She'd take a breath, then finish what she wished to say, with a more somber tone. "I'm sorry about your friend. They deserved better." She'd stand there, not having walked closer still, and bowed her head, before looking at the strange mare with great sympathy. Sorrow would be able to tell, if the soul were lingering somewhat. A certain change in presence, that didn't wane so to speak, that she had noticed were more pronounced, since she became a pony. A strange feeling really. Not like she were increasing in power, as much as kinda just... Growing back into things, she supposed? It was a strange sensation, and she assumed it were connected to that sense of death. Like spirits who lingered, kept the sense there, whereas the dead who moved on, couldn't do that. Like if the soul gave off a weak, intangible energy or something. It were hard to explain, even to herself, but she tried her best to just go along with it, and embrace it, rather than try and fight against it, or get concerned. She'd find the rifle pointed in her direction when she spoke up, the mare frantic, but as she had not moved closer and made no move to approach she was able to calm herself somewhat. "I, I'm fine, I think? Could be shock though." She looked herself over, then stopped suddenly, "Shoot! Delta!" She rushed towards the front of the craft, looking for a way to move the glass dome, "No no no not you too, hang on!" She gripped the dome in her magic, setting down the rifle, and broke the upper hinge to let the dome tilt away from the craft so she could push it away with her magic. With the dome out of the way it was easier to see inside the craft, the pegasus hanging in the straps was missing a wing, the missing wing pinned by other straps to the side of the craft where the wing had been torn off. The mare moved to get the pegasus out of the straps, carefully lowering her. If Sorrow approached she'd see that the pegasus was still breathing, faintly. The mare looked over at Sorrow, "There's a medkit over on the inside where I came out, hurry and grab it please!" If Sorrow ventured inside the craft, she would find the kit strapped to the wall of the rather cramped interior, as well as the dead body of an earth pony who was rigged into some sort of pedal mechanism. It seemed like most of the blood in the craft was from him, and the several holes in his body that lined up with the holes in the craft. If she returned with the kit the mare would quickly set to work patching up the pegasus to the best of her ability, muttering softly, "Cmon Delta, you can pull through this, stay with me." Once patched up enough she would turn her attention back to Sorrow, "She needs more attention than I can provide, is there somewhere safe near here?" (Briar) On 2024-08-08 at 3:18 PM, Blitz Boom said: Yet speaking of other queens... Forgive a father his worry your majesty, but might I ask you a thing? You know of Brittle decision, to wander the lands when we go down, yes? Her want to find a hive that she feels will be the best for her. It scared her, when she were told what hive she came from. I can tell that in a small way, it still does, now that she finds herself influenced with what her hive could do, despite her never having been part of it. I wonder... The other queens that might remain, will they judge her for this? The fear she can spawn, even if she wants naught but peace? I trust that she does what she thinks is best, but I cannot help but worry what reception she might face, among others who have not seen her as much as you and yours have, and know how opposed she is to her mothers ways." Queen Permu sighed, "It is hard to say. There is no telling how any surviving queens may react, I fear how much might have been sacrificed in order to stay alive. Some may have entered into bad deals or isolated themselves against all others. In the early days of the crisis there were hives who joined Discord in order to be spared, and those who closed themselves off in order to stay safe from them. The world may not be safe for any changelings for a time, but I will do all in my power to ensure that she, and all other friendly changelings we encounter, are protected from those who would do her harm." (Blitz) Silver had been about to respond to Blitz's reaction to finding the old note, her face darker than she had seen it before, when they were interrupted by Power. "Mrs. Easle" "What!" "Your daughter, she was on a scouting expedition. Her craft was downed." She lost all of her previous anger and annoyance, "W-what?" "She was sent to investigate an anomaly we saw, that was attacking a group of ponies below." He passed over some documents, the same that had been given to Spiral. Silver looked over the papers, her expression growing more serious when she saw the description and the message that had been decoded. "Power, go get your father. Tell him that Deep Science has come back for us." Power started to protest, but shut up when Silver shot him a look, "Yes Ma'am." As Power left, Silver pushed aside several stacks of papers to reach a white board, which she flipped over to reveal a complicated set of notes on one Colonel Panic. "Here you are, right on schedule..." (Blackwater) On 2024-08-08 at 3:18 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Give me 16 hours. I ain't just gonna download the AI program into a random scrap bot. If they're gonna have a fighting chance, it gotta be done proper. I can then design a shape they'd like better when they get home. If my wife asks though, tell her that it's actually important. She ain't too thrilled when I pull an all nighter, but frankly, we gotta take advantage of the calm while it lasts. For all we know, it'll start up again at sunrise. And don't you worry none. I know what I'm doing, with my programs. You've seen Felicia and Carmen. They've been nothing but helpful, and handles a lotta issues out there. Carmen's even gone tinkering herself." Access smiled, "Well, if you think you should hurry I won't stop you, but I'd advise against rushing this. Like you said we may only have one shot at this with the calm, so better to have it properly tested and prepared than rushed to production, right?" "As to your wife, how is she doing? I don't think I've run into her lately." (More as an opening for you to introduce her than to have idle chat) 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 August 13, 2024 Share August 13, 2024 @Illiad Easle @Cheerilee (Sorrow) On 2024-08-12 at 12:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: She'd find the rifle pointed in her direction when she spoke up, the mare frantic, but as she had not moved closer and made no move to approach she was able to calm herself somewhat. "I, I'm fine, I think? Could be shock though." She looked herself over, then stopped suddenly, "Shoot! Delta!" She rushed towards the front of the craft, looking for a way to move the glass dome, "No no no not you too, hang on!" Sorrow had gulped as she saw the weapon directed her way. Not the first thing she wanted to lay her eyes upon, after having bowed her head. Thankfully it was not discharged, as though rattled, the mare had seemed to be at her good senses. By the time she were about to respond, the mare had suddenly recalled the others on her ship. Perhaps the comment about her friend? There were sadly nothing she could do, as death were in the air. That much were certain, but Sorrow hadn't the time to tell her more of that, before she rushed in, trying to help her dead companion. Or she might have, but though her mouth were open, she could not get herself to speak up, in the mare's moment of panic. Not because she were armed, but honestly, it were mostly due to Sorrow thinking that the mare likely had to see it with her own eyes. Who would believe some random, saying their friend were dead, without even looking at them? On 2024-08-12 at 12:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: She gripped the dome in her magic, setting down the rifle, and broke the upper hinge to let the dome tilt away from the craft so she could push it away with her magic. With the dome out of the way it was easier to see inside the craft, the pegasus hanging in the straps was missing a wing, the missing wing pinned by other straps to the side of the craft where the wing had been torn off. The mare moved to get the pegasus out of the straps, carefully lowering her. If Sorrow approached she'd see that the pegasus was still breathing, faintly. The mare looked over at Sorrow, "There's a medkit over on the inside where I came out, hurry and grab it please!" She would come in, wanting to make sure that the mare were not alone, when she had to confront the reality of her friend's passing, but things did not go as she expected. It was not the one she could see that were dead, but rather someone deeper inside. One whose blood were splattered quite notably around, which she had assumed were from the pilot. It was a surprising turn of events, but if nothing happened fast, it could still well end with another death here. The pegasus hurt more than just the wing that had been torn off. A sight that almost made her stagger, until she were asked to grab the medkit. This were another of those situations, like when she had arrived here, in this pony form. One where she were unaware of what to do, and as such, would do best just following orders, from someone who did. Being hesitant, would only end with a preventable loss of life, and she did not want for another of their saviors to go down like this. So Sorrow would simply do as she were told, and rush over the way she had been told to go. That is when she got a look at the real body in here. Someone who deserved a proper burial, but the dead could wait for a little, while the living were taken care of. She were sure that he would understand, if he had been around to voice his opinion. These others would likely have mattered to him, and he wouldn't wish to see them join him already. She could not help but to look though, and it were a grizzly sight. Yet, she could find some small sliver of relief, in the way he looked. His death were violent, but it were at least quick. He likely barely got to feel a thing. So at least he hadn't suffered, though... No, she could worry about the potential of a poltergeist later. Right now, she had to keep in motion. She had hesitated for a second there, but would grab the medkit, and be back as quick as she could. On 2024-08-12 at 12:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: If she returned with the kit the mare would quickly set to work patching up the pegasus to the best of her ability, muttering softly, "Cmon Delta, you can pull through this, stay with me." Once patched up enough she would turn her attention back to Sorrow, "She needs more attention than I can provide, is there somewhere safe near here?" "We have doctors in Ponyville. I'll help you get there." She were sure that there would be some words said later, about security and such, but she cared not for that in the slightest. These ponies had saved several lives, her own included, and she would both help, and risk her neck for them. It were only fair, as they had done the same for them. Sadly with a cost, but right now, what were important, were to not increase the death count further. Sorrow would show the way, and help to move Delta around as asked, unless the mare just wanted to use magic to hover her along. When they got to base, she'd direct them straight towards where the doctors should be. They'd likely be busy with their own wounded too, but they would hopefully understand the urgency in helping Delta too. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too late. And if anyone tried to block their path, Sorrow would tell them that this were the ponies who had just gone and helped them, and Delta needed a doctor. All the while, the pale light that had briefly flickered in the skull around her neck returned. Weak and barely visible, but consistent. Not that she noticed. There were far more urgent things for her to focus on. ==================================================================== (Briar) The evergrown would nod slowly, as he were given an answer to his question. Not one as hopeful as he could have wished for, but it were better than complete uncertainty. "I thank you for giving me an honest answer, Queen Permu. I know your hive offered her a home, and I know in my heart, that had she accepted, she would have followed a kind, just queen. Our talk all but confirms that for me, yet I have to accept the choice she made. I pray only that I can yet offer her more help to prepare, before her path begins though." It were not that Brittle did not respect or like Queen Permu. Her hive had done a lot to help Brittle get to where she were now, and she would always be thankful to them. It were also why it had taken her so long to return to them with an answer, when she had been offered a home with them, as they were a great hive, and their queen one that she respected. Yet her heart had been on seeing more out there. The world, and what other hives might yet be in it, and as such, after a long time, she had respectfully declined. Yet as she had also said, she might return some other time. While her heart yearned to witness more, she did not rule out that after looking around a little, she would come to accept that Queen Permu were the right queen for her. And as such, she had promised both Permu and her father, some variant of the same: That she would not them in her heart, and she would keep thinking about where her place were in this world. "In honest, I do think she will return to you one day. But she were ever chained by her fear, and afraid of the world. I think she feels that she needs to see it now, with the blanket of fear lifted from her eyes, and she lingers on this reason to motivate her. *sigh* But I have taken enough of your time. There is much still to do, before we land and open the gates properly, for both you and I. I thank you once more for meeting with me, Queen Permu. I hope that next we meet, we will see both our hopes bear fruit." Were there nothing else, he would give a deep, cordial bow to the queen, and then be on his way. He needed to go and find the others, to discuss matters. Thorn Weaver first he believed. She would be separate from the others, and she had shown at times, that her knowledge of their kin, to be if not more expansive than his, then covering certain topics with more knowledge that he had. Likely due to her former home's more secluded way of life, even compared to the general evergrown. ============================================================ (Blitz) On 2024-08-12 at 12:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: Silver had been about to respond to Blitz's reaction to finding the old note, her face darker than she had seen it before, when they were interrupted by Power. Blitz had her own eyes narrowed slightly. She were ever a joyous soul, but she did not back down from an argument, and this would not be the first time Silver and her would argue over something. There had been several over the years, once Blitz began to reach her more rebellious teenage years. And while her brow darkened more than she recalled seeing before, this were also a topic that were near and dear to Silver's heart, and she had just poked at it. Yet Blitz would not apologize for that, as she did believe there were something to do, and she were not going to back down from trying to help, despite what Silver might think about it. Illiad were a pony she had ever only heard about, but he meant a lot to Silver. Enough for Blitz to know that casting him aside, were not something that the mare could simply do, despite what she might say. And besides, Blitz wanted to help them. Silver deserved that. Heck, Plein deserved that too. To meet the father she had only ever heard tales of too. A great pony, by all accounts. On 2024-08-12 at 12:03 AM, Illiad Easle said: As Power left, Silver pushed aside several stacks of papers to reach a white board, which she flipped over to reveal a complicated set of notes on one Colonel Panic. "Here you are, right on schedule..." What had happened next, had removed all the want Blitz had for a confrontation. Plein had been shot down? By something that Silver seemed to know about, and acted upon in a way that did not seem to indicate anything good. Something further proven, when Power had left, and she revealed a whiteboard of notes that Blitz could not recall seeing before, and hearing a name that did not ring a bell. "If Plein is in trouble, I want to help. Tell me what to do, Silver." Blitz had practically grown up knowing Plein. And while it were debatable if they were best friends, Blitz still considered her a foalhood friend, and were worried and scared when she heard that she were missing, and might be hurt. Even hunted down. Her motherly instincts might also play a factor here, but she hadn't the time to think about that. She wanted to help, and stepped forward to await orders from Silver. As she so often did. =============================================================================== (Blackwater) "Nah, if I were rushing this, I'd do it in 6 hours. 16 hours is enough for me to run all the diagnostics, ensure the safety of all the protocols, upgrading the chassis properly, establishing- You know what, I best just keep that to myself. If I went into details, you'd just roll your eyes in boredom. Especially if I started going over the details of how the AI program works. Ain't often folks understand even the most baseline of the things I work on, beyond the easy overview." Honestly, he really missed having some real smart scientists to talk to. Sure his daughter were brilliant in her own way, but she were still young and inexperienced. Some things, she did her best to understand, and she did listen, but she didn't grasp it all fully. And his wife didn't get any of it, and tended to just leave the room when he went into a long ramble about things. She knew well that it sometimes took him a while to even notice, and she could use her time more constructive. "And she's doing fine, thank you for asking. She's been spending a lot of time recently between caring for Azizi, and keeping a close eye on Fragrance as he got better. That fungal infection had him bedridden for a while after all. I tried offering more time to help her, but you know how headstrong Zeist can get. Once she sets her mind to something, I don't dare to argue against her." Zeist Geist were a peculiar pony in some ways, though not as much as her sister, who were also a residence of this quarry. As a matter of fact, Zeist Geist were stuck here, because she had come to visit their resident Doctor Zinger. Or Ziggy, as she so stubbornly wanted others to call her. An energetic, attractive mare for sure, but she were in a relationship with her then coltfriend, and now husband, Beck. One of the butlers of the estate. At least at the time, and over the years, she had plenty to see to. Both with her duties, and the throve of foals the two had. Good that she had such an overabundance of energy, as she needed it often, for all that were to be done. As for Dew Drop, she didn't look a lot like her sister. She had the stripes, and were a zegasus too, but she were the size of an average mare, yellow, with black stripes, and a single, lemon-green tear pattern on her fur, under her right eye. Apparently they were triplets, and their brother had one under his left, but sadly, there were no indication that he had managed to also survive. He were meant to meet her here, before the troubles started, and yet had never arrived. The two did not speak a lot to begin with, as they didn't have a lot in common, from the looks of things. She used to work at a wildlife reservation, protecting endangered species from poachers and illness, and he were an engineer, that worked with things that were beyond those around him to grasp, but with plenty to do. Most of what they had in common, were being stuck in this safe space while the world burned around them, purely by coincidence. In his case, he had come to check out the famed mine, curious what sort of mechanisms they might have there, and to purchase some raw jade. He had a construction he needed about a pound of it for, but he didn't want it processed or sharpen already. He needed it in an exact shape, and thus would prefer to do do himself, with a nice quality chunk himself. Zeist and him had connected, when one of the scavenger bots had returned with an item that carried the engraving of their brother, Lemon Drop. Something that both her and Ziggy claimed were not something he'd simply let go off, and to say she were inconsolable, would be an understatement. Ziggy had more or less grown up in the hospital, due to her odd growth and energy issues, but Lemon and Zeist had been as close as could be, and the more than likely loss of him affected her deeply. Ziggy could at least focus on her family and work, but Zeist had only herself, what odd jobs she could help with in here, and then Ziggy. And she couldn't hang off of her sister all the time. As someone who were without a sibling himself, as well as being the one to hoof over the trinket he had found, Molotov took it upon himself to try and be there for the mare then, Platonically at first, he might add. He liked tall, shy mares. The more robust, strong-willed and focused Zeist were not his usual taste. But against all odds - and there were odds. There had been literal bets on when she'd ditch him in a barrel somewhere, and refuse to talk to him ever again - the two had eventually hit off, and well... Now they had three kids. All three of whom she adored, and had Fragrance not fallen ill, she would have been around handling things with Azizi in tow, as she tended to. She were a strong mare, and put her back and keen eyes to use where she could. The amount of minor things and flaws she saw, were amazing to him, and frankly a trait he found very attractive. How attractive? Again, three kids, and he wouldn't rule out more in time, though she were plenty happy with the family she now had. For the past three weeks, she had more or less not left Fragrance alone for too long, as she wanted to make sure that the infection were handled well. He kept saying he could do stuff himself, but she were adamant, and he had to learn the hard way, that disagreeing with his mother, were never gonna work. The yellow in her fur had darkened over the years, and she had gotten some wrinkles, like he had too, but he still adored her as much as ever. And she still miraculously tolerated him and his idiocy, heh. "She were sad that she had to take a backseat from things, but she should come back to it slowly over the next few days. Just a bit more dotting over Fragrance, until she's absolutely sure not even a spore's to be found on him." 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 August 27, 2024 Author Share August 27, 2024 @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) On 2024-08-13 at 5:14 PM, Blitz Boom said: "We have doctors in Ponyville. I'll help you get there." She were sure that there would be some words said later, about security and such, but she cared not for that in the slightest. These ponies had saved several lives, her own included, and she would both help, and risk her neck for them. It were only fair, as they had done the same for them. Sadly with a cost, but right now, what were important, were to not increase the death count further. Sorrow would show the way, and help to move Delta around as asked, unless the mare just wanted to use magic to hover her along. When they got to base, she'd direct them straight towards where the doctors should be. They'd likely be busy with their own wounded too, but they would hopefully understand the urgency in helping Delta too. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too late. And if anyone tried to block their path, Sorrow would tell them that this were the ponies who had just gone and helped them, and Delta needed a doctor. All the while, the pale light that had briefly flickered in the skull around her neck returned. Weak and barely visible, but consistent. Not that she noticed. There were far more urgent things for her to focus on. The mare would lift the pegasus onto her back before moving to follow Sorrow, but they didn't get too far before the mare stopped to look back at the craft, "Sorry, protocol, can't let the loyalists have it." She retrieved her rifle with her magic, then took a deep breath before launching a spark towards the craft, which was soon engulfed in flames. "Sorry I couldn't get you out Crank, you'll be missed." She turned her attention back to Sorrow, "Lead the way." Assuming that didn't stop Sorrow from bringing them back to Ponyville, they'd arrive to find a new defensive line set up around the ruins of Twilight's castle, though there was no sign of the attacker having left. Maybe it was more to keep the ponies from getting too close, and risking it making another strike? They were quickly approached by Applejack, who looked no worse for ware, but seemed quite relieved to see Sorrow unharmed, "There you are Sorrow! I heard that that thing went after you, and no one knew where you had gone. I was worried..." She shook it off, before looking towards the mare and the injured pegasus, "Who are your friends here? Are they from that plane that flew over?" The mare looked shocked at the sight of Applejack, like she was seeing a ghost. (Briar) Queen Permu wished him well as he left. (We can pick this line back up after the Panic arc is resolved, unless you have other ideas.) (Blitz) On 2024-08-13 at 5:14 PM, Blitz Boom said: "If Plein is in trouble, I want to help. Tell me what to do, Silver." Blitz had practically grown up knowing Plein. And while it were debatable if they were best friends, Blitz still considered her a foalhood friend, and were worried and scared when she heard that she were missing, and might be hurt. Even hunted down. Her motherly instincts might also play a factor here, but she hadn't the time to think about that. She wanted to help, and stepped forward to await orders from Silver. As she so often did. Silver looked conflicted as she reviewed the notes on the whiteboard, she didn't respond to Blitz yet, which gave her time to take in more fully what the whiteboard said. It was titled Colonel Panic, and down the center column there was writing that read somewhat like a prophecy: Ponies in a refugee area will be attacked by a metal creature, accompanied by the message "Return Baseplate to Colonel Panic or be Destroyed." They will struggle to survive. A large cloud will arrive, attack the creature to distract it. A green pony will do battle with it and succeed. On either side of this column several lines pointed from sections of the center column to diagrams and documents with extra information. Refugee area: Ponyville? Somewhere in Equestria? Metal Creature: Diagrams and blueprints signed by Silver Studs and Tower Shield for some sort of complex automaton. The Silver Tower? Another based off the designs? Baseplate: Some sort of item or artifact? Maybe a codename? Colonel Panic: Iterative, presented in older prophecies. Refers to the creature? Or some controller? Large Cloud: The Æther? Some other cloud city or ship? Green Pony: Power? Silver eventually took notice that Blitz was still there, "Oh, sorry! Um..." She looked over the board, "I don't know if you can without upsetting the prophecy... I hope Plein hasn't already complicated it." She sighed, the worry apparent, "I can't ask you to go down and try and save her. You have your own foal here to worry about. It would kill me if you went down and ended up one of that creature's victims. But if you won't be discouraged... try to stay out of that creature's way." Power would return soon after, with Euclid, his father, in tow. The unicorn had aged pretty well, keeping himself rather fit for a unicorn. Blitz wouldn't have interacted with him too much, as his work kept him busy, but she had likely interacted with his wife Dinky as she was growing up, or as she had spent time with Power as he grew up, having had a hoof in his transfer to his new body. "What is it Silver? Deep Science? Really?" She passed over the documents that Power had given her, "Power says it was Deep Science encrypted, and visually it could be the Silver Tower research automaton." His expression grew a bit more surprised as he read the paper, "Baseplate... Could only be one. That's the Kernel down there." Silver raised an eyebrow, "Your weird briefcase thing?" He rolled his eyes, "I had to leave it behind at the evacuation of Silver Sigma. Looks like it figured out how to leave, but likely degraded after all these years." "It's hurting the ponies down there, shot down Plein." He nodded, "Then we'll have to kill it." He looked up at the whiteboard, "You have a plan?" She nodded, "Well, a prophecy, from Illiad." Euclid snorted but Silver continued. "When he showed it to me, I saw a pony like Power go down to stop it." Euclid's expression grew stern, "Absolutely not. I'd rather try and take that thing myself than send him down to deal with it." Power spoke up, "I could do it, I wouldn't even be in danger. With enough power I can move this body away from my gem. Fight it while my core is all the way over here, and out of harms way." Euclid still didn't seem convinced, maybe Blitz could interject? (Blackwater) (Don't really have more on this line until Blitz is in position to get spotted by Molotov's new bot. We can pick this thread up again then. Unless you have other ideas?) 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 September 2, 2024 Share September 2, 2024 @Illiad Easle (Sorrow) On 2024-08-27 at 10:40 PM, Illiad Easle said: The mare would lift the pegasus onto her back before moving to follow Sorrow, but they didn't get too far before the mare stopped to look back at the craft, "Sorry, protocol, can't let the loyalists have it." She retrieved her rifle with her magic, then took a deep breath before launching a spark towards the craft, which was soon engulfed in flames. "Sorry I couldn't get you out Crank, you'll be missed." She turned her attention back to Sorrow, "Lead the way." "Crank is your friend, that didn't make it?" She briefly looked towards this pyre that were made, flames engulfing the craft, and the one who had been in it. It were oddly comforting in a way, seeing this happen. A funeral pyre, for a fallen hero, seemed the right way to lay one to rest, that had died to defend others. "May this funeral pyre, lead his soul to better places." She did not spend time just standing as she talked, getting ready to help on, and ensure that the yet living, would be given a chance to come back to their base, for help. The wing would unfortunately be gone now, with it being burned up, but better lose a wing, than your life. Least she hoped that it would be seen that way. She would return here later though, just in case the fire hadn't been enough, to burn the bones. She'd have them gathered up if that were the case, so they could be buried in the fields, like that of the others. Thankfully they knew the name of this one, which were more than they could say for everyone right now, though... *sigh* She hoped that through all the scavenging, they would be able to put names on all the dead, so they wouldn't be forgotten. On 2024-08-27 at 10:40 PM, Illiad Easle said: Assuming that didn't stop Sorrow from bringing them back to Ponyville, they'd arrive to find a new defensive line set up around the ruins of Twilight's castle, though there was no sign of the attacker having left. Maybe it was more to keep the ponies from getting too close, and risking it making another strike? They were quickly approached by Applejack, who looked no worse for ware, but seemed quite relieved to see Sorrow unharmed, "There you are Sorrow! I heard that that thing went after you, and no one knew where you had gone. I was worried..." She shook it off, before looking towards the mare and the injured pegasus, "Who are your friends here? Are they from that plane that flew over?" The mare looked shocked at the sight of Applejack, like she was seeing a ghost. "I'm okay, Applejack. It got distracted when they shot at it, but they were hit too then. I went to try and help, and her friend here needs help. Can we talk after Delta have gotten some medical attention? Please?" The weak light in the skull around her neck, stood steady. Flickering like small candlelight in the sockets. It seemed as as if it were looking at Applejack, yet the lights were small. Barely the size of a coin, if you included the top of the flame, of the pale light. They didn't fill the sockets proper, but it were a notable change from the empty holes it had always just been. And while Sorrow didn't notice anything, there were a small, odd feeling of comfort, that she were too focused on these others things to really pinpoint, that had its origin in this macabre accessory, that were helping her to not panic, and keep somewhat of a level head in this. (following only happens if Delta gets some medical attention) Provided they could get Delta to a doctor, Sorrow would explain what she could. That she had gone to the craft, had seen Silver - though she just referred to her as *This mare*, as the two had not exchanged names - and helped her to transport Delta this far. She would also say that there had been another, called Crank, and that he had been in the ship, as it were torched, making for a fitting funeral pyre. "That's basically all I know. There weren't time to ask questions, but maybe she can answer some herself? I guess... Introductions first, yes? As you probably heard, my name is Sorrow, and this here is Applejack. She leads our group, as we try and fix Ponyville up. Can you tell us something about yourself?" ================================================================================ (Briar) The EVergrown would go and ensure that he knew where his kin were, and discuss with them what Queen Permu and him had discussed. It would be simpler if they were all gathered, but they all had their own area to be currently, to help as best they could, so he would have to go it over individually. Starting with Oakley, then Lily, then finally Thorn Weaver. They all had their thoughts on what were asked of them, but they would mull things over, and when they eventually gathered again, they could discuss things further. Briar might lead them, but he did not give orders. He believed they all should be heard, and come to a consensus about things. They would be focused on this, and their various work on The Æther, until they would eventually land. =============================================================================== (Blitz) On 2024-08-27 at 10:40 PM, Illiad Easle said: Silver eventually took notice that Blitz was still there, "Oh, sorry! Um..." She looked over the board, "I don't know if you can without upsetting the prophecy... I hope Plein hasn't already complicated it." She sighed, the worry apparent, "I can't ask you to go down and try and save her. You have your own foal here to worry about. It would kill me if you went down and ended up one of that creature's victims. But if you won't be discouraged... try to stay out of that creature's way." "I don't need to be out there, to help. I'm a scientist, Silver. Have to be something that I've worked on that can be helpful here. One of the drones perhaps, to get a better view on things? One charged with an explosive potentially? A dozen? We've had success with those before." It were useful to do with what they had, to avoid casualties. Drones with explosives of varying power, to be used in combat when it were needed, were an efficient way to handle enemies that did not deserve pity or restraint, with as little in the way of lost life as possible. Not that it could always be used, but this one? A proper charge, controlled right, might get rid of this Colonel Panic. Perhaps they'd need more than one, but that could be arranged. "We can also provide weaponry, send medical supplies, emergency defensive wards- I'll throw the darn sink in if I must, but I have to do something. I won't sit idle while she's in danger, even if I can't leave The Æther." They both knew that she couldn't leave here. Blitz were many things, but a fighter were not one of them. Beyond self defense that Last had demanded that she went through, she did her battle via her mind, and it would be the asset she would bring to this. Going into this physically, she would only get in the way, or get killed. Even if it weren't irrational and would lead only to more complications, she couldn't risk going into this. Not when she had a little one to care for, and countless others who relied on the work that she did. On 2024-08-27 at 10:40 PM, Illiad Easle said: "When he showed it to me, I saw a pony like Power go down to stop it." Euclid's expression grew stern, "Absolutely not. I'd rather try and take that thing myself than send him down to deal with it." Power spoke up, "I could do it, I wouldn't even be in danger. With enough power I can move this body away from my gem. Fight it while my core is all the way over here, and out of harms way." Euclid still didn't seem convinced, maybe Blitz could interject? Blitz had no time or want to just sit there and watch them bicker, so while they were arguing, she were working. Opening up to some of the projects that had been recently finished, and took out a few things, then began to handle some settings on them, adding in charges, ensuring they seemed stable- At the point when she could interject, she would, by going over and glaring harshly at all three of them. "Stop arguing. Power is a grown stallion, Euclid. He's old enough to make his own choices, but that doesn't mean we can't help." She'd point to the nearby table, where a gun with a long barrel, a three pack of some metallic disk, and one of their emergency med kits stood. The gun humming slightly, as the battery pack showed it to be fully charged. It would get four shots of high concentration plasma, before it had to recharge. The sort that would shoot through practically anything, and then had to recharge. Ideally they would want more shots, but this high of a concentration, there were a limit to what the weapon in question could handle, before it would simply melt down, or explode. Same with the battery, which were essentially the inside of the handle, to save on being cumbersome. Any larger, with their current technology, and it would be too heavy, and could potentially go critical. This were the most compact, safe version she at least, could currently make at this size. And it were rather accurate, long as you could aim. They had bigger, but those were usually mounted, and required a stronger power outlet. This were a variation of the gun that Plein had with her, but the concentration were higher, and the shots fewer. It weren't generally distributed, because the limit of only four shots, were simply not good enough for the general fighter. But against a single enemy, perhaps it would be enough. He could take one more, if he wanted, or just a standard issue, but she sure hoped he were wise enough to bring weapons. The disks could provide defensive shields. They would only guard in one direction, in a wide bubble when activated, and folded out, and they weren't unbreakable. But they provided cover, and a chance to fall back at the least, though for all she knew, Panic might just be able to crumble it straight away. But she had to try at least. The kit was simply. You pressed the button, and it would unfold into a med kit, ready to be used to treat most common wounds. Including emergency cauterization, if such a thing became a necessity. You never hoped it would, but things were not always as simple and kind as one could hope, out on the battlefield. "This, or other things- Take whatever you need from the weaponry, and other assorted things we worked on. Even if your core stays here, your body can use what help it can get. I'll try and get some drones armed and online, to provide cover fire. Provided they didn't all get destroyed on the last landing, or have all been used for something else. I'll think of something, if that's the case. Silver? You have any suggestions? Maybe something from the Deep Vault, can be useful?" It were a lot less fancy than it sounded, she just nicknamed it that. Essentially a place with stuff that were deemed too dangerous, or currently experimental to be distributed willingly among others. Generally it were where a lot of Blitz more ingenious, yet controversial things were stored, though she couldn't claim sole ownership of everything there. Still, she didn't have access to it. Protocol were what it were and all that, after all. Far as she knew, only Silver did have access. And she still couldn't 100% say for sure, that it wasn't just a tale she had been told, and everything had just been decommissioned. She sure hoped not right now though. Something there might be useful. "I'd also like to offer that we can help keep watch over your core, just to make sure you're getting through this, Power. I want to see you both get out of this alive." She were being somewhat stern, but the worry did shine through, and her gaze were softening slowly. She did not want to take a tone, but they had to act, not argue. If Power could do this, and keep the core of him safe in the process, then they should try this. Illiad might have been right. And if not, then it at least gave them time to prepare some additional firepower, for another assault. Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 September 6, 2024 Author Share September 6, 2024 @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) On 2024-09-02 at 3:52 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Crank is your friend, that didn't make it?" She briefly looked towards this pyre that were made, flames engulfing the craft, and the one who had been in it. It were oddly comforting in a way, seeing this happen. A funeral pyre, for a fallen hero, seemed the right way to lay one to rest, that had died to defend others. "May this funeral pyre, lead his soul to better places." The mare nodded solemnly, "Yeah, he was the engine for our craft. When he got hit it stopped the propellors, so we were stuck in a glide, then Delta couldn't steer properly and..." She shuddered, "I... I shouldn't have drawn its attention. I should have stuck to observation, but... I couldn't just watch you guys on the ground get hurt, right?" On 2024-09-02 at 3:52 PM, Blitz Boom said: "I'm okay, Applejack. It got distracted when they shot at it, but they were hit too then. I went to try and help, and her friend here needs help. Can we talk after Delta have gotten some medical attention? Please?" The mare remained still as Applejack and Sorrow talked, Applejack nodding in response, "Of course, but it will be fairly rudimentary. I don't think we can do much more than what's already been done, while we do have a vet, they don't exactly have much experience with ponies." Still, Applejack led the way back to the shelters, and into the building where the other wounded were being treated. Most of the metal monster's attacks had been blunt force, so those present were being treated for bruises, breaks, and one dislocation, but there were thankfully no amputations to deal with. An earth pony mare approached, who had taken to calling herself Nurse Redheart, with a human medical coat tied around her neck like a cape or apron. She winced at seeing the state of Delta as the mare lifted her onto the indicated bed with magic, "Shoot, that doesn't look good. Um, yeah, looks like her wing is missing..." The mare did not look too comforted by the doctor's diagnosis. "Can you help her? She's lost a lot of blood." The nurse nodded, "Blood, yes, Blood I can do. Do you, um, know her type?" The mare pulled the sash off of Delta's barrel, reading some information that had been stitched to the inside, "Looks like type P+A." The nurse nodded, "Hopefully we have some, I'll be right back." Once the nurse left, the mare sighed, "They'll do their best with what they have. We're lucky to get anything." On 2024-09-02 at 3:52 PM, Blitz Boom said: "That's basically all I know. There weren't time to ask questions, but maybe she can answer some herself? I guess... Introductions first, yes? As you probably heard, my name is Sorrow, and this here is Applejack. She leads our group, as we try and fix Ponyville up. Can you tell us something about yourself?" Sorrow would have time to explain things to Applejack while the mare talked with the nurse about getting her friend treated. Sorrow was able to get her attention once both were done with their respective conversations. "Oh?! Um, sorry." She turned to face Sorrow and Applejack, "I'm Plein Easle, Delta Flight and I are from the Æther. We saw that you guys were having some trouble so they sent us to observe, we're sorry for getting involved." Applejack shook her head, "It's good to meet you Plein, is the Æther that big cloud thing passing over us?" Plein nodded, "Yeah, that's us. We've been flying all over for the past 25 years, waiting for things to be safe on the ground again." Her expression grew more serious, "You... you're the Applejack right? You're supposed to be dead, how did you survive? And you don't look like you've aged, not 25 years at least. Are the other elements here too?" Applejack's expression was more surprised, and their conversation had attracted the attention of other patients, "Well, that's a long story. Discord was involved, but he's out of the picture for now. I and a whole bunch of others were sent to another world, forced to forget just about everything, and only recently managed to find our way back. The other elements were here, but given the state of everything here... we decided to have most of them wait on the other side to come back when things are more established. It wouldn't make sense to have 10k ponies who don't remember how to be ponies all flood onto the land with no food or plan." Plein didn't look fully convinced, but wasn't about to press the matter, "Ah, I see." (Bit hard to write this section, as it is mostly my characters talking to each other. Feel free to suggest a line of questioning either here or ooc) (Blitz) On 2024-09-02 at 3:52 PM, Blitz Boom said: "I don't need to be out there, to help. I'm a scientist, Silver. Have to be something that I've worked on that can be helpful here. One of the drones perhaps, to get a better view on things? One charged with an explosive potentially? A dozen? We've had success with those before." It were useful to do with what they had, to avoid casualties. Drones with explosives of varying power, to be used in combat when it were needed, were an efficient way to handle enemies that did not deserve pity or restraint, with as little in the way of lost life as possible. Not that it could always be used, but this one? A proper charge, controlled right, might get rid of this Colonel Panic. Perhaps they'd need more than one, but that could be arranged. "We can also provide weaponry, send medical supplies, emergency defensive wards- I'll throw the darn sink in if I must, but I have to do something. I won't sit idle while she's in danger, even if I can't leave The Æther." Silver looked unsure, "I'm sure those would be useful to the ponies below, but we'd need the Consul to sign off on it. We're not exactly swimming in spare supplies at the moment." The age of the Project had taken its toll on the manufacturing sector, which had gradually been forced to reduce output over the course of the journey. At the moment they were only producing what was absolutely necessary, having nearly depleted any supplies they could not grow or easily harvest on scouting expeditions. On 2024-09-02 at 3:52 PM, Blitz Boom said: "Stop arguing. Power is a grown stallion, Euclid. He's old enough to make his own choices, but that doesn't mean we can't help." Euclid looked like he was about to scold her, despite only being a dozen years older than her, but power beat him to it. "Dad, I can do this, and I can do it safely." Euclid sighed, his expression still stern, "I'm sorry, you're right. So long as Panic doesn't use mental magic you should be perfectly safe fighting distanced from your core, and with us to watch your core there shouldn't be any risk of it getting damaged while unprotected by your body." His expression grew a bit more serious, "None of you will say anything about this to my wife, understood?" Silver and Power nodded. Assuming Blitz did as well, Euclid would sigh, "Let's get prepared then. Assuming our understanding of the situation is correct, that is Colonel Panic, or a copy of the same, an advanced artificial intelligence that often suffered from unparalleled focus on a goal. Given its apparent devotion to finding me, I imagine this is a drone of some sort, or a corrupted copy, and not the original. As it occupies the Silver Tower autonomous anomoly investigation unit, it has breached deep science security and may well be contaminated with anti-magic and/or some other substances from the facility. It could be carrying an anomalous artifact within itself, try not to get too close, and try not to let it unleash anything it might be carrying. Best strategy would be to attack from a distance, and from above. We've seen it has projectile weaponry, so while it won't be able to permanently injure you with its attacks there could be collateral damage, especially if it learns that it can't hurt you and tries to leverage hostages. If you get hit, it might be best to make it believable so you keep its attention." Power would then turn his attention to the things that Blitz had specified, "So, what can you tell me about these things? Given what my dad said, which do you think would be most useful to take with me? I don't think I'll be able to carry much weight when extended." 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blitz Boom 4,656 September 12, 2024 Share September 12, 2024 (edited) @Illiad Easle (Sorrow) On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: The mare nodded solemnly, "Yeah, he was the engine for our craft. When he got hit it stopped the propellors, so we were stuck in a glide, then Delta couldn't steer properly and..." She shuddered, "I... I shouldn't have drawn its attention. I should have stuck to observation, but... I couldn't just watch you guys on the ground get hurt, right?" "We weren't prepared or equipped for something like that to attack us. I'm sad that your friend met the end that he did, but I think if you hadn't intervened, a lot more ponies would be dead. Crank died a hero. I know that doesn't magically make everything okay. Dying so far before your time, is tragic, and I truly wish that it could have been different. But I hope that knowing he didn't die in vain, will in some small way, help his friends and family through their grief." She knew well that there were nothing that she could say, that would make things better here. Crank likely had some that he left behind, who'd mourn his fate, and this mare were likely to blame herself for his death. Potentially for years on end. But Sorrow couldn't just say nothing, and let it stew. She wanted to give her condolences, and speak of him, rather than try and ignore him. It were disrespectful to Crank, to just stay silent on him, after what had happened, and she wouldn't have that. He deserved to be remembered., By his friends and family, as well as those who lived, because he died. And she would do her part, in making sure that he was remembered fondly here. As for those he left behind... It would be a hard time, and she had nothing but sympathy for them. Hopefully they would be able to carry their grief together, and help another through it, to where they could begin to celebrate the good memories they had of him, rather than mourn his passing. And if he had loved ones beyond the veil, as most tended to have, she hoped they were there to welcome him with open arms, as he'd wander into the light. On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: The mare remained still as Applejack and Sorrow talked, Applejack nodding in response, "Of course, but it will be fairly rudimentary. I don't think we can do much more than what's already been done, while we do have a vet, they don't exactly have much experience with ponies." "We have to at least try to do what we can for her, until they come looking for them." Sorrow assumed that whatever place they came from, they had good medical teams that could do a lot more for her, but they needed to at the very least, keep her stable until then. Hopefully they wouldn't take long to send a rescue team. On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: The mare pulled the sash off of Delta's barrel, reading some information that had been stitched to the inside, "Looks like type P+A." The nurse nodded, "Hopefully we have some, I'll be right back." "If we don't, I can ask around. I don't know what my blood type is, but someone here has to, and can maybe offer a blood transfusion, right?" It wouldn't be much probably, but there had to be something that they could do to help, and if she had to rush around, poking anyone in sight, and ask them about their blood type, she'd do that, if it had a chance of being helpful. It were hard to say if it did, but it were better than doing nothing, right? As for her not knowing her blood type, it had just never come up. She had never needed a transfusion, and she didn't much care for what her tests at the doctor said in the details, beyond if she were okay. A decision that were now starting to bite her in the a- Flank. On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: "Oh?! Um, sorry." She turned to face Sorrow and Applejack, "I'm Plein Easle, Delta Flight and I are from the Æther. We saw that you guys were having some trouble so they sent us to observe, we're sorry for getting involved." Applejack shook her head, "It's good to meet you Plein, is the Æther that big cloud thing passing over us?" Plein nodded, "Yeah, that's us. We've been flying all over for the past 25 years, waiting for things to be safe on the ground again." Her expression grew more serious, "You... you're the Applejack right? You're supposed to be dead, how did you survive? And you don't look like you've aged, not 25 years at least. Are the other elements here too?" Applejack's expression was more surprised, and their conversation had attracted the attention of other patients, "Well, that's a long story. Discord was involved, but he's out of the picture for now. I and a whole bunch of others were sent to another world, forced to forget just about everything, and only recently managed to find our way back. The other elements were here, but given the state of everything here... we decided to have most of them wait on the other side to come back when things are more established. It wouldn't make sense to have 10k ponies who don't remember how to be ponies all flood onto the land with no food or plan." Plein didn't look fully convinced, but wasn't about to press the matter, "Ah, I see." This was a surprise. Applejack was known to Plein, and she had apparently been thought dead? Well... They had been thrown out of this world right, so it kinda made sense, but it were a surprise that she were apparently famous enough to be remembered 25 years later. And elements... Maybe she meant her friends? Sorrow wasn't sure, but she assumed it were the other ponies who were more leading, like Applejack were. Maybe she should go and hear more stories about them at some point, because whilst she knew that Applejack and some of her friends were known in the area, she wasn't sure what this notion of elements were. Maybe some kind of group nickname? It didn't escape her what Plein's name were though. Not only her first name, but her last too. Easle. Something that had been written to her, from this mysterious I.E. that had apparently saved her in some fashion, when she turned pony again. She wanted to bring that up, but she needed to think of her friend first. And that meant the cloud city. "Plein? Is there any way that we can get the attention of the Æther? A signal or something? I know Nurse Redheart will try, but that place have to have more things they can do, and ways they can help her, right? Is there something you or we can do, that would maybe draw them in faster? Should I fly up there, perhaps?" It were a bit higher than she had done before, but she probably could. She just never had much of a need to fly that high before, but she had the grasp of flight. Like riding a bike, to a certain extend. Just that if you fell whilst flying, it'd hurt a lot more. Though they might have defenses, and shoot her down if she approached? Gaaah, there were so many unknowns here, but there had to be something she could do to help here. Anything else than just standing still, and hoping that things would get better. And who knew? If she could fly up there somehow safely, and get their attention, she might even be able to find Silver, whom she would currently assume were a relative of Plein's. Maybe her mother? ============================================================================ (Blitz) On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: "Dad, I can do this, and I can do it safely." Euclid sighed, his expression still stern, "I'm sorry, you're right. So long as Panic doesn't use mental magic you should be perfectly safe fighting distanced from your core, and with us to watch your core there shouldn't be any risk of it getting damaged while unprotected by your body." His expression grew a bit more serious, "None of you will say anything about this to my wife, understood?" "I swear that I won't breathe a word of it." It was fair, that he didn't want to worry his wife with hearing this, and Blitz would do like the others, and keep her in the dark. Just go through all of this, and pretend like nothing ever happened. Perhaps not the most honest, but she had learned over time, that sometimes, a lie were the kindest thing you could offer someone. A sentiment she could see fitting here, but right now, she'd much rather get focus on getting something done here, so that they could get this problem solved, and Plein returned safely to them. The more time they wasted, the worse things might get down there. On 2024-09-06 at 10:22 PM, Illiad Easle said: Assuming Blitz did as well, Euclid would sigh, "Let's get prepared then. Assuming our understanding of the situation is correct, that is Colonel Panic, or a copy of the same, an advanced artificial intelligence that often suffered from unparalleled focus on a goal. Given its apparent devotion to finding me, I imagine this is a drone of some sort, or a corrupted copy, and not the original. As it occupies the Silver Tower autonomous anomoly investigation unit, it has breached deep science security and may well be contaminated with anti-magic and/or some other substances from the facility. It could be carrying an anomalous artifact within itself, try not to get too close, and try not to let it unleash anything it might be carrying. Best strategy would be to attack from a distance, and from above. We've seen it has projectile weaponry, so while it won't be able to permanently injure you with its attacks there could be collateral damage, especially if it learns that it can't hurt you and tries to leverage hostages. If you get hit, it might be best to make it believable so you keep its attention." Power would then turn his attention to the things that Blitz had specified, "So, what can you tell me about these things? Given what my dad said, which do you think would be most useful to take with me? I don't think I'll be able to carry much weight when extended." "If you need to keep at range, you need a weapon. Take the gun, but make every shot counts. It's more intense than the regular rifles, but it comes at a cost of capacity right now. You'll get four shots, before it runs out of battery, and it'll be little more than a paperweight by then. There's a small sub-charge in it that is meant to help it be rechargeable, but if you're out of options, flip the safety switch, and fire once more. It'll give you a half energy shot, and then start to overheat. There's a chance of it going critical and exploding a few seconds after that starts. You will see that if the battery pack changes from red to purple. If it does, the heat won't be the issue, the explosion will. So toss it, and run." It wasn't ideal, and they were meant to try and improve it, but this is where they had gone to at this point. Lack of resources to work with, meant that these things just didn't have much of a priority, and as such, they had to just accept it, and work within limitations. She'd show him how to flip the switch, which were less a switch, and more a number of sensors that had to be activated precisely to do this, as this were not an option that were meant to actively be used. Quite frankly, it were only there, because there were a risk of it going critical due to excess, or volatile energy in the design originally, and this were a way to purge some overflow. It hadn't been seen as a priority to fix that, after they got past that, as it were more of a design change they had to work with, that could be solved as one of the last possible things when refined. Plus she liked the idea of an emergency explosive, in case of need, so she were arguing for a variation to stay in the final design, that were not easily triggered. For now, it might be helpful, though hopefully the shots themselves would be enough. And if he returned with it, and it hadn't exploded... Well, it would be harder to recharge, but they could do it. Though likely it'd just be repurposed and used for parts. It were cheaper if it got to that point, especially as the risks after the strain it would put on the gun, would only increase potential issues later on. "And take the med kit too. I know you're going down there to fight, but Plein is still down there, and she might be hurt. Take one shield too, they don't weigh a lot, but it might come in handy, in case there's a directional charge of some kind. Possibly of an anomalous nature." She would go over how the various things would work briefly, so that he knew what he were doing, before going on. "Euclid? Do you know if there is being more done, to address things down there? Might be that Panic is just an issue for them right now, but if he wants you, sooner or later he'll come up here, and the Æther isn't in the best shape it's ever been. Especially if it has some sort of anomalous object, we might end up in real trouble." =========================================================== (Archback) Another set of wings would flap towards the recreational area, and land softly upon the rocky surface. The sight of a filly joining in, after a little flight around to stretch her wings out, were not exactly something unusual, yet she liked to think that she stood out some, even if she didn't aim for that to be the case. Jelly were rather odd in some ways. Most thestrals were dark in coloration, including her father, yet she stood out brightly comparably. A result of her mother's blood, not being that of a bat pony in any capacity, which had given birth to a filly with all the characteristics of a bat pony, yet with none of the usual coloring. Jelly were in all regards more thestral than pony though. Even down to her being afflicted with something that tended to happen to thestrals at times: Light-sensitive eyes. Places like this, were the sun shone, that were an issue, as it would hurt her eyes to be in contact with the sun, but that were why she had these shades on. A nice pair, that had been bent a few times already in the middle, to widen them as she grew, but they still held well. Her mother had made these well, and it were one of the last gifts that she had given her beloved foal, before she had been taken from them. She missed her mother, but her dad were still there, and they helped each other make the dim days brighter. A harder working stallion you'd be hard pressed to find though, so sometimes, it could be a while between she saw him. But he made sure that she knew how to handle herself, if needed. He were giving her combat training, taking advantage of his many years as a guard previous to the war, to make sure she were prepared, if anything happened, as well as general survival and utility practise. Some said that he did all of this, because he were worried that he would some day not be there for her anymore either, and he wanted her to be able to handle herself, if it came to that, but she didn't care what they said. He was her dad, and she loved every moment they were able to spend together. When he wasn't there, she didn't have a lot to talk to. Not everyone liked those who were different, and others... Well, they didn't like Gary, and she would never cast him aside, for the sake of someone else she might be able to befriend. As if he were summoned by her thoughts, eight furry legs would poke out from her mane, before the somewhat large spider would poke his head out. Gary was part of the local wildlife. A race of spiders with a scientific name that no one ever used, as they were more popularly called Kiwi Spiders, due to their circular bodies, and notable fluff. Had been more than once, that one of them had been sitting in a fruit casket, and were confused for a kiwi for a time, until it started to move. Hence their nickname. His kin were venomous too, but not for anything larger than the lizards, rats, and other critters that they tended to hunt for food. You got bit by one of them, it would sting, and you'd get a swollen, itchy area around the bite for a few days, but that were about it, for greater races with better immune systems, such as equines, gryphons, etc. It were not much different from being stung by a mosquito, except a far lesser chance of some debilitating illness to be passed along to you. The abdomen of these spiders were short and stubby, as they didn't have web glands in their back, so combined with the fur, they looked rather round, but shave it all off, and you could still see the segment. But since they were wandering, jumping spiders, that part of them had evolved differently. They sacrificed webs and trickery, for the speed and physical power to chase down and hunt things bigger than simply insects, though he were perfectly happy munching on some of those too. Food were food after all. She had stumbled over a clutch of spider eggs a years or so ago, and been fascinated by them. he had hatched right in front of her, and instinctively thought that her hair were a secure place to hide, so he had scurried up there. She saw it as a sign, and kept him around, feeding him, keeping him safe, and generally just loving her arachnid friend. Some told her that their kind weren't capable of love, or caring for others, but they said the same thing about snakes, and she knew they could. Spiders just took more effort, and showed their affection in other ways, than like a cat, or owl would. He were getting big too, but he wasn't even a full adult yet. Fully grown, he could end up to be around the size of a volleyball, not including the legs, and hunt for some of the larger nuisance animals in the mountains. But it were more or less impossible to say if that would be the case right now. He still needed several more molds before he had reached enough maturity, to where you could differentiate which of the three variants of his kind he were: Kiwi, Ball, or Leggy. The naming convention wasn't impressive, but it decribed them well. The smaller ones, that stayed around his current size. The larger ones that he might be. or the leggy ones, which were essentially a middle ground, with larger, hairier legs, that were about the most unwanted. That being because they were by far the fastest, and ran across surfaces with enough speed to get their prey without much effort, and escape from predators the same way. The fact they were near impossible to capture and liked to hide in crates, waiting for a good prey target to come around, made them rather unliked, compared to the other two, who tended to be a bit more shy from wandering in sight. Edited September 13, 2024 by Blitz Boom 1 Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3 Link to character bioses: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illiad Easle 3,177 September 13, 2024 Author Share September 13, 2024 @Blitz Boom (Sorrow) On 2024-09-12 at 7:54 AM, Blitz Boom said: "We have to at least try to do what we can for her, until they come looking for them." Sorrow assumed that whatever place they came from, they had good medical teams that could do a lot more for her, but they needed to at the very least, keep her stable until then. Hopefully they wouldn't take long to send a rescue team. Plein didn't look optimistic, "I don't think anyone's coming." On 2024-09-12 at 7:54 AM, Blitz Boom said: "If we don't, I can ask around. I don't know what my blood type is, but someone here has to, and can maybe offer a blood transfusion, right?" It wouldn't be much probably, but there had to be something that they could do to help, and if she had to rush around, poking anyone in sight, and ask them about their blood type, she'd do that, if it had a chance of being helpful. It were hard to say if it did, but it were better than doing nothing, right? As for her not knowing her blood type, it had just never come up. She had never needed a transfusion, and she didn't much care for what her tests at the doctor said in the details, beyond if she were okay. A decision that were now starting to bite her in the a- Flank. Even if she had known her blood type, there was no guarantee that it was the same as a pony, or if her human blood type had any bearing on her pony blood type. This was a sentiment echoed by the rest of those present, as the few who did know what their human blood type was pointed out that it didn't match up with the blood types on the blood bags they had found in the ruins of the Ponyville General Hospital. Given the bags, there seemed to be a blood category per pony type (If E, U, and P meant Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus) and at least two types of blood per category. While the blood bags had a chart as to acceptable substitutions, that chart relied on knowing the parents types, which for the humans turned ponies meant many knew very little. As such, very few transfusions had been attempted so far. It was a moot point in any case, as, given Plein did know Delta's pony blood type, the nurse had no issue finding the right bag and setting up the transfusion while Plein talked with Applejack. On 2024-09-12 at 7:54 AM, Blitz Boom said: It didn't escape her what Plein's name were though. Not only her first name, but her last too. Easle. Something that had been written to her, from this mysterious I.E. that had apparently saved her in some fashion, when she turned pony again. She wanted to bring that up, but she needed to think of her friend first. And that meant the cloud city. "Plein? Is there any way that we can get the attention of the Æther? A signal or something? I know Nurse Redheart will try, but that place have to have more things they can do, and ways they can help her, right? Is there something you or we can do, that would maybe draw them in faster? Should I fly up there, perhaps?" Plein looked discouraged, "The Æther doesn't do rescue operations. Well, it hasn't so long as I can remember. I heard they did them before, but too often craft would get hijacked by spawn or loyalists, very rarely was anyone ever rescued. Things might be different when it stops though? Last I heard we were planning to settle near Whitetail Woods, is that near here? It might be safer to establish contact then with whoever they send to be the ground team." With regards to flying up there she shook her head, "As big as the Æther looks, it is bigger than you think. It is much higher than other cloud cities to keep it safer from the spawn. It would take you hours to get up there, and then you'd just get shot down." She sighed, "No, we'll just have to wait here and see what happens. Maybe things will have changed now that Discord's gone." Applejack looked like she wanted to comfort the mare, "Well, as thanks for trying to help you two are welcome to stay here as long as you need. Whitetail Woods isn't too far from here, so we'd be happy to help you get there once its safe." She took notice of the others eavesdropping on their conversation, and looked conflicted, "If it isn't too much of a bother, you two are the first ponies we've met that didn't come with us, that weren't loyal to Discord, or basically zombies. Do you think you could fill us in on what happened here?" Plein looked unsure, and a bit put on the spot, "I don't know how much I could help, I lived pretty much my whole life on the Æther. This is actually my first time in Equestria. But... I could try and answer some questions, maybe once Delta is more stable though?" Applejack nodded, "That's fair, I'll tell the others to give you some space in the mean time." Applejack would leave, the rest of those in the medical area slowly turning their attention back to whatever they were doing before. If Sorrow moved to leave Plein would reach out, "You can stay, if you want." (Blitz) On 2024-09-12 at 7:54 AM, Blitz Boom said: "And take the med kit too. I know you're going down there to fight, but Plein is still down there, and she might be hurt. Take one shield too, they don't weigh a lot, but it might come in handy, in case there's a directional charge of some kind. Possibly of an anomalous nature." Power nodded, "I won't be able to carry anything down, the stuff will have to be teleported down and then I'll have to project my body down there after them. It's a bit far to teleport..." Euclid nodded, "We'll be passing overhead soon, we can airdrop them down in a crate. If we act fast we can convince the council to consider it a goodwill donation to the ponies down there, send a small amount of spare food and supplies, and hide this stuff in the crate for you to collect when you arrive. That way we can also disguise your presence down there as a diplomatic mission rather than having to explain all this to the council." On 2024-09-12 at 7:54 AM, Blitz Boom said: "Euclid? Do you know if there is being more done, to address things down there? Might be that Panic is just an issue for them right now, but if he wants you, sooner or later he'll come up here, and the Æther isn't in the best shape it's ever been. Especially if it has some sort of anomalous object, we might end up in real trouble." He shook his head, "I'm just in charge of research, so that's not my department. I don't know if the council has any plans to interact. I think they intend to wait until we've established a settlement to make contact, but maybe you can convince them otherwise? Silver and I will get the crate ready to drop, pull a few strings, so all you'll have to do is get a member of the council to authorize it. You can even tell them it'll come out of the research budget since it's not like we need it right now anyway. It looks like we've got about an hour before the optimal drop time." (Archback) (I'd quote in your parts but I started writing this before you edited in, and I don't want to risk refreshing.) Living on the mountain, Jelly didn't face as much issues with being different as she might have living in the zebra city or the thestral village, there were plenty of bat ponies of various purities around, though she was the only one in her class. It was safe to say that, although she might not believe it, most of the students stayed away from her because of Gary, and not because of her type. One of the class members that especially looked down on her was Janet, but she looked down on everyone in her class. One of the members that didn't seem to mind her presence was Spectral, but he was so often engrossed in a book he might simply have not noticed when she was nearby. Both of them were present in the outdoor activities area with the rest of her class, enjoying the day off while the adults, including her father, tried to figure out what they should do now that the wall of mountains was gone. 1 Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic! I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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