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Pony Facts/Confessions: Rainbow Dash


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There might be a bit of confusion about what i meant with a losing streak. I'm talking about a situation where you lose a lot in a short time.


The down feeling you get is from losing your "flow". It's a momentary hindrance that will go away if you let it. Low self-esteem is a much bigger issue than losing your peak performance from a losing streak. Sure it's something that can develop into something worse, or it might not.The feeling that you failed does not automatically mean that you see yourself as a loser. People with low self-esteem might see themselves as losers.


There are other ways to cope with losing and failing. When i lose a competition i don't normally feel bad afterwards. There has to be consequences that i really don't want to see happening that might make me feel bad about losing. Losing the competition itself isn't enough to put me down. A long term losing streak on the other hand just tells me that something about my "game" is not right. That makes me seek out the problem and see if i can do anything about it.



Back to Rainbow Dash


Now that i think back Rainbow Does actually does show more of traits needing to put appearances. I was too caught up in that one episode to really think or remember some of the others. I'm still not completely convinced that the problem runs that deep.


She also shows many traits that are uncommon for a person with huge self-esteem issues. She has an overall happy and energetic attitude. Athleticism and sports are really up there in helping you build up that self-confidence.


Now stress really magnifies our personality.

What normally doesn't seem to be much of a bother to Rainbow becomes a huge issue when under stress. That is also apparent in the daring do episode. Where the fear of being found out becomes stressful and feeds her "bad traits"


That's how we see her, but we usually only see her in social situations and while she's out and about.


At her first appearance in the series apart from the opening 2-parter, she slept almost all day (why she didn't help AJ with work while Twi did) 3:03. Then, pretty much the same thing again in "May the Best Pet Win" - it looked like it was already about mid-day, and who knows how much longer she'd have slept if the pet's hadn't shown up?

Again, in the Cutie Pox at 11:42.


She's energetic when excited or in social situations, but aside from that, she spends a lot of time sleeping or otherwise lazing around.

Check our Kyronea's full character/psychological anaylsis.


In my opinion, it doesn't hurt her character at all. It makes her all the more lovable, and it makes her competitiveness more understandable - she goes beyond just being competitive, with how outspoken she is when she succeeds, like in "Mare Do Well" or "Fall Weather Friends". Applejack just got competitive - she didn't feel bad when she lost, and as she said: "It's all in good fun". So she's probably more the athlete you're talking about.


But Rainbow Dash got nervous before something as small as that little run, why should she care so much about it? It's just for fun, right? Well apparently to her, it really matters that she wins. At the start of the same episode, she loses a horseshoe toss to Applejack, "I hate losing" she sulks - and then when teased a little by Applejack, she must prove herself as the superior athlete, so she challenges AJ to an "Iron Pony Competition!" - all because she lost a little horseshoe toss. Why does she care so much?



I mean, truth is, the only canon is what we see, that's just how I interpret it, but to me that explanation makes the most sense.

Edited by EASA - Matt

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


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That's how we see her, but we usually only see her in social situations and while she's out and about.


At her first appearance in the series apart from the opening 2-parter, she slept almost all day (why she didn't help AJ with work while Twi did) 3:03. Then, pretty much the same thing again in "May the Best Pet Win" - it looked like it was already about mid-day, and who knows how much longer she'd have slept if the pet's hadn't shown up?

Again, in the Cutie Pox at 11:42.


She's energetic when excited or in social situations, but aside from that, she spends a lot of time sleeping or otherwise lazing around.

Check our Kyronea's full character/psychological anaylsis.


In my opinion, it doesn't hurt her character at all. It makes her all the more lovable, and it makes her competitiveness more understandable - she goes beyond just being competitive, with how outspoken she is when she succeeds, like in "Mare Do Well" or "Fall Weather Friends". Applejack just got competitive - she didn't feel bad when she lost, and as she said: "It's all in good fun". So she's probably more the athlete you're talking about.


But Rainbow Dash got nervous before something as small as that little run, why should she care so much about it? It's just for fun, right? Well apparently to her, it really matters that she wins. At the start of the same episode, she loses a horseshoe toss to Applejack, "I hate losing" she sulks - and then when teased a little by Applejack, she must prove herself as the superior athlete, so she challenges AJ to an "Iron Pony Competition!" - all because she lost a little horseshoe toss. Why does she care so much?



I mean, truth is, the only canon is what we see, that's just how I interpret it, but to me that explanation makes the most sense.


That's how we see her, but we usually only see her in social situations and while she's out and about.


At her first appearance in the series apart from the opening 2-parter, she slept almost all day (why she didn't help AJ with work while Twi did) 3:03. Then, pretty much the same thing again in "May the Best Pet Win" - it looked like it was already about mid-day, and who knows how much longer she'd have slept if the pet's hadn't shown up?

Again, in the Cutie Pox at 11:42.


She's energetic when excited or in social situations, but aside from that, she spends a lot of time sleeping or otherwise lazing around.

Check our Kyronea's full character/psychological anaylsis.


In my opinion, it doesn't hurt her character at all. It makes her all the more lovable, and it makes her competitiveness more understandable - she goes beyond just being competitive, with how outspoken she is when she succeeds, like in "Mare Do Well" or "Fall Weather Friends". Applejack just got competitive - she didn't feel bad when she lost, and as she said: "It's all in good fun". So she's probably more the athlete you're talking about.


But Rainbow Dash got nervous before something as small as that little run, why should she care so much about it? It's just for fun, right? Well apparently to her, it really matters that she wins. At the start of the same episode, she loses a horseshoe toss to Applejack, "I hate losing" she sulks - and then when teased a little by Applejack, she must prove herself as the superior athlete, so she challenges AJ to an "Iron Pony Competition!" - all because she lost a little horseshoe toss. Why does she care so much?



I mean, truth is, the only canon is what we see, that's just how I interpret it, but to me that explanation makes the most sense.


I really liked that analysis Kyronea didn't overdo it or didn't make too far out there assumptions. I liked how Kyronea kept her assumptions close to canon. That analysis is pretty much the exact opposite from you theory. It implies(even says it at one point) that Rainbow Dash has a really strong personality. That analysis isn't even close to hinting that she has some serious self-esteem issues. Even the The laziness and sleeping is credit for her free spirited nature. Basically she's just doing what she wants.


You noticed how she sleeps all the time, but did you also notice that she trains her flying skills a lot too. If that's not being energetic outside of social situations then i don't know what is.


Rainbow dash doesn't seem to like to do any uncool or boring stuff and would much rather sleep than do chores. She's very lazy about her weather job when Twilight first meets her and she didn't want to help applejack either in ticket episode, because it would have just been helping out with the chores. When not training, there wasn't much for her to do in her lone time before she started reading she she just slept.


I'm not sure if i said it before, but there are different reasons why people are competitive. Dash is very free spirited and happy overall in the show. Pretty much everything else she does in the show doesn't fit a person with low self-esteem.

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One of these days when I'm not lazy, I'll make topics like this for the other five characters. In the meantime:


*directs Dashie dislikers to signature, gives Pinkamena smile*


Hmmm, let's see what else. Hmmmm. I thought Rainbow might have possibly been the youngest or one of the younger ponies in the beginning, on account of her having the most voice cracks, pointing to earlier teen ages. Not to say that theory is totally out the window now or anything, but in the start I was convinced.


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I really liked that analysis Kyronea didn't overdo it or didn't make too far out there assumptions. I liked how Kyronea kept her assumptions close to canon. That analysis is pretty much the exact opposite from you theory. It implies(even says it at one point) that Rainbow Dash has a really strong personality. That analysis isn't even close to hinting that she has some serious self-esteem issues. Even the The laziness and sleeping is credit for her free spirited nature. Basically she's just doing what she wants.


You noticed how she sleeps all the time, but did you also notice that she trains her flying skills a lot too. If that's not being energetic outside of social situations then i don't know what is.


Rainbow dash doesn't seem to like to do any uncool or boring stuff and would much rather sleep than do chores. She's very lazy about her weather job when Twilight first meets her and she didn't want to help applejack either in ticket episode, because it would have just been helping out with the chores. When not training, there wasn't much for her to do in her lone time before she started reading she she just slept.


I'm not sure if i said it before, but there are different reasons why people are competitive. Dash is very free spirited and happy overall in the show. Pretty much everything else she does in the show doesn't fit a person with low self-esteem.


Took me reading the entire thing before I realized I was actually thinking about Pencil's analysis.

Linky link:



While I don't fully agree with the lack of personal ambition part, and that the WB's weren't her own dream, I find that she's way too egotistical for it to be a natural ego. It's so overstated it looks more like compensation, to my eyes. Compensation for what? For her own views of herself. Hence the enormous amounts of anxiety before any performance; she does more than give it 110%, she invests herself in her performance.


Hmm... I'll be taking a 3 credit-hour psychology class on "personal interaction and development from biological and environmental influences through the lifespan" this upcoming semester. Way excited! 200-level course. I won't be an expert, sure, but it'll be a great load of info to have for analyzing these characters :D lol.


I want to see a professional psychiatrist's analysis of the characters :P

(Though from what I've heard and seen they're often rather biased)

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Many consider Rainbow to be the not-always-so-nice, arrogant, brash, always braggign and hates losign a bit too much.


But because I share all of those traits and see them as positive (due to very overswollen ego), I like her the best.

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I find her flaws to make her almost unlikeable, (I can never stand the self absorbed, look-at-how-cool-am types), however, she has a few likable traits such as loyalty, bravery, and the respectable don't-take-no-shit-from-anyone trait, and overall, I find she's very interesting. She's not my least favorite only because I find Applejack to be devoid of any interesting traits despite the fact that she's extremely likable. Oddly, I thought RD was my second favorite for a day or two until I watched some episodes with her in it and found her unlikeable traits to be too glaring for her to be my second fav, but I still think she's a great, well written character, and can easily see why someone would favor her the most. They don't have to be that likeable to be interesting.


Oh, and she happens to have my favorite coloration of all the mane 6. I also sometimes find her tomboyish personality, voice and appearance makes her seem like an actual male pony at times.


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Why all this Rainbow dash hate?? How could anyone hate any of the ponies. I love them all!


When I said she was my least favorite, yeah she sorta is, but I love them all so much that even my least favorite, RD, I love :wub:

I mean....just this face: :wub: HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS FACE!?


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Rainbow honestly does come off in both voice and appearance as a boy to me, still, to this day. Like, I know she's a girl obviously, but I could still see her as being a boy.


I sometimes feel this way, there are times when some small part of me thinks she's a boy even though I know she's a girl.

  • Brohoof 1


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I sometimes feel this way, there are times when some small part of me thinks she's a boy even though I know she's a girl.


It just shows how well she's written as a tomboy ^^ I love it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Confession: I hate and love rainbowdash. I hate her because she reminds me of my ex I love her character because.i still love my ex

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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She's really well written, and yea, I dislike some of her traits. (btw I'm just at 12 ep at this time, so my point of view may be different from your's). But I still like her most of the mane 6, probably because she also looks briliant. While I'm irl more of the opposite of RD, I still like her, because she's so... capable. Yea that's the word. She is a bit too show-off, but she has things to show off.


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