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My Little Pony: Wolves VS Ponies! Text Based Role Play Game


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(you're actually making the runes? Awesome :D)


was left gasping after the rune was burnt into her skin. She looked down at her side. A rune was burnt into her skin, and she could feel it's power. She looked at the rune book and willed it to throw itself into the air. Tue book leapt up and hit the ceiling. Evilshy laughed triumphantly. She used her mind to catch it before it fell, and then made it slowly rotate as the pages began to turn themselves. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion hit her and she fell over, dizzy.


"woah... Exhaustion. Right." she shook her head a bit to clear it and slowly stood up. "I need to rest... How do you get down to the normal floors from here? I don't trust myself to fly right now."

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(As I need to show them/when I'm bored. Yep.)


Paradox chuckled. "Don't let it get to your head. I did. Bad idea. I actually have no idea how to normally get down. But, I can help you out." He disintegrated the floor, revealing the hallway of the 7th floor. He then levitated Evilshy up and through the hole. He gave her the rune book as well. "I've got another copy of it up here. Keep that one, if you find another rune you want, give me a call. No matter where you are, I'll most likely hear you." He reintegrated the floor and trotted over to the window. He looked out towards the forest, heard the wolves howl, and sighed. "Will she really be okay with the rune?"


(Skip to night. Around 11 PM.)


Garth had finished helping Autumn for the day and went towards the shed to wait for the meeting that night.

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Nix had been checking schedules and familiarizing herself with the school. She walked up to the girls dorm, where she ran into evilshy, who was walking slowly to her room.


"you!" nix exclaimed

Tired as she was, evilshy managed a derisive smile. "me." she kept walking past nix. "by the way, paradox likes to move around a lot during the day, but I think he sleeps down in the boys dorm. Not sure which room, though."

Nix looked at her flatly, hiding her excitement. "why should I trust you, skank?"

Evilshy laughed quietly. "skank, huh? You're the one who wants to throw yourself at him. Good luck with that. 'night." and with that, she walked into her room and closed the door without giving nix a chance to respond. Evilshy flopped down on her bed and fell asleep within minutes.




As soon as evilshy had shut her door, nix hurried down to the boys dorm and knocked on the first door. There was no answer. When she tried a few other random doors and got no answers, she decided to sit down and wait for somepony to walk by. you always were an elusive one, paradox. Did you know I was looking for you?

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(Evilshy never did tell Paradox how Nix looked.)


Paradox flew out of his window as the moon kept rising and angled down towards the 5th floor (boy's dorms). He distorted a wall as he passed and landed in the hallway. He saw a dark purple unicorn mare waiting for something. He shrugged and threw open a random door and walked inside. He found himself in a room with a bunch of wood and got out. Either in use or not my type. He opened another, this time the room was empty, and closed the door behind him. His furniture transported themselves from the 8th floor down to his new room, all except for the objects related to runes.

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Type of Pony: Pegasus

Name: Rainy


Looks/description: light gray body black mane and dark eyes

Age of Pony:15

Gender: Female

Cutie Mark(if has one): Rainy cloud

Hobbies/Likes: Reading, writing poems, anything that involves literature.

Dislikes: hmm, going to think about it, later...

Preferred Dorm: Girls dorm.

Favorite subject: Reading, or Language arts.

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(Apparently, reading is a very common hobby at this school. I guess that says something about us.)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Nix heard the sound of doors and hooves down the hall. She figured she might as we go see who it was, and possibly ask them about paradox. As she turned to walk down the hall, she saw a dark colored pony walk into a room and close the door. could that be... she thought, and walked a bit faster. When she got a ways down the hall, she paused. wait... I know this feeling... Her horn glowed slightly, and she smiled. Chaos is in the air. she looked at the door in front of her. This had to be where paradox was. She reached out to the open the door, but then stopped. No, I can't just barge in on him. He's too important, I have to make a good impression. But... but I have to see him... she breathed heavily, her hoof shaking as she battled with herself. No! This is not the time or the place! But I have to know if it's really him! I have to remember why I'm here, to use paradox to free discord! But I could never use him like that! she continued to argue with herself for about a minute before slowly lowering her hoof. She sighed. Im not sure I can do this... she thought, and ran back towards the stairs.



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(Good question. Freemane has to hit this Nix senseless already. She really does want to free Discord.)

[Nix's going up the stairs to the girl's dorms I'm guessing.]


Paradox looked at his door as he heard hooves stop outside his door and then go back. Who was that? He opened his door and saw a dark purple mare rushing up the stairs. What's with her? He left the room and headed off towards the stairs, intent on figuring out what's going on higher in the building that's making her rush there. He climbed up to the girl's dorms.

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(Sorry guys, I have ridiculous amounts of homework today and tomorrow (my birthday, no less.) and probably won't be able to post until Tuesday.)


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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(Sorry guys, I have ridiculous amounts of homework today and tomorrow (my birthday, no less.) and probably won't be able to post until Tuesday.)


(ah, I think we've all been there. Its cool.)



Nix had gone into the first empty room she found. She started unpacking her things to occupy her mind. Finally, she tacked up a few pictures of paradox by her bed. It's because I'm searching for him,

she told herself. She had to keep her mind on her job. Find paradox, and either convince him to free discord, or find a way to force or trick him into doing it. But it feels wrong to force him into anything, she had told her cult master. isn't he discords chosen? the master had replied that chosen or not, discord must be freed, whether paradox wanted to do it or not. He may not want to do it. The chosen are often chosen against their will. But he cannot run from his destiny. He will free discord somehow, and you're going to make sure it happens. That was the last time nix had spoken to her master. There were strict rules regarding missions and who you were allowed to contact. She sighed. What am I going to do?


(Evilshy is still asleep, btw. I think I'll wait to wake her up till in game morning. Epic sleep time.)

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(Sorry guys, I have ridiculous amounts of homework today and tomorrow (my birthday, no less.) and probably won't be able to post until Tuesday.)


(Don't worry about it.)


Paradox reached the girls' dorms, lost Nix, and decided to speed this up. He distorted holes in the floors above him and levitated himself up. He reached the top of the building and stood on the roof. "I don't get it. Did nothing happen? Where was she rushing to?" He laid back on the stone and closed his eyes, content to rest for a bit.


Garth lied down in the shed, the time of day still a bit off from midnight. He went to sleep to wait for Shy and Freemane.


(I did make it go back in time slightly. Bite me.)

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Freemane once agin entered the shed to meet with the assembled ponies.

"Well, it seems I'm late again. Sorry to keep everypony waiting. Now, I think it's time that we finally had a talk. Things are starting to get interesting around here."


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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In the interests of moving this along, your meeting is being interrupted by a RANDOM WOLF ATTACK.



The alarms went off, waking Evilshy from her deep sleep. celestia give me patience, she thought as she climbed out of bed to see what was going on. feeling better, but not fully recuperated, she decided to fly along the high ceilings to stay out of everyponies way. It seemed that 6 or 7 wolves had broken a window and were trying to scramble through it. The first made it through and was hit by a flying chair. Evilshy looked around quickly to see Nix standing in the doorway, horn glowing, face set in a defian smile, and severl more chairs hovering around her.


"bring it, idiots." she said "I bet i could take all of you at once."


The wolves began to snarl as the 2 strongest began tearing at the wall, making a larger opening and allowing them to get through easily. The first 2 wolves were hit in the face with flying chairs, but the other 5 were ready and doged them. They scattered throughout the room, but the last one in gave a loud howl before sprinting towards nix.


Nix quickly levitated a small table and put it between her and the charging wolf to block him. She noticed evilshy hovering near the cieling.


"that was a signal howl! I think he was calling for reinforcements!" she yelled to evilshy "go get help, I can't fight them all when they're spread out like this!"


Evilshy smiled faintly. "yes, I know it was a signal. More wolves probably are coming. But I think i just might wait for you to be mauled before getting help." she laughed as nix narrowly dodged a wolf's bite that would have taken an ear off. "you're not the nicest pony I've ever met. I don't think I'd mind at all if you were severly injured, or even killed."


Evilshy began to slowly fly away from the battle. Have fun with that, bitch.



(I don't really want to kill nix yet, so if there was some help forthcoming, that would be cool. She'll definitely be injured quite a lot. Also, these are fodder wolves, feel free to kill them. The reinforcements are about 10 extra wolves coming in through the same opening. They're not very intelligent wolves.)

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(This is a perfect time for Nix to meet Paradox :D)


Paradox watched the wolves enter. I told them to wait damn it. He heard the signal and saw another ten wolves incoming. You don't heed my advice; I'll turn my back on you. He levitated himself down to the first floor, catching sight of Evilshy fly away. She's not going to help? He reached the ground just as the ten wolves met up with him.

"Parado-" The wolf started to speak before being launched backwards by Paradox.

Another wolf tried to speak, "What are you-" Paradox threw him back to the forest as well. The other eight tried to jump him, but he put as shield around him and expanded it to shoot them all back from whence they came. A scream came from inside the building. So a pony actually is fighting them? Paradox entered the building through the wall and saw Nix. So this is where she went? He grabbed two of the wolves and threw them against the floor.


Garth turned to look at Freemane, thinking the howls came from the forest. "It seems that Shy isn't here yet."

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