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private Soul Eater


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"Me and breech are alright. You aren't. You got pissed and then you went insane and started acting like an animal. We had to knock you out." "We need to get you a weapon.Shizu hasn't Been here lately. and you cant keep going into fights yourself. Every time where in a fight, you end up in the hospital."


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth grunted "Yeah I guess" he sat up he winced in pain he looked at his wound "What happened?" he forgot about burning the wound shut "Well are on our why to the academy?" he sat back down "Dang it what did it do"

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"Lady Medusa what did that kid do to him?" Medusa looked over Keshamaru. "The flames Seth used burned then entire left side of his body. The tissue is damaged and the wound is serious. It will require strong medication but I will have him back to his normal self in no time" she said. She used a snake to pick him up. "He wont be deformed or anything? Just regular him?" Sula asked in a panicy tone.

"No dear. I will have him looking like himself in no time. I have to revitalize the flesh in fact the snakes inside him could make him look normal. My medicine will work on a cellular level rejuvinating cells in his body in order to bring him back to full health." She said surveying the damage. "Yes it will be easier than I thought. He is a very strong boy to survive such an attack." She spoke softly absorbed in her work. Erica smiled. "Dont worry Sula! In the mean time come on. Those filthy students made a mess of the house." She and Sula worked using magic and Frees eye to repair the damage.

Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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(OOC, Tobi, Seth. We're at the academy already, that's where Tobi and I had the roast, in the hospital wing. We had to retreat, and we got Seth and ourselves to the Academy, lets just pretend they gave us all the same room with different beds so we dont have to go back but We're already there)

"Hey, hey, slow down Tobi, first off, Medusa isn't trying to become a Kishen, she was devouring innocent souls for their power. Second, Black Star didn't defeat the Kishen, Maka did, and she told everyone how she did it. You didn't hear about that? She beat him by causing his powers to implode or something by not being afraid of him, Asura was a demigod trying to destroy the DWMA, had beat Lord Death in a fight, and was spreading maddness across the world, he couldn't make sense of Maka's bravery and it caused his power to become unstable because of his fear. Besides, do you really think Black Star would train us to fight it when he could go enjoy fighting it himself? Then Keshamaru and Sula would be killed, and I still don't really believe they'd betray us like that, Medusa is holding something against them to make them obey her. And we're not running. the first time, she ambushed us after we fought a dozen kishen eggs, this time, we planned on our friends being with us to help bust them out, we didn't account for them being on her side. We aren't running, we've just had a few set backs, of course, we've had a few bonuses too. I'm looking forward to testing out that new sword glove of mine. Yeah, she's beat us a few times, but we're gonna let that happen again! Agreed?" Breech encouraged his partner, he knew Medusa was powerful, but he also knew, she'd been beaten several times before, she was not invincible and they were going to defeat her.

Then hearing Seth wake up and ask about his new surroundings, Breech filled him in on the battle, about how Seth got boiling with rage angry and turned into some kind of animal, and about how Tobi and Breech, had to quickly stun everyone in order to restrain Seth's body, and barely escape Medusa's attacks. "Seth, what was that thing? It said it was the beast that lives within you? What does that mean?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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"The beast in side me?" he didn't know what breech was talking about "I don't know what that means" he lay down in his bed "I just don't know... Do you now breech?" he hoped he did that tiger had told him he could help him

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"Alright. I dont know why they make us sit in here after a battle. Me and breech are fine. I just got stabbed by a purple and black arrow and slammed into a wall. I'm okay. Breech dosent have a single scratch. So we can get training right now, and seth, when yer feeling better, you could train with us." He layed back in the hospital bed and sighed. "So breech, lemme know when yer ready. We could train against eachother. YOu need to know how to use my Black Lightning and attack with yer wavelength. That way if I ever fall in battle, you could get me outta there and take them out aswell. You would have a serious advantage against ceartain opponents having the ability to make part of you a weapon and use yer wavelength" He really wanted to take out the Bitch Medusa. (The witch medusa, Bitch Medusa? Hehehehehe


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Breech gave Seth a stare that just seemed to ask, "seriously?" "If I knew what that meant I wouldn't be asking you what it means. Look whatever it is, try to be careful, you really seemed like you wanted to rip apart everyone in the room and I wouldn't trust something like that too easily..." then getting up and following Tobi, "I agree, I'd like to learn how to use that lightning, but maybe we should practice with that new Resonance form first, just to learn how to bring it out as easily as we do Hammerfist." Then adding with his joking smirk, "What do you mean, 'certain oppenents?' If I could use my soul wave length and my weapon forms, any oppenent able to get over how unheard of that is, wouldn't be able to survive for long. Although that ability is something nobody but you has, I doubt I'll be able to use it myself..."

(OOC, seriously Dusk Blade, me being able to do that would be the defintion of Over Powered, we're pushing it as is, let's not go any further with new abilities. Unless everyone else is ok with it, I'll take it if I can, but does anyone have an objection to Breech being able to use that Black Lighting?)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Leo walked tbe streets of the city without no purpose at all to do it since he couldnt train anymore without hurting his abilities so he found a nice little place to sit and meditate on and to prepare for upcoming battles (OOC, its fine if you learn it just a lesser version and well can somebody start paying attention and talk to me in rp your mysterious weapon Leo)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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(OOC, yeah that sounds fair, and we haven't talked to you because whoever your character is he hasn't been aroun the rest of the OCs, Tobi and Breech will be training in the park, lets just say that's where your meditating and Breech'll greet you there)

Tobi was hungry, he'd enjoyed the Roast but the last meal he'd eaten was the Pizza he shared with Breech. Breech hadn't eaten anything since then either but he did have 6 Kishen eggs before that so he didn't feel like eating. Tobi went to get a burger or something so Breech went to the park to wait for him there. "Maybe I could use my blade form to mimic his lightning, it was able to amplify it so maybe it could do something similar..." Breech thought. Focusing on how he'd felt Tobi use it before, Breech tried to summon a small charge, just some static around his fingers, and ended up shooting a weak bolt, magnetically pulled into the metal frame of a bench nearby. He looked and saw somebody sitting on the wooden part of the bench, he didn't seem to get hit by the bolt but he was still wide eyed and frozen, "Sorry about that. I'm trying to learn how my meister shoots a lightning bolt ability of his, I wasn't trying to hit you with it," he called clearly embarresed by his mistake. Seeing the person calm down a bit, realizing he wasn't being attacked, breech continued "I'm Breech, whats your name?"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(Rolle has a good Idea. A lesser version.) "Alright. Well lets do a mission and try to resonate to the new weapon. How about an A rank mission, so that way we have a struggle and a reason to use it?" He walked up to the misson board. "Okay, so........Heres one. 3 powerful kishin. And one witch? Wow. Well, how about that one? (Okay. IM back and where nommin on teh burgers and we got the mission pending. I typed that when you where typing yers.) He got back, He got himself a bacon 1/2 pound cheeseburger, and he got Breech a regular Double CHeese to be an asshole. "Hehehehehhe. Well, lets eat, train, and then we will go kill the Kishin and Witch." (Flip the posts around. I'm derpin >_>) Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Sula swung a kick at Erica and got hit with a small tadpole bomb from behind. "No. Your improving but like I said you have to raise that speed." She looked over Keshamaru was in the room his arm bandaged. Erica also noticed that the yellow arrows on their clothes were glowing very bright. "I wonder what thats all about?" In her hesitation Sula caught the witch with a kick to the stomach. "I did it I kicked your a-!" Erica made a bomb fly in Sulas direction. It hit the ground and sent the weapon sprawling back. "Early celebration... Gets em every time!" Free said laughing.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth lay in his bed "The beast inside me?" he thoght of the tiger as he fell asleep and once more he was in that dark room with tiger "Oh good your back!" it said happy "How can you help me?" it laughed "You see when ou first fought medusa she put a snake in you she can use this anytime to kill you but I maybe can get it out at a price..." it smiled an evil smile Seth looked at it "Do it...."

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(OOC to GreenWind, Seth... dont you know anything about dealing with inner demon creatures... trusting it too much didn't help Soul with the devil midget inside of him.)

(OOC to rolle, I'll give you a chance to join Tobi and Breech on a mission later that day. There'll be enough time for Leo to get some rest and heal up before fighting again so you'd be at about full health.)

The guy in the park told Breech his name was Leo. Breech asked if he'd join Tobi and himself on a mission later, he said he might if he was feeling more rested, that he'd been training himself already today.

Breech let Tobi enjoy his burger then went up to the counter and ordered himself a burger like Tobi's, when he got back he tossed Tobi his wallet back. "Don't you ever learn?" Breech asked, everytime Tobi tried something like that, Breech either stole his food or his wallet and ended up being the winner. "I mean, one would think you would've caught on by now... I guess one would be wrong," Breech said enjoying his burger out of range for Tobi to do anything. Later when they checked the mission board, Breech agreed with his meister, "Evolve or die, huh? That's not a bad idea, especially considering I managaed to get a bolt of Black Lightning today. It was weak, but considering I've never tried it before and it's your ability in the first place I think even a weak bolt is pretty good. Plus that blade form seems connected to your lightning I was able to manipulate it into a shell and shoot a few bolts to blow a hole in Medusa's roof, so maybe thats a good sign."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(OOC: I know that it's just Seth as seen before isn't the smartest and the tiger isn't really a demon) as Seth slept a pain came over him he turned and crinched in his sleep he yelled in his sleep the tiger had started to try to remove the snake

Edited by GreenWind
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"Alright. I thought that you where just manipulating my lightning that I summoned up. So, lets get training." They headed to the park to start training after they checked the mission. "Alright. So, you know how to use yer wavelength as a hit right? Just focus yer wavelength into wherever you wanna hit someone with it." He snickered at the last part. What he said could;ve been taken pervertedly. "Then release it on contact. Once yer better at it, you can do ceartain things. like stein can attack yer nervous system." "I wanna know how to do that!" He mumbled. "Or I can mix it with a spark and electricute you. Like so:" He rushed up to him, kicked breech in the gut and hit him with his wavelength. "Now, you just hit me with your wavelength."


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Medusas eyes widened. "I knew it. Whatever is inside that boy is attacking the snake..." She thought just then Keshamaru walked in.

"M'lady is something the matter?" He asked Medusa smiled. "What would make you think that?" She asked. Keshamaru sat down.

"I read emotions and reactions like one would read a book. I can tell something happened you didnt expect." He looked out the window.

"The snake inside Seth. Its being removed." Medusa cringed. "And now I suppose you will leave? Back to your precious DWMA. Why would you stay around here?" Keshamaru walked to the window sill. "Of course I will be staying. You already knew that." He pulled off his coat Medusa gave him. "The arrows get brighter the more loyal I become. Both mine and Sulas glow brightly. We feel in order for us to reach maximum potential you and the others will have to help us." He put it back on. "I am forever in your service." Medusa smiled.

"Smart boy. You have more uses than I had orginally thought..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth awoke in a hurry he was breathing heavily and sweat drenched his forhead "Is it gone?" he asked him self he got out of bed and went to look for Shizu (OOC Gizmo said I could RP as

Shizu since school is keeping him bussy :3) the first place he looked was the library and sure enough she was there "Hey" he said as he say next to her "Fianlly better I see" she joked

Edited by GreenWind
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(OOC, SolarWind, I hope you know what that means, Breech and Tobi are OCs completely focused on offensive power, if it becomes an actual deathmatch, Breech'll have a much smarter bet than last time...)

"I did, but still, that's not a common thing to do, it's still your power, the fact that I could control it is actually pretty cool."

When they got to the park to train, Breech didn't even bother trying to dodge the kick, it hurt a little, but he'd felt the electricity often enough as it passed through his claw form, he didn't even have to catch his breath before getting back up, "I know what a direct soul wavelength attack feels like, I've had yours pass through me as a claw enough times," Breech got in a stance, was about to attempt it, then paused as thought crossed his mind. "Hold on a sec," he said, before turning his entire left arm into chain and looped it around his waist, "I don't want to end up summoning a blade right before I hit you," he said with a serious smile. He got back in his preperation stance and charged at Tobi with his right fist, focusing on his Soul Wavelength, gathering his energy he punched Tobi in the gut, releasing the energy he'd built up as close as he could to on contact. He managed a hit, it was a feeble attempt but he could sense a tiny dent in the sphere of his partner's soul. Tobi responded by kicking him again, after a few rounds goin back and forth, Breech reformed his left arm, feeling confident in how he was doing this and his ability to control his transformations. After an hour or so, Breech was able to keep his footing after Tobi's attacks and even managed to form a few spheres the size of golf balls when he hit. "Ok, I think we should stop for today, we've still got those Kishen to deal with remember? I think we should ask Seth. He is partnered with Shizu and I heard she's back from something, not sure where she went, but with a weapon Seth will probably be alot stronger than usual. I mean we could try it solo, but I'll let it be your call."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Leo still meditated on the bench he could also hear what they said but he ignored them and just continued to meditate on the bench for him to get calm so he could use Wavelength block as a sheild since the kishins damaged him pretty bad. ((OOC to Breech errrrrr i would be an offensive too but with little defense and i would sure win against Tobi and you couse he have a bit amount of kishin souls i would say 52 since hes been killing them a long time i just did the scene to see how he could fight them alone and for people to understand how many he had but i was to lazy again.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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After Seth talked to Shizu for awhile and said his goodbye he headed out to downtown "Wonder if they have my ice cream?" he thought as he looked for an icecream store "Not many places have my favorite."

Edited by GreenWind
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"Alright." He said. "Lets get going." They went to the spot where the Kishin and the weak witch are hiding. Once then found them, Breech went Gauntlet. "I'll hit them with some lightning to surprise them, then we'll go right in there. Alright?" He told breech. When breech agreed, He started the plan. He shot lightning to start the fight. (OOC. SOmeone be the Kishin//Plural and the witch pl0x)


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(OOC to rolle, I wasn't talking about Breech fighting you, I was talking about Keshamaru and Sula. Btw, you were just complaining that nobody was talking to your OC, ignoring Breech completely isn't going to make him eager to talk to you again...)

(OOC to Dusk Blade, I'll direct the Kishen for now and you just have Breech change forms as you need him to, but I'm hoping somebody else will take over for me and I'll be able to control him again.)

The Witch looked up to see the Meister attacking one of her children with a lighning bolt, "Oh, my. Looks like we wont have to go anywhere for dinner after all. Kill them and bring me their souls, Life Sheild!" she shouted, a sickly green aura formed around the three kishen, each one sending hundreds of threadlike cords back to an aura around the witch herself, "I hope my triplets aren't hurting you, they tend to be very protcetive of their mommy, Muehehehehehehehe!" the anicient hag laughed, filling them room with a blood curdeling shriek.

(OOC, The Witch is sitting on a throne in the back of the large dining room you're in, she isn't casting any visible magic and she seems very relaxed, clearly doubting herself to be in any danger. The aura clearly flows something from the kishen back to the witch, I'm not going to say what it is for now, I'll let you know if it becomes relavent, but Dusk Blade, if you attack the witch directly, don't say what effect it has, just say you attacked her and I'll let you know what happens from there.)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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He ran up to a kishin and kicked it in the face. "Wavelength kick!" The kishin flew into a wall unconcious atm. Ha ran up and sliced another across the chest. "Looks like yer triplets atent that strong! Be ready, ya hag. I'm coming for you soon!" He yelled, clearly confident. He kicked the kishin he slashed across the chest, and sent a massive bolt of electricity through him, forking to the other. He then made a pulling gesture with his hand. That caused the electricity to become a soul chain and wrap the kishin up. He spit up some blood from the sudden loss of energy. "No biggy." He drained enough energy back from the kishin to stay concious. He then ran up to the witch and grabbed her face. "Told ya!" He throw the little hag across the room into a wall and walked up to her. "Wow. I never thought killing a witch woould be this easy!" He ELectricuted the other 3 Kishin to finish them off.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth finely after hours of searching found his favorite flavor he sat up on a wall and looked out over the city the sun was setting and the moon began to rise he took a bite of his icecream "Keshumaru... Sula" he mummbled

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