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private Soul Eater


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Seth became human once more "Damn so close" he sat up "How long is this box gonna be here unless they left us here to die" he sighed "What a jerk" all re sudden the tiger appered "Hey there having fun" he snickered "No I'm not" Seth replied

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Keshamaru packed his bag. "Hey Free! Come on were late!" He yelled Free walked in with bahama shorts and sun glasses.

"Heey!! Lets kill this Kishin quick I wanna have some fun!" He said and shoved some rubber tube into his bag.

Keshamaru spotted Crona. "Hey arent you ready? Were leabing in an hour!" Free scratched his chin. "That magic box should be wearing off by now..." He said and turned down the hall Erica had a suitcase next to her and she was smiling. "Hey you guys! Have fun with that Kishin!!"

She said and walked off down the hall Keshamaru grunted and shoved Kekoshis flee collar into his bag. The white husky loved the sun and Keshamaru was sure he knew they were headed to the beach. Kekoshi rose from the hall and raced up to Keshamaru.

"Hey boy! Nice to see you!" Keshamaru said and stroked the dogs head.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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(As crona I'm just gonna have it darkish pink, as light as Sula's shit.)Crona and Rag'Narok where coming along. "I've been fighting all night Lady Medusa! I got Rag'Narok almost 99 souls! Why do I gotta go with? THat kid has snakes like you and ifhe thinks I'm annoying then he can kill me like you almost did when you where that weird little girl! (OH. and medusa is dead, actually. Maka+GenieHunter=Dead Medusa. But still, we need medusa for the plot xD)


Once the box wore off, Tobi, Breech, and *Quote* Seth *Quote* walked out. "We need to get them. Me and breech have been training for a long while and we think we can take down Medusa. But the problem is that Godlike furbag. He has strategy and quick magic. Erica is nothing. And with se- erm. What should I call yer animal side? It seems as if hes taking you over...ALOT. Imma just call him Joe for now. And with Seth & Joe, it should be pretty easy to take down medusa. Kesh left a blood trail. I'll track that. We need to get going, and fast." He started to walk, when breech went Claw Gauntlet and hopped onto my hand. "Lazy asshole." He said, playfully.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth followed Tobi his hair turned white "The names Oni dirt bag" it changed to black "Well the tiger isn't really bad he explained it to me that he's a power inside we and all that but I have to learn to control him" they walked for hours

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Keshamaru looked at Crona and patted his shoulder. "Dont worry bro! We'll kill this Kishin quick then you can do whatever you want!"

He said encouragingly. The six met at the gates and started their journey to the airport. Once there they got a few odd glances but in the end were able to get through the bag check easily. Considering none of them kept their weapons in weapon mode.

The plane was nice and big Keshamaru layed down Free and Kekoshi wrestled in the back Erica played with a tadpole Medusa meditated Sula sharpened herself and Crona... Was being Crona.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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He found the hideout after a couple hours. "Alright, Oni, AKA fleebag. Take over seth. It seems you dont care about injuries, and you can carturize(Burn) the wounds. So that gives us an advantage. Ready?" Once everyone said they where ready, he jumped down into their cave and stood ready. After a while searching around, they didnt find anybody. "We at least need to know their plans." He went to Medusa's room, and read her plans for Kesh and Sula. (Kesh, you tell us what where reading xD)


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth gave Tobi a glare and said nothing as he said Oni he laughed "He's not coming out and for injures he told me he dosnt feel them" he looked at the plans "It looks like they headed out to an island to fight a Kishin"

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(OOC, That's BS, Free used the same technique he used to seal Lord Death to hold off a few kids? That's just wasteful but it's too late to change it so...)

When Tobi made up a name for SSeth's beast side, Breech slid a part of his body out of the Scythe's blade and looked at him like he was an idiot, "Joe? Really? You're gonna call his animal side, Joe? ...the scary part is that doesn't even really bother me, I saying this stuff out of habit. I'm officially used to you saying this stuff... Eh, whatever."

When they found the plans, Breech, who'd become a human to help search, turned around and faced the new voice, his right hand already in a weak Hammerfist, he was able to conjure a weaker version alone but it was still better than the basic claw, and his left as a Scythe blade. He called out, "Who are you and wha-..... wait a sec..... You're that guy from the Park!" Realizing this was the same person, he loosened up a little but then reconsidered and got back into a battle stance, "What are you doing here?" he asked, catious of the last time he'd trusted someone to be friendly in this place...

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Seth looked at the man confused "You know this guy?" he asked breech who some what knew him "it dosnt matter" the tiger said laying on one of medusas chairs "He's just here to help no harm or he might who knows"

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Eyeing Seth or Oni (Whoever's incontrol right now) Breech slowly loosened up and released his weapon parts, "Sorry, I wasn't exactly expecting anyone else to be here. If you're here to help, great. Beggers can't be chosers and we need allies at this point..." he said, reading his stance, Breech didn't see anything practical for a battle so he believed this person was friendly. Turning back to Seth, "Kinda, I was training in the park recently and almost shot him with a lighting bolt. He was sitting on one of the metal benchs and the bolt got magnetically pulled to it, if he wasn't sitting on the wooden part he'd have gotten shocked by it," then remembering something, he turned back to the person and said, "By the way, you didn't respond when I asked for your name after it happened, would you mind telling me now?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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¨im leo, Leo the wavelength blocker¨ (well its his name from a fight club he was in before the school) he said ¨if you wondder how i got here you should ask whats behind you¨ he said with a joking tone hes arm had healed and he had his stance ready but it didnt look like it ¨i need to know their weak points before i can win over them¨ he thought to himself. (if your asking how i got near it i said it in an earlier post i made on a mac)

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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((The plans just read about the six of us going on vacation and the procedure for puting the snakes in Kesh. It doesnt specify the island because she wouldnt need too. Also the spell didnt use to much in the show in fact Free wasnt tired at all and neither was Medusa. I dont see why it would matter who he uses it against.))

Keshamaru Woke up and looked out the window. The island below him was getting closer and he smiled looking at it.

"Were almost there. We have a schedule to uphold so kill the Kishin then meet us on the beach. The Kishin is powerful and may have others working for him collect the souls and stay on your guard." She said. Free and Kekoshi were both sleeping while Sula and Erica chatted in the front. Medusa laid back. "It will be nice to relax we never get a chance like this..." Keshamaru was happy that everyone was so content. He could only hope Seth and the others were chilling as well.

((If someone could RP the Kishins that would be cool. Also dont attack us on the island (If you guys plan on coming there) until the six have regrouped and are relaxing on da beach.))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth just starred a him and then Oni "Dont ask me I don't know" Oni jumped down an sniffed Leo "Seemes clean but something is wroung about him" Seth kept starring (Oni can't be seen by you guess when he's te tiger)

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Leo stood there and just stared at seth with his red eye while the other blue one looked at the plans (yes he have a red and blue one the red is just a reader eye that can read an enemies movement and get information about weakpoints etc the other eye is a zoom eye pretty self explaining then he have a mask that changes both to red so blue red eyes normal mask red battle yes hes a bit weird)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Once the plane finally landed Keshamaru strecthed out. "That was relaxing!" He said and helped the others with their bags. He put on his hoodie and found it surprisingly nice and cool instead of super hot. Medusa explained the material changes with the weather.

Keshamaru and the other guys got ready and looked to Medusa for their task. She pulled out a book and opened it.

"Your target is a kishin egg named Puppeteer. Needless to say he steals the souls of humans and uses them like puppets to do his evil work. He is suspected to have other Kishins working for him out of fear so they will provide more souls. Be careful he is highly skilled at using his puppet magic against others. He is a good startegist and he lives high in the volcanoe on the island. Legend has it that his puppet strings have no limit and can control the puppet even if the puppeteer is miles away. Keshamaru. This Kishin is an S-ranked criminal he is the highest level for a Kishin possible and is more dangerous than some of the less powerful witches. Such as Erica." Erica slumped down sighed. "Take his soul and the souls of others. That is your mission." She then turnd to Crona.

"You have done well my son in retreiving 99 Kishin egg souls. After you aid on this mission I will send you to collect the soul of a witch." She nodded at them and then turned around to the girls. "Lets go! The beach isnt far from here if we hurry we can catch some of the better waves!" Keshamaru noticed the ton of beach stuff they had brought with them. Volleyballs towels even jet skis.

"This isnt a mission its a vacation excuse..."

((Not sure who wants to control the puppeteer but if you guys wanna head over to the island and help kill him that would be cool. A change from us fighting eachother.))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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(OOC, Okay, that's a good point, I guess I assumed something to hold Death in would be some super adavnced technique but then again, it didn't even last a full hour... Btw I LOVED his explanation to Erica, I had to pause the episode and wait until I stopped laughing it was too funny. XD)

Breech looked over the plans other documents and noticed a list. "What's this..." he muttered reading the list and notes written on it. Realizing what it was he got told the others, "Guys check this out! Medusa had a recon checklist of potential Kishen for Sula and Ragnarok to eat, as well as other for training Free, Erica and Keshamaru... She underlined one of them," Reading the name listed Breech's eyes widened, "Holy crap I recognize this guy! I've been looking at the mission board alot lately, I've been doing mostly B and C rank missions but I like reading about the A and S rank ones. This is an S rank, he's known as the Puppeteer, he uses human souls he devours as puppets, luring others people into traps and terrorizing towns in adition to using them as soldiers. The mission board says where he is... but maybe we should wait a bit. If we let Medusa and the others have a swing at him, either they win and take out a significant threat for us, or he wins and does the same, either way, the other side will be much weaker, we could finish them off without much trouble," Breech said, optimistic about the idea. Then smirking, he added, "And then maybe we could enjoy a little vacation of our own... just saying. What do you guys think?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Keshamaru Crona and free hiked up the side of the volcanoe. "I bet the girls are riding jet skis right about now..." Free said.

Keshamaru heard a rustling and looked to the side. There was a man standing there his eyes were completely white. Keshamaru and the others looked at him as the man pulled out two long bronze daggers. "This must be a puppet! I'll take him!" Keshamaru jumped to kick the man but the guy struck back first knocking him away. "Oww... Hes good... The puppeteer must know were here."

Free and Crona took a battle stance and stood ready to fight.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth thought over Breech's idea "You have a point but what about Keshumaru and sula?" even thogh his freinds were now serving medusa he still cared for them the tiger snorted "Seth I could always take a human form and go spy on them" Seth looked at him and nodded the tiger disapered

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Keshamru lept at the puppet and hit its heart with thre fingers. "Show stopper three fingers!!" He hit with force but the puppet was quick and hit him away before he could finish the last blow. Keshamaru noted the daggers and made a mental note. "When I kill this thing those are MINE." He thought and tried another attack this time from behind.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Oni appered in te forest of the island he looked a lot like Seth but his hair was white and his eyes were white as well but his hoodie was black an grey instead "All right the witch first" he made his way to the beach he kept his distance but watched the three

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Medusa was laying out in the sun wahile Sula and Erica played volleyball. "I wonder when the guys will be back?" Sula asked and almost got hit by Ericas spike. "It will probably take a while this Kishins no joke." Erica replied diving to save the ball.

Medusa sensed someone else was on the island but she dissmissed it as one of the puppets.



Keshamaru sidestepped as the knife was only inches fron his throat. He kneed the puppet and grabbed one dagger thrusting it into the puppets chest. It crumbled to the floor and although it looked like a human it had a Kishin egg soul. Keshamaru picked it up and stuffed it into a bag he also grabed the other daggers and spun them into his jacket witch had pockets made for daggers.

Free and the others sighed and continues up the mountain. "Could have been worse..." Free muttered as they trudged up in silence.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Oni watched silent as a mouse his white eyes glowing "Looks like there relaxing it would be a shame if something happened now" he walked further into the woods near Keshumaru and watched them "Oh a Kishin egg yum" he said aloud

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"Why do we gotta stay back wit you guys we can take them out in an instant we took on maka and soul! The only 4 star meisters in the world! THey're so good they had to give them a made up star?" Crona instantly turned to where he heard Oni. "Scream resonance!" He dismissed him and ran ahead of everyone else, taking out the puppets like nothing then came up to the Kishin.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"Oh look at you Mr.toughguy" Oni popped out of the bush "Now mind if I take that soul I'm really hungry and I could go for a bite" he walked over to Keshumaru "Dont make me burn you again boy remember?" he said smuggle

Edited by GreenWind
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