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Windgale last subordinate of Discord (I changed the name)


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Even when his figure was totally engulfed by the gray stone Celestia was still not pleased.

The position he had choosen as his last, was one last act of supremacy as if wanting them to remember who the most powerful being was.

His act of a singer made Celestia think the power of the elements was not enough to worry him.

To distort his usual overconfident smile into an expression of anguish and despair, the one she wanted to see the most on his face.

She bites her lip as sign of bitterness and turns her back on the statue.


"Princess Celestia really did hate him."


The words of one of the witnesses of the titanic battle can be easily heard in the silence the scorched land in which the battle took place was submerged in.

The princess did not pay much attention to it, she gave her new subject a meaningful look which I'm sure froze the blood in his veins. But that was all.

It was supposed to be a warning I think. "Do not talk about him in my presence." is what I think was that look supposed to mean.

Princess Luna on the other hand was more forceful with him. She made him pay for his insolence with hard labor and only the basic rations in the construction of the new castle city, Canterlot.


The first order the princess gave to the subjects in equestria was to put order to everything in equestria.

They ordered to cut the woods and give them a delimited area. They ordered to systemize the cicle of rain and the banishment of the dangerous beasts to the forests and caves all over equestria.

Luna was in charge of the banishment of the changelings while Celestia took it upon herself to banish my kind, the dragons to the most forgotten lands, leaving only me, windgale, the milenary gem dragon, behind as her councelor.

Under their rule the flow of chaos has stagnated and the life in the plains of equestria, the land of ponies, pegasi and unicorns, has become easier. But only for them tough.

They tend to forget the other areas of the world and put the lives of their equine equals above the lives of other races.

They have created treaties of peace with many other races in the simplest manner.

"Either you negotiate with us, or no sun and moon will ever rise over your lands."

The world has come little by little to a stand still.

In this now peaceful world I now understand the beauty the old days of yore under the rule of master discord. The law of the strong and resourceful was the only one a being should abide in a world that only accepted the life of the ones worthy of living in it.

In these days all that has been forgotten, not even the name of my master, discord is allowed to be pronounced by any being.


I despise this new age in which even the weakest animal can live and be a parasite of the strong ones.

This age in which everyone is ignorant of the greatest being which ever walked the lands.


I curse the day Celestia and her sister were born and curse the moment master discord decided to take them in as his daughters and new princesses.

May these words be the downfall of their reign of weakness and monotony!



-Councelor Windgale.- A female voice behind me bring my conciousness back from the depths of blazing hatred that are inside me now.

-The princesses are calling you. Please follow me.-

The small pony maid wears a simple dress and dares not to look me in the eye and shivers a little when I turn myself in her direction.


-Tell them I will be there in a moment.- after I said those words I turn again to the window of my cell and stare back at the world I so much hate.


-But, sire. They need you immediatly.- the maid rises her voice and with it her gaze.

I turn around and our eyes met. I roar in fury and grab her using one of my hands.

Pegasi soldiers all rush inside my dark chambers while the unicorns inform the princesses of the situation using their horns. It doesn't take long before the princess of the night, Luna, appears.

Her face is of discontempt and her stance is of one who's ready to battle to death.


-Put her down, windgale.-

Her words are severe and demanding.

They made my blood boil for it was not long ago when she had to refer herself to me as master wingdale, in the times when I was her and her sister's teacher in the ways of the world and magic.


I don't put the little pony in my hands down yet. First I play with her a little to let off some steam.


-Ah. Luna, you've come to see me, that's rare indeed.- I said as I played with the pony in my hand like a filly plays with a doll.

-It was supposed you'd come meet us. But apparently you do not feel like doing so.-

Luna stands ready to battle but does not summon clouds or lightning to her aide for she knows they would be quite useless against a dragon of my age.


-What has happened though? Why didn't your sister come? Does she think you alone would be enough to convince me?-

I swing the pony in my hand around a little bit too violently and she screams.

I throw her away, annoyed by the sound of her voice, and two pegasi catch her before she hits the cell's wall.


-There was no need for my sister to come for she has no words to the likes of you.-

I roar again and this time go after Luna.

-Ungrateful child! Who was it who taught you everything you know! Wasn't it I?

Yet you and your accursed sister lock me up here and call me to give you advice of how condemn this world to be abused by the weaker species! I did nothing so far due to the geass that binds me to my master's will but this outrage I won't let pass by unnoticed!


My claw is almost by her neck but I feel the strength leave my body and I fall to the ground ignorant of what has happened.


-Apparently it works.-


Luna looks down on me like a snake on a frog. The rage clouds my reasoning, but my body does not answer. I push myself to the limits and stand up once more. I use my whole strength to draw nearer my jaws to luna's head so that I might bite it off her shoulders. But I can not do as planned.

I fall once more, more exhausted than before.


-Do not try to resist. I created this spell just for your kind. There's no dragon alive able to withstand it.-


I do not look confused by Luna's words. I won't give her the satisfaction of knowing I'm clueless of what's happening. Still she explains with a grin on her lips.


- A dragon's skin is immune to all kinds of magic and the skin of a milenary dragon is resistent enough to withstand the heat of the flames of the sun for 1 whole minute. But what this spell targets isn't your body but something nobody can ever hope to defend.-


I think for a moment and the answer pops in my head almost immediatly. Though it first does as a stupid question. Then, with time, all pieces start to fall together and I accept that is the only possibility.


-So...this spell consume's the target's soul...-


Luna is a little bit surprised by my answer but then sighs and smiles.


-As expected of my former master, you understood right away.-


I stop resisting and Luna stops casting her spell. I feel my strength come back to me, but I'm no longer in the mood to battle for now she has earned her right to do with me as she pleases.

The weak are the posession of the strong. I follow her through the special made passages that connect my prison to the castle.


It is a long walk so I use the chance to start a conversation with Luna.

-So this is the role you've choosen, little Luna.-


Luna stops on her tracks and turns around to meet my eyes.

It has been ages since I called her that, the same way I used to call her when she didn't understand her lesson in my library.

She does not say anything but her eyes shine differenlty as if she remembered who I was and what I meant in her life. The guards seem to notice too and so do the unicorns around us.

Noticing their looks Luna returns to her cold behaviour and walks again down the passage.


When we arrive at the gates of the throne room Luna tells the guards to leave us alone and to tell all other ponies besides her and princess celestia to leave the room.

In those instants we were alone she spoke to me once more in the fashion she did in the old days.


-What do you think of it...former master, windgale?-


She tries not to be too familiar for some reason.


-You have become your sister's law enforcer, have you not, Luna?

Why though?-


Luna lowers her gaze and ponders a little before giving me an answer.


-When my sister defeated Discord, she was the one who brought the armies together and the one who took care of discord. She was the most wounded by the battles and the one whose blood flooded the battlefield.

At the time I couldn't do much so I think I should be the one working the hardest right now.-


-I see. You are still the loving little sister you used to.-

I pat her head and she stiffens up for a moment but after a while she accepts my caressing.

Then when the guards come to report that all ponies have left the room, the luna I knew was gone and in her

place was the one I despised, the co-ruler of equestria, land of weaklings.


With one last glance of the Luna I was fond of I walked into the throne room of the new castle.

The hall was big enough for 600 ponies but still it was too small for me to stand upright.

Luna walked towards her sister and sat down on the throne right beside her.

But I care no longer for Luna.

She was now in front of me, the one who sealed my master in stone, Celestia.

I can still remember the first time I saw her.


She and her sister were brought to our castle by master discord and presented as his daughters. The two of them could not be more different. Born from a brown stallion and a gray mare the oldest was as white as cotton while the other one wore the colors of the night while the stars decorated her mane. This was no surprise for my master for under his reign chickens gave birth to snakes and winged chimera's soared the skies but somehow it interested him how it could have been possible that an unicorn and a pegasus would have been able to give birth to a new race, for all races were what they are from the very beginning.


Master discord understood how unique they were, how much they resembled him in that way. Master discord was also the only one of his species a draconequus. born straight from the flames of the primordial chaos. In his life he had seen the chaos stagnate and matter take form and shapes of living as well as dead things. He was the first affected by the laws nature had started to create and was the first one to reveal against them. But in his long fight against order he had gotten weary and boredoom plagued him.


That might be the reason why he took the fillies with him. He saw in them the potential to be bringers of chaos like he was.

He talked to them for hours about how beautiful the world was at the beginning, the tornado of boiling colors the world used to be and how they should not be afraid or ashamed of what you are.

Master told me to teach them to use their abilities and to teach them the ways the wolrd had aquired so that may "see through them" and look at the chaos behind them.


The small pegasi unicorns were very smart and learned quickly with me, they followed every order discord gave them and were the bringers of high quality chaos.

Their powers also demonstrated to be almost limitless.

Luna took control of lightning, storm, moon and stars.

Celestia on the other hand was ruler over one single thing, yet it was enough to put her above anything seen so far.

She controled the sun.


In the years after theit arrival to the castle I saw master discord take a liking to the sisters, specially to Celestia, which caused Luna to seek aproval in me.

I must say though that Celestia did not like master Discord at all and that was what motivated my master to shower her with his "love".

He amused himself by sensing the scorching hatred behind her fake smile and willingness to abide his orders.

My master even laughed off her attempts to show the world how superior she was in comparison.

I really disliked her for that but my master's words calmed me down whenever I was about to say something to her.


"Do not be angry wingdale for she is the most powerful being known to us yet she is still far weaker than I am."


I did not understand, but there was no need for that. If my master said so, it had to be truth.


I now see what he meant.


Despite being the wielder of the greatest power known, she still wasn't able to bend reality by just wishing it, she could not create matter as she desired and she wasn't able to make chocolate rain our down from the skies.

The only power she had obtained after my master's defeat was the power of a ruler and that was far too little for him.

He had seen she was nothing to be afraid of.


The night before the last battle, when the rebelling armies distracted us dragon while celestia attacked head my master head on, master discord talked about love with me.


- It is indeed a wonderful yet frightening thing...- My master said those words slowly as he drank another glass of hot chocolate.

I could not grasp then what he meant so I asked him about the wonderful and frightening thing he mentioned.


-It's obvious isn't it? It's love. Love is a horrifying thing yet so sweet and marvelous that would make even the most centered being known commit the greatest madness. The princesess are the best proof of that love is a power best to have on your side.

They are the most powerful beings, born of the love of two different races.-


He took another drink.


I replied with a short answer and inquired about his reasons for his statement.


-I think I'm in love, windgale. For I'm about to forget about the task given to me and comdemn myself.-


My master smiled for himself and gave me a quick look in the eye as if waiting an answer I did not know how to give.

Instead I asked what he meant by that.


-Have you seen the hate in the eyes of the oldest princess, windgale?-


I tell him I've seen it but I don't understand what it had to do with anything. Then the idea strikes my head like a brick a window.


-My master, are you in love with the princess?-




He answers slowly and drinks once again.


-Do you mean that this love you feel for princess Celestia will be your ruin, master?-




He replies to me like it's nothing of importance.

Despite the fact that I'm his loyal subject, it annoys me to hear his answers.


-But master! We've to do something. I'll have the princess banished!-


I rush at the door of my master's chambers but I'm stoped by an unseen force which pulls me towards the wall.


-You will do no such a thing. I've decided to meet her in battle.

To fight her to the death if necessary and rob her of everything if she ever allows herself to be defeated.-


My master is serious and he looks like there's nothing clouding his reasoning, but at the same time nothing what he speaks of makes sense to me. It is like a being who has set his eyes in catching the wind with only his hands and is willing to spend his whole life to achieve such futile enterprise.


I excuse myself and ask my master for permission to leave the room.

He says I'm allowed to leave only after I've sworn to be on the princess side when the battle ensues.

I swear and feel my entrails sucumb to the acid in my stomach.


That promise...oh, that promise! If it weren't by it we would have won and my master would still be ruler!

And not this ungrateful mare I cannot bring myself to look as I'd look an enemy I'm about to kill.


-Master windgale, I'm glad we were able to convince you to come.-


Her words are a mockery as if she's trying to make me mad on purpose.

I do not know what their intentions were when they called me, but after Luna's display of power in my cell I'm wary of any new spell Celestima might want to test on me.


-I was feeling a little bit under the wheater, Celestia. But, what do you want from me today?

Are the griffins giving you trouble? Are the ursas complaining again?-


-No, nothing like that dear windgale.-


"Dear" the sound of that word coming out of her mouth makes me want to use my claws squeeze her. But in this kind of situation loosing control would mean being in disadvantage.


-I've called you here today because I finally know what to do with you.-


I know the meaning of those words. I've finally heard them after hundreds of years.


-Oh, so the time for waiting is over, huh? Tell me, Celestia, whatdo you have in mind for this old sack of bones.-


Celestia laughs loudly.


-Ha! Please master windgale, don't sell yourself for cheap for I....we know how powerful you really are.-


Celestia gives Luna a meaningful look and Luna nods with a little delay, which Celestia notices.


-Councelor Windgale, you've served us well all these centuries, our kingdom of equestria has bloomed under you advices and will forever be grateful for the help given.

We want to give you something as a reward for all those years of service.-


Luna talks like a queen would but I do feel she speaks the truth and knows nothing of the evil scheme her sister has thought of.

I feel more pity than hate now that I see the difference between them and say the words all those years have repeated once and once again in the shadows of my confinement.


-Release me from your side of the conflict. Say you do not want me anymore as your ally.-


Luna is surprised.


-What do you speak of? There is no conflict anymore, no side you could join or you could rebell against.-


Luna is a little bit excited when she says this maybe due to the nature of my petition.


-Oh, Luna, little Luna. you're far too innocent to be an enforcer, far too naive to become what you want to turn into.- my words do not waver, nor do I stutter. I feel the power surge inside me and I can see that Celestia notices it too for she prepares for the battle as well.


-Wait, sister!-


Luna raises her voice but Celestia does not pay attention to her.


- The conflict still exists as long as I exist, one of the last loyal minions of master discord. I knew she wouldn't be able to tolerate my existence it surprised me thought she'll be able to surpress her desire to get rid of me for so long.-


I do not say it out loud but I too waited too long for this moment.

I'll finally be able to destroy her, to take revenge for master discord.


-Say it, Celestia! Say I'm no longer your ally!!-


The sounds coming out of my mouth aren't words but a single menacing roar.


Celestia's horn glows in anticipation and I can feel some kind of magic trying to pass through my skin, but it won't make it fast enough. I'm so close I can feel the warmth of her blood on my claws.


Once again though I feel the strength leave me and I know why.

I look at Luna and recognize the spell she's casting. Again she's trying to suck my soul.

But this time I know of something I can do. I fill the throne room with green flames causing everything around to melt.

The dropping melt stone from the cealing interrupts their spell and I've a few moments to open my wings and make my way to the sky so that I may evade their spells.

The first one to follow me into the air battle is Luna, her eyes glow like torches in the darkness and the roar of lightning takes the place of her words.

I'm excited by the battle against my former apprentice but there nevers comes to a clash between the two of us.

I feel lighter and smaller by the second. In my confusion I look at Celestia.


-This what also what you had in mind!?-


But the look on her face tells me she isn't behind this, nor Luna.

Something else is affecting me.

Then I remember my geass, the promise I made with my master.


I saw myself turnining into what I once was, a purple youngster which in the end would turn into an egg.


-That monster...he planned this from the beginning!-


Celestia talks to herself angry, as if scolding herself for not having thought of the possibility of this happening.


Luna is as lost as her sister and does nothing more than stare at my transformation.


After a while I can no longer think straight. My memories start to fade away taking my hatred along with them.

I'm again what I was before I was born and in the white vacuum of space I was now confined to I saw my master again.


-So. You didn't keep your promise.-


Master spoke as if he knew all this would happen.

But I could not answer him for I knew words no longer.


-I've turned you again into an egg so that you won't be destroyed by Celestia.

So that she doesn't achieve a complete victory and always knows she has two enemies she'll have to deal with at some point.-


My master explains his plan but I can no longer understand either...


-Sleep windgale and forget everything about me.

But do not worry. I'll call you whenever I need you.-


Those are his last words.

My brain couldn't understand them but something inside me felt reassured.

I'll sleep here until I'm born again so that I may serve my master discord once again.


Here you can find some art I made for my fanfic.



Edited by Zweiterversuch

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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  • 3 months later...

Really nice idea, but it needs a ton of polishing. The grammatical errors and sentence structure (judging from your username, English isn't your native language) do take one out of the story a lot, as do some logic errors:

(Why would the Sisters keep Windgale around, if hes threatening their subjects, what exactly does he think are his chances of beating the the ponies who curvestomped Discord ect.)

-Capitalize your names

-maybe change inner monologue to cursive (saves you having to write "...thought I" over and over again)

-frame speech, either with 'like this' or "like this"


The first scene might work better in past tense, with Windgale's thought then shifting to his present



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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