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private The Quest for the Forbidden Temple

Ice Storm

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(Ice has a few tents and stuff for general first aid in her saddlebag. I thought I had mentioned it in the first post, but I think I might have forgot as well, but yes, she did come prepared. I don't know about anypony else)


Ice Storm held her paw out for Storm Cloud to examine. She had general first aid knowledge. It amounted to mostly being able to bandaging things though. She didn't know how to reset bones or anything like that if any of those injures occurred. She heard Melon state that they should be hoping that the thorns from the tree weren't poisonous. Nothing felt off from her leg right now except that it was now numb around the area from the small circlet of ice that was around the wound. Upon hearing Storm Cloud mention that they didn't have any bandages Ice interrupted. "I have a couple in my saddle bag. The were the only ones that I had. Depending on what types of trees we find out here though we could make more out of leaves. If we find a Willow grab as many of the leaves as you can. The extract from them can dull pain," she informed everypony.


"As far as removing the thorn, it would best be done now while my leg is numb from the ice. I'd much rather not have to feel it getting yanked out of my leg as far as that goes. As for cauterizing it, Lockhart, how confident are you with your abilities over fire? Do you think you would be able to create a small flame that we can burn the wound with without lighting me like a torch? If so, then the burn will cause it to scab over a lot faster than just leaving it alone, plus it would have the added bonus of disinfecting it as well," she told him while Melon took point to stand guard while she was tended to.


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"Did I just hear somebody saying we need something from some trees in order to treat the wounds caused by other trees?", questioned Melon, shooting a daunting look over his shoulder. With his eyes rolling at the sky, he turned back to watch the perimeter. "Talking about irony." Treating wounds or not, he wanted a rest and called it a day, but definitly not here. It was chaotic when they got attacked by trees, but now it was just too quiet. Again he chipped away a piece of ice and ate it, for it was the closet thing to water. How many of us will still remain at the end of this?

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Storm started inspecting the hoof carefully and continued "It doesn't seem like it's hit any vessel... Maybe we can just pull it out and clean it with some cloth and bandage it".


[i'll guess now the Ice Storm survival kit includes following basic stuff.]


"Melon!" she called over to the pony who was picking ice from the frozen trees "Uhm... I need you to get some of that ice in a pan, Ice Storm has one in her saddlebags" she then directed her voice to Lockhart "Lockhart, could you heat that ice up until it's boiling?"


Storm Cloud headed over to Ice's saddlebags, got some cloth and bandages and inspected the hoof for a seond time. "Okay, this is going to hurt a bit" she said waiting for the hot water and starting to wrap her teeth around the piece of wood.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Ice nodded as Storm cloud mentioned that even with the numbness of the ice on her leg, that this could still be really painful for removing the thorn. She listened as she also told Lockhart and Melon to get some ice into a pan and boil it. She had no idea what that was done for as she only knew minor first aid tactics. Perhaps it was for sterilizing things. That made sense. Ice watched as storm placed her mouth on the piece of wood in her leg. Ice nodded to her, "Whenever you're ready. So ahead."


At the very least they should be able to get to the moon palace. IT would be the easiest place right now to maintain as shelter and they wouldn't have to worry about wasting time with tents. They would just be able to rest, which is the one thing they desperately needed right now.


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For a moment, Melon, coldly cocking an eye at Storm Cloud, looked like he was going decline. The he slipped further away from the group, searching for the ones that could give him blocks of ice instead of some ice chips. Minutes later he came back with a tableclouth full of blocks of ice. A spark flickered as hooves clashed against flint and steel, then started to grow, licking the air raveneously. Cool air warmed up around the now boiling pan of water. Gesturing to tell Storm Cloud to do whatever she wanted to do, Melon point a hoof over his shoulder. "I found a cave over there that can be used as a shelter. " He was fine with sleeping on a tree, until a forest of them tried to club them into squashed meat a few mintues ago. "If anybody needs me, I will be there."

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"Ok, I'm going to pull..." the words muffled by the thorn "...NOW!" she said while instantly pulling back. It seemed to her Ice Storm had yelped but it was Ok, the thorn was out.


She spit the piece of wood into the grass and cleaned the cloth she had in it. "You won't enjoy this either" she said giving Ice Storm a reassuring smile. Slowly she started cleaning the wound and the bits of blood on Ice's hoof.


After repeating the process several times she started wrapping the hoof in dry bandages "It looks OK, you'll get well. Just be careful not to get it too dirty." she said letting the hoof she held go and standing up.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Ice wasn't expecting as much pain to shoot through her legs as that. The entire point of the ice was to numb it, but when cloud pulled out the large thorn, her entire leg felt as if it had just caught fire and it made her yelp out. She proceeded to clean it as well with water that was very hot and it only added to the pain making her whimper a bit. After a couple times thought the water didn't seem quite as hot. Perhaps it was just her getting used to the temperature and it was water on an open wound. That always seemed to amplify the burning on the wound and this was no exception.


Storm then began to wrap Ice's leg in the bandage and it seemed most of the bleeding had already been stopped by the hot water. there was only a bit there and it was easy enough to wipe away. The wound itself was kind of large though and she thought that it may take some time to heal. Thankfully once Storm Cloud was done and she released her hoof, it wasn't too painful to stand on. She smiled to Storm Cloud, "And you said that you couldn't take care of anypony. Seems like you did just fine to me. Better than I could have done myself that's for sure. I only know the very, very, very, basics of first aid. I do know a lot of good herbal remedies though at least," she mentioned as Melon said he was heading off to a cave he found for the night.


She had wanted to get to the Moon Palace by the time they rested but right now she wasn't one to argue. "I think stopping for the night would be a good idea as well. Let everypony recover a bit from what had just happened," she said looking around noticing that Moonless had gone missing. She found a note on the ground. Went back to help others, not coming along, she read. "Well, looks like it's just us five now. Moonless won't be joining us After all," she stated beginning to walk lightly towards the cave that Melon had pointed out. It would be as good a place as any tonight.


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From the strands of cobwebs hanging on the corner of the cave entrance, Melon guessed this shelter wasn't used for a long time. The bones of some small animals cracked under his hooves when he stepped in, showing this cave used to belong to some beasts, but now they were no where to be seen. Good. That means the manticore is no where near here. A breeze came whistling out from the darkness, brushing against his ears. There must be an opening on the end of these tunnel. Unlike what he expected, the narrow entrance widened up to a huge chamber the further away he ventured in. Tunnels of all size gaped across the surrounding wall, inviting.


Melon ducked his way out before he break a branch off a frozen tree mercylessly. Taking out his knife, he cut acros the tree bark until the soft, light brown part was exposed to the air. Then he covered the tip of the branch with the oozing tree saps and wrapped it up with tore fabrics. The makeshift torch flamed up when sparks were caught on it, lighting up the surrounding with a circular area. "Home sweet home. " He scoffed sarcastically, sticking the torch in a dip against the wall. Taking out the supplies he 'took' from others' saddlebag, Melon began to help himself to dinner: two muffins and a apple.

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Storm Cloud followed the group into a dark cave. The cracking noises under her hooves sent chills all the way from them up to the base of her neck. "Wow! This is disgusting!" the cave stank like death and urine. "Couldn't we've settled outside?"


When Melon started having dinner inside the caves Storm felt her stomach revel against her. "How can you it in here?" she asked feeling sick and making an effort to keep in the fruits and berries she had been picking during their march through the forest.


She picked a blanket and made her best effort to make herself comfortable on it. She yawned, the day hadn't been very hard but strained her. She didn't feel like sleeping though so she asked nobody in particular "And what do you guys do for a living when you're not saving the world?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Ice storm didn't like the cave anymore than anypony else did, but it was shelter and the numbness of the ices around her leg was starting to wear off making it a bit sore to stand on for any real length of time. Every step she even took now was a strain on her. The thorn must have went deeper into her leg than she had though. Hopefully it wouldn't be as painful in the morning and they will be able to make decent time. With the time that they were making right now, she was beginning to wonder if two weeks was really enough time to get this done. She wasn't doubting the princess's approximate locations, but they were just that, approximate, not exact. And the regin that she had circled where she remembered it was at least a good day's walk from once side to the other.


Smoke rose in the air as a torch was struck, and the aroma of the cave becoming slightly more apparent before the flames of the torch started burning them away. AS much as Ice Storm hated fire, she would be the first to admit that it had just as important of uses as ice did. It was a lot harder though for fire to be made into a tool like ice could be, but it still served a lot of useful purposes. For now, it was keeping the other ponies warm. She didn't mind being in colder areas, in fact she rather enjoyed it. It all stemmed from her ability and the fact that she was just a lot more comfortable around ice and water than fire and steam.


Ice looked around in the cave for the most part. There really wasn't much else of anything to do other than sleep which right now, she would be more than happy to accommodate if it wasn't for her extremely sensitive leg at the moment. She then heard Storm Cloud ask what everypony did outside of saving the world. The comment made Ice, even in the pain she was in laugh a little. "Well, before Celestia had came, and all of this started happening. I was running a frozen treat store called frozen delights. Since Ice is my special talent and I have a complete mastery over the element, I decided to use it in a way that everypony can enjoy. After all, the smiles on the faces of all the little foals are more than worth it," she stated looking out of the cave into the forest.


"I just hope we're able to wake everypony back up... I... I hope that the princess didn't misplace her judgement... one of the members that originally joined us has already left... and Lockhart hasn't even made it here yet... I just.... I don't know... Prior to last night that was only the third time I've actually met Princess Celestia. I normally spent all of my time with Luna... I just hope Luna's good words didn't give Celestia a false sense of confidence in me. I'm still just a unicorn... I don't even have half the power of Twilight, let alone anywhere near the princesses..." she stated worry very much present in her tone.


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Lockhart was not in the cave, instead, he waited outside. The cave freaked him out. "You know, a cave like that might have something living in it!" He yelled to them from the outside. "I'll stay watch just in case anything comes back!" He created a bed with leaves, and tried to sleep. He got back up quickly. He was afraid to sleep.

(I didn't forget about this RP, I just didn't have anything to post.)


(formerly giigman)

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"Hey! You told me everything is going to be alright!" Storm answered with a confidence she hadn't known. "We're going to make this!".


She noticed the pained look on the unicorn's face and made some empty space available on the blanket she had made herself comfortable on - "You should get some rest with that leg, you'll need it tomorrow" - she said, a serious tone in her voice.


"I love Ice Cream! Here in Ponyville it's hard to get, but it's delicious and refreshing." she said suddenly smiling while remembering the frozen treats - "Raspberry's my favorite! - I'll have to visit you in Canterlot when this nightmare's over" gesturing around the cave as to make sure everyone knew what she meant.


"Can't say I enjoyed my job as much as you did." her expression darkened "Every time I hit a cloud with my hind legs it exploded into a natural disaster. Last month it set a house on fire, now I've got to" she took a deep breath and bit back tears "pay for the damage I've caused. It'll take years to come up with the money!"


She tried to cheer herself up "I always dreamed to be in the royal guard, but they've never accepted any mare. So that's why I burnt that house down in the first place. When I kick one of those clouds and they turn into storm clouds, I think I can feel a connection to them. I feel like I can choose where to aim the bolts of lightning at. I think if I can handle that I can be of great use to the guard."


Her expression returned to a sad one. "But it rarely works, I've managed to choose where to aim one or two bolts of lightning before the cloud gets unstable. After that everything starts going wrong."

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Gimond looks at the cave when he hear lockart say "You know, a cave like that might have something living in it!"

Gimond shakes in fear and say to himself at the thought of more creepy monsters, "come on you big old scary pants." It takes a while and Gimond desides to sleep at the entrance of he cave.


He listens to the other ponys talk about ice-cream extc... some hours later he looks around him and asks "Is anypony is awake?

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Lockhart heard Gimond ask if anyone was awake. "I am, don't want to sleep." He slowly walked into the cave careful not to wake anyone up. This isn't that bad. He thought to himself. "How long were you awake?" He asked Gimond. He hadn't talked to him very much, and he wanted to get to know all of his world saving buddies.


(formerly giigman)

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"One hour i think, I'm thinking about how i can tribute to this quest I'm just an ordenary earth-pony no magic and i can't fly the only good thing i'm good at is shake my body in fear, I did this to save my family and friends but now it just seems hopeless i cant fight magic trees and monsters" Gimond whisperd in a low sad voice to Lockheart.


"How come you joined the quest?" He asked Lockheart in a friendly tone hoping he could get to know the other pony.

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"I joined because I felt like it. I haven't done anything like this in a while." Lockhart said, laughing to himself. "And you could be bait for whatever we encounter..." He was joking.


(formerly giigman)

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Ice Storm smiled when Storm Cloud told countered what she had said by repeating what Ice had just told her herself before the fight with the treefolk. As it was, she was right, but Ice still couldn't help but feel a small bit of worry in the back of her mind. Storm Cloud then realized that she spoke of frozen treats and her eyes lit up. That she loved Raspberry Ice cream and that she would have to stop by Canterlot at sometime to try some of her delights. "Haha, that won't be necessary Storm, I operate out of Ponyville now. I moved there recently after not being able to get along with a vast majority of the ponies in Canterlot. Perhaps that's why I got along with Princess Luna so well. She had someone else that understood how she felt to be treated like an outcast," she stated, listening as Storm Cloud mentioned her bad luck with things. that last month she accidentally set a house on fire and now she had to pay for the damages.


Ice gingerly trotted over next to her and put her injured paw on her shoulder mainly so she wouldn't be putting her entire weight on her bad leg at the moment and smiled. "I can already tell that you're a pony with the best of intentions and that is honestly a really nifty ability, and I could definitely see you being a part of the Royal Guard with it. If you'd be willing, I'm willing to help you refine your talents. I'm a master of Ice magic and Ice conducts electricity rather well, not to mention can be brittle to. Also I could make targets as big or small as we'd need to for you to refine your accuracy with each bolt and pretty soon your abilities will be so good, I don't see how they couldn't accept you into the Royal Guard!" she smiled resting her hoof back on the ground wincing a bit.


She took a few paces back and laid back down. Lockhart had finally made it to the cave and was conversing with Gimond that was residing at the mouth of the cave and Melon was still going through supplies. "I will say though, sometimes running a frozen goods stall can be more troublesome than intended. I don't know how many times I've actually run out of stock already. Apparently they are a lot more popular in Ponyville than they ever were in Canterlot," she finished with a smile trying to continue the small talk that she was having with Storm Cloud.


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"hehe, Better do that then nothing or i can shake the enemy down haha" Gimond laughed in a low voice and tole a joke back at Lockheart.


"Do you wanna see my family?" he asked Lockheart as he took out a locket from the sadelbag.


He also took out some food and walked over to the other ponies leaving a sandwich to everyone but he couldn't find the pony who saved him. "I save it for later when we meet again" he tought to himself. He walked back to Lockheart and gave him a sandwich "Here i dont want anypony to starv" After he have given everypony a sandwich he went back to sleep.

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"I'm not sure at all." she answered "Lightning is dangerous, and there are ponies who could get hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of having hurt anypony because of me trying to pull a stunt I'm not capable of"


Storm Cloud was tired. She stretched her muscles, including her wings and checking those. Deciding they were OK she made herself comfortable on the blanket and continued the conversation with Ice.


"If you stay in Ponyville I'll become your number one client! And unable to fly too!" she hovered one hoof half a meter over her belly to indicate what her dimensions would be. "If you don't mind me asking... Why would people don't like a pony like you? Especially if you sell ice cream!"


"Did something happen over there? I mean, I can understand if they don't like to be seen with a clumsy pegasus whose spent some nights in prison. Let me explain that, the house incident earned me a few interrogations and a trial. No money for the bail means you win a free stay until you are presented to the judge." she sighed, her expression lightened a bit "I was lucky it was declared an accident and I was free to go afterwards"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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When Storm mentioned that lightning was a very dangerous element and that it would be way too easy for another pony to get hurt accidentally from a stray bolt. That it wasn't something that she felt comfortable trying to practice. She also added that if Ice stayed in Ponyville that she would become her number one client, and that she would also be unable to fly afterwards causing Ice to giggle. "Well, I would very much like that. It's always nice to make somepony's day a light brighter than before they walked into my shop," she smiled.


Then Storm asked why somepony wouldn't like her, especially if she sold ice cream! She asked if something happened to make them not want to be around her. Ice sighed. she wasn't really expecting this question to come up, but she can't really avoid it either. "If by something happening, you mean the elitist of Canterlot trying to do everything in their power to try to make your life a living hell just because you weren't born in Canterlot and walking there from Fillydelphia at that! Seriously, one of the only ponies that had ever been nice to me in Canterlot was Luna. Everypony else there just treated me liek dirt on the bottome of their hooves. Even in Celestia's School of Magic," she finished.


When Storm joked about her being in prison though Ice frowned. Why would anypony put a pony this nice in prison. Sure a house was accidentally set on fire, but still it amazed her at how quick ponies seemed to turn against one another anymore. "Regardless of what happened I still think you're a very nice pony, and one accident isn't anything to carry a weight on your shoulder from. I'd be honored to call you my friend, and if there's ever a time where you think you're in trouble for any reason, just give me a holler. I'll do everything I can to set things right," she told her with confidence with a matter-of-fact, I've-got-your-back type expression.

Edited by Ice Storm


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"You know that nobody would want a guard weighing 50 Kilograms, don't you?" she giggled.


As Ice started telling about why she was an outcast she knew the feeling. Having been kept in prison, even if it had all turned out to be an error, had made the ponies in Ponyville treat her like some sort of criminal. She recalled the time a foal scout had come to sell flowers to her and was immediately pulled away by the mother who started to yell at Storm for approaching to her innocent daughter.


She did her best to keep the scene and curses of that 'conversation' away from her mind and continued "I know that feeling... Even in Ponyville people are not always tolerant, and being seen with a criminal is a shame even for the Elements of harmony"


After that she moved over to Ice and pulled her into the second hug of the day. "I'm happy you're here and I'll be happy too to call you a friend." - a tear started rolling down her cheek, wiping it away she continued - "Sorry, it's been a while I used that word" - she smiled, tightening the embrace on the other pony.



For the record, I'm guessing an average weight of a pony to be slightly higher than that of a big dog (about 30 to 35 KG) and removing 5 for pegasi who need to fly...

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Gimond was sleeping and dreaming, He dreamed about home with everyone around him dancing and singing when they all of a sudden fall asleep. "NO!!!!!! Gimond screamed very loud as he woke up terrified shaking and coldswetting.


Gimond went out the cave looking out in to the night as tear was flling down on his cheek "I need to hurry" he tought to himself then he began to walk in to the forrest again. He felt strange winds blow at him and when he tried to take another step he couldn't move.

Edited by Sanick20
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ice smiled brightly when Storm Cloud jokingly said that nopony would want a guard that weighed fifty kilograms, and let out a laugh of her own. "I don't know, I know that regardless of what it was if I had fifty kilos of sugar speeding in my direction, I'd know I'd want to get out of the way," she laughed. It felt nice to be able to joke around after the day that had been bestowed upon them. They literally had two weeks to save Equestria, and in the back of her mind, Ice was still doubtful that they were the right ponies for the job.


She was soured though by what she heard next, saying that even the element bearers thought that it was a shame to be seen around her, which just wasn't right at all! "I'm sure not all of them are like that, I... I don't think Luna would have sent me to Ponyville if it was filled with a bunch of rude ponies... Right now I hope she's safe. I know she's a princess and all, but still... she's the first real friend I ever had," she admitted before feeling Storm cloud pull her into another hug.


She saw a faint tear roll down her eye, and she told her that she was happy that she had met her. That She was happy to call Ice her friend, and that it had been a long while since she'd been able to use that word. Ice tightened the hug as best she could with her injured hoof. "It's okay, I understand completely, and know that I'm not going anywhere. We'll make it through this... One way or another," she said looking out to the cave entrance before falling asleep.


~~Next Morning~~


Ice Storm awoke to a loud screaming that came from the opening of the cave. Immediately she stood up and bolted to the entrance forgetting about her injured hoof. That was, until she tried to run. She instantly felt the jolt of pain go up her leg as the bandage pulled against the scabbing on the wound. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea... she thought to herself knowing that it would be next to impossible at this point to change the bandage without re-opening the wound.


As soon as she regained her bearings, she went outside and she felt the winds blowing even harder than they were before. This is not good... she thought and then saw Gimond, as she remembered him introducing himself, standing statuesque in the winds. "Gimond!!!" she said bolting to him this time ignoring the pain in her leg. "What is it?" noticing he was trying to move but wasn't able to. The longer she stood in the wind, the more restricted even she felt, "How long have you been out here?"

Edited by Ice Storm


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Gimond shook his body trying to get free but he couldn't move, he suddenly heard Ice shout at him "What is it"? and "how long have you been out here"?


"i dont know how long,I think 45 min" he answerd and then told why he ran out.


"In my dream I saw my family fall asleep, I was terrified and i couldn't let it happen so i was gonna try and find the temple, To save them" he said as tears started falling down his cheek .

Edited by Sanick20
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Storm Cloud woke up and felt horribly groggy "Hey, where are you going?" she asked Ice Storm who just ran past her. Storm Cloud let go a mix of groan and sigh as she got up. Why don't adventures start afternoon's, it's not nice she thought while tumbling over to the mouth of the cave with heave eyelids and yawning several times.


As she felt the cool chills of the wind outside the cave she stopped. After a few attempts at raising her voice she finally managed to yell into the coldness "Hey you two, you should come in. It's cold out there."


Storm noticed something was off, the two ponies simply didn't move a single hoof, she felt the need to run over and help, but stopped after a few steps. If they haven't gone mad there's something that prevents them from moving out there, if I go I won't be able to help


"Hey! Do you need help out there?" she yelled over to the two ponies "What's going on?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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