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The three tribes


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Long ago 3 tribes The Unicorns, The Pegasi, and The Earth ponies lived without harmony, after a a terrible storm destroyed their land the leaders of the tribes Chancellor Pudding-head, Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane and they're advisers Smart Cookie, Clover the Clever, Private Pansy,headed to find a land to call theirs, they finally reached a land but they're were not happy about sharing so they decided there was going to be a fight for the land, at the end of the war, they had no choice but to divide the land so the unicorns kept their part which is now know as Unicornia, the Pagasi took the skies and a portion of the land, and named it Pegasopolis, and the Earth ponies took the most fertile and wealthiest remainder of the land and called it Earth....


Character sheet:









Photo(Not necessary):



1. NO god modding (Overpower characters)

2. NO Alicorns

3. have as many characters you want

4. [insert more rules]



Also If any of you wan't to be the leader just write their name instead of the character sheet (You can still put they're photo)

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Okay then,


Name: Breeze

Gender: Female

Description: Light Blue coat, pale blonde mane, cutiemark of a leave

Personality: Shy and quiet

Tribe/Species: Pegasus






Description:Purple hair, Pink coat, cutiemark similar to Berry punch

Personality: Hyper

Tribe/Species:Earth pony Na'h I already got 5 characters I might do this character if some one gets the Princess and Private Pansy



I got this characters:



Smart Cookie

Princess Platinum(Open)

Clover the Clever

Private Pansy(Open)

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Name: Sgt. Thunderstorm

Gender: Male

Description: Tall grey stallion with a spikey blonde mane & tail. yellow eyes.

Personality: Very calm ego-ed, Very high tempered but doesn`t very show it much. Tribe/Species: Pegasi


i`ll do the Unicorn.


Name: Madam Ruby Heart

Gender: Female D

escription: Red coat with a purple flowed back mane. Purple eyes. Practiced magic since a filly, knows telepaithy, telekenisis, earth & fire magic.

Personality: At well demanding. Paitent when calm tempered. Knows a way or two around perswading by seducing.

Tribe/Species: Unicorn

Edited by PlasmaStormX-15
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Heres my 2nd and final one


Name: Dark Flare

Gender: Male

Description: Dark Red Coat, Bright Red eyes, Black mane

Personality: Eager to fight and loud.

Tribe/Species: Pegasus

Other: Has a strong and evil past, which he does not like to talk about.

Now I got the Photo: post-514-0-82366100-1324497608_thumb.jpg

Edited by DJ RDerpyD


Youtube Channel:

https://www.youtube....er/GamingDerpyH SUBSCRIIIIBE!

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Alright, let's do this thing!


Chancellor Pudding-Head sat in her room thinking about what had happened the previous say. She laughed at the thought that those other ponies thought they were better than Earth ponies!


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Name: Cookie Pie

Gender: Male

Description: Cookie Pie loves to bake cookies and loves to eat them even more. His Cutie Mark is chocolate chip cookies.

Personality: Quirky, random, always looking for fun

Tribe/Species: Earth

Other: Don't get on his badside!

Photo(Not necessary): Meh don't feel like making a new pony so using this again...

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I say we start since we already have 9 but at the same time I wan't more characters cough-unicorns-cough


Anybrony wan't the advisers? or I'll take all of them


Wait they started?





Princess Platinum called for her adviser, Clover the clever "Clover the Clever!" Platinum started "Write a letter to those...earth ponies, to demand more food" "Your majesty you know the Earth ponies just had a major war for the land and-" Platinum stopped Clover "then say we will refuse to raise the Sun unless they give us the food" Platinum continued, Clover sighed and finished the letter.




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Sgt. Thunderstorm look upon the sky as he was questioning to himself.

*Is this really what we should be fighting for. Nothing more than ridiculous quarreling & arguing, But i have no choice, we need a future.*


Madam Ruby Heart was busy brushing her hair using magic to carry it.

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If you want more unicorns lemme add one more. :D


Name: Vanilla Gumdrop

Gender: Female

Description: Small white foal purple/pink hair

Personality: Eager to practice her magic to preform the greatest of tricks and spread the power of the unicorns

Tribe/Species: Unicorn


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Edited by Dizzy


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Character sheet:



Name: Earth Quick

Gender: Male

Description: Very fast Earth pony who can also be fun.

Personality: Nice and kind hearted except when it comes to Smart cookie. Has a deep respect and admires Chancholler Pudding top and will do her bidding. Other then that he is pretty fun pony.

Tribe/Species: Earth pony.


Photo(Not necessary): Remove wings.


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Commander Hurricane flew back to his (because in the episode Private Pansy says sir referring to a male leader ) base of operations and called out to Dark Flare ( A corporal ).

"Corporal Flare! I need to know what we can do!"

"Sir? Im guessing it didnt go to plan. Perhaps we could make a peace offering, sir!" Dark Flare said to the Commander

"Peace offering!? Are you mad? Private Pansy! Ideas?" the Commander shouted, mad at the idea of a peace offering.

"Sir.. We should, uh, I actually dont know, sir!" said Private Pansy, not knowing anything.

"Great.... how about you Sergeant Thunderstorm!?" the Commander shouted, getting a bit mad

The Commander flew towards Sergeant Thunderstorm.

Edited by DJ RDerpyD


Youtube Channel:

https://www.youtube....er/GamingDerpyH SUBSCRIIIIBE!

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Name: artillery

Gender: male

Description: has a Scottish accent

Personality: hard as nails and tough

Tribe/Species: pegasi

Other: can make self a fireball


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Clover the Clever approached the boundary of Earth and Unicorn ponies, there was another pony standing besides the boundary, "Well how can we help ya" the earth pony asked "I'm Clover the Clever from Unicornia and our leader Princess Platinum sent me to ask if you would share some of the crops and that way we can" "Well I'm a just have to tell em' Puddinghead bout that since he's the leader and all, My name's Smart Cookie by the way" "Well I'm a go an tell Puddinghead" Smart Cookie made her way to the Chancellor "Ya highness?"




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Madam Ruby Heart noticed a line of hair was out of place. She sighed and pulled out a pair of scissors & snipped the loose thread out.

"Hopefully this war well be all worth it. I need a pancure."Madam Ruby Heart placed her horn a pillow & used her magic to make in warm and laid on it.

"Ah, thats much better." Ruby Heart quickly drifted to sleep.

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