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Leo and Gigimon (he didnt degenerate to Jyarimon >.<) had found some weak digimons that they battled to increase the experience they have been experiencing from battling together like if they were fighting themselves (i luv to sound confusing) Leo picked up Gigimon after they met the Shellmon again they ran back but got lost again and started to scream being trapped in a corner (dont come eteman me no like etemon) but Leo decided he needed to fight ¨Gigimon lets try to beat this thing down¨ Leo said ready to fight with all their powers combined if they had to Gigimon jumped at Shellmon he screamed out ¨HOT BITE¨ as his bite glowed a faint light of red shellmons wound burned Shellmon was still weak but survived the attack he attacked them with a water buster (i think its named that way) Gigimon and Leo dodged it but Leo nearly got hit ¨Gigimon we cant do this alone can we?¨ Leo asked his Partner while both of them was exhausted from the fight with deputymon but not that exhausted ¨I-i dont think so Leo we need the others before i collapse¨ he gasped for air and devolved into Jyarimon then fainted ¨JYARIMON¨ Leo yelled out as he saw him faint he ran to him and picked him up trying to find cover from Shellmon. (you guys come now)

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Kuramon was sitting happily on Axes head.They had just eaten a load of fruit, and the gazimon and them chatted aimlessly enjoying eachothers company.

"Boy that Renamon is pretty intimidating huh?" One asked. "I thought she was kinda cute..." Another said. The other two looked at him their faces looking shocked. "Err I just meant her necklace! It was cute..." Axe stopped and looked at him. "What necklace Renamon doesnt have a necklace?" He said confused. But before the Gazimon could reply Kuramon shouted. "Look its Jyarimon and Leo!" Axe ran over to them.

"Hey man are you okay?" Then he saw Shellmon. "Oh no! Kuramon can you digivolve?" Kuramon lept off and stood about as tall as a little jellyfish could. "You bet so! Kuramon digivolve to Tsumemon!" He twirled around and lept up again. "Tsumemon digivolve to Keramon!" Keramon stood happily. "Boy feels good to have arms again!" He said happily and got ready to face Shellmon.

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Renamon got up and winced on her bad leg and sat back down ago. “Ok, I think I’m out of this fight” she smiled and rubbed her leg. Before she got annoyed with her self, maybe she was just being weak?! She sighed and got up and beam shot from Sakuras digivice. Renamon got up and smiled, “I-I’m healed” she shuttered. She ran and jumped next to Keramon, she smiled. “I thought they where all legs” she joked.


Sakura ran after wondering, what was going on.

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(wait since when was a cliff right outside the cave? well whatevah) Leo sat down on the ground trying to wake up Jyarimon while ignoring the others ¨cmon Jyarimon you cant leave me now¨ he said as his voice got covered with crying sounds (nobody cant miss Jyarimon) they couldnt help it since Jyarimon was too weak he needed him to be stronger like the others.

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Shawn stood up and raced off to join the others. "No way I'm sittting this one out," Shawn said as he and Dorumon reached Keramon and Renamon. "Let's show this guy how it's done," Dorumon told his partner as he fired a metal canon at Shellmon's eye.


(RP! You may someday die, BUT NOT TODAY!)

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Shellmon shoot a water cannon from his shell and it got turned back at Dorumon he also vine whiped Renamon and Keramon with his Tentacles he roared as the bite from Gigimon before started to hurt again making him need to drop Keramon Leo heard everything ¨W-whats happening¨ he said terrified while his face was covered in tears.

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Renamon grabbed Keramon and jumped making the vine miss "Not this time big guy" she said before landing again. Renamon are known for the speed. She paused "I've really had enough of you, you over sized shell fish" she said running up to him. She jumped and did a front flip in the air. "power paw" she watched as her paws became blue flames as she starting hitting Shellmon.

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Shellmon crawled into his unpenetrable shell as she started hitting him while he shoot out water from his hole making it rain lightly on all of them when she didnt have power left to continue the hitting he came out and quickly lashed his foot/hand/whatever over her (since you cant keep hitting all the time lol) Jyarimon woke to life but very weak ¨Leo i-ill be fine¨ Jyarimon said lightly as if he was dieing.

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Alice sat in the corner of the van, being slightly exhausted from the earlier fighting against Devidramon. It had scared her deeply, and the image of Candlemon being pierced right through by a claw was still burned to her eye lids. Wizardmon sat next to her, leaning his head on her shoulder and resting calmly.

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Keramon grunted angrily and sat up straight. "Okay now im mad... Keramon digivolve to!!" Axe jumped him and shook him.

"We cant risk it!! Chrysalimon is to unpredicatble!" He said racing back. Keramon sighed and yelled out, "Bug blaster!" Hitting Shellmons shell but it didnt do a thing. "Why cant I ever get a break!?" He asked before the water hit him and Axe sending them against a tree. "Oh man! I just washed this shirt!" Axe yelled his clothes were soaked (again.)

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¨We can still win this¨ Leo thought as the battle was going against em ¨Jyarimon...¨ Leo thought as they both knew they were to weak to do this battle in this current state Jyarimon looked at his partner happy for the time they have been with eachother since Leo came to the DIGITAL WORLD (DONT DIE ON MEH :( )

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Renamon growled slightly, before jumping back. She looked annoyed at the digimon infront of her. She growled in annoyance, before running again this time jumping. "Diamond storm" She shouted, watching the leaves hit against his shell slowly pushing him off the cliff.

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Shellmon moved towards them using vines to defend himself he roared and shoot a high pulse water cannon at Renamon who had annoyed him he then got his attention to the little Jyarimon who he felt had seen before he shoot off a rain fall made of data there


------------------------------------------------------------------------- (LINE OF CHARACTERS)---------------------------------------------------

Leo and Jyarimon was behind the others trying not to get Shellmons attention but it was worthless Leo tried to protect Jyarimon the best he could but it was more worthless than jumping the cliff he thought for a moment after dodging the water ¨what if we combine our attacks?¨ he thought as Jyarimon woke up a little more energized than normal.

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Keramon was madder than ever. "Axe are you okayt!?" He shouted Axe looked down at the rip in his shirt from the water it showed most of his chest. "That was my favorite shirt! Keramon lets go!" Axe held up his digivice and Keramon glowed. "Keramon digivolve to! Chrysalimon!" Chrysalimon appeared as happy as Axe had ever seen him. "Come on! Lets get back in this fight!" He shouted at Axe who Smiled and pointed at Shellmon. "Be careful regular attacks wont work! You have to be smart here!" Chrysalimon laughed and used his tentacles to move over to Renamon. "Put me on your back! Humans call it a backpack I cant move fast enough alone, so you're gonna have to carry me on your back. "I'll use my attacks to keep him at range while you get him off the cliff. We have to be quick so we dont get hit by that water!" He said to her. Looking at Jyarimon he whispered, "You are gonna be our most important part of the plan. We need you to distract him so he doesnt hit Renamon BUT make sure you attack his legs!" Chrysalimon chuckled to himself. "Oh one more thin-" He stoped as a vine smacked him in his eye. "OW ARGHH!!... Watch out for the vines."

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Renamon pulled a face, at Chrysalimon. She was going to be a pack maul?! She growled in annoyance more then anything. But waited for Chrysalimon to get on. Because Renamon was a data, the more Chrysalimon stayed so close to her the more the birus was effecting her. "Lets go before it ends bad" she said running towards Shellmon avoiding all his attacks.

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Shellmon growled in annoyance as they avoided his attack and dought in the ground making it shake and the cliff slowly crumbling Jyarimon said calmly to his Partner Leo ¨Lets give him a crack in the neck heh¨ Leo replied with a nod as they both felt they were able to make Jyarimon digivolve to Gigimon then he shouted ¨JYARIMON DIGIVOLVE TO................... GIGIMON¨ Gigimon was stronger than ever and seemed a bit off the usual he had a tattoo in his head that meant Loyalty (one of Gallantmons Sheild runes is Loyalty i think) ¨Gigimon lets do this¨ his partner said trying to encourage Gigimon that they could make it no matter what Gigimon rushed up to shellmon jumped giving him a slam to the neck then bit him in the lower neck as he yelled ¨HOT BITE¨ the bite started to steam as Gigimon jumped away avoiding every attack. (Knockout time :D btw i forgot to mention Shellmon did that to make Renamon get hitted since Renamon need perfect balance and that would make sense)


¨GIGIMON GO FOR IT GO wITH ALL POWER WE BOTH HAVE TOGETHER¨ Leo yelled high as Gigimon Launched at Shellmon with a strong Hot bite ¨HOT BITE BARRAGE¨ he said as he turned the hotbite into 100 hot bites Shellmon backed becouse of the insane pain but had grip on the cliff but only nearly Gigimon devolved to Jyarimon and fainted from the large amount of attacks ¨Jyarimon!¨ Leo said running there to pick him up

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"Okay Renamon now its our turn! Use your paw to knock him off! Dont worry about the vines I got them covered!" He used his tentacles to block and whip away any vines that came near her. "Lets show this guy how it feels to fall from that cliff!" He shouted as he kept dodging and blocking attacks so Renamon could get in close enough to knock him off.

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Shellmon opened his mouth to fire his blast out at them with full power (h*** yeah) he started forming some water in his mouth and then firing it in 50 mph per minute straight at them Jyarimon woke up by then jumped in the way for it to atleast give them a chance ¨Jyarimon!¨ Leo yelled as he jumped trying to catch him Jyarimon fell to the ground after being hit ¨Jyarimon why did you do it!!!¨ he yelled at his partner ¨dont worry Leo ill be fine¨ Jyarimon said as his look weakned.

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Unfortunately Jyarimon just was'nt big enough to stop 50mph water cannon. Chrysalimon shielded Renamon and use his tentacles to move her to saftey as he took on the full hit from the blast. He coughed in the grass and dedigivolved back to Keramon. "Sorry Renamon, I tried..." He said as Axe carried him. "You did great! You stopped that blast from hitting Renamon and protected her the whole way through! That was amazing!" Keramon groaned "Not amazing enough to stop Shellmon." He jumped down and stumbled falling over. "Sorry you guys... I'll support you as much as I can but that blast hit me haaard." He said rubbing his head.

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Shawn and Dorumon looked on in shock. "What do we do Dorumon, I don't think we can do anything," Shawn said to his friend as he started to shake with anger. "I want to protect everyone... especially her, but we're not strong enough," Shawn continued. "Don't worry Shawn, I can still fight this guy," Dorumon told Shawn as he shot a metal canon at Shellmon.

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Shellmon blocked it with a vine and then vine smashed dorumon to a tree ¨Jyarimon...¨ Leo said as if the hope was running out then he rememberd what Jyarimon told him (no time to go through pages) ¨i will always be with you¨ then he stood up ¨CMON GUYS WE CAN STILL DO THIS WE CANT LOSE TO THIS THING¨ Leo yelled at everyone to make them have more confidence in them (Midnightive cmon your turn to knock him off)

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Renamon nodded, her paws lit up in a blue flame. "Power paw" she ran to Shellmon, she got her paws undero Shellmon and sent him flying. She smiled as her paws went back to her normal colour. She went over to Keramon, she smiled, "It's ok Keramon, you tried you best" she said walking back to the the trailor.


Sakura sighed in relief to see her friend back in one piece.

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Leo picked up Jyarimon and walked to a tree sitting there thinking how much they been through he thought if that would happen everyday from now on Jyarimon woke with a weak smile saying ¨dont worry Leo i wall always protect you...becouse your my best friend¨ as Jyarimon finished that Leo huggedhim tightly (daaaaaaaaw :))

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Keramon stumbled over and smiled at Renamon. "Sorry about, being your backpack." He smirked Axe came over he had ripped off the torn shirt there wasnt much use to it besided a bandage now. He wrapped it around Keramons arm where he had hit the the ground.

"You know a few nights ago while on my way to camp I never guessed I would be shirtless bandaging a little monster after pushing a giant vine whipping turtle off the edge of a cliff." He smiled stood next to Sakura, "Still I cant say I dont enjoy it!" He went over to the Gazimon who had been attacking Shellmons legs. "Hey you three, do you know where theres a place to eat around here?" He asked the three Gazimon looked at eachother. "Well we're a looong way away from Shellmons diner. But im sure theres some fruit in the trees!" Axe groaned and walked into the woods he hated fruit. Keramon saw something on the ground it looked like a little vial with some liquid inside... "Whats this? Oooh looks tasty! Bottoms up!" He popped the op of the vial and knocked his head back getting ready to drink what was in the necklace renamon had dropped...


((Awww man, someone better stop him or its lights out for Keramon...))

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Renamon turned to hear, Keramon. She put her paw up to her neck, "no no no" she mumbled. Before jumping and grabbing it mid jump, she sighed and looked it before throwing it in to the sea and watching it float away. She sat down and turned to Keramon. "I...I'm sorry but that would of killed you" she mumbled. before turning to look out at the sea feeling awful of what could of happened.

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