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private Mystery Island ~


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A mischievous look appeared on Midnight's face, but she hid her face by zooming off to her bed downstairs. When she reached it, she started throwing covers off it, throwing harmless odds an ends on it, putting the pillow under the bed.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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After Midnight sat beside her bed, the mischievous look still on her face.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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A strange idea came to After Midnight's mind. She should pull a prank! Messing up her mane and making an alarm clock go off (what alarm clock? there aren't alarm clocks on ships) and walked back to the top of the ship. She looked groggy, but she was pretending. "Is it morning yet?" she grumbled.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Oh, yeah.." Midnight said, looking at the dark sky. She went back downstairs and fixed her mane up. "I pranked them!" she giggled. At one in the morning, I'll go back upstairs and gaze meaninglessly at the stars... she thought to herself, checking the watch on her hoof for what time it was. "11:42 PM." she whispered, grinning.

Edited by Filly Pinkie Pie


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Well, it sounds like the other aren't sleeping." Lapis mutter looking up from "The Changeling Princes Volume 1". "I wonder what they're doing up there." Lapis took a scrap of paper from a nearby table and placed it between the pages. In a matter of minutes, he was up and out the door to his cabin. A few of the other were on the deck placidly staring at the water. "Um, what are you two doing? Don't you want to rest?" Lapis asked with mild interest. He realized he really didn't know any of them, and felt this might be a good time to learn a little information.


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Midnight giggled. It was soon to be 12:00 AM, and then she would have one hour before 1:00, and then she could go to the deck and stare at the stars.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Jupiter would have loved to rest right now, but no. She had to pay attention to the ship and where it's going or else they could end up sinking by hitting a rock. "Sorry, can't. Have to watch where we're going." Jupiter said.

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Midnight saw her watch spin out of control. "What the..." She poked her head on deck. "Uh, what time is it?" she asked, slightly blushing.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Not sure...but we only run on the sun and moon now." Jupiter said. "The forces between the island usually put electronics, compasses, watches and a lot more off." She added.

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"You don't sleep? How odd..." Lapis said perplexed. "Oh, yes, of course, somepony has to keep this thing on course. May I inquire as to where you got it? I didn't think ships like these were easy to acquire." He knew he probably sound stuck up, but it was how it came out. He was going to spend at the very least a few days with these ponies, so he had to try to make friends.

Edited by Coeus


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(I have to go to sleep in real life now, I'm pretending it's 11:59 PM in the game, don't make it 1:00 AM before I'm awake!)


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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(I'm gonna sign off for now as well.)

Lapis, yawning a bit, realized he'd stay up a little too late. "If you'll excuse me, I must return back to bed. If we have to face anything odd in the morning, I want to be prepared." With that, Lapis Lazuli headed back to his cabin and promptly went to sleep.


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When the sun rose, they could see the island but they weren't near the island yet. There where lots of trees, mountains, jungle looking things, palm trees on the beach and a volcano in the middle of the island. It looked too beautiful to be true, it really did.

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(I'm awake now, let's make it be 1:00 AM now...)

After Midnight thought about the stars that were in the sky that would soon disappear with the rising sun. She sighed, as she had missed her chance to look at the stars. ​Maybe... just maybe, tomorrow night, I'll be on deck with a telescope of my own, looking at the stars... Her star fascination turned into an out-of-character feeling of tiredness. She fell asleep sitting next to her bed.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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With a start, Lapis Lazuli awoke. He had been having that dream again. In it, he'd been climbing a mountain unknown to him. As he was reaching the top, the rocks beneath his hooves came loose, and his harness broke. Falling, falling, everything becoming a blur. Before he hit the ground, his eyes fluttered open. Uhg, I hate nightmares. What do they mean? Lapis thought idly. With out a second thought, he dropped his head onto the pillow. It wasn't even morning yet.


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Jupiter's eyes fluttered, she stopped moving the wheel and laid down beside it, using her unicorn magic to move the wheel instead. She was tired, and the sun wasn't fully up anyway.

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