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private Everfree Fugitive


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"NO!" The hooded pony slammed his hoof in the ground. He disappeared in a flash.


"We need to search for Lily and Blaze, c'mon!" Rook yelled and ran out the door, "Lily, wear would you you go?"


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This really has gone out of hand. Carrick got up and followed Rook, "Just when I was getting a good rest." Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze awoke in a field. Where am I? Blaze thought. He noticed Lily unconscious next to him. "Lily! Lily Lily Lily!" Blaze screamed, trying to wake her up. "Lily please!" Blaze screamed as he checked if she was breathing. "Rook, Linus, Murphey, where are you?!?!" Blaze shouted. What happened? Did she teleport us here? Blaze thought.


Ok. Here are my options. I can stay here and try to keep us both safe in this open field. Not possible. I can take Lily with me to a more secure location. That will most likely work. Blaze thought, when a sudden pounding erupted in his head. Ok. That option is out. i can't fly us far. Not with this migraine. I guess I could fly us as far as I can. I have to have been out at least a day. Ok I'm going to fly us away for as long as I can. I can't leave Lily here in the open. Blaze thought as another round of pounding erupted in his skull.


"Let's see how far I can go." Blaze said. He wobbled as he stood up. Great. It's hard to stand. I gotta do this though. Blaze picked up Lily and threw her on his back. He took off and flew to the nearest tree. So far so good. He thought. Time to find a new place.


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Blaze found a cave to make camp at. I'm so exhausted. My migraine has gone down but now it's a constant drum. Blaze said as he gently put Lily down. I need to make a fire. It's cold here and I don't want Lily to get cold. Blaze thought as he grabbed some loose wood by the entrance of the cave. I hope she wakes up soon. I don't know how I can keep her hydrated and fed while she is unconscious. Blaze thought as he gathered some herbs. Maybe I should make tea. It seems to help Rook stay focused. I just hope I can make it well enough.


He found a rock in the shape of a small bowl. I doubt this'll be any good, but it's worth a shot. Blaze thought as he began work on the tea. After about 2 hours of hard work, he was able to make a poor excuse for tea. "Rook, how in Equestria are you able to make tea?" Blaze spoke aloud.


He looked over at a shivering Lily. I need to make a blanket for her. I can't let her get cold. He goes out and finds some leaves and bark. Maybe I can make her a shield from the cold air with this bark. The leaves should keep her a little bit warmer than before. Blaze thought as he placed the park in such a way as to keep the wind away from her.


The leaves he placed on her did a poor job of keeping her warm, but she had stopped shivering. I need to stay watch so as we don't get surprised in the middle of the night. Blaze thought as he huddled by the fire, trying to keep warm.


Why do they need Lily? Why haven't they come looking for us yet? Why am I unable to make stuff perfect for her? She lost her family and I don't want her to go through anything worse than what has already happened. I can't leave her. No. I refuse to leave her. As long as I am still alive, I will keep fighting to stick by her. Blaze thought as he replayed the events of the day in his head.


I can't let them get her. Whatever their reason is for wanting her, they will not get her. Not while I am here to help her and keep her safe. He walked over to her and remade the blanket of leaves. He curled up next to her and laid his head down next to hers. "Lily, I promise that until the day I die, you will be safe." Blaze whispered as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Edited by Songbrony
  • Brohoof 1


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"What do you mean you failed!? You were supposed to get ONE drop of blood! How hard could that be?"


"I am sorry brother, but the Alicorn transported herself out of the house."


"...Then we will search"


"What is so important about this Lily? She isn't a real Alicorn Soldier. Why do we need her blood?"


"...To resurrect Nova"





Rook and the team ran into the forest. Lily was a very sentimental pony, and she was likely to have transported herself and Blaze somewhere from their past. Of course, he had no Idea what they were up against with the brotherhood. "Linus, what do you know about the Brotherhood of Nova?"


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Nopony came by the cave in the night. Thats a good sign. Maybe they lost us. Blaze thought as he took in the morning air. Lily is still unconscious. I need to get her to drink something. She has to be terribly dehydrated. Blaze gathered some water from a nearby stream, when a certain herb caught his eye. It was risvelgio. I remember this. I was given this after my first explosives test. I accidentally stood too close to the blast and was thrown back. It awakens somepony who has been unconscious or asleep for awhile. It has a horrible aftertaste, but it may keep Lily alive. Blaze thought as he picked the bushel. "If I mix this into a tea, I might be able to make her drink it." Blaze thought aloud.


He quickly ran back into the cave and started a fire. He mixed some of the herbs into his last bowl of tea. If this works, we can get her back to full health, and start making our way back to the others. We can't be separated for too long with the Brotherhood following us. I hope this works. Blaze thought as he got Lily to drink the tea. "Lily? Lily can you hear me?" Blaze asked, praying that the concoction worked. After many minutes passed, Blaze began to lose hope for the herb. He silently cried, and gave a Lily a tiny kiss on the forehead. "Lily......" Blaze said through his tears.


Lily's breathing began to quicken. She started to move her head. "Lily? Lily are you awake?" Blaze frantically asked. She opened her eyes and glanced up at Blaze. "Blaze! Thank Celestia you're all right." Lily exclaimed in a quiet voice. "I'm fine. I've been so worried about you. You've been unconscious for almost 2 days." Blaze said thankful she was awake. "Those ponies.....from the Brotherhood. They threw you and hit your head against the wall. I was so worried. I teleported us. I don't know where we are though." Lily said frantically searching her thoughts. "Shhh. Don't dwell on it. We're safe. You're safe. That's all that matters right now. You need to drink something. All you had was a little bit of tea I made. Don't drink too much too fast. You'll get sick and feel even worse." Blaze said, passing her the water.


"Blaze? I..." Lily started but was cut short by Blaze. "Lily, I need you to drink this. It will make you feel better. Once you are fully recovered, you can tell me anything you want. But my first priority is keeping you safe, and healthy." Blaze stated. "In about 5 minutes take another small sip. Do that for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes are up, you can start taking bigger sips."


Lily nodded her head compliantly. I am so glad to have him here. With me. We're both safe. That's all I can really ask for right now. Lily thought. After she took a sip of the water, she reached her hoof to her forehead, right where Blaze gave her a kiss, and smiled.

Edited by Songbrony
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Lily sipped at her tea every five minutes like blaze said. She sat and thought to herself. She looked at blaze. He had done so much for her. A fire, tea (which she admitted to herself tasted kinda like cat pee, but still...) and even a blanket. She started to take bigger sips. "blaze," she said, "what do I mean to you?"

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"Lily...I've known you for a very long time. We started out as strangers, then we became friends, then best friends, then you introduced me to Rook, who I still believe cheated, and since our days of schooling, I feel like I've grown closer to you. I can't bear to see anything happen to you. When you hurt, I hurt. When that hooded pony told us about what to your parents, I was ready to kill him for hurting you so much." Blaze said


"All I want is to be with you. Lily, I promise that until the day I die, you will be safe. No matter what I have to do to. Lily... I love you. I have for awhile now, but I was afraid to tell you in case....well....in case you didn't feel the same way. In case it would ruin our friendship. That's why I turned so red when Rook said you were my girlfriend." Blaze said, spilling his feelings.

Edited by Songbrony


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"oh, silly blazey boy" lily said while shaky her head and smiling. " never have I met a stallion so cheesy as you. Yet, I find it so hard to think of you as my friend, because to me you are the world. The thing you have promised me, I promised you years ago. I... " lily blushed " love you too."

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For the first time since Blaze could remember, he felt happy, at peace. He kissed Lily and gave her a huge hug. "Sometimes corny things work." Blaze said jokingly. "I'll never leave your side."


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Lily nuzzled blazes mane. She thought to herself, then came to a decision. She wobbled as she stood up. "we have to find the others, if we can get rid of these 'nova's followers' then we can stop running, and deal with your problem. Heck, it might all be cool by the time we're done"

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"I agree. But they said they wanted you. And you aren't fit to go out and run from them. Let's wait one more day before we go running out there." Blaze said. "Besides, Rook is smart and with Murphy there too, they'll find us. You still need to rest."


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"when your right, your right. And that's not often." lily joked as she sat down next to the fire. She stared at the Flames and sang.


"true loves kiss, together at last

Trouble caused by a single blast

Running away because she was born

Why is she, that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she?

Why is she, that alicorn?"

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(OOC, *Facehoof* You guys are so cheesy, but fun to read nonetheless...)


"Ok, there is no way I am going to be able to find them." Rook drooped his head after the three of them searched for hours. "Carrick, any ideas?"


"Actually... I think you know who can help us. We are pretty close to Ponyville, and she..."


Rook facehoofed, "You know that's a bad Idea"


"You were begging to see her not long ago."


"Yeah, but that was before Blaze put us on the most wanted list."


"C'mon, use some of that 'Rook' charm on her"


"What charm? I'm the most uncharming pony there is"


"You two were supposed to go on a date, maybe she is still is interested?"


"I stood her up twice"


Linus stepped in and pulled out his knife pointed it at the two of them "Somepony wanna fill me in?"


Carrick looked a Linus, "Starbolt, Rook's marefriend..."


"I don't think that's accurate anymore" Rook mumbled


Carrick game Rook a glare, "...knows a spell that can locate help locate ponies. She could easily help us..."


Linus put his knife away, "Well then, Rook, looks like you'll get your second chance after all... Let's go. We can make it there in an hour if we are quick"



***In Ponyville***


Rook stood in front to Starbolt's house with a bunch of Calla Lilies he quickly bought from from Rose. Linus and Carrick hid in a bush as Rook knocked on the door. Starbolt opened it.


"Hi, it's me..." Rook said meekly.


Starbolt did not look amused. "Hello... Rook. What are you doing here?"


"Er... I need your help..."


"You promised we'd go to dinner twice, canceled on me once and stood me up the other time. You're on fine Ice as it is..."


"Look, Starbolt, this is important! Pony's lives are at stake!"


Starbolt paused, "... I want to believe you. But... I just ... can't." and with that, she shut the door. Rook stood there, a little hurt.


"Ok," Carrick said, "Now we do this my way..."

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For most of the night, Lily and Blaze were reminiscing about their days at school. Most of them involved Rook getting into trouble. "Remember when Rook was at the playground at school, and he decided to pick a fight with the biggest pony there?" Blaze asked laughing. "You had to pick him up with your magic in order to keep him from doing anything stupid? I think that was the only time I saw him snap."

Edited by Songbrony


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"that was hilarious, remember that time you forgot to study for your science test, and asked me to do a spell to make you super smart, and it blew up in your face. You had a really weird mane cut, but you passed!"

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Carrick adjusted his hat. It's been a long while since he's done it his way. Carrick went and patted Rook on the shoulder. "Sorry Rook. Guess we have to try a different approach."


Carrick went and knocked on the door, Starbolt came up "Look, Rook..." Starbolt realized that it was another pony out the door.


"I'm Detective Carrick Murphy," Carrick showed his badge. "We don't have much time, but I'm in need of your assistant of your magic power."


"Wait...are you with Rook?"


"Yes, I am. We are currently under investigation with two specific ponies. I hear that you have the ability to locate ponies. We are in need of that ability."


Starbolt didn't seem to pleased about it. She did want to help, but she didn't want be with Rook (for obvious reasons). "Is there any other pony that could help?"


"Well...we could find somepony else, but if we did do that. The ponies might be....dead."


Starbolt eyes widen, "Wait, what?"


"Well, these ponies are under attack by a certain group of ponies. I can't say too much, but....let's just said you'd have the blood of ponies in your hooves." Carrick went for the pressure hard...

  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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