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private Everfree Fugitive


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"God don't remind me. I couldn't go out in public with dignity for weeks. But if you hadn't done that I would've been in summer school. Oh! What about when I set off that stink bomb in History class? The teacher searched all our bags for them after that." Blaze said


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"Alright Lily. Let's gets some sleep." Blaze said while making a soft place to sleep for them. "Tomorrow we can go searching for them." Blaze remade the wind shield, added some more wood to the fire, and laid down next to Lily.


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"Starbolt, may we come in? We rather not discuss this in the open." Rook said, trying to appear serious.


Starbolt thought about it for a moment, then looked again at Carrick, "I suppose..." She moved out of the way a bit to let in Carrick and Linus. As Rook passed through, she whispered in his ear "It's not like you haven't been here before..." with almost a hint of a smile that Rook caught.


"Before we get down to business, I'm curious, how did you two meet?" Carrick said as he sat down on the sofa. Starbolt and Rook looked awkwardly at each other. "I was just trying to lighten up the situation..." Carrick said as he rolled his eyes.


"Er... I was doing a missing pony case for the police, and I heard that there was a very magically talented pony who could help me out. I meet her a a coffee shop to talk to her..." Rook said.


"...Things sorta fell into place from there." Starbolt said. Silence again


Carrick sensed this was not going to work. He decide the relieve the tension. "Rook, why not go and make some tea? I'm sure Starbolt would like a cup." Rook promptly left the room while Carrick talked to Starbolt.


(OOC NinjaCPU, make her do the spell so we can find Blaze and Lily and end the corniness)


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(( OOC: I shall be the one who's stops this shipping! Just who in the hell do you think I am?! ))


Carrick looked at Linus "The better question is why don't you like tea?"


"Very funny, Sherlock."


Carrick turned to Starbolt. "Okay. I'm going to be frank with you. We don't have much time. As I said before, we don't know if these ponies are about to die. Time is of the essence."


"I dunno...you're asking a lot"


"I know I am, but you have to take this leap of faith. I'm begging you. Please help us." Carrick took of his fedora. His eyes full of concern. Tug that heart string, shall we?


Starbolt looked down. Her mind full of thoughts. He did seem sincere. She looked left and right of the walls. She gave a deep sigh. "Okay, I'll help. Tell me about one of these ponies. Give me details, that's the important part for this spell."


Ya-ha, Carrick put back his fedora on. Carrick took out his notepad. He told Starbolt each and every detail that Blaze had. His fur, mane, tail, eyes, cutie marks, size of snot, hoof size, approximate weight and height. He told Starbolt specific detail about Blaze.


"Wow, that's a lot of details. " Starbolt replied, amazed by the details Carrick gave.


"That's what you wanted." Carrick said, Rook came back with tea. Carrick took the cup of tea and took a long sip.


"Well, that should be enough." Starbolt started to visualize pony that Carrick talked about slowly a location came upon her. "I see him, let's go."


Carrick placed the tea down, guess that will have to wait...

Edited by NinjaCPU
  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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The group followed Starbolt as they walked through the Everfree forest. She knew where Blaze and Lily were. Without much talking, Carrick and Linus fell to the back of the group, leaving a distance between them and Starbolt and Rook. Seeing that as his opportunity, Rook tried to talk to her.


"So... How's it going?" Rook said, desperately trying to start a conversation.


Starbolt sighed and reluctantly replied "You're not the best talker, are you?"


"Er... no. You still mad at me?"


"Well... It's safe to say I'm a little pissed..." Starbolt said. "But..." She looked behind at Linus and Carrick. "I now understand why you canceled on me. Sorry I was so selfish. I didn't think that you had a real problem."


"So... I get a second chance?"


"The way I see it, You're on your third chance, mister" Starbolt chuckled, "Dont mess it up this time!"


Starbolt and Rook continued to talk for a couple of hours or so, sharing stories and laughing. After a while, Starbolt stopped.


"What's wrong?" Rook asked. Starbolt caught Rook completely off guard and kissed him. Rook was surprised and tried to pull away for a moment, but he stayed...


Starbolt pulled away, her face completely blushed red. "Sorry... I just... I remembered how... You're a nice pony, Rook."


"er... uh..." Rook's mind was having a hard time comprehending what just happened. His face was turning a bright shade of red as well. "uh... thanks?" He had not idea what to say.


"You're welcome!" Starbot said with a smile.


Carrick and Linus caught up with them and looked puzzled at the situation. "I have a feeling Rook knows what he is doing. Carrick whispered to Linus.


Starbolt noticed the other two and quickly cleared her throat. "Er... Ok, they are really close by. We should be able to see them easily."


Everypony started to look around until Rook yelled, "Look! There they are!"

  • Brohoof 2


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"Rook?" Blaze said dazed. "Rook! Lily, Lily wake up! It's Rook and the others. And....Starbolt?" Blaze said confused as Lily woke up from her sleep. "God am I glad to see you. It's been 3 days. Was wondering how long it would take for you to notice we were gone." Blaze said jokingly. "And I see you brought Starbolt with you. So I take it now would be a good time to explain the situation?" Blaze asked.


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''Well It's about time!'' Linus Blurted. ''Look like you guys found love too.. Hey Everyone! Hop on the love train!'' Linus said Sarcastically while looking at Lily and Blaze.
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"Is somepony a little jealous?" Blaze said cocking an eyebrow. "Don't worry, you'll find somepony. Carrick, how did you guys find us?" Blaze asked. "And Starbolt, don't be mad at Rook. I've been a jerk to him for awhile." Blaze told apologetically


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"Don't worry Linus, we can go on the love train together. Wouldn't that be fun?" Carrius said sarcastically. That'd be a weird train ride. Carrick thought to himself. He turned to Blaze. "We asked Starbolt to use a magic spell to locate you. It'd took some persuading, but I'm pretty good at that. " Carrick gave a "heh".

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Ah I see. Well, Starbolt, you have my thanks. Don't give Rook to hard of a time ok?" Blaze said with a laugh. "Don't worry Blaze. He's a little bit uncollected right now." Starbolt said. Blaze took a look at Rook, and was shocked. Rook had his mouth opened and was wide eyed. "What happened to him?" Blaze asked looking at Starbolt. "I'm sure he'll tell you later." Starbolt said with a giggle.


"Alright everypony. Let's get going before the Brotherhood or whatever they call themselves return and find us." Lily said. "Thank you Starbolt for finding us. It means a lot." Lily said with a smile. "You're welcome. As long as everypony is safe."

Edited by Songbrony
  • Brohoof 1


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"Do you have any idea where we should go?" Carrick asked Blaze. "Or if anything, what's our plan of attack? Do we plan on running away from Brotherhood? Seems like we'll be doing this all of our life if we do that. Just wondering. " Carrick replied.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"I think we need to set some sort of trap up. You're right we can't keep running, but we shouldn't run full speed ahead into them." Blaze said as he tried to come up with a plan. "Can someone smack Rook? Or at least get him some tea? We need him out of his daze so we can think of something." Blaze said.


"So does anyone have any ideas for a trap?"

Edited by Songbrony


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"Lily if we do that then you are put in danger. And besides, we don't know how many of them will show up. If it's 2 or 3, we may be able to take them. But if 10 or 20 show up, we would have just handed ourselves over. I do not want to put us in any unnecessary danger." Blaze said.


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Rook snapped back into reality. He thought he had simply imagined Starbolt's kiss. However, when he looked at her, she gave him a little wink.


"Er... uh... ouch!" His head hurt from Lily's hit. "You know, could have given me tea! It would've hurt less."


Lily shrugged, "Well, we can't brew. The last tea Blaze brewed tasted like cat pee..." Blaze looked somewhat hurt, "Well, it did!"


"Anyway, Lily, Your plan is insane! We'll be killed..... I have a better Idea. Why not... we kill you?"


"WHAT!?" Everypony in the group yelled.


"HEAR ME OUT!" Rook yelled, "We will PRETEND to kill you in front of them"


"How the hay does this help us?" Said Lily, not happy about this.


"Well, I think I know what they will do with you...the Brotherhood wants to follow Nova, right? Well, I think they want to CREATE their own Nova... but they want him to be like his greatest creations, The Alicorn Soldiers."


"So... What does have to do with me?"


"Well... do you guys know how cloning works? There needs to be somepony to... How should I put this... Be the oven for the bun?" Lily's jaw dropped "So, yeah... since you have a Alicorn gene....they plan on making you a surrogate mother... "


The tension, awkwardness, and silence that dropped could have been cut with a knife.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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"But what does that have to do with 'killing' her?! They would still get her and keep an eye on her." Blaze said, clearly unhappy with this plan. "I'm sorry Rook but that plan is also insane!"


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"You don't get it! When we "Kill" her, the brotherhood can't use her! She wont really be dead. Starbolt can probably take care of it!" Rook was somewhat flustered, Why were ponies so short sighted and didn't see what was going to happen? "Besides, you rather have your marefriend give birth to the clone of one of the most evil minds in Equestrian history?"


"She's not my marefriend!"


"OH COME ON! IT IS OBVIOUS TO EVERYPONY! All night, I bet you guys were -"


"Rook, that's enough. I think you need some tea..." Carrick pulled Rook out of there before he said something he would really regret, Leaving Lily and Blaze to discuss their situation.


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"woah, woah... My mind is still on 'surrogate mother'" lily said, slightly angry but mostly just confused. "you mean they... Then I... EWWWWWW!!!" lily stomped her hooves in a fit of fury.


She turned to blaze. "what are we going to do?" she sighed. She thought about what would happen if she did get used as a 'oven for the bun'

Edited by lilymalady123
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".....do you think his plan could work?" Blaze asked Lily. Rook never spoke like that to his friends before. "I don't like it. I hate the whole surrogate mother thing. There are too many variables that could change the outcome. But he raises some good points. They wouldn't be able to use you. They couldn't bring Nova back. But still..." Blaze trailed off as he worried about what could happen.

Edited by Songbrony


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"I think it could... I am willing to do anything to stop running." lily sighed, she missed her small quiet house in ponyville and her constant chats with the townsfolk


"We may as well try." she said looking at blaze, searching for a hint of agreement

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