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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Equestrian War

~The Snowy Wolf~

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Equestria is on the brink of war. Luna has started a movement for freedom from the Solar Empire. The revolutionaries call themselves the "New Lunar Republic" or the NLR, whose center of operations is in the Ponygon, which is between Ponyville and Hoofington. The NLR's influence has taken over Glascow and Glidedale and from the Drackenridge Mountains to Manehattan to St. Petershoof.
General Blade was giving a speech to new NLR soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen, among them were Stardream, Valiant, and Fine Tune.
"Division! AUTEN, HUA!" The entire room snapped to attention. "Now as you know, we are on the brink of war. I believe that we have the best fighting force in the world and that we have nothing to fear from this threat. I believe this because we have better ships, because we have discipline, because we have better trained ponies, because we have purpose, because we have freedom, and, most importantly, because we have heart. We may be great, but remember freedom is not free." The speech continued for about five more minutes ((but I'm too lazy and too writers-blocked (is that a word) to write anymore and I'm sure that you don't want to read a five minute speech)). Vinyl concluded with an, "URAH?" The entire room sounded off, "URAH!"
"Aye, aye, ma'am!" Edited by Aureitas d'Aequitate
added link to OOC

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Wits End:

Another long day of chasing after the scant bits and pieces of news that cropped up, and he still hadn't made up with Fleur, to boot. She had been spending more and more time with Fancy Pants, and though Wits End was pretty sure he was just her employer, it still bothered him. Tonight he would apologize to her. He was pretty sure it had been all his fault all along, but he had a hard time admitting. Everyone did, when it came to it, but he wouldn't let it get in the war any further. First, though, he had to get something. He was the lead war correspondent for Equestria Daily, and if couldn't get anything from the Citadel, he would be late on his article. He had heard vague rumors of a new front being sent out to the front, but none of the middlemen were authorized to tell him anything, and none of the higher-ups would notice him.

"One last scan..." he promised himself, muttering under his breath. "One last scan and I go home, and talk to Fleur. So he headed out to the main corridor, and set his eyes looking for anyone with the slightest trait of authority in their demeanor.

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Nightfall stepped out of his dressing room in Canterlot. His uniform looked sharp, and his medals were neatly aligned. He knew this meeting with Celestia had to be successful. He couldn't end up being the pony who quickly became a Colonel and then fell days later. He looked left then right, then set off towards the throne room.

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Marine Corps Special Forces

"Task-force 1"

Gunnery Sergeant Valiant Shield

0100 Hours, 'Classified'


It started with a cold morning swim. I love a good swim. I dove toward the water...refreshing. I just finished a long uncharted flight to @$%#@#$ so I was pretty damn tired but I kept going. As I arrived I said to myself "For Luna..." as I started my trek.

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As Nightfall approached the Throne Room, Wits was just about to give up, when he noticed the Colonel walking along. So, with a kick to the ground, Wits galloped to Nightfall quick as he could.

"Ah," he said. "Colonel Nightfall, is it? Wits End, Reporter for the Equestria Daily. Do you have any comment about the fighting near Appaloosa? How about the rumours of a renewed front, with a regiment of ponies to replenish the lines?" As he spoke, Wits adjusted his fedora and drew his coat around him, then produced from it a well-used, rather full notebook and a pen, which he clicked to prepared to write with. As he did so, a faint yellow glow emanated from his horn with a mild purple tint at the edge. His camera dangled between his legs, but didn't hinder his walking. His glasses were perched on the edge of his nose, and he absentmindedly pushed them up his face.

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"Hello, Wits. Any comments? Hah. The fighting near Appaloosa is brutal. The NLR aren't letting down. They keep sending in troops, endangering all the civilians in the surrounding areas. It's quite dangerous." Nightfall breathed in deeply and stopped walking. He looked directly at Wits End as he spoke. "As for the front, the rumors are true. We are sending a full regiment of ponies to try to hold back the relentless NLR front lines. The fighting all around is very... well, how should I put it... insane, if you will." He laughed a bit.

  • Brohoof 1
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striker was in the air duct system when general blade gave his speech, striker thought to himself about how many ponies would most likely get killed, but then again striker didn't care he was a merc, he was paid to kill others. looking through a vent, striker jumped down seeing that the coast was clear, striker looked around casually, suddenly he saw what looked like a reporter questioning a pony.

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Having just arrived at the castle, Atum tried to keep himself calm. He was just recently promoted to the rank of Sargent and was still nervous about his new responsibilities. No pony had ever given him a chance to succeed and yet here he was a part of the Solar Empire. Walking around the castle, Atum saw Colonel Nightfall and reporter in deep discussion. Relishing the chance to finally meet Nightfall in person, Atum walked up to the pair.


"Reporting in, Sir!"

Edited by Abaddon


Sig by Midnightive

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"We've never been strangers to insanity, Nightfall," Wits said, laughing at some old adventure the two had gone on before. They were old friends, tossed together by the war, but having grown quite close since then. "Far too much violence for my taste, naturally. Celestia, wouldn't it be nice if we could rally the support to stop this whole mooned war." He sighed and jotted a few notes. "Well, I've got enough to write a decent article now, but it seems like all anyone wants is sensation. This is far too small to get me front page."

As they neared the first security checkpoint, the guard ponies stopped them both, and glanced over Nightfall, giving him a quick okay. They held back Wits, though. "No reporters. We give scheduled press conferences."

  • Brohoof 1
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striker walked toward the pony who looked like a reporter, "hi there, may i ask who your are? i am new here and i don't know everypony" striker said to wit's, striker looked a little worried, but somehow he looked as if he almost knew what to do next, he had an air of cunning about him, that would have taken a very smart pony to figure out.

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"Sorry, Wits. I didn't inform you about the new rules." Nightfall turned to move on, but hesitated. He turned towards to guards. "Listen, I need this pony here to come with me." He pointed at Wits. The guards looked at each other, then sighed and let Wits through. "Thank you," Nightfall told the guards as he saluted them. He and Wits continued on towards the throne room.

Edited by Nightfall
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Wits nodded, then waited right outside the Throne Room, scribbling out a note for later sending, glancing paranoidly at the guards every now and then.



As Nightfall entered the room from the final security checkpoint, his Princess spoke.

"Colonel Nightfall, I welcome you to the throne room," she announced in an imperial fashion. She had been acting that way more and more lately. People thought it was her rage at the NLR growing, but secretly she just had to retreat further and further into the "Monarch" mask. She couldn't stand the fighting, but she had no choice. 1000 years had been far too long to give up for something as inane as freedom. Freedom; what did Luna know of it, who had given hers up so long ago for another pointless rebellion?

"I understand you are one of the most highly recommended officers in my Royal Military. For that, I commend you. But, as you are aware, the front's necessity grows more dire every day. For that reason, I am putting you in charge of the 1,000 ponies I am sending to act as back-up. You will take responsibility for their safety and actions."

  • Brohoof 1
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"Sergeant, you are meeting up with our expeditionary forces just west of Ponyville. Help them capture the town no matter what. Get moving." she said in a harsh military tone of voice. After years in the military, this was almost the only way she could speak.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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((Capitalization and punctuation, Jdor, remember.))


Wits had a mini heart-attack, then started blabbering.

"WITS END! Reporter for the Equestria Daily! How do you do!" He blushed and rolled up the paper quick as he could. No need for anyone to see his... emotionally heavy writing. He could do the light, factual verse of the papers with ease, but more personal writings he need to be careful about... they were embarassing.

He regained his composure, and looked over the pony, quickly deciding he didn't trust him, for whatever reason. Reporter's intuition, I guess. "And your name is...?"

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Realizing that Col. Nightfall and the reporter had moved on ahead, Atum rushed to towards to the throne room hoping that he could enter. The guards stopped him asking for identification. "I'm, um. Sargent Atum sirs." Both guards stared at him with odd expressions not knowing what to do with him. "Please, you must let me in. I've just been promoted and I need to get into the throne room." The guards would not move and continued to stare at Atum. For the first time in his life, Atum took action. Charging at the guards, he was able to sidestep and slip past. But unfortunately he tripped on one of his hooves and crashed through the throne room doors. Laying in pile just inside of the room, Atum covered his face in shame hoping no pony would be mad at him.


Sig by Midnightive

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"Hey maybe after this is over maybe we can get a drink together." I said smirking as I picked up a ride on a convoy. I was then handed a briefing packet by the CO.





Objective: Support the MEU.

Priority: High

Details: N/A



Me: "Eh! You guys part of the new MEU?" Private: "Yeah fresh out of grad school, you?" Me: "Well lil ol' me been at this game for a little while now." The driver started to smoke a hay cigar. Me: "You expecting to die or something?" The driver just shrugged and pleasured himself to some nicotine.

Edited by Valiant
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"I thank you, your highness." Nightfall bowed down. He stayed in his position for several moments. When he rose, he stood facing the Princess in military fashion. "It would be my honor to take the 1,000 ponies to the front. However-" He was interrupted by a pony crashing through the throne room doors. He spun around quickly and saw Sergeant Atum lying on the floor in a heap.

"Excuse my, your highness." Nightfall walked over the Atum and helped him up. "Hello there! Are you all right?"

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Wits was rather bemused to see the pony come tumbling along, and even more so to see the guards start to swarm around them. As Colonel Nightfall approached, the few guards on patrol backed off and returned to their posts, but kept a close eye on him. Wits trotted up happily, and glanced at the dazed pony on the ground, snapping a quick picture of the two.

"What's the news, Nightfall?"

Edited by InfinityWhale
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"Sorry, Wits, but right now I don't have the full time to talk. I'll be right out." Nightfall escorted Atum into the throne room, then pulled Atum aside. "Look. I'm keeping the Princess waiting, so tell me your name, rank, and purpose on the double, soldier." Nightfall shot a nervous glance at the Princess, who looked slightly annoyed at the wait.

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"Um. Sorry, Sir. I was just trying to. Well you see I was told to report to you Sir. But I guess everything got a little confused." Pulling himself up off the ground, Atum tried to keep himself from crying. He had already made a fool of himself, especially in-front of his military hero. Ever since he had entered the Solar Empire Army, Atum saw Col. Nightfall as the perfect soldier. A true role model. Turning towards the Col., Atum saluted him. "My name is Atum Sir! Sargent Atum."

Edited by Abaddon


Sig by Midnightive

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"Yes ma'am and I hope you got a big wallet. Over and Out." Valiant cut off the transmission and just sat staring out the window looking at the rolling terrain. He checked his gear, double checked, triple checked. He was good to go. Checking his gear was a habit he picked up from experience and sometimes a little paranoia does a lot o' good...

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