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private Equestrian War

~The Snowy Wolf~

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Nightfall unfolded his wings to fly back to his troops when he noticed four ponies take place and aim. "Damn." He took off just before his right wing had a stabbing pain. He crash landed and got up quickly. Shot. Of course. He tun

Fined and started running back to his line, barley using his back left leg. He knew he couldn't get hit again.

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Striker saw Nightfall limpback toward's the line's, Striker shouted "Come on hurry up! we don't have all day!" Striker was still bleeding from his wing and could not get to the Colonel in time, suddenly out of the corner of his eye Striker saw a solider point a gun at Nightfall, "Watch out!" Striker shouted.

Edited by jdor11
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Valiant was taking aim at at the limping officer.


((Nightfall make a decision in OOC thread))


Valiant shot him in the head, killing him instantaneously. Then he tea bagged the corpse and had a romantic scene with Vinyl.


Valiant shot the limping officer in his other good back leg to get him to stop moving and had two marines detain him. Then he went to join his men in the battle...

Edited by Valiant
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Just as Nightfall fell to the ground, two soldiers picked him up. When he noticed they were NLR marines, he began to struggle. He felt extreme pain in his back legs as he was dragged along the uneven ground. Eventually, a tunnel appeared, and Nightfall began to blackout...

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"DAMMIT!" shouted Striker, "well there is nothing i can do at the moment to save Nightfall but i can still fight!" Striker took out his two sickle blades and ran straight toward the enemy dodging bullets as well as getting hit by them, as he rushed through the enemy's lines he sliced through them like they were butter. > I havent had this much fun for years!< thought Striker laughing to himself in a demented way

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Striker took a bullet straight in the chest not hitting anything to vital but just enough to become serious if he didn't get it healed straight away, looking at the direction at which the bullet came from he starred right at Fine with eye's that anypony could swear turned red with anger, striker started to run straight at Fine with all his might but blacked out at the last moment and landed on him instead

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Celestia, after unifying the front, had aided with a retreat and formation of a defensive line. Now she was healing ponies left and right, as well as deflecting attacks where she could. The fighting had reached a balance, and neither side was giving way.


Wits was thankful to Striker for saving him, but didn't have time to say so. He saw Nightfall being taken away. His first, insane reaction was to go straight for the ponies who were taking him prisoner, but reconsidered just in time to avoid falling under a curtain of swords and the odd rifle here and there. So, he instead stealthily followed along, observing the actions and reactions of these ponies. He would free his friend somehow, he just knew it.

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Striker started to open his eye's slowly, infront of him where a bunch of NLR solider's, > Oh shit! how am i going to get out of this one?< thought Striker, he decided he would make a run for it on the count of three, >one.< one of the solider's started to look at him and see if he was alive >two.< the solider saw he was still alive and was going to finish the job >three!< as the soldier was about to shoot, Striker got up and pushed the gun out of the way, the solider was so surprised that he had no time to deflect the punch to the head that knocked him unconscious, as the guard's finally noticed that Striker was up, Striker had already made a run for it back to the main line's.

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2400 Hours...midnight



"A battle dragged on"


It seemed that it would never end. The battle has been dragged into night and it seems it will not end for awhile....


Valiant in order to get better results ordered his Marines to come out of fighting to let the army take over the melee and had his marines rest by small encampment where they tended to the wounded. There he went to check on Corporal Fine after he was moved here from the front-lines. "Where is the medic that treated this soldier?" "He is dead sir..." "Oh but how is the corporal doing?" "He is doing fine just needs some rest recover from minor blood loss and those silk vests you wear kept it from penetrating far and helped keep the wound clean. So he should be fine in a week." Valiant nodded and just sat next the pony and watched him sleep in silence for a little to honor him for his bravery...

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Both sides had seen waved after wave of reinforcements. Celestia had retreated to the Citadel at nightfall, avoiding fighting when she was at her weakest. Without Nightfall, there was a lack of leadership, and they had mostly maintained position, fortifying to avoid any undue attack. These were real soldiers, and they were ready for a drag-out, knockdown fight.

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Striker finally got to a small shelter where he would be safe at the moment, looking out the window he saw the battle rage on, in the corner Wit's was trying to follow the two guard's that where dragging Nightfall away, > Look's like's he is trying to save his friend, he will probably get himself killed.< Striker left the abandoned house and chased after Wit's as silently and stealthily as he could.

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Luna had made an absolutely beatiful night, which was mostly overshadowed by the fighting in Ponyville, however there were a few that noticed ((Wits and Celestia at least)). Meanwhile, Nightfall was being airlifted to the Ponygon by an experimental rotary-winged aircraft, which was a collaboration of the pegasi and unicorns of the NLR. When he woke up, he was in a bed in the NLR's sick bay.



Edited by Vinyl Blade

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Nightfall awoke with a start. Everything around him was white. He was confused. Then he heard words he didn't necessarily like.

"Heil unto Luna." He looked next to him to see the pony who had shot him.

"Dammit, man! I'm from the Solar Empire! And you! You're the one who shot me! Sweet Celestia..." He uttered the last two words as he sat up. The pain sparked and he winced, looking down to see his hind hooves and his right wing wrapped up.

"Where in Equestria am I?"

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Vinyl Blade stepped into the room along with two marines with tranquilizing dart guns. "Hello Colonel. It's been a while. Have you missed me? I certainly missed you. Men, would you be so kind as to loosen his restraints, just a bit."

Edited by Vinyl Blade

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl Blade stepped into the room along with two marines with tranquilizing dart guns. "Hello Colonel. It's been a while. Have you missed me, because I certainly missed you. Men, would you be so kind as to loosen his restraints, just a bit."


"Vinyl Blade. Ha. I should have known you would bring me here." Nightfall frowned. He didn't see where this was going at the moment, and was still a bit confused.

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((Play the music in the spoiler while reading my post))





"Alright marines form up on my right!" It was raining...."Take aim!" It was also very very cold..."Fire!" The ominous boom once again went off. We fought hard and long through out the night. "Fire at will and get behind those fortifications!!!" BOOM! BOOM! "They brought there cannons! Get down!!!!!!............"


0300 Hours


"Cause and effects"


The whole western side of ponyville was destroyed. There mounds of bodies, some were our men, some theres, some civilians, and some still unidentifiable. There were moaning wounded and the smell of dead flesh. There was crying and wailing over loved ones that were lost. We have won the battle but not yet the war. But at what cost?


The NLR won it's first battle and declared itself an independent country. Both sides sustained heavy casualties and the battle was fairly even but the NLR won just nearly. Civilian casualties were heavy as well no matter the what either side tried to do. And this war is far from over.


I am Gunnery Sergeant Valiant Shield of the 1st Lunar Republic Expeditionary Unit and this is the equestrian war...

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Striker was following Wit's but it got dark, Striker tried following Wit's but he lost him in the Everfree, "well at least i am back home... but i am more worried for Wit's, he is just a reporter, and no pony other then me and a few other's should be here by our selve's, oh well i am sure he will pop up eventually, but i still have a job to do." Striker walked back to his cabin in the center of the forest there he started to mess around with a metal tube, he was building something.

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"Why, of course I would bring my favorite SE stallion here. Don't you miss me? Just a little?" she said sexily. She came closer, "Aren't you happy to see me?"


"Your favorite SE stallion? Miss you? Happy-" Nightfall stopped and laughed. "Oh, really?" He kept laughing. "Sorry, General, but we're on opposite sides of a war . You really expect me to fall in love with you?"

He looked her up and down quickly. "No offense," he added. She had grown since he had last seen her, and not just in height, but also in muscle size.

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"I don't expect you to fall in love with me. I just thought that after a year or so, you would have been happy to see me. Is that unreasonable to think?" she asked while slowly sliding her hoof up his leg.


"Damn it!" he tried pulling his leg away, but the quick movements sent a searing pain through it. He fell onto his back and stayed like that for a few moments.

"Look..." He sighed. "Blade, what do you want with me?"

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