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What is the saddest thing you have ever seen?


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Its actually two things.


First, my cat Raven died in my arms on October 16th this year, sadly we couldn't take her into the vet to take care of her, or even to have her put down. None of the vets were willing to work a payment arrangement out, so getting checked out was impossible, because we are so poor. This was my little fur baby, she'd greet me at the door everyday I came home from work, meowing, and begging me to pick her up, and just hold her. Just seeing her go from a lively, loving cat to a weak, sickly, still loving, but not social cat that could barely walk was devastating.


The second is, we have to put my wife's cat, Tippy Toe, down. He's developed having seizures, and even bit a good friend of our family this past Sunday. It broke my heart to make that appointment for the 28th, it takes everything I have to keep from constantly crying. I have never been through this before, so I'm not sure how I am going to be day.. :(


What is worse, is when I tried to tell my boss that I would like to get out a few hours earlier because of the possible weather, and the fact I would have the car. He through a fit, and got pissed off that I was requesting to leave 2 hours early, because of this appointment. I don't care about Black Friday, I don't care if the kitchen is going to be short handed. I don't care if this is going to mess with his scheduling. This is important to my wife, and my family, so its important to me... I know people don't have the same views about pets, some see them just as animals or property, others can see them as their family, and just as important as another human being. :(


So I guess that's actually three... 

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
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Feb 19, 2003


My wife sitting in a rocking chair in a private room off of the NICU. Silent tears and shivering looking at me, pleading in her eyes, desperate to change what couldn't be changed.


Bailey Ariana


That is my saddest thing I've ever seen. It was the final piece that completed the person I am today. I love life and treasure every moment I have, every interaction I make with others. What we have here and now is miraculous and I only ask that others understand that existence is precious and a gift.



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