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The fire within (Private RolePlay)


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The pain of losing a loved one.
The sadness taking over.
Despair now rules the heart.
The mind, blank from pain alone.

This hole, filled with suffering.
These memories, carved in my sole.
Brutality of vengeance.
Satisfaction of revenge.

This aching heart.
Forever breaking.
Forever crying.
This dying heart of mine.

This role play is about the dying heart of Larva, and the corruption of the Royal Order. This is a private roleplay for me and a new member to get her used to the new system.







(You can add to this if you wish Taylor.)








Keeps more to himself, only talks on an extent to those he trusts. Very imtimidating.


A bat cutie mark


Black cloat, blue mane, and bright green eyes that could luminate a room. His voice has a deep intimidating tone, which could cause weak ponies to shiver. Larva was a strict vampire who will do anything for the greater good. Although he can have a major temper, he is a loyal ally. Along with his 5ft katana(forged by the last of his family) which he keeps on his side at all times, he seeks revenge of his lost ones with his master Miyu (a 114 year old vampire girl who has the appearance of a 13 year old girl who had also turned into a pony) he will do anything to find her. .
Here is a pic of what his human self looked like-

He has the ability of the kiss of life/death (He can bring people back to life or kill them)
Summon (He can summon anything from hell or that has perished.)


He can materialize into thin air


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Name: Ash Cloud (Ash)


Age: 5 if in pony years (Human age, maybe.. 18? Not sure how it would work xD)


Sex: Male


Species: Unicorn


Specialty: Ash/Dust cloud cutie mark


Personality: Ash is a very laid back, down to earth pony, for being a unicorn and all. He lives out of town, not exactly in the forest, but not in the middle of nowhere either. His home is not far from the site of where the base of a volcano was many years ago, aiding to a few hot springs that now exsist there. Ash spends his time using his magic to maintain the springs, so fellow ponies can come and enjoy them as they please, and all for free! The draw back is that he rarely, if EVER, goes into town. The only time he gets company is when anypony decides to visit his hot springs- otherwise he is all alone.


Description: He's a fairly tall, lean pony, but strong. Reddish orange in color, with a greyish red, ashy colored mane that is SO frizzy and crazy that you can't even see his eyes. He also has visible black hooves, and a long, dragging tail to match his mane. Basically he would give Rarity a heart attack, if she were given a chance to see him. (Made worse considering the fact he IS a unicorn.) His eyes though, if you COULD see them, are a deep brown.


Other: N/A


Abilities: Unicorn Magic


((Hope this is alright! :3))



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Let us start!



Larva walked along the edge of the park outside of Canterlot,enjoying the moonlight that seemed to brighten up the world. The night was a dark one, darker than larva had ever seen. It rather made him happy however, the sun seemed to still burn his skin, even though he was in a new body. The thirst for blood that he had possesed had subsided, but he still felt the clinging pain of the abscence. He missed the vile liquid, as much as he loved it. Time seemed to go slow around him as he walked, the park the most beautiful at this time of year.

Private role play? Like the army rank or for specific people?


If you actually read it, it is PRIVATE.


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Meanwhile, a lonely unicorn could have only wished he had an opportunity to live in such an upstanding place as Canterlot. Yet, if he were a different sort of pony he would have given just about anything to reside there. But he wasn't that kind of pony. No.. Ash was perfectly content with his little watering hole he called a home, just outside of Ponyville. He hadn't noticed the particularly dark evening himself as he trotted carefully around the edge of one of the hot spring pools, watching as the last of the bubbles died down from the last round of magic he had pumped into it for the night. The unicorn let out a heavy grunting sigh through his nostrils before he lifted his head, his reflection dancing in the still rippling water below. Unusually peaceful, this night.....But that was just how Ash liked it.



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Larva sighed as the moon seemed to lower in the sky. Night will soon be coming to an end. Much to his dismay, he started to walk away from the beauty of the park. For once, an idea popped into his mind. Why shouldn't he just go somewhere else for a while? Just traveling would hurt no pony. He smiled at himself, realizing how clever his words were. Why had he not thought of this before? Larva stretched out his massive wings outside his body, becoming excited for the flight that was close to happening. His feathers began to lift out of sheer enjoyment, and he started to run. His head start gave him nice leverage, as he started to flap his wings quickly, and he was soon into the night sky.


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"Well Ash... been kind of a .....slow day today..." The scruffy unicorn groaned to himself as he stretched out his aching forelegs. The night had become chilly before the sun had even had a chance to fully go down, so he had worked his hooves off making sure the springs would stay nice and hot for the ponies who actually happened along. Today there hadn't been many...but he wanted to be sure that the few that did come had the best day of their lives. It's the least I can do for them..The pony thought to himself as he slowly stepped away from the springs, stopping just short in front of his ramshackle shack he slept in. Boy. Not exactly a castle, that was sure. But it sufficed for him at least. Tonight however, for some reason, Ash fancied sleeping beneath the stars. So with that notion in mind, he searched the ground with his muzzle close to the grass for the softest spot he could find, and then he stretched out upon it. Still a bit nippy perhaps, but cold didn't bother him one bit, what with all the shaggy fur he boasted.



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The crisp night air was all around Larva's body, and he enjoyed it with all of his soul. The coldness caused the hair on his fur to stick up, goosebumps not far below it. He had never had this much fun back on Earth. Hell, he never had fun in the first place.This strange place was changing him, more than he thought. Now that he was a pony, his cravings for meat soon disappear, but the longing for something more than salad still lingered. Larva felt his stomach growl at him, as if telling him it needed meat. Larva knew that this feeling would not disappear until he feasted on a poor unsuspecting pony, much to his dismay. Larva had tried to stop himself up till this point, but now the urge was too great. Larva's eyes turned red and he scanned the ground, his eyesight now owl like. In the distance, he saw a small colt ready it's self for rest on the ground. With a small tear in his eyes, he whispered a small prayer for the creature, and dived down.


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A massive yawn caused Ash's lips to part, revealing straight white teeth before he rested his head on the soft, sweet grass. So peaceful this night, yes....too peaceful perhaps. But being a simple pony at heart, Ash Cloud was not one to be suspicious, or to worry. He just took things as they came, and pretty much stuck to living in stride. What was tomorrow if you spent all your time worrying about what might happen? That was the problem with many ponies today, he concluded. They never took the time to, well, simply enjoy life. This philosophy was what caused him to fail to notice the Pegasus rocketing towards him at alarming speeds, from high above, like a griffin ready to pounce on its prey. No... even as the figure haloed by the moon drew closer, Ash began to doze off a might quicker than he had expected, his stiff muscles loosening, leaving him totally vulnerable and helpless to the threat.



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Larva knew what he was about to do was wrong, but his body did not respond to his brain. His natural instincts were now kicking in. Larva sped towards Ash's defenseless body, ready to pounce on the defenseless creature. The second larva reached Ash, he kicked the creature on the back, causing Larva to fall backwards. The thought on his mind was "Damnit. I fucked up again."


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Almost the second Larva's hooves connected, Ash let out a bellowing whinny of shock and pain, the air leaving his lungs in a loud rush of air. He toppled onto his side in the grass, skidding a foot or two before he came to a stop, his eyes thrown open wide behind his messy forlock. He couldn't see what had assailed him, as he took shuddering, gasping breaths in a double effort to calm himself, and to regain the breath he had lost. Either way he struggled, his knees trembling as he planted his hooves in the dirt in front of his snout, trying to find the strength and leverage to stand. His back throbbed with pain, but he strove to ignore it. Every pulse, every cell in his body screamed for him to run... to flee. But he couldn't find it in him to, so frozen was he in astonishment



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Larva rolled onto his chest on the position he was on the ground. He stared at the colt in front of him, seeing him as his dinner. His methodical stare continued as he stared into the colt's eyes, slowly rising from his position. Larva began a slow walk towards the cowering pony, enjoying the fear he inflicted. But inside of him, the good side of Larva was now screaming in agony.


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Through his shaggy mess of a mane, Ash was seeing a pony of the likes he had never seen in his entire life. A pegasus out of his nightmares. He could easily see powerful wings on the colt's back, illuminated for a moment by the moon, before they sprang neatly back to his sides. Then, he began to advance, his head lowered, staring at him with those ghastly eyes. In the heat of the moment, poor Ash forgot about his pain. Nothing exsisted but the terrible pony in front of him, who was getting closer with every soft hoof beat against the breeze blown grass. Ash couldn't find the strength to get out of his admittedly submissive stance, his chest and foreleags against the ground with his hindquarters in the air in a feeble attempt to right himself. His knees shook violently as he tried to stand up, the simple pony inside unable to resist whispering, "M..My...you're...out awfully late...." He screwed his eyes shut for a moment, but his mouth kept moving, and he just kept talking, "..I...I'm sorry but....the springs are closed for th'night...I was...goin' t'bed acually..." He managed weakly. The kind heart inside didn't want to admit that this pony had just kicked him into the dirt, so Ash decided to ignore the screaming voice in his head that told him so.



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Larva moved his red eyes into Ash's, and with a deep voice that shook the ground between them he said,

"Quiet pony. You know very well I am not here for your trifle springs."

Larva chuckled menacingly before continuing.

"If you keep quiet, your death will be quick and painless."

Larva kept his slow pace toward the colt, the excitement of the moment causing the good part of him to shrink inside his very being. Larva's unnaturally sharp teeth now stuck out of his lip.


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Now the unicorn had completely lost the will or the desire to speak. He stared wide eyed at the pegasus as he continued to step closer, the reality of what was happening to him sinking in. Living his entire life peacefully....it was like being hit over the head with a ton of bricks. Thus, Ash was petrified like this with horror, his jaw working, but nothing coherent coming from him. Was this even a pony?! He couldn't be sure anymore- not with those teeth. Dream or reality, pony or not, Ash knew he was done for. He closed his eyes tightly for a second time, and allowed his trembling rump to fall to the earth, lying down beneath the pony's hard stare instead of trying to stand boldly before him. Ash was a simple pony...painfully simple it seemed. So painful that now he was going to be murdered for it.



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Larva now smiled down at his prey, knowing full well his hunt was coming to an end. As Larva soon towered over the small colt, Larva somehow felt unsatisfied. Ideas soon came into his head on how to make the hunt more enjoyable. He would torture the small colt. The good side inside of Larva screamed to get out, but the evil was now overtaking his entire body. Larva smiled evilly at the small colt, and swung his right hoof out, hitting the colt on the side of the head, just hard enough to make the colt fly into the air from the blow.


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Ash let out a strange, garbled grunt of pain as the pegasus' hoof connected harshly with his jaw, giving off a sickeningly fleshy thud. Stars exploded in horrific clarity behind the unicorn's eyelids as he was sent sprawling for a second time, landing heavily onto his side a few feet away. His chest heaved frantically, panting, his forlock blown from his face to reveal massive, panic stricken eyes. Half of him wanted to just curl up and plead for mercy, another half wanted to flee...and the smallest bit of him wanted to stand up and face this monster, using every bit of unicorn magic he had to fight him off. ...But he couldn't.



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Larva felt his laughter rise out of his chest and out of his lips. He had not played with his prey like this in years. He ran over to the colt again and stood over him. With his left hoof, he smacked him again, back to his previous spot. The second he did this, Larva flew up to the sky, engulfing himself in darkness. When he was high enough for his pleasure, he turned around to see the small colt again. With all of his speed, he flew down to the colt and struck him on the back with all of his strength.


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"AAGHH!!" This time, Ash couldn't hold in the horrible whinny of agony that resulted from the harrowing blow. It was a wonder he hadn't woken up everypony in Ponyville...but this was the price he payed for living so far out of town. Nopony would ever hear his cries, or see his body being tossed around like a ragdoll. He shuddered and lay still where he had landed the last time before, having lost sight of his assailant. Darkness threatened to consume him, but he fought to remain conscious. The unicorn magic he had been born with was the only thing that gave him enough strength to resist the pain...enough to hold back his whinnies of agony, and enough strength to resist the urge to run...

((Hey Finest! I have a doctor's appointment today so I won't be able to rp until I come back. I shouldn't be gone too long though! When you reply, I'll post my response when I come home :3))



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Larva looked down at the pitiful excuse for a colt. He smiled at how he was struggling to stay awake. Remembering what he had said minutes ago, larva lowered his head down to the colt's ear and said,

"I thought I said to be quiet... looks like you want to die painfully!"

Larva laughed maniacally and pushed the colt onto his back.


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Oh Celestia... things were just spiraling into the depths of bad to worse. Much, much worse. Ash made it a point to hold his tongue as Larva rolled him over, his hooves kicking madly in the air for a moment out of instinct. Then, he quickly tucked them to his chest, staring up at the horrible pegasus, his large, brown eyes practically begging for mercy. The unicorn closed his eyes for what he was sure would be the last time- but if he really was going to die, it was not going to be groveling to a murderer he didn't even know. No- he wouldn't grant him that satisfaction. Dropping a few octaves, Ash growled in the most intimidating voice he could muster, "Fine then. Kill me if that's whach'yer after. Do it quick- do it slow, I don't care. Just get right on and do it." He sneered, now glaring full on into the other pony's eyes.



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Larva stared down at the colt in pure enjoyment. His teeth seemed to grow out of his mouth, and larva flashed his wings out. With the most terrifying voice he could muster, Larva screamed,

"As you wish. Your death shall be wonderful."

Larva lowered his head down to take a bite out of the colt, but suddenly his eyesight went blank. Larva screamed out in agony, falling on his back to the ground.


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Hearing the sudden outcry shocked the colt, causing him to close his eyes even tighter, pulling his hooves even closer to his fluttering chest. This was it- he waited for the worst pain yet, of being murdered... or apparently eaten alive by this cannibalistic pegasus, who had driven his head forwards towards Ash's neck with jaws open wide. But the pain never came, and this is what stunned him the most. After waiting for a moment in stiff silence, he could hear the rustling of the grass as the pony suddenly fell back, his legs kicking and thrashing as he hit the ground. What was going on here...?



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Larva began writhing on the ground, experiencing pain he had never felt before. The white light that was shining within his head began to blind him, and he screamed even louder. The good side of Larva began to rise out of the pit it was shoved into, and was now fighting the darkness for power.


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The trembling, stiff legged colt took this opportunity to right himself, every muscle in his body feeling strained. He still throbbed all over from the thrashing, but that much he was able to ignore. The fear- the terror- was also still there, but using an incredible amount of will he was able to shove that to the back of his mind too. Perhaps unicorn magic was aiding him here as well...he couldn't be sure. At any rate, he had managed to stand, his head hanging low over the mute, greenish-blue grass. Through his matted forlock he watched his assailant thrash, as if a seizure of some sort had overtaken him. Whatever the case, the only thing Ash knew was that this incident had most likely saved his life. Now, he could only stand...and watch.



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