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private SoL: Canterlot

~The Snowy Wolf~

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A strange looking unicorn walked up to Wildcard at random, and looked up and down at him. "You don't look quite right," he said. "Should you be out and about with those nasty scratches?" Given that the jacket was hiding the scratches, it would be very strange to most people.


Suddenly, Wits shook his head. Another vision. What was he thinking, jumping on one like that? "I'm sorry," he said. "I must have been mistaken. I'm Wits End."

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"I guess I shouldn't" he answered, "but staying in the hospital for a week or more isn't great either. My name is Wildcard by the way"


The pegasus took a closer look at Wits End

"You look kind of uncommon...and you did see my scratches which is also kinda strange...even for a unicorn. Is there anything I should know about you?"


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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"I suppose not..." Wits said. "But are your wounds serious? Re-opening them wouldn't be good. I... uh... saw them in a vision. I get them sometimes, but they're not always right, and I don't really understand. I'm a student at the college here, studying metamagic and metaphysics."


"Well they hurt a bit, but I don't think they are THAT serious. I will take care of myself anyways" Wildcard answered a bit confused about what Wits just had said.

"So what was that vision about? Do I have to uhm...worry about myself now?" the pegasus added with a concerned look on his face

Edited by Wildcard


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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"Well that, of course, doesn't sound serious at all" Wildcard said with a sarcarstic tone in his voice.

"Anyways...what were you doing...or what were you going to do before you had your vision and came here?"


"I'm mostly just wandering around, studying for a test I have. Somehow, metamagic can be studied anywhere at all. For example, you have a magical aura, just like everyone else." Wits was glancing at Wildcard, and his horn began glowing lightly.
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"I'm mostly just wandering around, studying for a test I have. Somehow, metamagic can be studied anywhere at all. For example, you have a magical aura, just like everyone else." Wits was glancing at Wildcard, and his horn began glowing lightly.


Wildcard was confused. He didn't know much about magic or metamagic but it did sound really interesting to him.

"Soo...basically you are reading my mind right now?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Wildcard was confused. He didn't know much about magic or metamagic but it did sound really interesting to him.

"Soo...basically you are reading my mind right now?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.


"No, I'm examining your aura." A tickle started to develop in Wildcard, but as though in a place where he couldn't scratch, but could still feel. "Do you do a lot of flying?" Wits asked, moving his head up and down.
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"No, I'm examining your aura." A tickle started to develop in Wildcard, but as though in a place where he couldn't scratch, but could still feel. "Do you do a lot of flying?" Wits asked, moving his head up and down.


"Yes I do. I was in a flight-team once and I still enjoy it a lot" Wildcard answered. He stretched and shaked a bit trying to get rid of the tickle. After a few tries he gave up and tried to stand still again


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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"Yes I do. I was in a flight-team once and I still enjoy it a lot" Wildcard answered. He stretched and shaked a bit trying to get rid of the tickle. After a few tries he gave up and tried to stand still again


"And you recently had an accident, that left some metaphysical scarring..." Wits said, then tweaked a couple of things in his aura. A muscle relaxed that Wildcard didn't even know was tense, and he felt a lot more at ease. "Accidents sometimes have long-reaching, unintended effects on a ponies ability to draw upon their magic. This should iron out any wrinkles." His horn stopped glowing, and the tickling feeling disappeared.
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Sky heard a pony talking about reading auras in the distance he decided to fly over to them to investigate. "Hey" Sky said to wildcard and wits. He then.noticed how stupid he was being as to walk up to two unknown ponys and just randomly say hi.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Wildcard still looked a bit puzzled but felt a lot better now. He was completely calm and relaxed now, which is rarely the case

"Thank you a lot. What does the aura tell about a pony and in which ways can you use it?" he asked Wits. He waited for a second and added "And what could have happened if you didn't fix mine?"


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Wildcard still looked a bit puzzled but felt a lot better now. He was completely calm and relaxed now, which is rarely the case

"Thank you a lot. What does the aura tell about a pony and in which ways can you use it?" he asked Wits. He waited for a second and added "And what could have happened if you didn't fix mine?"


"Oh, it just would have been a bit harder for you to fly in the future. I can lock down a pony's magic if I need to, but it takes me a while to attune my magic. Most of the time I just use it to give them a quick boost and iron out any wrinkles. Say, you seem new in town, aren't you?"


He turned to Sky. "Hello there, we were just discussing magical auras and whatnot."

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"Oh, it just would have been a bit harder for you to fly in the future. I can lock down a pony's magic if I need to, but it takes me a while to attune my magic. Most of the time I just use it to give them a quick boost and iron out any wrinkles. Say, you seem new in town, aren't you?"


He turned to Sky. "Hello there, we were just discussing magical auras and whatnot."


"Well not exactly. I was born and went to highschool here. Then I lived in Ponyville for 2 years and now it looks like I am back in Canterlot" he answered. "Were you born here or did you come here for university?"

Then he turned to Sky and greeted him friendly: "Hi, I am Wildcard"


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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"Well not exactly. I was born and went to highschool here. Then I lived in Ponyville for 2 years and now it looks like I am back in Canterlot" he answered. "Were you born here or did you come here for university?"

Then he turned to Sky and greeted him friendly: "Hi, I am Wildcard"


"I was born in a suburb. I'm here for college, yeah. Say, have you heard about the Grand Galloping Gala? It's coming up in the next couple of weeks." Wits said, quite cheerily and very happily. He looked at both pegasi.
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"I'm Sky so I couldn't help overhearing that you can read auras and fix them. Is an aura unfixable if its left broken for 13 years?" Sky asked Wits curiouly. "Maybe he will be able to understand my "mutation"" Sky thought to himself.


"Oh and yea I have two tickets to the gala at the moment thats why I bought the tuxedo im wearing" Sky smiled "Though I dont think I should go I heard the gala can be a terrible party if you are not from a higher class family."

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Who hasn't heard of the Gala? Normally, I am not a big fan of those fancy high-society meet ups, but I've heard it was hilarious last year when a bunch of Ponyville mares caused chaos. Also I would like to see the Wonderbolts and Princess 'Tia. Nevertheless I am still unsure if I want to go there. I don't have somepony to go with and the drinks will be expensive as hell." he answered


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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"Well if you are offering then sure though I have to say I have a pretty terrible past so dont be surprised if my aura is all messed up or whatever" Sky said feeling rather nervous. "Maybe its my aura thats giving me cloud control abilitys." Sky thought to himself.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Yeah, all of the students get free tickets, so I've gone twice before. Can be a bit dull, but sometimes really weird things happen, like this pony just burst onto the stage and did a big dance number!" Wits said, laughing at the memory.



"Lots of surface scratching," he said. "Give me a second to clean this up. This could hurt a bit. There's a really unique shape to your aura, though." He poured magic into the aura, and a pain started shooting through Sky, opening then closing old wounds.
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"YOU DIDNT TELL ME IT WAS GOING TO BLOODY HURT" Sky shouted at wits as he winced in pain. Sky then began to curse loudly at the many pains flowing through his body. "I thought getting your aura cleaned was supposed to feel good"

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"That's cool, I like weird things happening" he said laughing. Then the pegasus got a bit more serious as he watched Wits working on Skys aura.

"So I guess you know quite a lot about a pony once you have examined his or her aura?"


"I can infer a bit, but it's not like I get a picture of their soul for that," he looked at Wildcard and his eyes turned green and his voice became deep "I HAVE OTHER METHODS FOR THAT." Then it switched back. "Just kidding. Naw, if I want to learn about somepony, I just spend time with them."
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