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Developing JScript pony RPG


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Are there any fellow brony developers who would like to help me in coding a Javascript RPG?

You do not need to know Javascript, I just want to work with someone who has some coding experience :3

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Are you also using HTML5 or just purely javascript? Also what did you have in mind because using javascript and HTML5 is pretty limited...

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I plan to use HTML5 for the RPG, yes. I also plan to use a server and WebSockets to manage maps (and perhaps multiplayer in the distant future).


EDIT: RPGs are indeed possible in HTML5, as shown by BrowserQuest

Edited by BowtieMod
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Are you also using HTML5 or just purely javascript? Also what did you have in mind because using javascript and HTML5 is pretty limited...


That is simply not true. Canvas is very powerful, node.js is also very powerful, and so is socket.io.




Back to the topic at hand.


I wouldn't mind working with you to make this happen. Contact me on Skype! ( Com2040 )



In case you want to know more about me:


I have been programming with Javascript since 2010. Started to really use it in 2011 and have now been using it on my website to power the chat. ( The server is powered by node.js + socket.io, and the client is just simple Javascript that appends HTML. Although a bad choice pretty much stalled it's development as other things took priority: the whole website )

But I have been programming stuff in a lot of different languages since I started, mainly C#, Lua and Ruby ( I also dipped my feet into C++ but didn't find it to be suited to what I needed at that time. )





And now onto the project as a whole:


What do you want it to be? Will it be a Hack N' Slash Roleplaying Game? ( Aka, you get a weapon, a quest, kill two baddies, come back, get XP, level up, unlock new skills, find new weapons. repeat. )

Or perhaps a more traditional approach, where the actual story is more important than the action?


You mentioned Multiplayer, do you want it to be an MMORPG? Or just an MORPG? ( Aka a smaller scale :P )



If yes, is it a free world? Or more roleplay based, so ponies have jobs and can create communities, build houses?



Is it text based or graphical?




Having a basic overview of the project is critical as often projects get killed in their alpha stage. ( The stage where you create a proof of concept. ) Not everything has to be thought out, but the core gameplay as well as the technologies used should be known and refined already.





This got longer than I thought, and I hope I did not stop you in any way of pursuing a project like this. But take it from someone who also had ( imo ) great ideas, but not thinking them trough killed any way of realizing them. As I am sure someone said before me, great things are 10pct intuiton/ideas and 90pct hard work. I believe that making a simple RPG with Javascript and Canvas is totally within reach with just some preparation :)

  • Brohoof 1
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That is simply not true. Canvas is very powerful, node.js is also very powerful, and so is socket.io.


Our definitions of powerful are very different it would seem. Unreal Engine is powerful. Javascript on a web browser is not. For me, it isn't powerful enough to make an RPG that I would play. If you could make a game like Runescape that played smoothly, then I would admit that it's powerful to the smallest degree.


Currently HTML5 and javascript couldn't even out do Gamemaker pre studio which is pretty bad.

Edited by Bohtty
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This project was actually started by someone else but :


Yes, it will be a storyline-based. Shame to waste resources on boring, repetitve RPGs. I mean, if you're going to do it, do it right.

(Storyline will be post-apocalypse, if you you were wondering)


It probably will be sort of an hybrid, main quest + commmunities. I was just mentioning the multiplayer opportunity because this will be mostly a server/client game.


Free world-ish, the game might provide tools for jobs and communities.


Yes, it will be graphical, as text-based RPGs would be better suited for AJAX


I would enjoy working with you, as this would be (definitely) bigger than for one person's scope :3

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Our definitions of powerful are very different it would seem. Unreal Engine is powerful. Javascript on a web browser is not. For me, it isn't powerful enough to make an RPG that I would play. If you could make a game like Runescape that played smoothly, then I would admit that it's powerful the the smallest degree.


I'm gonna skip over the fact that the Unreal Engine is a fully fledged tool specifcally made for Game Development where as Javascript is a subset of ECMAScript, aka a scripting language.


But those two different things aside, you hit the nail on the head when you said 'web browser'. Which modern PC does not have a web browser? ( And a lot of those are modern installations so they run Javascript quite fast and support most of HTML 5's features ).


Of course you will not get a World of Warcraft done in your web browser and quite frankly why would you even try ( Other than for the awesomness of having a thing like that running in a browser )?


But you wouldn't get it done because of the complexity, ( okay, perhaps a bit, but if you hit the complexity bottleneck you are doing something wrong ) but because of the graphics and content. Afaik WoW is several gigs of meshes, textures, sounds and other things that a game needs. But a simple Javascript RPG? Just your browser. Graphics can be minimal, sounds as well. ( All downloaded as needed, or preloaded. ) and it works in any browser! How is that not powerful? People get to have fun, anytime, everywhere. Without installing anything than what they got. Powerful for a scripting language hugely depends on context, and in the context where you can have easy crossplatform and easy accessibility Javascript(+HTML5) excels. Or would YOU use Unreal Engine to make a webapp? I wouldn't.



Obviously there is also the whole licensing, ease of use, and the fact that you can just jump into JS and start coding.

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I'm gonna skip over the fact that the Unreal Engine is a fully fledged tool specifcally made for Game Development where as Javascript is a subset of ECMAScript, aka a scripting language.


I'm only making such comparisons because he wants to make a game. As a web language I agree, it is very powerful especially for a scripting language.


But those two different things aside, you hit the nail on the head when you said 'web browser'. Which modern PC does not have a web browser? ( And a lot of those are modern installations so they run Javascript quite fast and support most of HTML 5's features ).



Most people still use older versions of Internet Explorer mainly 7 and 8


Of course you will not get a World of Warcraft done in your web browser and quite frankly why would you even try ( Other than for the awesomness of having a thing like that running in a browser )?


Of course it would be done for the feat not the game itself because it sucks, but it's the idea that if you could make WoW then the possibility of making a better game is a real obtainable goal.



But you wouldn't get it done because of the complexity, ( okay, perhaps a bit, but if you hit the complexity bottleneck you are doing something wrong ) but because of the graphics and content. Afaik WoW is several gigs of meshes, textures, sounds and other things that a game needs. But a simple Javascript RPG? Just your browser. Graphics can be minimal, sounds as well. ( All downloaded as needed, or preloaded. ) and it works in any browser! How is that not powerful? People get to have fun, anytime, everywhere. Without installing anything than what they got. Powerful for a scripting language hugely depends on context, and in the context where you can have easy crossplatform and easy accessibility Javascript(+HTML5) excels. Or would YOU use Unreal Engine to make a webapp? I wouldn't.



No I would use Java to make an RPG and then turn it into a web applet. Or many use Unity which would also work well and even has a applet capabilities.

Your right about its power being relative to what it's being compared to. In this case, it's gamemaking and javascript/html5 alone lacks in the field. At least for an RPG *that I would play*.


If you haven't already you should def check these out Neikos:






Obviously there is also the whole licensing, ease of use, and the fact that you can just jump into JS and start coding.


Gamemaker scripting is very easy to get into and they have HTML5 node now so you can develop HTML5 games in the GM:S IDE


Also not to mention that even though everyone has a browser their computer specs are very limited.

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In spect, I would like as much help as needed in coding the game. :3


There are although parts of developing that do not require code, such as methods of displaying maps, and game logic.

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I will be using jQuery and maybe EaselJS, but I do not know what is GWT :L

Right now, I'm concentrated on methods of displaying and navigating maps.


EDIT: Ah, GWT is a SDK. I like writing raw code, so no GWT.

Edited by BowtieMod
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I will be using jQuery and maybe EaselJS, but I do not know what is GWT :L

Right now, I'm concentrated on methods of displaying and navigating maps.


EDIT: Ah, GWT is a SDK. I like writing raw code, so no GWT.


Sure, if you need any help feel free to message me on Skype, I'm I_wesley125.

Sorry I took so long to respond, I did not know you replied because you did not quote me, lol.

Edited by I_wesley125
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I'm gonna skip over the fact that the Unreal Engine is a fully fledged tool specifcally made for Game Development where as Javascript is a subset of ECMAScript, aka a scripting language.


But those two different things aside, you hit the nail on the head when you said 'web browser'. Which modern PC does not have a web browser? ( And a lot of those are modern installations so they run Javascript quite fast and support most of HTML 5's features ).


Of course you will not get a World of Warcraft done in your web browser and quite frankly why would you even try ( Other than for the awesomness of having a thing like that running in a browser )?


But you wouldn't get it done because of the complexity, ( okay, perhaps a bit, but if you hit the complexity bottleneck you are doing something wrong ) but because of the graphics and content. Afaik WoW is several gigs of meshes, textures, sounds and other things that a game needs. But a simple Javascript RPG? Just your browser. Graphics can be minimal, sounds as well. ( All downloaded as needed, or preloaded. ) and it works in any browser! How is that not powerful? People get to have fun, anytime, everywhere. Without installing anything than what they got. Powerful for a scripting language hugely depends on context, and in the context where you can have easy crossplatform and easy accessibility Javascript(+HTML5) excels. Or would YOU use Unreal Engine to make a webapp? I wouldn't.



Obviously there is also the whole licensing, ease of use, and the fact that you can just jump into JS and start coding.


Would runescape be a good example of what it could be like?



And this sounds really cool, I can't really code though, but if you need someone to help with it in other ways then I would be happy to help :)

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