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private Ponies Of The Maribbean


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/27170-pony-pirates-treasure-hunt/#entry625938

Tune Twist sat on his desk in his ship. They were finally approaching the island. He felt the ship lurch and stop. He walked outside and saw his crew celebrating. He trotted over the Permafrost. "Get the lifeboats ready. We gotta hurry and get on the island." He said.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Moonlight felt the boat slowly move toward the island, and noted Swift Echo standing near the edge of the boat. Moonlight went over and waited for a moment. "Captain Swift Echo, we have arrived at the island. Awaiting orders, sir."

Edited by Yorobia


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Jaide saw that the ship had hit land. She picked up her sword and put it in it's place. "Captain," she called out. "What is our duty here on this island? Are we to hunt for lost treasure?" she asked..


Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com...nt/#entry625938

Tune Twist sat on his desk in his ship. They were finally approaching the island. He felt the ship lurch and stop. He walked outside and saw his crew celebrating. He trotted over the Permafrost. "Get the lifeboats ready. We gotta hurry and get on the island." He said.



Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Jaide saw that the ship had hit land. She picked up her sword and put it in it's place. "Captain," she called out. "What is our duty here on this island? Are we to hunt for lost treasure?" she asked..


Tune Twist turned to Jaide. "Aye. And that lost treasure we will find!" He said. "You know, just... inside that volcano." He said calmly, pointing with his horn to the huge, smoking mountain in the middle of the island. "Anyway, Permafrost! How are those lifeboats coming?" He yelled at his magician.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Jaide traced Tune Twist's horn towards the volcano. She got a sudden sinking feeling in her stomach as she saw the sleeping volcano. She quickly shook off the feeling and went over to were the lifeboats were.


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Permafrost looked at Tune Twist and nodded. "Aye, captain."


The blue stallion trotted over to the lifeboats, which were cracked and scarred with endless hours of use. The oak was visibly falling apart in some places, and the sickly green colors which could only be moss and mold were slowly beginning to creep up the sides of the raft. Permafrost felt a few beads of sweat creep into his forehead, but he frowned and froze them dismissively.


Fear is a manifest of emotion, he thought as he looked out upon the sea, which was bright and shining with the light of the searing sun. The surface of the water was very much like a mirror, and he nodded as he began to unravel the taught ropes with a strong hoof. The cords were soaked with seawater and smelled like fish, but the lapping of the furious waves against the sandy beach drowned out any other thoughts he had as he did his task. A few moments later, both lifeboats were undone and they crashed into the water, tethered to the ship by only a rope. Permafrost grabbed the rope ladders and threw them down, then turned back to Tune Twist.


"They're done, captain!" he shouted across the wet, wooden deck.

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Blossom Bloom stood on the beach that they had just docked on,listening to her crew talk about the plans to find the treasure that they had been after for a long time. She looked off into the big jungle that wasn't too far from them and wondered what they would encounter once they stepped hoof in it.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Permafrost looked at Tune Twist and nodded. "Aye, captain."


The blue stallion trotted over to the lifeboats, which were cracked and scarred with endless hours of use. The oak was visibly falling apart in some places, and the sickly green colors which could only be moss and mold were slowly beginning to creep up the sides of the raft. Permafrost felt a few beads of sweat creep into his forehead, but he frowned and froze them dismissively.


Fear is a manifest of emotion, he thought as he looked out upon the sea, which was bright and shining with the light of the searing sun. The surface of the water was very much like a mirror, and he nodded as he began to unravel the taught ropes with a strong hoof. The cords were soaked with seawater and smelled like fish, but the lapping of the furious waves against the sandy beach drowned out any other thoughts he had as he did his task. A few moments later, both lifeboats were undone and they crashed into the water, tethered to the ship by only a rope. Permafrost grabbed the rope ladders and threw them down, then turned back to Tune Twist.


"They're done, captain!" he shouted across the wet, wooden deck.


"Ahh!" Tune Twist exclaimed in satisfaction. "All aboard the life boats!" He yelled to the rest of his crew. "We're gonna get the treasure!"


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Jaide quickly jumped onto to the lifeboats. "Weapons ready and ready to move on, captain," Jaide replied. She looked out to the island wondering what kind of challenges and wondors they might come across.

Edited by PegasisterTaco


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Jaide quickly jumped onto to the lifeboats. "Weapons ready and ready to move on, captain," Jaide replied. She looked out to the island wondering what kind of challenges and wondors they might come across.


"Arr!" He gave his cry of excitement. "And off we go!" He said. Horn glowed, and his powerful, experienced magic levitated two oars that then began to row the boat slowly into the island.


((Let's give the Northern Pillagers some time to catch up before we continue.))


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Blossom Bloom was silent as she climbed into the boat, her bow strapped across her back and her arrows in a pouch that hung off her side. She looked down into the water and saw many colorful fish. Admiring their scales and they way they glowed in the water, she leaned her head closer and watched them swim. "Wow..they're so beautiful...I know what we'll be eating for dinner tonight." She thought to herself.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Moonlight felt the boat slowly move toward the island, and noted Swift Echo standing near the edge of the boat. Moonlight went over and waited for a moment. "Captain Swift Echo, we have arrived at the island. Awaiting orders, sir."


Swift took a swig of his ale and began to walk to his quarters, giving Moonlight a nod along the way and has he got to his door he turned around "alright ponys gather your gear and head to the lifeboats we'll be docking soon" he said as the Captain entered his quarters to saddle up, putting his long duster on and making sure his dual pistols were loaded.

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Lyraica was on a boat, ready for treasure. Being the swordsman, things were hard for here, being the youngest of the group. She grabbed her sword, and saddled up. She came out and then played around with her sword.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Moonlight headed toward the two lifeboats, glancing to his left in mid-step as he saw a bright flash, supposedly coming Lyraica. He watched for a moment before continuing toward the boats once more. He carefully uncovered them and untangled the lines the boats were hanging by so they could be cut when it was time to approach the island. He wasn't worried about hanging the boats again. There was more ropes on board and boats would be an even simpler matter. There was a reason why he was a magician, after all. He moved back to tell the captain that the boast were ready, but he decided to give Swift Echo a little privacy. He sat down against the cabin wall and watched Lyraica swing he sword in seemingly deadly strokes, but what did he know about swords.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Swift continoued to load gunpowder into his 2nd pistol " perhaps i should invest in a clockwork pistol" he said to himself ad he holsterd the guns into his belt "then again I have Luna and Celestia" he said as he lifted his 2 swords one a long rapire which he named Celestia the other a little dagger with a barbed edge which he call Luna.


he then began to observe the map of the island and mark were they need to go to locate the treasure, using a golden coin that had markings whick wer to be used to find the treasure one this island which he obtained from a ship they had ransaked a few days ago. sadly he was unsure of the markings and could only loacate the area and not the exact location. "bah Moonlight will know the way" he said as he left his quarters"


leaving the cabin Swift handed the map and gold coin to Moonlight "alright everypony on the boats, today we strike gold, and tomorow we get drunk!" he shouted cherrfull as he headed to the edge of the ship and dropped down onto one of the boats.


OOC: MoonLight is Captain Swifts 2iC( second in command)

also since im in the UK i wont be able to RP when most of you might be so when i say "im off to bed" i'll be handing control of my OC over to somepony

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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As their lifeboats drifted slowly away from there gargantuan ship, the crew got more and more excited about the treasure that they were to obtain. Tune Twist checked his belt to make sure all weapons were present. Revolving musket - check. Diamond-tipped scimitar - check. Five poison darts in case of emergency - check. Tune Twist smiled. If this trip went smoothly, they would be at the treasure in a mere day. After that, they would be set for life. That is, if they don't run into The Northern Pillagers.

((I'm going on a long road trip and then on a plane soon, so I won't be able to update for a day))

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Moonlight let out a cheer, more toward the fact that they were going to find treasure. He didn't plan on getting drunk, it just wasn't like him to do so. He hopped into one of the lifeboats and called back to Thunder Twister and Lyraica, "Get over here, we're going after the treasure!" Moonlight directed the shout more toward Lyraica, not knowing where Thunder Twister even was.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Permafrost listened to the soft slosh, slosh, slosh of the creaky wooden oars as the boat cruised over the tame waves, the smell of saltwater filling his nose as the pony set his eyes on the island - a distant, green and yellow gauntlet in the afternoon sun. The sky was as blue as the ocean that rested beneath it and the golden, searing sun beamed through the occasional cloud. A good omen, Pemafrost thought. We'll need all the luck we have.


Permafrost felt in his leather bag for the book of magic that he had brought alongside him and the medicine and herbs that were stored in glass vials neatly tied together in a clump.


"Where do you think the treasure is, captain?" he pondered.

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((OOC: I'm gonna RP the life boats heading towards the island to get things moving on))


The soft waves made the ride toward the island easier and the waves slowly carried them towards the island combined with the power of the oars. Moonlight put a hoof to his mouth as he yawned, his horn holding the oar for him, effortlessly propelling the boat with him and the captain inside. He looked back toward the boat with Lyraica and Thunder Twister inside. Their boat was slightly behind and to the left of their boat. He noted Thunder Twister with his bow on his lap as he rowed, prepared for any unexpected attacks. He looked even further behind them at the ship, safely anchored to the bottom of the ocean. He looked back at the island, which they were rapidly approaching. The treasure, inside the towering volcano in front of them, would be all theirs. That is, if they didn't run into The Southern Raiders.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Swift stood at the front of the first boat being rowed by Moonlight, observing the map and the gold coin looking for the way to go when they hit land "were almost there, once we hit land were going strate for the volcano the treasure is somewere around there!" he shouted as he scanned the gold coin along the map.


(OOC everypony follow this thread it makes it easier and mention when your not going to be on)

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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"Captain, it may be a bit harder than that. Between the volcano and us is, well, extremely dense forest and then an unbelievably steep climb up the volcano. Unless on the map there is mention of some kind of secret tunnel through the middle of the volcano." Moonlight felt a small bump as the small lifeboat hit land. Without looking back, he shouted to Lyraica and Thunder Twister, "We're here. Let's get going as soon as possible, we don't have reason to waste time."


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Swift turned to Moonlight smileing " true the dangers of treking though the forest of this island would be a bother, but that why we have this" he said as he showed the gold coin to moonlight, "you see the former owner of this treasure used coins like these to help relocate his treasure that way wouldnt risk maps getting stolen and his crew would think of it as just a lucky coin, this is one of them coins, one of 3 to be accurate, when used with a map in the right way its can be used to show the safest way to the treasure from any edge of the island" he then put the gold coin back into his pocket "however this was a long time a go and the land has likely changed, so we best be on our guard"

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Moonlight stepped onto the land and scanned the area, searching for any potential enemies. He didn't want to face any surprise attacks or such brouhaha, as it would only waste their time further. The only threat of enemies was that they would delay The Northern Pillagers. That is, except The Southern Raiders. If they were to encounter them, it would mean true danger for them.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Jaide stepped out of the boat and set hoof on the sandy beach. She looked around to see all seashells and tiny crabs. She looked into the jungle with an emotionless expression. "Alright captain, where to?" she asked while reaching into her bag to take out a tiny knife.


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Thunder twister was in the crow's nest watching the surrounding seas for any other ships. Well this is incredibly dull. Hope we get some action soon. He shouted down to the deck, "Cap'n! Pretty dense forest coverage, I'll not have an easy time flying around there!" He quickly double checked his arrows, bow and armor

PIE. Lot's of pie. And bacon, and Dr. Pepper, and popcorn, and hot cocoa. Buck it, if it's junk food I'll eat it!

My OC http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/thunder-twister-r1284

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