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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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Twilight stood there near agape as SolarWind appeared of almost out of no where and started to talking to rascal about the soccer team. She heard him mention that he had a chance to talk to her, but before he could finish his statement, as fast as Solar was in the room he was gone. "Well, you don't see that every day. Actually you probably do, it's just odd for someone else to witness it," she giggled not hearing Fluttershy behind him. as she took in what he had said before Solar Wind had come down. That they were keeping them here but not keeping them there if she got what he meant.


"Haha, yeah, I get it. This is a very roomy place in itself I'm sure that we all could have fit if we needed to," she said as she thought to the soccer team that Solar had asked about. "Hey, if you'd like I can ask the princess about that soccer team that you and Solar were talking about in one of my letters and she what she has to say or what she can do abut it. I don't know if anythign will come of it but I can at the very least give it a try for you," she offered as she sat down and began to munch on her salad.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Rascal gives a relived sigh happy that Twilight Sparkle didn't misinterpret him " Your right about that. It's usually me that leaves suddenly. " he responds going back to eating but listens to her offer he looks surprised and looks at her " Would you? Would you really?! i mean i would of told her myself but i totally choked! I even showed her that makeshift uniform i made with my bare hooves not to mention my mouth! I almost made it sound like i wanted to MAKE them for other teams i don't if you know how stupid that sounds coming from me! But can you do it? Please?! " Rascal asked practically begging her

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Solarwind came down the stairs and saw Rascal begging. "Heh. Whatcha doin?" He asked mischieviously as he fed Korey a leaf. He had left Fluttershys room in order to let her get comftorable upstairs. Solarwind kept thinking about the evergreen forest. He hadnt been in there before and ever since Fluttershy had mentioned it his curiousity had been focused on it.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" Eh! " Rascal said freezing in place hearing Solarwinds voice and slowly turns his head hoping it was just his imagination but sees Solarwind and becomes shocked " How long have you been there?! " he asked quickly not hearing his hoofsteps when he went down the stairs but shrugs his front legs " Forget it she told me that she write to the princess to recommend me into a team if she says yes i get a chance to show my skills,challenge more experienced ponies even get a official uniform! It's gonna be awesome if she says yes! " he said as his eyes light up

Edited by Rascal
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Solarwind smild at his friends confidence. "I dont know... I heard Baltimare has a really good player! And dont forget about that stallion from Neighagra falls. I think it would be rather nice to see you test your skills against others. Your not the only pony in equestria with a soccer related cutie mark my man. There ARE others." Solarwind said happily turning his attention to Twilight. "Ahh how is everything?

Anything I can get you? Water, apples, A magical creature from the forest!" Solarwind said happily. Kind of rushing the last part.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rascal blows a raspberry when Solarwind mentioned the other ponies " So what? I betcha they never took on a pony from Filly in there entire career and i'm gonna be that pony Solar you'll see i'm gonna show them what Filly puts on the field... their all! " he said confidently

Edited by Rascal
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Rainbow Dash had given, and by given i mean forced to take; Pinkie her bags and had taken off to the skies a while ago, she didn't know what it was like around Fillydelphia so she wanted to get a quick overview of the town to know what was where, she also wanted to get some fresh air after that long, boring, stuffy train ride.

She did a few tricks just in case anyponies were watching her fly around, she did one final swoop down to make sure ponies had their eyes on her, she then performed a few more fancy pants flying tricks and then landed with a loud bang. A few cheers were sent her way and she took a quick bow, "Now you're all probably wondering who i am, well I, Am Rainbow Dash! The BEST Flier in all Equestria, oh what am i saying? Everypony has heard of ME!" she grinned and took off again, in the direction of the house she was supposed to be staying at, she had already been there, but as they were walking in the front door thats when Rainbow took off.

She knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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As soon as another train had pulled into the station and the passengers were leaving, there was one pony who buzzed out of the train in a hurried fashion. A young, lime-green Earth Pony who went by the name of Electrobolt began to make a mad dash out of the station as he looked around for a certain group of ponies. "Of all the days to oversleep, it HAD to be the day we were moving to this new town..." he muttered to himself, as he tried to find at least one pony he was good friends with. "Where are you, Rainbow Dash...?" he murmured to himself, completely confused as to where he was going.


As he continued running his course through the town, he noticed some similarities. Stopping for a moment, he thought, *Hold on... I saw this lamp post before... Oh no, don't tell me I'm lost...!* He shook his head, before looking around some more. "No, you can't be lost... Just keep looking around, and you should be able to find her..." he convinced himself, before resuming his search through the town.


Eventually, he stopped in front of a house as he felt like it was just hopeless, that he would wind up lost in this new place without knowing where to go, until he looked over to a building. Just then did he see a cyan pegasus, with a rainbow mane and rainbow tail. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he eventually let out a sigh of relief. *This is the first thing that had gone right all day so far...* Electrobolt thought to himself, before he began to walk up to Rainbow Dash. "Hey, um... Sorry I'm late..."

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Rainbow tilted her head and turned around, "Huh? Oh, thats okay, i probably should have waited at the station for you, but i was too busy 'meeting' the locals, you know how it is. Anyway i haven't met whoever were supposed to be staying with yet, but this is supposed to be the house and nopony has answered the door yet" she looked back around her shoulder at the door and sighed, "I heard voices in there so i know they are home"

Edited by Magneus

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Fluttershy finished unpacking all of her things and headed back down after looking at the forest for a bit longer. She just absolutely loved the idea of new creatures to be friends with. As she headed back down, she heard somepony knock on the door and, as she came down, she said, "Hey, uhh... somepony is at the door, I think."

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Solarwind looked up from the couchcushions and blew a piece of dust off his mane. He was in the process of looking for spare bits. He trotted over to the door and swung it open. Standing outside was a rainbow maned mare and a lime green pony stood there.

"Hi... Twilight!" Solarwind yelled and looked for the purple mare. "I think its for you!"

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rainbow took a quick glance inside from the door and walked in, "Nice place i guess, not as awesome as mine though" she proudly put a hoof to her chest and filled it with air.

She looked for a place to sit down and wait, she found a small desk with a chair and sat on that, was better than nothing.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Solarwind blinked and stared at the two ponies. "Im sorry to ask this really I am but... Who are you?" He said glancing at Rascal and Twilight. Then looking back at Rainbow and Electrobolt. He sighed and went over to the fridge pulling out a can of sparkling cider and sitting down on the couch.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Twilight nodded and giggled when Rascal practically begged her to send out a letter to the princess about the soccer team. he said he would have asked her about it himself but he was too nervous. Twilight let out a small laugh, "Celestia gets that a lot surprisingly. Everypony is afraid of angering her. Heck, I'm afraid of angering her, but I'm sure that she'd never mind about somepony asking about a recreational sport whether played professional or for fun. I can't make any guarantees on the results though, only that I can sent the letter. Speaking of which, has anypony seen spike? He's a baby dragon and the one that's supposed to be sending my letters," she commented still working on her salad as Solar Wind walked into the room this time and actually stayed there.


She couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "Well I'd rather there not be any magical creatures from the forest here. Our luck was pushed when a couple of locals thought it would be a good idea to bring an Ursa Minor to town. That was a disaster. As far as anything else goes I think I should be fine. Had a hard time finding the bowls for the salad earlier though," she said blushing a bit before hearing the knock on the door. She then heard Fluttershy mention there was someone at the door, and could see Rainbow through the door when Solar answered. "Rainbow!" Twilight yelled towards her waving. "Enjoying Filly so far? Or is there not enough of it for the mighty Rainbow Dash?" she spouted jokingly.


Princess Luna is best pony

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"Its okay i guess, i was just out and meeting the locals, you know how it is" she walked inside and (sat?) stood next to Twilight, she motioned Electro in and looked over at Fluttershy, "So... are we all staying here? I thought we were going to be put into two separate houses?"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Electrobolt saw Rainbow motioning for him to come in, before doing so as he looked around inside the house. *Place looks pretty nice...* he thought to himself, before looking back to Twilight and Fluttershy. As he heard Rainbow Dash asking her question, he also wondered for a bit. "Hmm... It'd be a bit crowded if we all stayed in just one house, wouldn't you think...?" He asked, a few seconds after Rainbow finished asking her question.

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"Honestly that's what I thought too, you should have seen me at the train station when I found out for the first time there. Obviously I'm not complaining at all of us being here at the moment," she explained to Rainbow hearing the green pony ask it it would be crowded if they all stayed here. "Well, I don't know about everypony else's room, but I know that my room is large enough to comfortably for two ponies. Ultimately though, it's not my say," she answered turning to Fluttershy


"Though Fluttershy, you were acting really weird on the train, is everything okay?" she asked genuinely concerned. She hadn't figured out why she was so scared of everypony on the train, and it bothered her. Had Fluttershy thought she had done something wrong? Hopefully she could make her at least feel a little bit better.


Princess Luna is best pony

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" Thank you i'm serious thank you so much. " Rascal said now calmer, finishes his bowl grabs it and leaves it to the side of the sink " Baby dragon? Not that i know of. " He responded to Twilights question then turns back around and take a glance at Rainbow Dash & Electrobolt and doesn't say a thing noticing Rainbow is having a conversation with Twilight Sparkle and Electrobolt seems to be keeping a conversation with Rainbow but stops in shock when he heard Solarwind ask who are you thinking the question was for him also " What!? I'm Rascal remember? Your best friend! " he said actually believing he was forgetting about him

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Fluttershy realized she really was being worried about by Twilight and she couldn't hide what she did from her friends. So, she said, "Umm... kinda. I just... I'm just... I'm sorry." Fluttershy looked down at her hooves and said, "It's all my fault... Ponyville is gone because of me..." She ran up the stairs into her room, crying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Solarwind blinked and looked up from a bag of chips. "Oh no... Do you want to talk to her TwilighT? This sounds serious, I know I just met her and everything but I really hate to see her cry... Or anyone cry for that matter." He blinked and looked up at the stairs. "What does she mean she was responsible?"


((Oh crap! Sorry guys heres my post!))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Ugh... hopefully he didn't wander off at the train station and get himself lost. I don't really know my way around this place well enough.... okay at all in order to go look for him, but once I find him, I'll definitely mention something to the princess about your desire to join the royal soccer team and see what I can do for you. I am her most trusted student after all," she told Rascal before Fluttershy stated that Ponyville was gone because of her and that she was so sorry about everything. She bolted through the doors upstairs to where there rooms where and when Solar suggested her going up to check on her she nodded. "I guess I'll speak to everypony down here tomorrow," she said walking up the stairs.


She managed to get up the last step just in time to see and hear a door close. she hadn't seen anypony else come up so she assumed that it was Fluttershy's. She walked over to it and knock, "Fluttershy, it's me. Can I come in please, I'm really worried about you," she asked in a voice filled with pure worry and concern. Yes Fluttershy was easily swayed by the cuteness of the parasprites and they had come back to Ponyville via her, but honestly. Fluttershy can't be faulted for being Fluttershy. It could have happened to anypony honestly, and she felt bad that Fluttershy felt so bad about it. there had to be some way to make her at the very least lighten up if Twilight couldn't cheer her up.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Rascal nods when Twilight mentions that when she finds the baby dragon she'll mention him in one of her letters still staring at Solarwind until Fluttershy mentions that she's the reason that ponyville is gone his eyelids shoot open turning around just to see her run upstairs the news left him speechless and watches as Twilight goes upstairs and looks back at Solarwind and sighs not knowing the question even though it wasn't directed at him " Ponyville... destroyed?... cause of HER!? " he asked " Cause of her? " he asks again " But why? Why would somepony destroy they're hometown!? " he asked in disbelief " It's stupid! " he angrily added and starts to pace having a hard time believing Fluttershy is the cause of the demolishment of ponyville even though he doesn't know her he can't believe that anypony would want to do that and is beginning to get a headache he groans and goes to the kitchen to find something to drink and find that Rainbow Dash (( ? )) and Electro Bolt are still there and tries to find answers from them " Hey i'm Rascal and your a "pony" and " another pony " nice to meet ya. " he said smiling " Ok sorry just let me ask this ya did hear what that pegasus was saying right? Please tell me what you know about it. " he said hoping one of them will tell him something

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Rainbow looked over at Rascal and nodded, "Well it was mostly an accident, she didn't know they could do that, but it still isn't a good idea to keep something you know nothing about, we all forgave her and were over it" she shrugged and looked around for something to eat or drink, that flying exhausted her, "So who are you? I'm Rainbow Dash, Equestria's #1 flier and Element of Loyalty!" she said proudly while holding a hoof up to her chest.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Best flyer eh? Thats pretty debatable. Spitfire of the wonderbolts is awesome in my opinion. I havent ever been into flying that much but I know around here shes a pretty big name." He fell back onto the couch and played with Korey. He looked up at the roof and sighed. He hoped Fluttershy was just being a bit hard on herself. He didnt want hordes of angry villagers stormin his house becuase she destroyed ponyville. That wouldnt be very fun...

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Electrobolt sighed as he watched Fluttershy run off and close herself off in a separate room. *Why must you be so hard on yourself, Fluttershy...?* Electrobolt thought, before seeing Twilight walking up to hopefully help her feel better. Just then, his attention was diverted as he heard this one pony speaking, introducing himself as Rascal. As Rainbow introduced herself, he chuckled lightly as she called herself the #1 flier in all of Equestria. *Hahah... You haven't changed one bit, Rainbow...* Smiling as he looked to Rascal, he then introduced himself, "And I'm Electrobolt. It's nice to meet you, Rascal."

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