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Alicorn discussion?


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I Have some questions that'd I'd like to hear your opinions on


1: Do you think Alicorns are long lived or immortal?


2: Do you think Celestia and Luna have siblings? If so how many?


3: Do you think they have parents?


4: Do think alicorn is a seperate kind of ponies? Or just simply a pegasus unicorn caused by some genectic happening.


5: What's your take on the alicorn hair? (LOL)


6: Celestia's hair was pink? Well in the pilot she had pink hair when banishing Nightmare Moon and then in the stained glass when she and Luna defeated discord she had blue hair.


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Lol as an alicorn I can answer those, well, with what I understand


Long lived. I reckon 5000 years


No, they don't ( apart from feld0 ) but the have kids. (me!)


Yes, fausticorn. I kid, I do, but mother said that she was created by the magic of equestria.


They are a different breed. Nuff said.


I love my hair SOOOOOOO MUCH


mummy's hair changes. It became rainbow after she used the elements. The blue, idk, she said the designer made a mistake.

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1. I think they are just long-lived or just like Dragons are otherwise their parents would still be around.


2. No i dont think so.


3. Yes but they are probably dead from old age


4, Genetics of ponies are very difficult to explain and doesn't really make sense (although its a cartoon so i guess it doesn't really have to make sense) I think its is possible to have an Alicorn foal but the odds of having one are extremely slim.......Say if a Unicorn and a Pegasus mated then the odds of having a Alicorn are like 1% versus the other odds (Earth Pony (due to recessive genes,yeah i know its boring biology, 33% chance of the foal being a Pegasus and 33% Chance of it being a Unicorn)


5. No comment....I assume Alicorns can change it from their Natural hair to the glowy and wavy hair.


6.Maybe it was an animation error

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1) I don't know, probably immortal, but that might be specific to Celestia and Luna being powerful with magic.


2) No, I believe Lauren Faust confirmed they don't have other siblings. (for reference, Blueblood (and likely Cadance too) is a distant nephew many times removed from Celestia's mother's side.)


3) Yes, but no idea if either of them are still alive. I head that in an interview, Lauren once said she once considered an episode featuring them, but the concept never left the brainstorming stage


4) Seperate race, embodying unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. It's just that the unicorn horn and pegasus wings are the only features that are visible, since earth ponies don't have any outward features.


5) Magic.


6) There was no official confirmation, most likely because it was a stained glass window and not to be taken seriously. (remember how Celestia turning out to actually be the legendary sister of the sun was treated as a plot twist at first.) The fandom decided to assume that, unless the show proves otherwise, that Celestia's hair was pink before it turned ethereal and multi-colored (like how Luna's mane was light blue before it turned ethereal and starry).

Edited by Jadefire
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6) There was no official confirmation, most likely because it was a stained glass window and not to be taken seriously. (remember how Celestia turning out to actually be the legendary sister of the sun was treated as a plot twist at first.) The fandom decided to assume that, unless the show proves otherwise, that Celestia's hair was pink before it turned ethereal and multi-colored (like how Luna's mane was light blue before it turned ethereal and starry).


Lol i guess I was too caught up in the magicness of rainbow ponies :blush::)


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Thank you for asking.


This is quite an interesting topic to speak of, considering how many Bronies (yes, I refer to it as a proper noun) I've met hate alicorns. It's an epic fail, when you think about it. They're just some OCs. No RP'n whatsoever.


"1: Do you think Alicorns are long lived or immortal?"


I think not. I think that all kinds of ponies are vulnerable to death, even the most powerful ones.


"2: Do you think Celestia and Luna have siblings? If so how many?"


If so it was, then I'm pretty sure we'd know by the end of season 2.


"3: Do you think they have parents?"


I don't think so. I have no further comment on that :)


"4: Do think alicorn is a seperate kind of ponies? Or just simply a pegasus unicorn caused by some genectic happening."


I'd like to think that they're a mixture of Unicorn and Pegasus. That's all I've got to say on that


"5: What's your take on the alicorn hair? (LOL)"


I find it pretty, awesome, and pretty awesome!! It's magical, and I think only Alicorns can have it

(I like Celly's mane more)


"6: Celestia's hair was pink? Well in the pilot she had pink hair when banishing Nightmare Moon and then in the stained glass when she and Luna defeated discord she had blue hair. "


---- No comment ----

Uplifting Trance ^3^


Bananas ^3^


Omnipony ^3^

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(( This was a double-post, I have no idea how to fix this... So, yah......just ignore this, can a mod delete this? ))

Edited by Xiper

Uplifting Trance ^3^


Bananas ^3^


Omnipony ^3^

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1: long lived


2: unknown


3: I think they had parents that are no longer around


4: I think they where the original ponies that became split in to the 3 other types because of a cataclysmic event in the past and that is why so few alicorns are around.


5: no opinion on this matter.


6: hmm.. interesting.

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1. I don't think that all Alicorns can live forever. Just Celestia and Luna. To me it seems that Celestia and Luna can live a long, because the objects they have power over r still around. So as long as the sun and the moon are a around they well live forever. Cadences I think well die.


2. I don't think they have any siblings.


3. I believe that they do have parents. Lauren said that she wanted to make an episode with them, but could not work it in.


4. Alicorns are the ultimate form of pony. Representing unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony.


5. Not sure


6. The elements changed her hair color.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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1: Do you think Alicorns are long lived or immortal?

No, I think they just have a longer lifespan than the more common species of ponies.


2: Do you think Celestia and Luna have siblings? If so how many?

No, I don't think so.


3: Do you think they have parents?

They must.


4: Do think alicorn is a seperate kind of ponies? Or just simply a pegasus unicorn caused by some genectic happening.

Yeah, I believe it would be a seperate kind of ponies. Or maybe unicorns are simply earth ponies with a strange magical growth caused by some genetic blip stuck on their foreheads. Heck, I don't know.


5: What's your take on the alicorn hair? (LOL)

I honestly don't really like it. I liked luna's hair better in season one when it wasn't all.....plasma-like.


6: Celestia's hair was pink? Well in the pilot she had pink hair when banishing Nightmare Moon and then in the stained glass when she and Luna defeated discord she had blue hair.

Magic. Clairol. Who knows?

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1: Do you think Alicorns are long lived or immortal?


probably both, I have a theory that Alicorns could be placed into teirs that would level their powers and life and you can tell by their mane. the top tier alicorns are near-immortal (Celestia and Luna) while lower levers just have longevity (Cadence)



2: Do you think Celestia and Luna have siblings? If so how many?


only because of the yin and yang of Celestia and Luna, I think their may be a third gray sister that is neutral, she lives away from everything so that she can not interfer with anyone



3: Do you think they have parents?

perhaps... while Celestia and Luna are Sun and Moon respectively, it's possible their parents could be Light and Darkness (their is a difference)



4: Do think alicorn is a seperate kind of ponies? Or just simply a pegasus unicorn caused by some genectic happening.

perhaps since we know ponies of one race can come from a different race of ponies, it could be possible that an Alicorn can come from any kind of pony but it's only a once in a life time event



5: What's your take on the alicorn hair? (LOL)

I like cadence's color scheme in her mane

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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1.I think they are long lived. If they were immortal we would have probably seen Celestia's parents.


2.probably not we would have seen them by now otherwise.


3.yup, they have to come from somewhere.


4.It's a different type. That would explain why alicorns have more magical power than unicorns.


5.Gel lots and lots of Gel.


6.she just dies here hair every once in a while to change it up.


Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile

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