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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Boss looks at Die Hard. You think this is what I want? No... He points to a nearby camera. This is what they want. Trust me I have no desire to kill anyone. And never talk about my district that way... We are hard working ponies who do our part in society just like every pony else. We have no intention of war or conflict. We are simply two pawns in a bigger game. We have no choice. We must fight... or die. He intercept Die Hard's sword and uses the power of the sword that Cadence had given him to cut it in half. He then does a "THIS IS SPARTA!" kick to Die Hard and he begins to roll down the mountain.

Edited by Like A Boss
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(wow, nopony notices my huge laser? LOL)

Shade kept running. Faster and faster, she finally made it to the middle of the plains. "I should be safe. If either Diehard or Boss attack me, I should be able to outrun them, easy." Shade said. She still couldn't believe that Boss didn't care about overthrowing the bitch named Celestia. "Oh Snow..." She said into the camera. "Why are you like this?" She blasted the camera, destroying it. She noticed the blasts were 30% weaker, but they still did some damage. More than her old arrows.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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As DH rolled down the mountain he put his broken blade in the ground to stop him. He looked at the broken weapon and knew he would not be able to use longer weapons. Well this sucks. Now i can only fight in close quarters. he then turned the two halves into heavy hoof gauntlets that doubled as weapons. Well this will have to do for now. Making his way back up the mountain he catches back up to Boss. DH jumps up...Hey Boss. Im back!...As he punched Boss in the face knocking him to the ground. DH stands ready for whats next but talks.....If you say you are a pony that wants to help others then why would you betray the ones who have helped you? As Boss started to get up DH rushes him and hits him again to keep him down. In thought. If i can keep him grounded i might be able to get him to listen to me. He rushes him again and hits him in the side. If these games are truly about survival why would you want to kill someone who could help you? Hitting him again. But if thats how you want it to be....then ill take back whats mine. DH rushes him again and tries to pull Boss's Exo-Suite off. As he pulled at the face mask it starts to rip. And just before it comes off Boss grabs DH hooves. Oh crap...Im bucked.

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Quilluison sat down on top of one of the hills, watching the battles. She saw the laser and knew something of that magnitude would make it all the way to the other side, but it would most likely be stopped at a forcefield or something. She started down one of the hills, still looking for the cave she first hid in.

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Shade saw somepony sitting on top of one of the hills, just watching the mountain. She ran over behind her. Silently, like a cobra, she forced her mouth shut. "Now, I'm not gonna hurt you." She said. "I just wanna know something. Do you want an alliance?" She said, waiting for an answer.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss smiled at Die Hard. Yes. Yes you are. With that he pulls down on his hooves and smashes his face clean through a boulder. Die Hard lay there, bloody and bruised, and as Boss was about to finish it, he steps down. I... I can't do it... I can't kill you. I was never going to kill Shade... I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I was simply going to knock her unconscious, hoping she would forget what I had done. And the same goes for you. With that he punches Die Hard in the face and knocks him out. Pleas forgive me. He looks to the hills and can see two other tributes. One he can recognize as Shade and the other one Quillusion. He nods at them. He then stores Die Hard in a cave to keep him safe and continues up the mountain.

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Shade looked over at the mountain. Did Boss just nod at her? She silently gave Quillusion the slip, and ran towards the mountain at high speeds. She actually did a Sonic Boom on the way there! As she approached Boss, she smiled. "I guess that means you do care about these innocents killed in these games. And don't worry, my armor is not completely broke. Now I'm 30% faster, but 30% less strong." Shade said. "So, what's the plan?"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Eep." Quillusion screamed, stiff as a rock now. What had she done been stupid and got herself caught like an idiot. All she could now was die, but what this pony was offering an alliance. Something she had not thought of. She started to nod real fast, knowing it was her only chance of living.

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(OOC: The Opals has agreed that I can kill off his character as he can no longer post in the rp.)


Boss looks down at Shade. Er... I was planning in doing this alone... in case I have another one of those violent phases... I get them occasionally so if I try to kill you I'm really sorry... I suppose we try just not to die. As Boss is speaking he can sense someone watching them. Just then Ezio jumps down is is inches away from Shade's throat when he gets a sword through his chest. He follow the sword up the arm to Boss who then pulls upward and cuts Ezio in half. I'm sorry... He closes Ezio's eyes and floats him down a nearby waterfall on the mountain. You owe me Shade. Maybe that makes up for my violent fit earlier. And was the Quillusion I saw you talking to earlier? Perhaps you should go and talk to her, get her on our side. There are only 5 tribute left until... freedom. Me, you Die Hard, Quillusion, and Medley. Die Hard is unconscious, Me ans you are here, Quillusion is still in the hills, and Medley is in the plains. What say you go and talk to Quillusion and I'll try to talk to Medley then we'll meet back here. Sound like a plan?

Edited by Like A Boss
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"Sounds like a plan, Boss. I'll bring Quills an exo-suit." Shade said, grabbing two more and tossing one to Boss. "It's time we end this shit. Lets get this land back to the way it was." Shade ran off towards the hills. She came up to Quillusion. "Hey, alliance? Sorry about before, but now we are all joining up to get out of here." She tossed her an exo-suit.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Listen what you are trying to do is madness. I realize you are mad you are here, but why can't we just play by the rules and get it over with?" Quillusion asked. She really didn't want to join an alliance yet, not with so many ponies in this game still. "Listen thanks for the suit and all, I can't wait to see what it does, but if your plan works, find me, but for now, I'll be seeing you." Quillusion said, pulling out a bottle and taking a drop of it. She instantly turned invisible and sped off with her newly acquired suit. She knew Celestia could protect her in this game, maybe even send her more stuff. But now she only had four drops left, and the remaining tributes to try and avoid.

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Damn it Shade, I treid to keep you alive. This was a problem. If anypony attempted and succeeded to escape, Celestia would surely have him executed. Luckily, it was almost nighttime. And the specimens were ready. He walked off to make a little adjustment to the fear gas, making it more potent and uncurable. But not before sending Shade a message in a parachute: You shouldn't have done this. You should have killed. I can only hope you are the last one to survive the finale, because I'm severing my ties with you. Goodbye.


A terrifying roar came from the top of the mountain. The swarm had evolved.


(OOC sorry I'm late. btw, the entire arena is gonna be swarmed with the xenomorphs from Alien)

Edited by xremeidiot
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I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Boss was walking through the plains and was searching around for Medley though he could feel another violent fit coming on. They had been getting much more frequent and intense since the games started. He kept it hidden for now though. He didn't want to chase Medley away by accident. When he goes into that state... he can barely control his actions. He has a blood lust in that state and his parent at home knew the signs and were usually able to lock him somewhere until he was safe again but here he didn't know what would happen. He hopes he doesn't hurt any pony by accident. He then sees a blue wing hanging off the edge of a cloud. Medley? Hey Medley! Down here! I'm not here to hurt you! I want to work together!

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Shade did another Sonic Boom on the way to the mountain. "Boss, Quills wont join in yet. She said she wants to play this "By the rules" and to get her when we are ready." She said. She saw it was getting dark again. The capitol seal was projected on the dome, with the theme playing.

Ezio's face was projected on the dome. Then, a silver package landed next to her. It had a note from Gamemaker. "You shouldn't have done this. You should have killed. I can only hope you are the last one to survive the finale, because I'm severing my ties with you. Goodbye." She read out loud. "Boss, get your helmet on. Something tells me that Gamemaker is about to re-unleash the dark fumes with a new mutt..." She said, putting on her air-filtering helmet. She turned to a nearby camera, and did the pony version of the middle finger: Stuck her front right leg up, and jumped. She then prepared for the mutts.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss can see that Medley is likely sleeping safe up in a cloud so he shoots a tiny needle sized harpoon up there with a note that reads: Come to the mountain if you want to survive the games. -Boss. He then turns and heads back towards the mountain. Sorry Shade. Die Hard tore my mask off in the fight. Just then they can both see Die Hard begin to stir. So we have almost everyone. Quillusion is a maybe, Medley is a maybe, we'll see if Die Hard is willing to forgive me for knocking him out when he wakes up in a couple seconds, and the both of us. All though I have no protection from the gas.

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Diehard woke up a few hours latter. He was in a cave and had the worst headache ever. His exo-suite was still in working order, his weapon was still working, and none of his stuff was missing. He looked outside and saw it was dark. Ahhhhh man...how long was i out? F#%king Boss. Walking out of the cave he sees he half way up the mountain. He looks up and sees Boss and some others. This is not over Boss. Diehard then hears something else in the cave. What is that? All he could see was a slight glimmer in the cave. He got this bad feeling down his spine. Oh crap. I remember this feel. Just then an xenomorph charged at him out of the cave. OHHHH SHIT!!! RUN!!! As he runs out of the cave and up the mountain, with a pack of xenomorphs behind him.

Edited by Razorwing

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((OOC: I shouldn't leave this thread without an ending post for Ezio, so I will make one last post about how he died and what happens next, which will include the swarm. Enjoy.))


Ezio arrived at the top of the mountain, lungs puffing wildly. His eyes were a blur, sweat pouring into them from his drenched mane. He looked around, the top of the mountain flat. There was a hole in the center, covered with some sort of latch as well as the capitol symbol. Examining it questionably, he knew it must be a hatch to let things enter into the arena, like the spider mutts that had attacked the tribute earlier.


A loud sound started to fill the area around him, a high pitched squeal to top it off. He stared around him, before the hole in the mountain opened up. Floating into the arena came a..swarm. He didn't know what they were, but they were definitely out to kill him. He fell onto the ground, covering his body as he was engulfed by the things.



Ezio opened his eyes, and they were filled with sunlight. Look at the ground, he saw a cloud, a big white cloud, and he was laying on it. How is this possible, he thought, looking around. Nopony was around him, it was only him, the clouds, which seemed to stretch endlessly around him, and a light. It wasn't the sun, it was much brighter. He looked away, but not before glimpsing the angel ponies inside it, and he knew that he had arrived at a holy place. He continued to shield his eyes from the blinding light as he moved closer, until his eyes adapted and he looked into a busy place, full of happy people. Smiling, truly for the first time in his life, he whispered to himself, "Ho vissuto una vita meravigliosa." Then he entered the gateway to heaven.

Edited by Luna Opal
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Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade heard Diehard scream, then saw him running away from... She didn't even know what they were! But she knew they were bad. She turned, and ran with the power of the suit. At that moment, the darkness gass entered the arena. Her mask kept her safe... But not those creatures. She watched as they looked around, and started running. She ran down to Boss, and fixed his helmet for him. "C'mon Boss! Gamemaker won't let them stay like that for long!" She said, pulling him along. (OOC: going to bed)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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As Medley awoke to the sound of a squeal, she noticed a letter right next to her, attached to a tiny harpoon. It was off Boss.

"Come to the mountain if you want to survive, huh?"

She put on her suit, which she had received off Shade, and started flying to the mountains. As she didn't know what the suit did before she put it on, she was happily surprised that it made her faster. Suddenly, she noticed that more mutts were below her. Thankfully she was unseen. Then she saw something horrible, the gas. As it engulfed her, she felt a numbness in her wings. Or, where they used to be. She fell towards the ground, halfway up the mountain.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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As DH ran up the mountain he starts to think to himself. Why the hell do they have these things here? This is just bucking crazy! Just then one jumped on him and tried to bite his face. Moving from side to side. Oh no you dont. Iv killed a few of your kind before. He had to time it just right. He grabbed the things little mouth and breaks it off. Bucking the the stunned creature off of him he jumps on its head pulling it back, and wrenches its head off. I knew these skills would be useful one day. Running back up the mountain he makes it to Boss and Shade. Dont let them swarm you. If they do your dead. Now lets go.


back in the viewing room the generals are impressed. Iv never seen someone kill an xenomorph like that. Yes hes got some skills. Should we give him "the gun"? No...not just yet. I want to see how long he can last. Twilight is enraged by what they are saying. You generals are no better that the Princess right now! Im out of here. Where do you think your going? To talk to Celestia. As she makes her way to Celestia's viewing room. Princess do you not see what is going on down there? This is not a game this is just a violation of pony rights. Celestia did not respond. She just slowly looks back at Twilight.

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Shade saw Medley fall to the ground. She was about to be swarmed by those things! She ran over, blasted away the xenomorphs, then attached an air-filtering helmet onto Medley. She began to stir. "Medley, calm down. It's just the gas." She said. She picked her up and ran back up the mountain. "Guys! Let's get to the top! It's harder to be swarmed up there!" Shade yelled, dashing up with Medley.


(OOC: Guys, I need some enthusiasm. What do you guys think about my roleplaying? Like it? Hate it? Quote this post with your answer in an (OOC))

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss kicked one off of him and began to run. We can't fight them! There are too many! Where the hell did they get xenomorphs anyway? He runs an catches up to Die Hard and Shade and Medley. Shade get you two out of here! Die Hard and I will hold them off for as long as possible! He kicks another one in the face and goes back to back with with Die Hard. GO NOW!

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"Nuhh," Medley groaned when she looked up."What the hay are those things?!"

Medley realised that she was being carried by Shade, who had saved her life. Again. She thought about what she could do to help.

"Shade, hold on tight." Medley said, as she attempted to lift both herself and Shade up into the air and away from the mutts.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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(OOC love your RPing)


Gamemaker was getting worried. If he couldn't kill the tributes, Celestia would kill him. He was now just as much a competitor in these games as they were. Luckily for him, he had prepared. He pressed a button that sent a stunning electric shock throughout the arena. Medley felt a surge of pain and fell out of the sky while still carrying Shade


dun dun dun.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Shade was rising into the air, being carried by Medley. All of a sudden, she felt like she had just been hit by lightning. She hit the ground hard. She tried to move, but she couldn't. She was coated in blood. "Help!" She was just able to shout. Then, Shade saw a bright light. Ezio appeared to be holding out his hand from the light. She noticed something... Ezio had angel wings and a halo. "No... I'm not going yet..." She said, as the light faded. She was just able to make it over to Boss with Medley. "GM is holding a grudge against me or some shit! If we are getting out of here, we have to go NOW!" She shouted.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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