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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Gamemaker nervously walked over to the Princess. He figured if she didn't know about the breach of the arena's barrier, she would want to. Um, pardon me your highness, but there has been a breach of the arena's barrier, and the tributes are now working together to get out. What do you want us to do?

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Noticing that they had left Diehard at the mountain, she ran back. He was meditating or something. "Cmon Diehard, we're gonna see if we can't get out of here!" Shade said. He wouldn't respong. She sighed, and literally carried him over to the place the laser went.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia's mouth twitches again. She speaks very calmly. What do you mean there is a breach in the barrier? This is unacceptable. Get an armed maintenance team out there right away to fix it. She turns her attention back to Twilight. As for you I've had enough of your questions. I gave you a chance to apologize... Why do you do this Twilight? I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! Yet still you decide to oppose me... very well. I'm finished with you then, I'll send guards down later with some food. As she is walking away she says one more thing. And Twilight, this cell is magic proof so don't get any ideas of escaping. With that she heads upstairs. Luna where are you? I need you to do something.


Boss was slowly getting better at controlling his anger. When he was angry he no longer had a blood lust to kill ponies, but he still attacked random objects which could be a pony if he was ever to be around them. He begins to train some more. He successfully causes a violent fit and is about to knock down a tree in rage when he... steps down. He is still in his violent fit but this time he as able to stop himself from destroying the tree. He looks at his hooves and puts them on the ground. This... This is amazing. I've never been able to stop myself before. However I still can't control when I go into the fits. It it will likely be the best I'm going to achieve though. I still can't return to them though... Not with the memory of what I've done to them... I don't think I'll be able to look at them without the constant reminder of what I am... With that he wanders into the darkness, thinking deeply.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Shade was almost at the breach in the forcefield, when at least 3 dozen peacekeepers aimed their rifles at her. She stepped back, glaring. "So, Celestia sent her little pawns to patch this up?" She said. "I guess she was scared I would own her! But oh well, peacekeepers are just as bad as she." She lept behind them, kicking a peace keeper in the flank. "Diehard, now would be a good time to help!" She shouted.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Stop right there! All of you! Game Maker ordered. He had led a large squad of fully armed and armored peacekeepers here already. There were about twenty behind him, along with some maintenance crew unicorns. Game Maker himself had an armored suit that had a small gun built into one hoof, and a miniature BFG-9000 attached to the other, which he was pointing at the ponies now. Your little rebellion's over. Get back inside, or you will all be terminated.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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"Gamemaker, I know your just here because your just afraid that 'Big Bad Celestia' will kill you if you don't!" Shade said, laughing at his patheticness. "Look dude, we could overthrow Celestia, remake Equestria, and these games will be over! If thats a no, then there is one question I must ask: WHY DO WE HAVE THESE GAMES IN THE FIRST PLACE? An don't say because of rebellions, if it weren't for HER, there wouldn't be any!" Shade ripped off GM's guns, cracking them it in half. She cut open the suit's fuel rod with a knife. "Gamemaker, please. You know that these games are wrong. Whatever happened to Equestria?"


(OOC: Time to get GM on our side :ph34r: )

Edited by Shade
  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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With that she heads upstairs. Luna where are you? I need you to do something.


Luna hears her sister's call and scrambles into the room. Y-yes sister. What would you like for us to do? Little did Celestia know, Luna had sent food for all of the tributes, some medication to control Boss's anger, and a surprise for her own tribute. She hoped that she wouldn't find out, but it was a good chance that she would

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Celestia looks to her sister. I fear Game Maker may be too weak willed to complete the job correctly. I want you to go down to the breach and take care of things like a true royal. That is all. With that she walks back over to her secret monitors and watches the situation.


Boss was wandering through the woods thinking to himself when a small white bottle glided down in front of him. The note said it was for his condition. He is sceptical but he pops a pill then trys to make himself angry. He is shocked to realise the he can't. He pockets the bottle and begins to run back towards the others in excitement.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes sister. With that, she teleported down to the breach in the shield. She called upon the storm clouds and heavy wind and rain. Her eyes glowed brightly. STOP YOUR NONSENSE AND FIGHT! YOU ARE HERE TO PLEASE US! YOU ARE NO MORE THAN SHOW PONIES, HERE TO GIVE US A GOOD SHOW UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR INEVITABLE, BLOODY DEMISE! She then strikes them down and turns to Gamemaker. You may be thrown in with them if you are too incompetent Edited by Vinyl Blade

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Shade slowly got up, head throbbing. "Luna, we know that you don't want this either! You have been sending us food, medicine, and supplies! That's right, I know about the medicine you gave to Boss!" She yelled angrily. "Now Luna, you have a decision here: Help us overthrow Celestia and restore Equestria to it's former self, or you can just leave and be just like your sister: A CRUEL TYRANT!" Shade was both enraged and sad at the same time.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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OUR SISTER IS NOT A TYRANT! Though she disagreed with that statement, she did not like hearing other ponies saying things like that. She struck him down again, this time she had heard bones break. She hated this sound more than anything, but she knew it was her responsibility to put them in their places

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Game Maker made a quick roll to grab his small gun and took an accurate potshot at Shade. Were it not for a rib blocking the bullet's path, it would have punctured her lung. He was able to fire a few more into her legs while she flinched from the first bullet. He then held it steady at her head. Sorry Shade, but I wanna live. Now GET BACK INSIDE!

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Celestia smiles at her monitor. She whispers to herself. Isn't chaos just wonderful ..

(Hint hint :ph34r:)


Boss arrives just in time to see Shade get beaten down and shot. He drops the pills and goes into his controlled angry state. WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!? He then runs up to Game Maker. He hoofs the gun out of his hands, snapping it in half. He then grabs him and throws him into a tree. As Game Maker is getting up he turns to see a hoof coming right at his face. As the hoof connects teeth fly out of Game Makers mouth. Now stay down there until I come back for you you cowardly excuse for a pathetic life form. He then walks over to Luna. I know I can't fight you but I will agree to take everypony back into the dome as long as you stop hurting Shade.

Edited by Like A Boss
  • Brohoof 2
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I know I can't fight you but I will agree to take everypony back into the dome as long as you stop hurting Shade.


Luna nodded as to acknowledge Boss. You are a smart pony and we wish the best of luck for you. Luna continued to monitor their every move. She did not agree with any of this, but her sister expected her to deal with the situation. She had only tried to please her sister since she came back from banishment

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Little did they know DH had slipped out of the dome while GM was fighting Shade. Taking out one of the Peacekeepers and taking his uniform he walks around undetected. In thought. Well now that im out and have played a little identity theft i should be able to get the others out of here. Now if i remember right a ship brought us here, but for all these guards and peacekeepers to be here there must be a faster way to and from the palace and viewing center. I just hope Shade finds my bag and other stuff. I left a note.


It reads: Shade i know you will be pissed at me for walking out on you. But i saw an opening and took it. I will see if i can find GM's control center and even the odds for you guys. I will help you escape when i can. But if we never meet again it was an honor to have fought by your side, and tell Boss if you ever see him again that our fight will have to wait. I want to fight the more controlled him. Oh and thanks for the ponyback ride down the mountain. Your friend DH


Twilight sat in her cell in tears. In thought. Why is this happening? This cant be real. Maybe its just a bad dream. Yea thats it when i open my eyes i wont be in jail anymore. closes and opens eyes. Oh no.....this....this is really happening. Im really in jail. Prencess Celestia put me in a jail. Princess Celestia put me in jail. How could she do this to me? Guard walks by Here's your food. And stop your whinnying Twilight, your making yourself look bad.

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Shade was in terrible pain. She looked up and saw GM propped up against a tree, bleeding, and Princess Luna looking at her with anger. "Luna... Why? What happened to you... I would rather have NIGHTMARE MOON THAN YOU. AT LEAST NIGHTMARE WOULDN'T KILL ANYPONY." She said in anger. She tried for another charge, but her leg must have been shot, because she couldn't move. "Even if you can keep this in our dome prison, you can't make us be your slaves. We will not be your entertainment. Keep us here, but we will not kill each other. I hope you know that..." Shade went unconscious.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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This arena will be your tomb, whether you like it or not. We're sorry. We are so sorry. (Little Doctor Who reference right there) She turned away and a tear rolled down her face. She quickly wiped it away. We cannot show our pain. We cannot show our weakness. We must be strong. For our sister. She then teleported back. By this point, although it didn't show in her voice, she was in tears. (@) Sister, it has been handled

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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(I'm so sorry for not posting ;U;)

Medley heard the sound of gunshots. Her fearlessness had left her, and she hid in the cloud layer, hoping whoever it was who was shooting didn't see her. After a few minutes, she got curious and flew silently from cloud to cloud until she saw what was happening. She watched in shock, too scared to move in case she gave her position away. She had to look away once she saw Shade, with gunshots in her legs. She felt ill.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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As Shade slowly regained consciousness, she noticed Diehard was nowhere to be seen, but his bag was still there. Shade saw a note on the bag, and read it. After she finished, she was pissed for a minute, but then happy, because he could help get us out. She looked up and saw Medley on the clouds. Luckily GM didn't shoot her wings, so she flew up next to Medley. "Hey Med, whats up?" Shade asked.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Medley jumped when she heard Shade's voice. She was surprised at how normal she was acting.

"How can you be so casual, when you've got that?" She asked, gesturing to Shade's injuries.

"Hey, wait a sec, I think I've got some bandages in my saddlebag." Medley said, rooting through it until she found them. She wrapped them around Shade's leg.

"I'm sorry that I can't help you more, but I'm no doctor and I wouldn't have any medical equipment anyway." She said



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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"Eh, it's ok Med." shade said. She looked around for any cameras and microphones and, after seeing that there were none, she whispered something into Medley's ear. "Diehard got out! He is gonna get to Gamemaker's control room and give us an escape route!" She whispered happily.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Medleys eyes widened.

"Really? I-I can see m-my family again!" She stuttered, tears of happiness streaming down her face, but then she realized something.

"How will he get into Game Makers office? Surely it will be heavily guarded with at least two guards. He's just one pony. There's no way he'll be able to break in..." She said sadly, her ears drooping. She had got excited for nothing, and fresh tears, tears of sadness, were coming down her face.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Shade gave her a reassuring hug. "Have you seen what he can do? Remember Death Dealer? He took on all those Xenomorphs! And don't worry, I'm sure he took out a peacekeeper and stole his uniform! Everything is gonna be ok, Med. Trust me." Shade was getting teary eyed too. This nightmare was almost over.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Medley sniffed and wiped her tears away.

"I guess so. I just... I want these games to end. They're monstrous. I just want this nightmare to end." She said, teary eyed.

"I don't see how anyone could watch this for entertainment..."

She sighed.

"But if what you're saying is true, then they will be ending. For us, anyway. I want to end them forever. I don't want anypony else to experience this much pain and misery. It's unbearable." She said hopefully.

Please hurry Die Hard. She thought.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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