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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Ezio looked up and saw the nest fall. He jumped up onto the tree and chased after shade, the bees on his tail. They almost reached him, but they ran out of steam, and he focused on the running pony in front of him. He jumped up and began to descend, going down at Shade, tackling her.


((OOC: Wow, we're still alive.))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade felt Ezio tackling her to the ground. She struggled to escape, but found out Ezio was too strong for her. She decided she couldn't break free. She stopped resisting, waiting for her fate.

(OOC: Happy, EZIO? No need for that mean PM, say it nicer... jeez I'm such a jerk...)

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Just as Ezio was about to finish the deal Boss tackles him off of the tree. He then helps Shade up. Better be more careful next time. He smiles at her then jumps down to confront Ezio. Now what is a pony like you doing messing with a mare like that? Why not pick on someone your own size.

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Ezio backed off from Boss. "Oi, don't go around thinking that I'm the attacker. She tried shooting me and then tried to drop a nest of tracker-jacker, and you're confronting me like it's all my fault?" He glared at Boss, mentally scoffing at him for blaming him for Shade's attack.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Quillusion had finally found some where slightly safe. It was a small hole in one of the hills where she now rested, munching on a few berries she had found that she knew were edible near by. She new the hills were much safer than most of the other places, and defiantly more safe than the mountain would ever be. As for weapons however, she was out of luck, and she knew that the next day she would need to go find some.

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Shade was just about to be killed, when Boss got Ezio off of her. She stood up, looking at Ezio. "Boss, lets go." Shade said, stepping between them. Looking towards Ezio, Shade just stared at him with a blank expression. "Today you, tomorrow me." Shade said, jumping away on the trees.

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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managing to find his way out of the swamp, Merzai walks through the forest until he runs into some grassland, trees here and there.


he quickly ducks behind a bush at the sound of wings flapping. It was medley taking off into the sky, with little thought he decided any ally was better than no ally. so hoping no other contestants could hear him, he calls Hey you, in the clouds! whay do you say we have a truce? I don't wanna hurt you, but we better get outta here quick before someone hears me! Waiting for a reply, Merzai remains hidden behind the bush.

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Ezio performed an action he had not done in his life, he rolled his eyes. Those last words were beyond ridiculous for him. she had almost killed him twice, and almost gotten away, even had Boss protecting her, and she spoke like he owed her something. He would save anypony about to die anyway, but her saying that like she had spared him, she had nothing to say.

Edited by Luna Opal

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Medley heard someone shouting from somewhere below her. She cleared a small hole in she clouds to see who was below her.

"Um... Okay..." She said nervously, wondering if this was a trap. She got her knife from her backpack and held the handle in her mouth, to protect herself. She flew down to the ground cautiously, preparing herself for any attack.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Boss knew Shade didn't have to act like that but Ezio was at least double her strength. Boss was about to get ready for the fight when they heard rustling in the trees. They went to look and then two mutts jump out and one pins Boss. Boss manages to push him off but the to mutts begins to circle them. Okay shade we are going to have to temporarily trust Ezio to get put of this alive. Get ready. They are about to attack

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Ezio jumped on top of the first one, driving his hidden blade into the bottom of it, before turning to both the second spider, who had now shifted his many eyes to him, and the other spider who had recovered from the blow it received from Boss. "I'll try to take out this one, you take out the other one."

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Boss charges at one and pins it down but it bites his arm. Boss yells and jumps back and then the mutt goes on the offensive. It begins to swipe at Boss and he dodges most of them but it scratches him. He jumps back again and then it tackles him to the ground he is temporarily keeping it back but he is in trouble. He can see Ezio is till busy so he turns to shade. Shade! Hey Shade I need you to use that bow now! And make it quick or I may end up dinner to this mutt!

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Shade quickly pulled out a poison dagger, and began fighting the spider mutts. It was nuts! Every time one went down, 10 came to replace it! "Boss, Ezio? I don't think this is working to well... Cover your eyes!" Shade yelled, pulling out her light arrow. As the arrow struck, the spiders were blinded. "C'mon! I don't know how long this will affect them!" Shade yelled, running atop of the trees.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss could see that the mutts were temporarily blinded so he takes the advantage. He pushes off the one on top of him and begins to climb the tree. Ezio did it quickly but Boss was big and slow so it was taking him a while. He eventually just give up and jumps down and begins to run on the ground floor. He dodges around trees and under large roots until eventually he loses the mutts. He can't see Ezio or Shade anywhere though. They ran to the trees and must have gone another way. He sees a fire off in the distance... and the smell of fish. He immediately heads towards the fire and the smell of delicious fish.

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Ezio frantically looked around for Boss. "I can't see him! We have to try and find him!" He climbed halfway down the tree to see Boss heading south, or at least what he thought was south. Heading back up to Shade, he told her, "Boss went that way," pointing in the direction he had seen the pony go." Should we follow him?"

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Boss was gone? Shade couldn't believe her ears. Then, she just saw him through the trees, heading to a place that smelled of cooking fish. "C'mon Ez, we gotta follow him." Shade said. She began to hop from tree to tree, following Boss.

(OOC: Nopony is on at the same time anymore... DAMN YOU SCHOOL)

  • Brohoof 2

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Ezio followed Shade, who was following Boss. It was best to stay with the big pony if there were any more dangers like those mutts. The smell of fish that lingered in the air gave Ezio reasoning of why Boss chose to go in the direction he had gone, and the thought of a delicious cooked salmon, or whatever it was, but he was beginning to become hungry.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade finally caught up with Boss. "Dude, where are you going?" Shade asked. "And why did you go without us?" She took a deep sniff of the air, and then it hit her. "You were planning to share that fish when you found it, right?" Shade asked.

(OOC: Lol, gonna play Isaac for a bit, brb

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss looks over at them and is a little agitated that they followed him. I don't even know who is at this fire. For all I know it could be a trap or it could be another tribute. All I know is that I'm starving and I smell cooked fish so I'm heading over there. Hopefully I'll be met with peace but I expected to arrive alone. I'll admit I didn't lose you two on purpose but we should spread out. Shade maybe you should head over to those cloudy plains.. Ezio can go wherever he wants because he's you know, an assassin. He sees Shade about to argue and stops her. Listen your sweet and all and a good fighter but I'd rather not see any pony die tonight. You could barely hold your own in a one on one fight. You two can follow me if you want but if the time comes I won't hesitate to kill you if totally necessary. I will not return to my father in a body bag... I promised him. Now make your choice. Do you two still want to come with me?

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Ezio stood still. To him, the logic was completely reasonable, but he did not say so. Feminine ponies could become feisty at certain times. The smell of fish came to him through his nose, but he did his best to annoy it. Looking back to the mountain, his original destination, he said, "Agreed." He headed off toward the giant mountain, a small plan to find food forming in his mind.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade was about to argue back, but saw the look in Boss's eyes that he was being sincere. "Ok, I'll stay behind. I'm gonna go set up some traps," She said, leaping back into the jungle. She began to set up basic booby-traps. Her curiosity got the better of her, so she climbed a tree to make sure he was ok.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss was within 100 feet of the camp. He could see the fire burning and the smell of fish was strong. He continued to walk forward and ha his sword at the ready in case any traps were set up or another tribute was at the ready to ambush him. He reached the edge of the camp and could see a sleeping bag. Hmm. Someone is here. Either they left for a while to look for supplies... or they are waiting to ambush me. He sees the fish sitting on a makeshift grill over the fire and gets careful. Now he knew another tribute must have set it up.

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(Since Deuce isn't responding, I'll entertain myself)

Moments after flying to the ground, Medley heard a strange noise coming from a bush nearby. It sounded like scurrying.

What's that? She though, as she approached the bush nervously.

Suddenly, a giant, monstrous spider burst from the bushes and Medley screamed.

"OH CRAP!" She bellowed, and lashed at the creature with her knife.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Shade heard an "OH CRAP!" and decided to go investigate. There, under one of the mutt spiders, was another Tribute. She couldn't let that beast kill the pony! She crouched in a tree, carefully aiming at the beast's heart. TWANG! She shot her poison arrow at the spider. It dropped down, dead.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Medley pushed off the now dead spider from her body. She dipped her head towards Shade in thanks and, not wanting to risk her life on the ground, with all of themutts around, spread her wings and took to the skies once more. She didn't really care about the alliance any more. She found it was too risky.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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