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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/30545-the-dark-research-facility-rp-ooc-sign-ups/

"Uhh.....Time is it?"

Emerald Blaze staggered out of bed, collapsing again through sheer laziness and resentment for his time of waking. Looking out of the window, he noticed a steady stream of passers-by, heading for the 'Ponyville/Canterlot Passage-Road'

'What's up with them? Something going down at the castle? Eh, I'd better check, I've heard rumors about some expedition going out soon....Maybe they're choosing members! I could join!....'

With that, Emerald stood up once again and trotted over to the door leading out onto the street.

"Well, let's get going then!"

He quickly grabbed his saddle-packs, crammed a few items into them and, after levitating a slightly stale doughnut into his mouth instead of breakfast, he wandered outside into the crowd, looking for any friends going the same way.





Mod Note: Edited post to put the OOC topic back in for you. Please remember to use the full editor when editing this post in the Future. Also removed the OOC content from the post as premises and initial setting information should be in the OOC Topic. ;)

Edited by Ice Storm
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Jacob was in Ponyville for some time, he was getting bored of how quiet everything was. He decided to check out the news at the castle hoping something interesting would happen. While walking, he triped and hit Emerald Blaze. "Im sorry my bad. Do you know why everyone's going to the castle for?"

Edited by giordano
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Heartburn facehoofed again and again as the stallion sitting in front of her continued to ramble about how ill he was that that he could drop dead any moment. He continually made physical gestures in an attempt to emphasize his case, but it wasn't helping anything. Eventually, she just stopped listening and took a glance out the nearby window. Multitudes of ponies were on their way to the train station for the Canterlot ride.


I do remember seeing those postings for the expedition to those weird factories or whatever out there. Seems an interesting job, and it paid well too! I wonder how many of those ponies are actually going to sign up, or just want to get a look at-


Heartburn swung around quickly as she felt a light tapping on her flank. The 'sick' pony was staring at her blankly, more confused than angered. "Umm, nurse?" he asked. "You had a look on your face like you were in deep thought. Am- am I going to-" He began to tear up, causing Heartburn to facehoof yet again.


"No, no, you're going to be fine. Just, go find a pharmacist or something and get a prescription for your cold. Now, I have somewhere to be." Hearburn swung her tail as she turned and trotted out the door. She informed the desk clerk that she was leaving early for the day when she passed him and went outside where she made her way towards the train station.


Well, if any old hooligan can get themselves into an excavation party, I'm sure I would get in nicely, she thought to herself. It would certainly be better work than the idiots that live around here...

  • Brohoof 1

Cross my heart and hope to fly;

Stick a cupcake in my eye;

If I lie to Pinkie Pie;

I can kiss my ass goodbye.

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Trolly just woke up.She was ready for another day for trolling.Well the ponies here don't like being trolled.Trolly was getting bored.Then she saw all the ponies were going to the 'Ponyville/Canterlot Passage-Road'.'Where are they going?She came out of her house and asked a pony what was happening.'So they are going there because of that creepy factory.'.She quickly went to her house packed things up."I'm ready for an adventure!".'If i get chosen...'

Trolly saw some pony tripped to another pony.She helped them get up."Are you two ok?"

Edited by PonyTrollz


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Oof! Wha-...Oh, uh, Hi there..."

Emerald felt himself get yanked upright, along with the other pony.

"Sorry there, I've just woken up.....Where everyone's going? Well, I heard that we're all heading to the castle 'cos the princess has got some expedition thing, an' she wants some volunteers to go out.....I sure hope I get to go, I haven't left this place for years!"

He noticed another pony coming towards them,

"Heh, yeah we're fine, just a li'l trip."

'Maybe....yeah, It seems these guys are heading out my way, I might as well walk with them...'

"Umm.....You all heading to the castle too?"

He stood still for a moment, then,

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm Emerald Blaze, What about you guys? Who're you? I don't remember seeing you before..."


(OOC: Yeah, let's get this started, thanks!)

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"Yes i am."Trollly stands like a statue remembering what to say.

"Oh,yes i am Trolly.Just moved to town like 5 days ago.I don't remember the exact date.".Trolly thinks.

'Maybe these guys like being trolled.My lucky day!'

"So you are packed up Emerald?Did you forget anything?Are you sure everything is packed on you?.".Trolly makes a sinster smile.

'Though do i want to troll these people?Really?'

Turns back to Emerald "Forget it,let's just go.".


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Uh...Thinking....Damn! Forgot to close my door! Be back in a sec."

He rushed back to his house, slamming the door with his magic as he reached it,

'I don't wanna keep anyone waiting, I'll be quick...Huh?! Aaaaargh!.......Oof! My face.....Urr....'

In his rush, he hadn't been looking where he had been going, thus promptly tripping over a small rock and landing with his face squished against his door. He bucked backwards at it a few times out of spite, then began trotting quickly back to where he had been, hoping to find this new pony to speak to a bit more.

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Jacob saw Emerald catching up. Jacob introduced himself to Emerald and Trolly "Im Jacob, I also havent been in town very long. Tell me are things in this town always so quiet and boring?" Jacob just noticed Emerald's face was hurt. "Oh buck, that looks kinda bad you should probably see a doctor."

Edited by giordano
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Seeing the the ponies from before has waited for him, Emerald calmed down a bit,

'Heh, I'd have no-one to talk to on my way, I know my priorities,'

He realized one of the ponies was talking to him,

"Uhh.....Eh,Oh, Hi Jacob, uh!...wait as sec,"

Emerald leaned forward and spat a little patch of blood on the floor,

"Tha's better, yeah, I'm fine though, thanks....Anyway, doctors and nurses scare me....Redheart is scaaarey, Especially with all those, ugh, needl-y things"

He stopped talking for a moment, realizing things had quietened down a bit,

"Hey, Um, guys, are you all heading out to that 'Expedition sign-up' thing? Just wonderin' as I am an' I don't want to be all on my lonesome all the way to Canterlot."

'These ponies seem okay, heh, we'll probably all get stuck together on a team or something, huh, I bet we won't even get picked....Ah well, we can try!'

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"Let me see if there's a long line in the trains.".Trolly flies away to the train station.

Comes back after a minute."There is not a big line but if we wait here carelessly it will be full soon.".

'These guys are awesome.Man it would be great if i would be team with them.'.

"Come on!What are we waiting for?"

Edited by PonyTrollz


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Right then everyone, lets see...If we wait too long - we're walking, an' that is a REALLY long walk, so...Does either of you have a plan? There's no way we'll get through with this larger crowd."

Emerald watched the buzzing mass of ponies, all heading the same way. Canterlot appeared to be popular today.



A short distance away, the other side of the throng, a guardspony stood back, counting the amount of ponies and comparing it to the dwinding carage space. He called out once the second-to-last carrage was full,

"Only twenty places left, last train heading to Canterlot today. Hurry up if you want to get a spot!"


Emerald gasped,

"Only twenty?! We gotta get in there NOW!"

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Jacob quickly thought of a plan. "Emerald can you make a distraction with your magic, in the mean time i'll make my way to the front of the train through the crowd. After im in front Trolly, you fly Emerald and yourself to met up with me. If we dont act fast we wont get on the train."

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"Nice plan J, although...These are Ponyvillians, they've seen Nightmare moon herself! How would I attact their-......"

Emerald turned his eyes to the sign hanging over the platform,

"Got it!"

He looked around at the two ponies with him,

'working like a team, not even out there yet, I sure hope we can get picked, an expedition with these guys would be great fun' Thought Emerald.

"J, ready to run? Trolly, ready to fly?"


He charged up some focused energy in his horn, aiming at a small chain link on the sign.

With a blink, it snapped, causing the huge sign to fall sideways and crash into the crowd, just missing several dopey ponies.




(OOC: So sorry people, I've go to go for tomight, I'll be back tomorrow though, feel free to deal with the trains, control me if you need to. Thanks so far! Arrivederci!)

Edited by Shardikku
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Trolly got Emerald on her back and started flying.

'Ouch!What the...'.A pony held Trolly down."Can't fly upwards..."

Trolly had an idea."Hey!Isn't that Discord!".Everyone looked.

'Now's my chance!'.Trolly flew to the train station as fast as she could.Then landed next to Jacob.

"Now all we have to do is wait for the train."


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Very nice distraction there, Trolly. Mine was far too...Sensical...Hey, is that the spare carriage? Everyone - let's shift!."

Emerald quickly grabbed the pegasus and threw himself through the doors, pushing severa, rather annoyed, ponies aside.

"Quick, J, get in here!"



The carriage doors began to shut slowly.

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Trolly quickly grabbed Jacob into the carriage."Ok,everything is alright,isn't it?"

Some ponies were rampaging to the closed carriage door.'Phew.....That was a close one.'.

The trio was exhausted from everything that happened to them.So they decided to go to their own rooms and have a little rest.


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Heh, best fun I've had in ages, I just realized how sleepy this li'l town is, I know we ain't gonna be too popular around here for a while though. Well worth it, especially when those other dudes ran straight into the door, hehe, ah well, It's a fair way to Canterlot. Guess I should kinda get a bit of sleep - don't want to turn up at the castle half-dead."

Emerald felt his eyelids grow heavy,

'I think these guys could become good friends in a short time, heh, I'm so lucky!'

He trotted to a bed fixed to the side of the train and laid down,

"G'night guys, we'll be at Canterlot tomorrow, let's hope for the best, huh?"



(OOC: I'll start day 2 once we're all asleep, or whatever we're doing.)


(OOC: Day 2....Begin!)


"Ugh, I severly dislike mornings...The princess can wait - My eyes're all blurry..."

Emerald woke up, shaking his head to snap himself out of his sleep-induced daze. Slowly remembering what he was doing,

"Um...Expedition...Err...Canterlot, oh, I met a couple of ponies yesterday, we got on this train , all thanks to them....Oh yeah, we were going to try for the Expedition team together."

He stood up and stretched, glancing out the window as he did so,

"Woah! Guys, I think we've arrived...an' this looks sweeet!"

He whistled as he watched the great city of Canterlot slowly go past as gradually stopped, pulling into the station.


It was early morning, very few ponies were awake.The streets were almost empty, a few poor souls roughing it on doorsteps here and there. Princess Celestia herself watched the train roll into the station from the castle roof.

"I hope there are a few more than just these ponies, I heard that almost every single able-bodied pony on this side of Equestria would be here..."

She tilted her head in thought, looking up into the fresh, blue-purple sky of dawn,

"It IS quite early though, maybe some more will turn up a bit later..."

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Trolly woke up.It was really early but she was very excited for the expedition.She looked out of the window.She saw Canterlott.

"Wow!This is awesome.I have never seen Canterlott.".They were slowly arriving to the station.

Then a thought popped into Trolly's head."Hey Emerald!I have a question to ask.Why does Princess Celestia wants some volunteers?I mean i heard that when there is a problem she always calls Twilight and her friends,but why doesn't she now?Are they like on another mission?".Trolly was confused.


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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'Aargh! She's completely hyped!..Okay, calm.....Calm.....Okay, let's do this'

"Well, apparently she's keeping the elements on standby in case anything happens, I'm not too sure what she means though. I mean, what could happen now? Discord - Stoned, Moon - destroyed, what's left?...Maybe they just deserve a break though..."

Emerald Blaze noticed the train had finally stopped, he moved to exit the train, a sudden thought crossed his mind,

'Wait a sec! She's the princess, she has guards...An entire army even! Why would she want volunteers that aren't trained or anything?...Hmmm....'

He decided to keep it to himself, as to not worry any of his new-found friends. Emerald opened the door an stepped onto the platform, admiring the city views,

"Heh, even if we don't get picked, we still got to come to the city, I haven't been out here for...Ages....Ah well, we better shift on out to the main square, that's where the expedition sign-ups are being marked down."

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Jacob woke up once the train arrived. He got out of bed still wanting more sleep. Jacob got off the train tired and in a bad mood. He didnt care that he was in the city of Canterlot. "Yawn... lets head to the sign-up's...I dont want to waste anymore time than we have to. If you guys wanna look around Canterlot then i'll meet you there. " Jacob began to walk toward the sign-up's.

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"I agree with you Jacob.We wasted a lot of time in Ponyville.".Trolly was very sleepy.She started yawning.

She went to the sign-ups.She completed the article and completed the sign-up.She went to Emerald."Quick sign-up.....".She was very sleepy.She went to the benches.She a little then fell asleep.


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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"Hey, Mr. Sign-up pony, hey!"

Emerald Blaze tried desperately to get the attention of the stallion giving out sign-up applications, hoping to obtain one before they ran out.

"Uh, Hello? Someone? has anyone got a spare application thingy? Huh?....Damn!"

The desk that had been stacked high with the sheets, was now empty aside from a few ponies standing around, also looking for some spares.

'Damnit! How come I never, ever get to these things in time?'

"I know......Heh.....I'll be up an' in, give it a few seconds......"

Emerald dived into a nearby bush, lurking behind a group of ponies that DID have forms,

"3...2.........1, Go!"

He dived out of the bush, tackling one of them, stealing the form. Then he sent a small burst of aura downwards, propelling him up, and towards the sign up stand. Quickly filling in the form in mid-air, he slammed down, throwing the letter at the stand, then he dashed off to find his friends....And escape the rather angry pony he had obtained his form from.

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