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First OC drawing in GIMP


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It's hard to notice because the image she posted is so small (probably for that exact reason). Basically the result is akin to something you'd expect from an ipad where they have to use certain techniques, not because they want to, but because there isn't a better or more realistic way to achieve the effect with tablet technology.


The main problem is that it's rather blurry all over. Especially noticeable around Ariel's fingers. Also if you look at the tentacles you can see that the highlights are just single strokes and is not really blended in. Usually when rendering a full image you can blend these in because the tablet has multiple levels of sensitivity. Similarly, the wrinkles on Ursula look like they were drawn with chalk.


It only looks so good because the artist has a strong backbone in traditional art. It looks like a good ipad drawing, not something done entirely on the computer. When compared to her tablet work there is no contest.


Plus the reflections in Ariel's hair make it look really corse. I would say a better color could have been used for that. For the most noticeable mistakes, just look at the background details like the scales on Ariel and the tentacle.


I probably should have looked for the actual drawing instead of judging from the first seconds into the video.




I'd say you're entirely right, and I notice some mistakes that you didn't mention either. No disrespect to the artist of course as she's gone a long way ever since that drawing.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Bohtty,You're last comment was rude, so I'm just going to ignore it since it's you.


That's a Rarity for you, Sparky (On some occasion).

Oops... Did I call you Sparky? Sorry, man. I hope that doesn't offend you or something cuz I'm not the one to insult anybrony when they don't do anything to me unless I'm in a bad mood or something...

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That's a Rarity for you, Sparky (On some occasion).

Oops... Did I call you Sparky? Sorry, man. I hope that doesn't offend you or something cuz I'm not the one to insult anybrony when they don't do anything to me unless I'm in a bad mood or something...


I can't be offended for something that I didn't understand and honestly I thought I forgot about all this Ariel's issue and now you reminded me of it again
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Well, I thought Rarity can be just a BIT rude on some occasions. And seeing Bohtty's avatar and posts (and missing the "I won!" post....) I thought... you know.

Oh, and...


Posted Image

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Well, I thought Rarity can be just a BIT rude on some occasions. And seeing Bohtty's avatar and posts (and missing the "I won!" post....) I thought... you know.

Oh, and...


Posted Image


hahah!!! bringing Rarity into the picture is the wrong thing you could do. She's my favorite pony, I don't know what's Bohtty's. So in my mind she's not rude, she just have a strong temperament.

I just politely retired to not to start an absurd fight, that's all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a newcomer to the forums and saw this thread now, i hate to bring up old threads i just felt a little bit of anger.


Why's there so much commotion about a traced image..?(Or not traced if it weren't, but IF...)


Let him/her have fun instead of being nagged on. You shouldn't discourage someone who just started with something creative.

Edited by Nac0n
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I'm a newcomer to the forums and saw this thread now, i hate to bring up old threads i just felt a little bit of anger.


Why's there so much commotion about a traced image..?(Or not traced if it weren't, but IF...)


Let him/her have fun instead of being nagged on. You shouldn't discourage someone who just started with something creative.


Because he had the audacity to post it and claim it as his own work. It's not his own work, he traced it. THEN he thought he would go and deny it as if I, or anyone else, wouldn't be able to prove it.


His "drawing" should be met with as much acceptance as a pony creator drawing being turned in as original work.


I'd rather seem a poor attempt at drawing it than a trace. A trace does nothing. What are we suppose to discuss? How can we help him improve if he isn't posting his own work?


Tracing is not a creative process.


i just felt a little bit of anger

lol don't get me started.

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I stated 2 conditions. It had to be sellable and an art professor would have to consider it good. Based on the several mistakes in the drawing that are amateurish, I would say it would not be considered "good".


My comment was rude, maybe, but none the less it was quite deserving. You asked for it by trying to prove me wrong in art. Even if you find a technical art piece that qualifies mouse art, I'm still right because I did not say 100%.


It sounds like you interpreted it as rude because you think I'm a rude person and that I enjoy being rude at others expense.


My art is purely done with a mouse... it has sold and my digital imaging professor is quite impressed with my work. I can use a tablet too. but really tightly controlled clean work is much more possible with a mouse particularly Vector graphics. its actually more difficult to vector with a tablet. I've tried.

The tool with which one chooses to work does not define thier talent. the tools of art almost as varied and wide spread as the practice of art itself. A mouse is just as vaible a tool as a tablet. It is simply a matter of artistic prefrence and the impression you want your art to leave.

Well I can't confirm wether the picture in question was traced or not there was deffinatly some work put into it. certainly not a copy and paste job. Tracing is valuable learning tool for young artists but shouldn't be counted among his or her own creations, on that I think we all agree. However accusing an artist of this based on assumption alone is a bit biased and rude. I know it looks traced but i've seen people create things from scratch that look traced before so i'm not willing to rule out the possibility it is genuine either.


The "looking traced" thing often comes from very closely imitating a common image or pose to avoid this accusation I advise breaking free from using any kind of refrence for a while and draw from your head, this I can say I'm certain you didn't do and i beleive it would benifit you as an artist considerably.

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I believe using references is good, but tracing them to learn is another thing alltogether. If it's tracing because you want to learn how to draw ponies it won't benefit you much , but if you wanted to practice the colouring and lining there's nothing wrong with it. I suggest studying both the anatomy of real horses (which way the joins to and the like) and taking a close look on how they used it in the show if you want to learn how to draw your own ponies without looking at a reference whatsoever. Deviantart also has a few very helpfull tutorials. :) I'm not saying you're tracing! Like xero said, it can just be really close to the pony creator, which makes it seem like it.

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My art is purely done with a mouse... it has sold and my digital imaging professor is quite impressed with my work. I can use a tablet too. but really tightly controlled clean work is much more possible with a mouse particularly Vector graphics. its actually more difficult to vector with a tablet. I've tried.



I was referring to digital drawing and painting, not vectoring. Vectoring is much harder, I have found, with a tablet. Therefor the art you do is not the art I am referring to. That kind of art is much easier with a mouse.


The tool with which one chooses to work does not define thier talent. the tools of art almost as varied and wide spread as the practice of art itself. A mouse is just as vaible a tool as a tablet. It is simply a matter of artistic prefrence and the impression you want your art to leave.




The mouse is to the tablet as a rock is to a paint brush. I'm sure someone could make something nice with just a rock, but how likely is that?


Well I can't confirm wether the picture in question was traced or not there was deffinatly some work put into it. certainly not a copy and paste job. Tracing is valuable learning tool for young artists but shouldn't be counted among his or her own creations, on that I think we all agree. However accusing an artist of this based on assumption alone is a bit biased and rude. I know it looks traced but i've seen people create things from scratch that look traced before so i'm not willing to rule out the possibility it is genuine either.


It is traced, if you scroll back a page, I post an overlay. It matches perfectly.

How is it biased? I think my prejudice was very fair. It looks traced, it matches PERFECTLY and it's only rotated a little. Give me a break, it's traced.


The "looking traced" thing often comes from very closely imitating a common image or pose to avoid this accusation I advise breaking free from using any kind of refrence for a while and draw from your head, this I can say I'm certain you didn't do and i beleive it would benifit you as an artist considerably.


I'll have to disagree with this advice entirely. Drawing something without a reference is going to result in an abomination in most cases. You may be able to do it, i don't know what kind of memory you have, but most people can't. At least none of the people I've met.


When you say "Art Professor" do you mean a college professor or a high school teacher T_T?


What vector did you sell and what company bought it?

Edited by Bohtty
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^It's easy. You simply work with a different medium. :lol:


Then that other medium would have to be vector which I already addressed even though the metaphor doesn't really work with that because in the example the tool has become the medium. The only way a mouse could become a medium would be if it went into a sculpture or something along those lines, but then it's not a digital painting either lol.
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The mouse is to the tablet as a rock is to a paint brush. I'm sure someone could make something nice with just a rock, but how likely is that?

Ever heard of earth art? Spiral Jetty is a great example. Frank llyod Wright homes are wonderful peices of art made mostly out of local stone. I think you need to expand you're definitions of art a bit. you assume simply because it is accurate that it is copied but some of the greatest realistic artists have been capable of accuracy within the centemeter and this doesn't even reach close to that level of accuracy. keep in mind I don't think you're wrong but I can't validate the assumption simply because someone is accurate. thats like saying a women uses steriods because she beat a man in an arm wrestle (sexism aside its simply a baised judgement) I don't like it when people make judgments based on assumptions and by definition a prejudice is bais.


I'll have to disagree with this advice entirely. Drawing something without a reference is going to result in an abomination in most cases. You may be able to do it, i don't know what kind of memory you have, but most people can't. At least none of the people I've met. When you say "Art Professor" do you mean a college professor or a high school teacher T_T? What vector did you sell and what company bought it?

how on earth do you learn creative drawing without creating anything from scratch? use some imagination in place of memory make something unique. And I didn't say that the immediate result would be a master peice i said it would be a benificial practice.


Also my digital imaging proffesor is a college professor yes. I never sold any of my vectors that was an example of work more easily done with a mouse i've only just started learning vectoring 3 weeks ago. I've sold my traditional works not to companies but to private parties, I've sold a couple of logos to small time businesses but I'd rather not go into logo making anyway. Implying i'm still in highschool is a little insulting. You really have a tendancy to look down on people who don't share your opinions.


Your arguments are based almost soley on assumptions. I know some digital artists find the mouses tight controls easier and some find the pen like interface of the tablet easier. I'm in The Art Institute, I am surrounded by digital artists everyone has a different way of doing things. you are simply being close minded. you aren't allowing any room for anyone to be right other than you.

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Ever heard of earth art? Spiral Jetty is a great example. Frank llyod Wright homes are wonderful peices of art made mostly out of local stone. I think you need to expand you're definitions of art a bit. you assume simply because it is accurate that it is copied but some of the greatest realistic artists have been capable of accuracy within the centemeter and this doesn't even reach close to that level of accuracy. keep in mind I don't think you're wrong but I can't validate the assumption simply because someone is accurate. thats like saying a women uses steriods because she beat a man in an arm wrestle (sexism aside its simply a baised judgement) I don't like it when people make judgments based on assumptions and by definition a prejudice is bais.


Posted Image

As I explain to Pix3m (who I assumed was joking) Your comment about rock art makes no sense in my metaphor. Not only do I not give a shit because it's not digital art, but the rocks are no longer the tool, they are the medium.


how on earth do you learn creative drawing without creating anything from scratch? use some imagination in place of memory make something unique. And I didn't say that the immediate result would be a master peice i said it would be a benificial practice.


This might be biased on the artists philisophical views, but you can't actually draw anything you don't know about. For example, none of us have seen a real pegasus, but a pegasus is simply a horse and wings which do exist. If we can't draw wings or horses then our drawing of a pegasus won't be very good, imaginary or not.

You can only draw what you know.


Also my digital imaging proffesor is a college professor yes. I never sold any of my vectors that was an example of work more easily done with a mouse i've only just started learning vectoring 3 weeks ago. I've sold my traditional works not to companies but to private parties, I've sold a couple of logos to small time businesses but I'd rather not go into logo making anyway. Implying i'm still in highschool is a little insulting. You really have a tendancy to look down on people who don't share your opinions.


I implied you were still in high school because twice now you have misinterpreted a metaphor or an argument that I have provided and thus presented a reply that was completely unrelated.

Now you're assuming I'm condescending because we don't share similar opinions. I'm insulted.



Your arguments are based almost soley on assumptions. I know some digital artists find the mouses tight controls easier and some find the pen like interface of the tablet easier. I'm in The Art Institute, I am surrounded by digital artists everyone has a different way of doing things. you are simply being close minded. you aren't allowing any room for anyone to be right other than you.


All arguments must be based on assumptions because we can never know for sure. That means your arguments are based on assumption as well.

I don't comment on many threads and when I comment, I make sure I am right, half right or pretty damn close.


As for "not allowing any room for anyone to be right other than me", thats simply not true. I will place the same challenge on you as I did Spark. Find me a piece of art, done by a mouse that is both sellable, professional and worthy of artistic merit in the eyes of an art critic.

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Hey Guys! what's goin' on in this thr-

....yeah... I'm just gonna take a few steps back from the whole argument thing o__o


As for the drawing,



If you can make a good drawing of the pony (you said you didn't trace it, I'll take your word for it)

How bout you make a personalized post?


cause, eh... the Pony creator style is kinda old, and it's not considered to be "art" just keep drawing, and try to make your own pose ^.^

  • Brohoof 1
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Most digital artists do not use a mouse. They use tablets. It's 99.9999999999999999% impossible to digitally paint or draw using a mouse and result in a professional drawing.


Whatchu talkin' about Willis. I use a mouse. = u =; And am I an artist or not? e w e;


If this is not traced work, good job, matching up lines are hard and you've got a skill there~

Edited by Honey Puff
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Whatchu sayin' Wallace. I use a mouse. = u =; And am I an artist or not? e w e;


If this is not traced work, good job, matching up lines are hard and you've got a skill there~


You do vector work, I'm assuming. I recall you mentioning it being vector art somewhere in one of your posts. If you don't use vectors for you art then I retract my statement.


EDIT: pixel art doesn't count either. I'm referring to digital painting and drawing. Usually with a brush tool...

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You do vector work, I'm assuming. I recall you mentioning it being vector art somewhere in one of your posts. If you don't use vectors for you art then I retract my statement.


EDIT: pixel art doesn't count either. I'm referring to digital painting and drawing. Usually with a brush tool...


Oh yeah, vectors...

Posted ImagePosted Image


There's so many artists out there who use mouses who are really good at art. > o >

  • Brohoof 1
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There's so many artists out there who use mouses who are really good at art. > o >


Pics or it didn't happen! No, but seriously try to find one of those "many" artists who make great work with a mouse. It must fit my criteria!
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Pics or it didn't happen! No, but seriously try to find one of those "many" artists who make great work with a mouse. It must fit my criteria!


Neh~ D8<

I accept this quest. But in order to fulfill it, I'll need a bag of potatoes and a cup of chocolate milk. = u =

And a little animal side-kick. Like a bunny.

  • Brohoof 1
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Neh~ D8<

I accept this quest. But in order to fulfill it, I'll need a bag of potatoes and a cup of chocolate milk. = u =

And a little animal side-kick. Like a bunny.


We are all out of bunnies. All that is left are barracudas, snails and vultures.


lol it let me submit without 100 characters again. *gasp*

Edited by Bohtty
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All arguments must be based on assumptions because we can never know for sure. That means your arguments are based on assumption as well.

I don't comment on many threads and when I comment, I make sure I am right, half right or pretty damn close.


As for "not allowing any room for anyone to be right other than me", thats simply not true. I will place the same challenge on you as I did Spark. Find me a piece of art, done by a mouse that is both sellable, professional and worthy of artistic merit in the eyes of an art critic.


Fine I misinturpretted a metaphor thats no reason to assume I'm a highschooler. To be clear i'm sure you are right. I mostly just disagree your absolutionistic attitude. I don't deal in absolutes. But ya know what thats fine. I got too hot headed over an issue i'm sensitive about. I'm sorry.


I can probably find an image that meets your requirements, but really the work of "proving it was done by mouse" and finding an art critic who actually takes the time to comment on digital art aside from you or myself would be more effort than this is worth. I believe the mouse is a comparable tool to the tablet and that the tablet is a valuable interface for artists who prefer it. You (at least as far as I understand) don't. we'll leave it at that. this is officially my last comment on this thread.

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I can probably find an image that meets your requirements, but really the work of "proving it was done by mouse" and finding an art critic who actually takes the time to comment on digital art aside from you or myself would be more effort than this is worth. I believe the mouse is a comparable tool to the tablet and that the tablet is a valuable interface for artists who prefer it. You (at least as far as I understand) don't. we'll leave it at that. this is officially my last comment on this thread.


At this point I'd take any decent drawing done with a mouse.


Also, do they teach you to use a mouse to do your digital drawings? I thought not. :]

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At this point I'd take any decent drawing done with a mouse.


Also, do they teach you to use a mouse to do your digital drawings? I thought not. :]


i actually im curious now to do they teach you to use a mouse....i really have no clue.



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i actually im curious now to do they teach you to use a mouse....i really have no clue.


They don't. They teach with tablets, which is why I pointed it out. A mouse was never ever EVER designed to make art. Doesn't mean it isn't technically possible, but it means you are going to be hard pressed to find someone who does it regularly.


I've seen a few people, but their art always looks like it was made on an iphone or ipad. It's especially interesting when you see a before and after.

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