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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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Jacob has the element of surprise. He decided that If there are three ennemis he would try to kill them but any more and then they would overwelm him. If their were more than three he was going to take aim at the terminal screen to stop them from being able to reactivate it. And then make a run for the exit.

Edited by giordano
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Jacob has the element of surprise. He decided that If there are three ennemis he would try to kill them but any more and then they would overwelm him. If their were more than three he was going to take aim at the terminal screen to stop them from being able to reactivate it. And then make a run for the exit.


You take a shot and manage to kill one, crippling another in the back leg.

You dash for the exit, you can hear them on your heels. You've arrived at a fork in the road; going the wrong way could end up being disastrous.

You can hear them closing in behind you, thankfully they see to have abandoned the terminal for now.

What do you do?


Quillusion got up, realizing she still had the pick lock. She smiled, time to go find Red and ask him if there was still something else she could do, and maybe get some new supply's. She grabbed the shotgun and glass shard from under her bed and headed out to find Red.


You see Red, he's just finished talking to some Stallion.

He raises an eyebrow as you approach. "So, did you figure out what happened to my source? I heard some nasty went down with you and some merchants."

How did he... nevermind. You don't remember ever seeing anything about his source.

What did you do?

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*Medicines can be used even if you don't have the skill tagged, it's just less useful*

The others give you an odd look, clearly they aren't too used to talking techno-babble.

"Well, Artium rifles are charged with Artium. I don't suppose any of you have any Artium?" Ironsides interrupts the awkward silence.

Nobody has any it seems.

"Great..."Mumbles Ironsides.

You'll need a to figure out where you could get some Artium.

What do you do?


"Let me list of all the possible actions we can take other than selling it that I can think of. The safest option would be trading for it, but If ponies know why we want it, they might jack up the price. I don't even know how much Artium is worth in here normally. We could go looking for some in the tunnels, but there's no guarantee we'll find any. If we find a runner with a large supply, we could offer them a position in the team or offer to guard them in the tunnels or something."


Rich waited to see if anypony had anything to add. "I think the first step would be to check out some of the other runners. We can find out the best price and then we can decide whether we'd prefer to try and find some on our own."

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"Let me list of all the possible actions we can take other than selling it that I can think of. The safest option would be trading for it, but If ponies know why we want it, they might jack up the price. I don't even know how much Artium is worth in here normally. We could go looking for some in the tunnels, but there's no guarantee we'll find any. If we find a runner with a large supply, we could offer them a position in the team or offer to guard them in the tunnels or something."


Rich waited to see if anypony had anything to add. "I think the first step would be to check out some of the other runners. We can find out the best price and then we can decide whether we'd prefer to try and find some on our own."


"You know, a lot of the machines here run on Artium..." Ironsides adds. "If we could find one, we could get a decent supply."

Hm... maybe the engines that run this place contain Artium.

"Yeah, and we certainly aren't adding anypony else on the team; having you is enough already." Adds Crimson.

What do you do?

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Jacob dosnt have much time to think. Jacob decided to go to the right. He runs right and hopes it dosent lead anywere dangerous. He hopes that the ones chasing him go in the other derection. Jacob stayed quite trying to figure out witch side they took.


"After him!" One shouts.

They follow you down the path, so you keep running.

You hear shots ring out, they're getting closer and closer.

You body burns with pain as one shot grazes your ear. They're nearly on top of you, when you feel the ground disappear under you.


You wake up in a dark room. It seems you've fallen down a hole.

What do you do?

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Jacob tries to stay as quiet as he can until he's sure the ones chasing him, are gone. After he knows that there gone for sure, he looks for any forme of light. He wants to figure out were the hell he is exactly and how the hell to get out of this place and get back to the yard.


You stumble through the dark, grasping at anything you can, eventually your hoof finds a light switch.

Flicking it on, the room is flooded with light; revealing a large room full of observation rooms.

The floor you stand on is scorched and torn. A weapons testing facility, perhaps?

What do you do?

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Jacob though to himself. (Did they test weapons on prisonners? I wonder who the dumbass who built this was, putting weapons next to a prison of killers, rapists, thieves. No one though that trough. Im surprised there wasnt a riot sooner.)

Jacob decided to examine the rest of the area to see if he could find anything interesting.

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"You know, a lot of the machines here run on Artium..." Ironsides adds. "If we could find one, we could get a decent supply."

Hm... maybe the engines that run this place contain Artium.

"Yeah, and we certainly aren't adding anypony else on the team; having you is enough already." Adds Crimson.

What do you do?


"Alright, alright, just presenting all the options. These machines that run on Artium, are they in the yard, or are they out in the tunnels? I don't mind going back in there if we have a plan."


'If there are some in the yard, it would be just our luck for them to be in the middle of some gang's territory.' Rich thought to himself.

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Church looks around a little but finds nothing. he decides his best bet was to head for the stairs. As he approaches he constantly keeps his eyes open for other ponies or cameras or other devious things. He can't risk fucking this up. "I hope this crate it worth my time..."

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"Well don't look at me, I became a runner just yesterday." Red would probably know something, but the others probably wouldn't want to have to deal with their biggest competitor. Rich didn't really want to deal with him, he had a appreciation for his straight forward thinking after the others kept picking on him, but he still didn't want to have to apologize to Red for being annoying. Still, he did want to investigate his theory about Red knowing the "warden."


"I guess we better start seeing who has a map we could borrow."

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"Well don't look at me, I became a runner just yesterday." Red would probably know something, but the others probably wouldn't want to have to deal with their biggest competitor. Rich didn't really want to deal with him, he had a appreciation for his straight forward thinking after the others kept picking on him, but he still didn't want to have to apologize to Red for being annoying. Still, he did want to investigate his theory about Red knowing the "warden."


"I guess we better start seeing who has a map we could borrow."


"Alright, we'll all check around, meet back here in an hour or so." Deadeye says.

You go to check with Red, who hardly even looks at you as you approach. He doesn't seem to appreciate you much.

"Something you need, sidewalker?" He blows a puff of smoke. "Or are you not going to stay that sharp tongue of yours."


What do you do?


Jacob tried to find an exit, he still remembered the way to get to were he was so he could try and open the locked door in the future, once and if he got the nessesary tools. Jacob just wanted to get back to the Hell Hooves to tell them he finished his job.


Seems the only way out is through a large medal door. Unless you can chew through metal, you're not getting trough it; the control have been fried.

You step away, seems you're trapped... unless...

It dawns on you, maybe one of the terminal could provide an exit plan.

What do you do?

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Church decides if he's looking for a crate then the best idea was probably to look inside crates. As he approaches the crates he is very cautious to look out for alarms or cameras. He checks every angle and takes in every detail of the room. One of the things he learned from being a scientist: always expect the unexpected.

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Church decides if he's looking for a crate then the best idea was probably to look inside crates. As he approaches the crates he is very cautious to look out for alarms or cameras. He checks every angle and takes in every detail of the room. One of the things he learned from being a scientist: always expect the unexpected.


You don't find much of interest, other than a few empty bottles.

How odd, someone actually drank them, no telling how long they'd been there.

You shrug, looks like that's one possibility scratched off the list. Only two left: The cubicle room and the back room.

What do you do?

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"Alright, we'll all check around, meet back here in an hour or so." Deadeye says.

You go to check with Red, who hardly even looks at you as you approach. He doesn't seem to appreciate you much.

"Something you need, sidewalker?" He blows a puff of smoke. "Or are you not going to stay that sharp tongue of yours."


What do you do?


Rich knew he'd have to try and patch things with Red.


"I guess I should apologize for yesterday. I was too busy trying to sound clever, I ended up being sounding like a smart-ass, no of offense to any donkeys around here. I'd just like you to know, If I'm available. I'm willing to lend you a hoof."


Red was a smart pony and Rich knew it wasn't wise to onto grudges in here.


"I took your advice. I've got myself a weapon." Rich gestured towards the simple rifle. "Only I ended up having to join this gang of runners, Crimson Red and his crew. They were a bit quick to blame the new guy when things went wrong, but they seem OK overall. We went into the tunnels last night and found some stuff. Now we're looking for something specific, and I was hoping you might be able to help."

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Rich knew he'd have to try and patch things with Red.


"I guess I should apologize for yesterday. I was too busy trying to sound clever, I ended up being sounding like a smart-ass, no of offense to any donkeys around here. I'd just like you to know, If I'm available. I'm willing to lend you a hoof."


Red was a smart pony and Rich knew it wasn't wise to onto grudges in here.


"I took your advice. I've got myself a weapon." Rich gestured towards the simple rifle. "Only I ended up having to join this gang of runners, Crimson Red and his crew. They were a bit quick to blame the new guy when things went wrong, but they seem OK overall. We went into the tunnels last night and found some stuff. Now we're looking for something specific, and I was hoping you might be able to help."


He shrugs.

"Depending on what it is, I may or may not have the time for it." He crushes the cigarette under hoof. "Now, I'm not big on question, but I have to know: Is what you're after going to get me in trouble? Because I'd hate to have to point them towards you..."

He sounds rather grim with that last phrase. Should you tell him more? Or is leaving him in the dark safer?

What do you do?

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He shrugs.

"Depending on what it is, I may or may not have the time for it." He crushes the cigarette under hoof. "Now, I'm not big on question, but I have to know: Is what you're after going to get me in trouble? Because I'd hate to have to point them towards you..."

He sounds rather grim with that last phrase. Should you tell him more? Or is leaving him in the dark safer?

What do you do?


Rich thought briefly. 'The plan is to find a generator or some other kind of machinery and strip it of its Artium. Ponies might not appreciate them taking out the power.'


"Well, if I was letting those three go off on their own, I couldn't guarantee they'd be smart enough to figure out if what they're doing might come back to bite them on the flank. But believe me, I want to cause as little trouble as possible, and I won't let them do anything stupid." Rich moved a bit closer and lowered his voice.


"We're looking to salvage some materials from machinery. Obviously, the less they've already salvaged, the better. If you can help us find some decently preserved machines, give us a map or whatever, and we find what we want, we'll be in your debt. Of course, we'd have to pay you for the info upfront. Tell me what kind of machines and what kind of condition they're in, I'll discuss it with the others and if your seem the most promising, we can do business, "

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Church scratches his head. One one hand the back room could have some sort of loading bay for crates but the cubicles could potentially have some sort of documents that could tell him where it is... This time he decides to be safe before being sorry. He begins to head for the cubicles.

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Rich thought briefly. 'The plan is to find a generator or some other kind of machinery and strip it of its Artium. Ponies might not appreciate them taking out the power.'


"Well, if I was letting those three go off on their own, I couldn't guarantee they'd be smart enough to figure out if what they're doing might come back to bite them on the flank. But believe me, I want to cause as little trouble as possible, and I won't let them do anything stupid." Rich moved a bit closer and lowered his voice.


"We're looking to salvage some materials from machinery. Obviously, the less they've already salvaged, the better. If you can help us find some decently preserved machines, give us a map or whatever, and we find what we want, we'll be in your debt. Of course, we'd have to pay you for the info upfront. Tell me what kind of machines and what kind of condition they're in, I'll discuss it with the others and if your seem the most promising, we can do business, "


"Off the top of my head, I've got three locations. A broken generator, an old water purifier, and an observation room." Before you can say anything, he continues. "For a one-fourth cut, I'll give you the exact locations. Betray me, and you'll have every con within the Yard looking to tear you apart."

Seems pretty steep, but it's the best offer you've got.

What do you do?


Church scratches his head. One one hand the back room could have some sort of loading bay for crates but the cubicles could potentially have some sort of documents that could tell him where it is... This time he decides to be safe before being sorry. He begins to head for the cubicles.


Not much there other than a few overturned cubicles. Although... there is this terminal that still seems barely capable of being on.

On closer observation, it's got a few options to it:

>Shipment records -Warning: No updates since */**/**-

>Journal #2: It watches me.

>All travel records

What do you do?


Jacob began head towards the terminal. It was his last hope of getting out of there. He also hoped it would gain some useful information about the facility he was in, Jacob loved gathering as much information as possible before making decisions.


It doesn't have any power left to it, but you are able to access a few old files.

File options:

>Deactivate door locks -Error: Insufficient power-

>Lost the key

>Edit: Found the key

>All equipment test results

What do you do?

Edited by Doggess Arylett
Irrelevant filler to bypass the characeer limit. You made it without it.
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