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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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Jacob clicked on the option

>Found the key

His first priority was getting out of there after that he wanted to click on equipment test results assuming that the terminal had enough power left. Jacob was curious about the test's that went on in this room.


>Okay, so you know the key I said I lost earlier? I found it. Do want to know where? In the corpse of some fucking con-man!

>That's right, he ate the fucking key. Can you believe it? Makes you wonder what they'll do next...



>Okay, I'm updating this journal... I'm locked inside of the test room... I'm so hungry...

>I'm looking back at this, and I think I understand why they ate the key; it was the only thing that would let them choke to death rather >than living in here any longer. I'm o hungry... Oh the key looks good...



>>End of journal.

Celestia... did he really eat the key? If he did, maybe some of the corpses down on the scorched floor could provide the key he was looking for.

You clicked on 'All Equipment Test Results'.

>Photon Particle Laser - Experimental.

>>Will need higher doses of Artium to aim the unstable electrons better.

>Artium Laser Scope - Completed.

>>All tests proved positive.

*The list goes on for a while, one catches your eye*

>AI - Dangerous.

>>The AI's behavior is spontaneous at best. Will need a 'mental-anchor' to keep it from going insane. DO NOT LAUNCH.

Wait... but they did launch it... does that mean they found a 'mental anchor'? What is a 'mental anchor'?

What do you do?

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"Off the top of my head, I've got three locations. A broken generator, an old water purifier, and an observation room." Before you can say anything, he continues. "For a one-fourth cut, I'll give you the exact locations. Betray me, and you'll have every con within the Yard looking to tear you apart."

Seems pretty steep, but it's the best offer you've got.

What do you do?


"I'll see what the others have to say." Rich decided against mentioning the "Warden," he didn't really want to explain everything at the moment. He returned to the meeting spot and waited for the others, hoping they'll have potential leads that will cost less.

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"I'll see what the others have to say." Rich decided against mentioning the "Warden," he didn't really want to explain everything at the moment. He returned to the meeting spot and waited for the others, hoping they'll have potential leads that will cost less.


They all eventually arrive. After you ask the question, they have this to say:

"Nothing that's bullshit expensive. Nearly the entire hull, if we're lucky..." Grumbles Deadeye.

"Skags, if we can get the fire power... for an entire nest." Answers Ironsides.

"Not a thing." says Crimson.


What do you do?

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Rich explained to the team Red's proposed targets and the price that came with it. Compared to Deadeye and Ironsides' suggestions, giving up 25% seemed pretty reasonable. "If we find some things worth trading, we could try buying it back. I didn't mention that we were looking for Atrium. If we do choose Red, we should tell him what we're after. That way, if he knows it's a waste of time for Atrium, he'll tell us and it'll save us the effort.

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"Seeing as it's our only real lead, go right on ahead." Ironsides grumbles.

Well, you know what to do. You approach Red, he gives you his usual half-interested gaze.

"So, come to tell me 'yes'? Or have you come to tell it's Artium that you're after."

How did he...

What do you do?

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Church can see that the computer doesn't have much time alive. He quickly heads for it and opens... he thinks for a moment. The travel records and shipment records could be useful to his mission... but the journal entry looked intriguing. He decides that he could find more information on the crate later so he opens Journal #2.

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Church can see that the computer doesn't have much time alive. He quickly heads for it and opens... he thinks for a moment. The travel records and shipment records could be useful to his mission... but the journal entry looked intriguing. He decides that he could find more information on the crate later so he opens Journal #2.


>Journal 2:

>> Hello, it's me again. I've discovered something else sense my time I 'died'; the outside world has abandoned us. I know thing out >>there are rough, but they've just left all of us to die. Hmph... some ruler Celestia is.

>>But I digress, it's only a menial thing now; the convicts still haven't noticed me. I know my way around the Tunnels and I've slowly >>worked my way into earning their trust. It's... interesting. I was once a scientists, now I'm one of the 'cons', as they like to be called.

>>My work on the AI is going well, I've managed to keep the 'Mental Anchor' alive, despite every fucking possibility working against >>me.

>>This computer is nearly dead now. I'll leave it for the next person who follows. I've left something in the airducts just above this >>terminal, use it well; the AI is always watching.



>>End of Journal #2


Celestia... what's with this guy?

Seems there's still some life on the terminal.

What do you do?


Quillusion walks away, deciding she might as well go see if she can find these runners. Once she does find some she walks up to them with a smile on her face. "Hey, I was wondering if there was someway I could help you." She said, hoping they would have something.


"Other than *Censored for all audiences* (I don't know, I'm too lazy to write that out), not much." You blush an extremely deep red at that. "Although, I've heard Cross-Stitch needed some help. Wouldn't let anyone stallion in; maybe you could help. If you can shut her trap, I'd be gracious - I thinks that's the word. She's in the backroom."

Well... it will have to do, you guess.

What do you do?

Edited by Writer
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"Um okay." Quillusion said, looking around for Cross-Stitch. When she does finally find her, she walks up to her. "Those ponies over there said there might be a way I could help. They said you wouldn't let any stallion in on the job, and I am no stallion, so what about it?"


"Poison joke!" She screams. "Someone's slipped me poison joke! It's horrible, I'm hideous now!"


"I need a remedy. I would get it myself, but I can't DARE go out like... THIS! I'll be ruined!"

As sad as her request sounds, she does sound very distressed by the whole situation; maybe you should help.

What do you do?

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Church can see that there is still some life in the terminal. The entry was... interesting. He wanted to learn more. He begins to scan through the terminal looking for any additional journal entries. If he found none then he would inspect the shipment records and after that he will look in the vents above him for whatever the author of the entry left in there.

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Church can see that there is still some life in the terminal. The entry was... interesting. He wanted to learn more. He begins to scan through the terminal looking for any additional journal entries. If he found none then he would inspect the shipment records and after that he will look in the vents above him for whatever the author of the entry left in there.


There are no further journals; I guess they moved on, whoever they were.

Shipment records:


>>All shipments arrived.

>>>1x Artium Rifle. 2x Medical Grade painkiller. 1x ...

...It goes on like that. Eventually hitting today.

>>One shipment recieved. From: Warden.

>>>Unknown. Warning: Sent to hazardous materials bay.

>End of records.


Well, now you have a lead.

What do you do?

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Church is baffled. Did it say from the Warden? That must be the one from the outside world. He is about to head towards the hazardous materials bay when he remember the entry. He heads for the vents above him and begins to look for whatever was in there that was mentioned in the entry.

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"So the AI had a problem, who would have guessed."Jacob walked to the scorched floor and saw the bodies on the ground. "You poor bastards, i'll make sure not to make the same mistakes as you, i will come out of this prison alive." Jacob began searching for the key on their bodies.

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Church is baffled. Did it say from the Warden? That must be the one from the outside world. He is about to head towards the hazardous materials bay when he remember the entry. He heads for the vents above him and begins to look for whatever was in there that was mentioned in the entry.


It's a small sack with a roll of bandages, a half-empty bottle of painkillers, and a can of dog food. Not much, but it's better than nothing.

You head towards the hazardous materials bay, which just so happens to be that last room in the back.

The room is practically glowing - Wait... it IS glowing! Radiation has turned this room into a pit of slow, painful death. Tread lightly.

There's a vent covered with mushrooms, a few old smashed-in computer screens, and a couple of air-locked tubes.

WHat do you do?

What do you do?


"So the AI had a problem, who would have guessed."Jacob walked to the scorched floor and saw the bodies on the ground. "You poor bastards, i'll make sure not to make the same mistakes as you, i will come out of this prison alive." Jacob began searching for the key on their bodies.


You eventually come across a skeleton that might have once been a scientist, you guess only by the tattered remains of the lab coat.

Inside of his skeleton, you find the key. Guess he's not using it anymore...

You take it and open the door.

In the locked room, there's 10 rifle shots, an old hunting rifle (Military Issued), and a computer terminal.

What do you do?

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Quillusion walks back, wondering where she might find some cure at. Maybe she should ask someone, so might as well start with the one pony who had not tried to well yeah. She walked back up to Red. "Do you have any idea what the cure is for Poison Joke, and where I might find it?" She asked him.

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Quillusion walks back, wondering where she might find some cure at. Maybe she should ask someone, so might as well start with the one pony who had not tried to well yeah. She walked back up to Red. "Do you have any idea what the cure is for Poison Joke, and where I might find it?" She asked him.


"I wouldn't know much about that, I'd ask the Zebras; if you're stupid enough that is." He sniffs and coughs to clear his throat. "The Zebras don't like ponies on their territory, so I'd be careful how I approached them."

Well it's good to know, you suppose.

What do you do?

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"Seeing as it's our only real lead, go right on ahead." Ironsides grumbles.

Well, you know what to do. You approach Red, he gives you his usual half-interested gaze.

"So, come to tell me 'yes'? Or have you come to tell it's Artium that you're after."

How did he...

What do you do?


Rich refused to let himself be surprised. "It wasn't that much of a mystery, what else would we be after, gears and springs? Yeah, we've decided your options seem the most reasonable. Give us a map and we'll give you a quarter of the Artium we find on our expedition. Deal?"


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Rich refused to let himself be surprised. "It wasn't that much of a mystery, what else would we be after, gears and springs? Yeah, we've decided your options seem the most reasonable. Give us a map and we'll give you a quarter of the Artium we find on our expedition. Deal?"



He stares you down for a while. "Deal."

You walk back to the group, you now have a new deal with Red and are prepared to go down into the Tunnels.

With the map in tow, you head down into the Tunnels and prepare the map.

Which do you go to first:

>Water Purifier

>Broken Generator

>Observation Room

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He stares you down for a while. "Deal."

You walk back to the group, you now have a new deal with Red and are prepared to go down into the Tunnels.

With the map in tow, you head down into the Tunnels and prepare the map.

Which do you go to first:

>Water Purifier

>Broken Generator

>Observation Room


"The generator would probably be a good place to start, since we're after a power source." Rich was optimistic, despite having to carry both his rifle and the artium rifle. Red had to think they would succeed, otherwise he'd be getting nothing out of it.

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Church wanders around the room he is in. He begins to search for some sort of hazmat suit to protect him from the radiation within the next room. If he cannot find a hazmat suit then he will continue into the vents with the mushrooms growing around.

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Jacob picked up everything of use.(Now, let me view over my equipment once again, i just got a hunting rifle, a handgun with no ammo left in it, a c-4 trigger but no more c-4, a shiv and finally my mask. It looks like things are coming along nicely) Jacob walked to the terminal and tryed to access it.

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"The generator would probably be a good place to start, since we're after a power source." Rich was optimistic, despite having to carry both his rifle and the artium rifle. Red had to think they would succeed, otherwise he'd be getting nothing out of it.


You decide to head off to the generator.

You arrive at the mark in the map; the generator is a lot... bigger than expected.

It fills up the entire room, which is far larger than the shipment bay you were at earlier.

"Shit, do we crawl in it, or something?" Ironsides is baffled by this incredible mechanism. But he's right, how do you approach this BEAST?

What do you do?


Church wanders around the room he is in. He begins to search for some sort of hazmat suit to protect him from the radiation within the next room. If he cannot find a hazmat suit then he will continue into the vents with the mushrooms growing around.


There's no hazmat suit without a leak in it; kind of defeats the purpose if there is.

When you approach the vent, you find you can't get the cover off. The mushrooms have clamped the vent shut; if only you could get them off somehow.

What do you do?

(Sorry for being so late on the draw, my internet gave me the finger and wouldn't work...


Jacob picked up everything of use.(Now, let me view over my equipment once again, i just got a hunting rifle, a handgun with no ammo left in it, a c-4 trigger but no more c-4, a shiv and finally my mask. It looks like things are coming along nicely) Jacob walked to the terminal and tryed to access it.


*Yup, that's about it.*

The terminal is password protected.

(Hacking check, successful) With a little bit of brain power, manage to bypass the security system. Not bad, considering.

You look over the options:

>Activate Weapons bay

>Open Door to Weapons bay

>Run Tests on Experimental Tear Gas

What do you do?

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Church looks around. He is searching for some sort of object he could use to bat or cut the mushrooms out yet, like a piece of broken glass or something along those lines. He assumes if he can find something like that then he can use is to cut the mushrooms off.

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You decide to head off to the generator.

You arrive at the mark in the map; the generator is a lot... bigger than expected.

It fills up the entire room, which is far larger than the shipment bay you were at earlier.

"Shit, do we crawl in it, or something?" Ironsides is baffled by this incredible mechanism. But he's right, how do you approach this BEAST?

What do you do?


"I'll look to see if there's a computer console anywhere, would somepony mind watching my back? I don't think we should climb into anything without knowing how it broke in the first place. I don't want somepony knocking something and getting trapped in there. Look around for any damage or anything that might be a way to access the Artium from the outside. It'd be quite a design flaw to need climb through its innards every time it need refueling. "



Perhaps there would be a manual or something somewhere.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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