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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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Church nods once again. "Thank you. Your advice is impeccable as always." Church looks over at Red and can see him talking with another pony. "Looks like some pony trying to get in good with Red. Looks like she knows what she's doing too..." He then begins the walk over to Red.


Red finishes his conversation then looks over to you. "What do you need? Didn't I already tell you that I'm out of supplies?"

He did, but now you have a little more to ask him.

In the background, you see a fight break out, probably none of your business.

What do you do?

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Red laughs a little. "You know, I think that's the first time anyponies every asked someone in this hell-hole."

He think for a moment, then starts again "Now that I think about it, one of my sources down in the tunnels have gone missing. If you'd be willing to help, I might be able to spare a few supplies..."

Pretty tempting offer, you'd get in good with Red and score some supplies while you were at it; but the tunnels are a dangerous place, you'd need something to protect yourself going down there.

What do you do?


Quillusion looks at Red. "So there will be fighting where I am going?" She asked, scared now She was trying to avoid fighting, not go charging straight into it. But she did need those supplys if she was to survive. She figured she would probably need some sort of weapon to.

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Quillusion looks at Red. "So there will be fighting where I am going?" She asked, scared now She was trying to avoid fighting, not go charging straight into it. But she did need those supplys if she was to survive. She figured she would probably need some sort of weapon to.


Red shrugs. "Possibly, depends on where you go in the tunnels. They're absolutely filled with all kinds of freaks that even the Prison didn't want around."

He sniffs and turns to face a pony that had come up to him.

Maybe you should go and prepare, or do something that's not here.

What do you do?


Jacob had time to kill until he had to go met up with the members of the Hell's Hooves. He was walking in the prison when he saw a computer terminal. He decided to try and hack it to try and communicate with the prison's AI. He was curious about the AI's personallty.


You do not possess the ability to hack this yet.

While you're trying, a screen of text appears.

>Hello? Who are you? Why are you trying to attack me?

Seems like either the AI is talking to you, or you've found something far more interesting... hmm...

What do you do?

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Church notices the fight behind him and he is trying to ignore them but it's in his nature to stop fights. It's in his blood to be a peace maker. He can't resist it any longer. He has to help them. "Excuse me for a moment Red. It appears I have business to attend to. I'll return shortly assuming it's a fight over nothing." He then turns to confront the fighting convicts.

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Jacob read the text's on the screen and decided to type back.

>You can call me Codename J, and im not trying to attack you. I just want to talk.

Jacob didnt want to give his name away just incase it was a trap or anything. He though that he was talking to the AI. He waited to see if he would get a response.

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Church notices the fight behind him and he is trying to ignore them but it's in his nature to stop fights. It's in his blood to be a peace maker. He can't resist it any longer. He has to help them. "Excuse me for a moment Red. It appears I have business to attend to. I'll return shortly assuming it's a fight over nothing." He then turns to confront the fighting convicts.


As you begin to approach, one of the convicts pulls out a knife and stabs the other several times in the stomach.

The stallion screams and clutches his stomach, crumbling to the ground as his assailant calmly walks away. His screams in agony, and in his last seconds of life, he desperately looks at you for help, then the color leaves his face and he passes on. There was nothing you could do.

*You will remember this moment

Disheartened, you look over the body. It looks like he had a weapon of some kind on him.

(OOC: This is it from me tonight. My internet keeps going wonky and I'm very tired.)


Jacob read the text's on the screen and decided to type back.

>You can call me Codename J, and im not trying to attack you. I just want to talk.

Jacob didnt want to give his name away just incase it was a trap or anything. He though that he was talking to the AI. He waited to see if he would get a response.


>Hello Codename J, I am Trinity.

Seems like the person on the computer is willing to talk to you.

>Where are you? All I can see is that you've accessed one of the guard's computers.

You get an odd look on your face. How could he not know about the riots?

What do you do?

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Rich watched Red a while before walking off. He headed towards one of the better respected runners of the prison.

"I need a weapon, a decent one. Since that fool, Red's supplies have completely dried up, I guess you're the biggest supplier in town now, huh?" Rich smiled.

If Red didn't want to deal with him, then Rich will just have to surpass him.


"Still, I understand you can't get nothing for free, except a shiv in the gut of course, so consider me a new assistant." Rich stopped smiling.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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Rich watched Red a while before walking off. He headed towards one of the better respected runners of the prison.

"I need a weapon, a decent one. Since that fool, Red's supplies have completely dried up, I guess you're the biggest supplier in town now, huh?" Rich smiled.

If Red didn't want to deal with him, then Rich will just have to surpass him.


"Still, I understand you can't get nothing for free, except a shiv in the gut of course, so consider me a new assistant." Rich stopped smiling.


[New Personal Objective: Start up a business.]

You think... the most traded things you've noticed are: Weapons, drugs, and medicine.

You're not sure where you could get any, other than the Tunnels, but your make a mental note just to be sure. (To have a successful business you'll want to able to trade in any of those three objects.)

Looking around the Yard, you notice a number of ponies smoking, readying weapons, playing cards, or just trying to avoid not being killed. Anyplace would be a good place to start, you guess.

What do you do?

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As Church looks over the body he picks up a wooden baseball bat. "This could be useful in the tunnels. Though I am sorry my friend... I couldn't help you..." He then turns to Red again. "The reason am back is not for any of the supplies I asked for earlier. I simply need a flash light Can you help me with that?"

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Rich walked over to the ponies readying their weaponry.


"Hello gentlecolts. Looks like you're getting ready for a trip into the tunnels. Been meaning to head in there myself, heard they're lovely this time of year, I would offer my services to you, but I'm afraid I'm a bit lacking in firepower. Still, I doubt I would have been much use to you anyway, I've only been using rifles since I was a foal and I doubt you'll need any security systems hacked or anything."


Rich felt a ripple of pleasure as he noticed the pony heading the expedition glance repeatedly at his horn.


"Of course, if you're willing to lend me a weapon, I'd be happy to tag along with you."

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As Church looks over the body he picks up a wooden baseball bat. "This could be useful in the tunnels. Though I am sorry my friend... I couldn't help you..." He then turns to Red again. "The reason am back is not for any of the supplies I asked for earlier. I simply need a flash light Can you help me with that?"


"Well..." Red rubs his chin. "I guess I might be able to get something for you."

He hands you a small flashlight.

"Consider it a loan, okay. Anything you find in the Tunnels, let me know, and I'll work out payment."

*You will remember to give Red his payment.

Now it seems you have the supplies to go down there.

What do you do?


Rich walked over to the ponies readying their weaponry.


"Hello gentlecolts. Looks like you're getting ready for a trip into the tunnels. Been meaning to head in there myself, heard they're lovely this time of year, I would offer my services to you, but I'm afraid I'm a bit lacking in firepower. Still, I doubt I would have been much use to you anyway, I've only been using rifles since I was a foal and I doubt you'll need any security systems hacked or anything."


Rich felt a ripple of pleasure as he noticed the pony heading the expedition glance repeatedly at his horn.


"Of course, if you're willing to lend me a weapon, I'd be happy to tag along with you."


(Horns are non-threatening, remember?)

The ponies consider the plan for a second.

"Alright, we could use an extra hand, but don't try anything funny or you're dog food." One of them grunts.

They hand you a small rifle (Civilian issued).

"We're going to be gone in about an hour (One hour our time), gather anything you need until then."

What could you possibly need down there? Hm...

What do you do?

(OOC: Level of all guns (Worst to best):

-Civilian Issued-

-Police Issued-

-Military Issued-

-Assassin's level-


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Church nods. "Thank you. If I find anything of value that isn't necessary for my experiment than you can have it. One more thing. I have never actually seen the tunnels. I've seen some occasional Runners go in and you of course but what should I expect? What will I need to defend myself from?"

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Church nods. "Thank you. If I find anything of value that isn't necessary for my experiment than you can have it. One more thing. I have never actually seen the tunnels. I've seen some occasional Runners go in and you of course but what should I expect? What will I need to defend myself from?"


"Maybe the Skags," You remember the Skags. Horrible creatures that are no long of pony-kind, but only deformed monsters filled with blood-lust. "Other than that, maybe some Gangers or other looters looking for a big score."

You're pretty sure bullets can handle that. Seems like you're pretty prepared for this, the closest entrance is over by the latrines.

What do you do?

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Jacob took a moment to think. (So it looks like im not talking to the prison's AI. How could Trinity not know about the riots...the only way that i can think of would be if Trinity is outside the prison. Trinity has no clue that im a prisonner. If I play my cards right i might just be able to get out of this prison.) Jacob looked at the time and rememberd he had to go meet out with the Hell's Hooves pretty soon.


>Trinity lisen carefully im in the prison... there have been riots, the prisonners took over the prison. Very few of the guards are still alive. I can't talk for long i have to go now...I'll be back online at the same time tommorow. I'll speak to you then.


Jacob left to go meet with the gang of the Hell Hoove's.

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Rich smiled. He had little that would be useful in the tunnels and nothing of real value to trade with.


"I think you meant to say 'we could use an extra hoof.'"


He performed a little routine check over his new weapon. He hadn't held a gun for a long time, but it was all flooding back to him. Satisfied, he placed the rifle next to him and sat down next to the pony that looked like he hated his guts the least.


"The name's Rich. I could do with some background info. I don't want have to be figuring out your names while being ordered about in the middle of a firefight." Rich spoke with a complete seriousness to his voice, hoping the sudden change from his joking introduction would put the pony off guard, giving him control of the conversation.

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Jacob took a moment to think. (So it looks like im not talking to the prison's AI. How could Trinity not know about the riots...the only way that i can think of would be if Trinity is outside the prison. Trinity has no clue that im a prisonner. If I play my cards right i might just be able to get out of this prison.) Jacob looked at the time and rememberd he had to go meet out with the Hell's Hooves pretty soon.


>Trinity lisen carefully im in the prison... there have been riots, the prisonners took over the prison. Very few of the guards are still alive. I can't talk for long i have to go now...I'll be back online at the same time tommorow. I'll speak to you then.


Jacob left to go meet with the gang of the Hell Hoove's.


*Trinity will remember your honesty/You told Trinity about you.

>That's... that's horrible...

Once you reach the spot, you get black bagged and you're pulled away.


The room is dark, but you can hear a single voice: "Why is that you've turned to my gang? Who is that you're working for, the South Locos, The Spirit Breakers, The Elements of Disharmony?"

Whoever this guy is, he sure is paranoid. Maybe you can play on that...

What do you do?


Rich smiled. He had little that would be useful in the tunnels and nothing of real value to trade with.


"I think you meant to say 'we could use an extra hoof.'"


He performed a little routine check over his new weapon. He hadn't held a gun for a long time, but it was all flooding back to him. Satisfied, he placed the rifle next to him and sat down next to the pony that looked like he hated his guts the least.


"The name's Rich. I could do with some background info. I don't want have to be figuring out your names while being ordered about in the middle of a firefight." Rich spoke with a complete seriousness to his voice, hoping the sudden change from his joking introduction would put the pony off guard, giving him control of the conversation.


The pony sniffs, unfazed (These guys are hardened criminals, you can't faze them that easily.) "Well, I'm Ironsides, over there," He nods to the black one with a miner's helmet. "He's Deadeyes. And over there," He nods to the crimson one, he appears to be the leader. "He's Crimson Red. Any further questions?"

Well, nice to have some introductions.

What do you do?

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"Do you ponies have skills beyond gunning things down? I need to know the capabilities of the company I keep. What are the chances for an encounter with opposition? What kind of goods are we expecting to find? Also, do you know of any computer stations that we could use to our advantage." Rich was determined to seem as professional as possible. Not asking questions would imply he was too scared to interact with these ponies, and that would lose respect.

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Church was a little sceptical of him succeeding. Church didn't have a gun. all he had was a little magic and a wooden baseball bat. It will have to do though. As he makes his to the entrance of the tunnel he can see ponies looking at him. It almost looked like they were making bets to see if he would come out alive. As soon as he took his first step into the tunnels it was pitch black. He quickly turns on his flash light.

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"Do you ponies have skills beyond gunning things down? I need to know the capabilities of the company I keep. What are the chances for an encounter with opposition? What kind of goods are we expecting to find? Also, do you know of any computer stations that we could use to our advantage." Rich was determined to seem as professional as possible. Not asking questions would imply he was too scared to interact with these ponies, and that would lose respect.


"We could find anything, and that includes a computer, the prison has been stretching lately so things are moved about, opposition is possible, maybe a 6/10 chance. I hurt things, Deadeye is a chemist, and Crimson is a lockpicker. Any further questions? We're going to be leaving in a second." He loads up his rifle and heads over to the hole that you'll be heading down.

Seems that's all the time you have.

Continue down the hole?

>Yes >No


Church was a little sceptical of him succeeding. Church didn't have a gun. all he had was a little magic and a wooden baseball bat. It will have to do though. As he makes his to the entrance of the tunnel he can see ponies looking at him. It almost looked like they were making bets to see if he would come out alive. As soon as he took his first step into the tunnels it was pitch black. He quickly turns on his flash light.


You don't see much ,you just figure out you're in a small, claustrophobic sewage pipe with unknown liquids wading at your knees.

At the end in front of you it branches off into two separate paths. Behind it slopes downwards, deeper into the bowels of the great prison.

What do you do?

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Jacob tryed to see where he was but the room was too dark. He replied to the voice. "Im not working for anyone witch is the reason i turned to your gang. I would like to join your gang. And if you don't mind can you turn the lights on, i can't see anything in here." Jacob didnt seem to care much about the predicament he was in. He stayed calm.

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Jacob tryed to see where he was but the room was too dark. He replied to the voice. "Im not working for anyone witch is the reason i turned to your gang. I would like to join your gang. And if you don't mind can you turn the lights on, i can't see anything in here." Jacob didnt seem to care much about the predicament he was in. He stayed calm.


"If I wanted you to see, the lights would be on already; so no." You can hear movement taking place in the dark. "You've proven to be useful so far, so I've decided to put you to a little test. Every now and then my people will call on you for a favor, if you help us out, we might consider letting you join us, if you don't..."

You hear the sound of a gun being readied.

Seems like it's do or die.

What do you do?

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Jacob heard the cocking sounds of the gun he didnt have any other options, but this was what he wanted from the beginning. To be able to get in a gang. "Sounds easy enough, so is there anything you need me to do now or are your people going to contact me when you need my services."

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Jacob heard the cocking sounds of the gun he didnt have any other options, but this was what he wanted from the beginning. To be able to get in a gang. "Sounds easy enough, so is there anything you need me to do now or are your people going to contact me when you need my services."


*They will remember your promise

*+5 Gang respect

You never get an answer, the bag is one again placed over your head.

Ugh... it smells pretty funky too...

Eventually you are sat down again. Nobody ever speaks to you, so you remove the bag and find yourself in your cell again.

What do you do?

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Church can hear noises coming from the right path so he takes the left path. He steps in and slips down a steep slope and face plants at the bottom. He gets up and brushes himself off. "Now where am I actually supposed to find supplies in here? I don't see any right now..." As he speaks he can see a group of Runner's up ahead. It looks like they are gathered around something so he quietly hides and listens to what's going on.

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