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private Doctor who?

Solar Wind

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Chaos sighed and, assuming his ultimate form, entered a wormhole...


Chaos woke up, in his grey Earth form, in equestria. His Soul gems sat there, greeting him. He stood up and looked around. He was in canterlot. He sent a message to the others...


If you guys made it, meet in Ponyville. I'm going to meet with my sisters first, before I head over.

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The doctor looked out of his Tardis and blinked. "That was quick..." He thought. He looked at the others and handed them the pocket watches. "These will help us stay in touch. I've rigged them to detect when one of us is in trouble." He said he looked at the others and counted. "Wheres Ramasus and Chaos?" He asked. He shook his head and looked back at the others. "This is where the signal came from that infiltrated our meeting. Also look at those clouds... They arent... Normal." He said hoping he wasnt just being paranoid. He grabbed his Fez and looked at the others. "Alrighty then! Lets get this show on the road shall we!?" He turned around and started up the mountain.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"there all going together?" thought Icicle, as watched as they all started climbing up the mountain, "they are all willing to risk them selves because this one man said to go up a mountain... he is more dangerous then he could possibly understand." Icicle then got up, and looked over the edge of the mountain to the side the group was climbing up, he could he a small spec coming closer and closer, "might as well speed things up.." he said to himself, using his magic he moved the snow around till it made one large staircase infront of the group straight to him.

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As Ramasus and Velgar were climbing up the mountain, they continuously had to traverse through the wind and snow. After hours of growing impatient, Ramasus commanded "Velgar, can you clear this snow? If we are supposed to be here, we must get to the site as fast as possible and right now, we are barely progressing." After mustering up enough strength, Velgar casted a spell that allowed a trail to form where the snow had just been. Even better, they could now see the rest of the group. Ramasus then teleported himself and Velgar to a few paces behind the rest of The Clock so that they wouldn't be left behind.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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Meanwhile in Ponyville, Fluttershy was tending to her animals as she felt something drop onto her nose. It felt wet and cold. So cold, she let out a sneeze as it fell on her nose, quickly disintegrating. She at first thought it was going to rain and thought to herself, Well we could use some rain here and I'm sure it will help out... She looked up, and was amazed at what she saw, dark ominous clouds, but instead of rain, white puffy little snowflakes fell, quickly descending to cover every inch of ground. The powdery white snow covered the ground and Fluttershy was so confused but unsure of what was going on that she ran to her house as the snow accumulated. As she looked out her window she saw that the disturbingly large amount of snow seemed to be centered around the Everfree Forest. She shuddered as she thought of the place where nightmares roamed.

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The doctor cursed under his breath. They werent far from the top and it was begining to snow. "But... Its spring!" He gritted his teeth straightened his Fez and climbed on dragging his liegs up the steep slippery slope of the mountain. He waved his screwdriver around and new there was someone else here.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicle looked down at the group who where only a few feet away from him, "hello there doctor, i see you have brought the other time lords with you..." icicle looked at the others with little intrest in his eyes, his eyes where as cold as snow, but somehow under the gray there was an old light that showed thousands of years worth of wisdom, "you might as well come in to my house, you wont last much longer up here anyway." Icicle gave with a small chuckle, he then turned around and walked up to a wall made of snow, using his magic he cleared the snow away revealing an cave entrance that headed down in the center of the mountain.

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"Im sorry but first things first. Before I step inside your quote unqoute "house" Why were you spying on us? Your not very good at it by the way. I already said that. I guess what im trying to say is as totally unsuspicious as you look with the snow, ominous clouds, and creepy demeanor, I dont trust you... At all." The doctor rambled off helping the other time lords up to the top. He really didnt trust this pony one bit.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicle turned around and stared at the doctor with a silent look on his face that said more then he spoke, "yes i was spying on you... but my intentions are good no matter what you think." Icicle then gave a cold little laugh, "the funny thing is, i've known all of you for your entire lives... yes even you Doctor, i know more about you then anybody else, and you have never even known that i have been with all of you this entire time." Icicle gave another laugh then his face froze into a deep dark face, "do as you like, come, go.... it does not matter to me, i have many more important things to get to." Icicle then walked into the cave, and almost as if on cue the clouds disappeared and the snow melted and it was spring once more. then an echo from the cave called out, "So Doctor are you coming in or are you just going to freeze up on top of my mountain?

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The doctor grinned. "You think you know me? Hilarious..." He stood up straight. "I wont be the one walking into some strange mountain. I'll be back in my Tardis- Oh wait! I think I'll head down to a village somewhere try and figure out how to stop this storm..." With that he descended and went back to his tardis. He kept his pocketwatch close in case the other clock members needed him.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Chaos Breaker landed on his snout on a mountian. His sister could certianly throw... ouch. He stood up, and saw...

"Oh... hello, Doctor! Where are the others?" His soul gems then came out from the storm, and, one by one, landed on his head.

"Ouch... Tia certianly has a good throwing arm, I'll give her that..."

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"The signal came from a pony on this mountain... I dont trust him as far as I can throw him and it is VERY hard to throw an equine beleive you me." He stepped towards his Tardis. "Do you know of any villages around here. Im trying to find out whats wrong with this storm..." He waved his screwdriver in the air and it confirmed that it was created by the same pony he had just met.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Chaos Breaker thought about it. "Well... there aren't any villages around here..." He turned. "But if you want, you can come with me to my castle. Never minding the extensive library, it's food, drink, and shelter. It's about a mile north of here..." He turned back to the TARDIS. "I'm heading there. Join me if you wish." He turned and took flight.

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As Ramasus had just reached the mountain, he soon noticed that Nopony was there. He then tried to use his sonic screwdriver to search for any life in the building but could find no trace. At that time, he looked down near his feat and noticed the hoof prints. "How strange, they seem to have already left after being here only moments ago. Come, Vel, for it seems we are needed elsewhere! after Ramasus transformed back into his equine form, the two galloped down the mountainside, making sure that the hoof print trail was always in sight.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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Icicle was unsure of what to do, the message he had for the doctor was urgent, but the doctor thought he was trying to hurt him.

"he must get the news otherwise he is doomed!" then icicle knew what must be done, "if he wont come here him self then i will just have to get him here!" using his magic he concentrated on the doctor, "there you are." icicle muttered to himself, then he concentrated more a swirl of snow soon started flowing around the doctor making it hard to see anything but the snow swirling around him, then the snow stoped and fell to the ground elegantly. standing inside Icicles cave right infront of him was the Doctor. "I mean you no harm, so just stop and listen for a second!" icicle said to the Doctor.

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"Woah woah woah!" The dcotor said as he stumbled around. "Not trying to hurt me? Im stumbling aroun blinded on top of a mountain!" He shouted and whipped out his screwdriver. He waved it over the pony. "Ha! Just as I thought. No matches found. Who are you? Why did you hack our signal? Why have you brought me to this pony populated planet on top of a bloody Mountain!" He said turning around and around in circles. He went back over to the other time lords and hid behind Pixie.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"First off, i never carry matches, second..." Icicle gave a small pause, "I have no name, but the people of this world have come to call me Icicle, so you should do the same, as for what am i? i am neither real nor unreal, if you scan me with your screwdriver doctor you shall see that i don't exist, but here i am!" suddenly Icicle went up in an explosion of snow only to appear next to the doctor, "as to answer your other questions, I have hacked your signal because the time lords are under threat and i am here to help you, i know who it is... or should i say what it is that is killing off the time lords." using his magic again he reopened the entrance to the cave. "come in to my home and you shall see what it is that is killing the time lords, and dont bother leaving because i will just keep bringing you up here." Icicle said in a humored tone, "and like i said before, i know you..." coming close to the Doctors ear he whispered the Doctors name in a low and cold voice "So! are you coming in or not?" Icicle said in a suddenly happy tone to the rest of the group, Icicle then melted in to the snow and a voice could be heard from inside the cave "its nice and worm down here!"

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Pixie stood there listening to the other time lords, her being to shy to speak out. She was going to have to work with them, she looked at the doctor before looking at the pony in front of them. ponies are odd she thought to her self before brushing her skirt. Getting the ice that had formed on it as her pet dog started barking to get her out of her trance.

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Noticing The Doctor walk up the mountain, Velgar decided to follow him since he was still a bit oblivious as to what was going on. Ramasus took note of this and decided to follow Vel for a change. Meanwhile, he was thinking to himself "I wonder where this... Icicle, was it?... Is trying to take us." He shrugged his shoulders seeing it as no big deal and continued walking alongside Vel.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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"Pixie can we trust him? I mean he did try to freeze me to death..." The doctor said still hiding behind Pixie. "Im not sure I particularly want to go down there..." He though but not wanting to look like a baby he bit his tongue, straightened his Fez, and fixed his Tie skiwky descending into the dark cave inside of Icicles home.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicles home was actually much nicer then anyone expected a home on top of a freezing mountain to be, he was standing around a small table with diffrent news articles in the middle of the room, other then that there was a chair in one corner, a flower pot on a small table in the other and the whole room was whight, Icicle looked up from the table and looked at the small group of time lords. "I see you finaly decided to join me! Although I am not very surprised. Well first off I am guessing you would like to know the meaning of snow in the middle of summer, hmm? Its a defense mechinsim..." icicle said in a dead voice "at the moment I am the only thing protecting not just equestria but the entire galaxy, from what you might be asking... from this!" Icicle walked towards the flower pot and pulled it towards him, suddenly the wall moved and in the room was a giant block of ice in the middle of it frozen was a black blob darker ten oil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The doctor looked at it and and waved his sonic screwdriver over it. "That things radiation levels are off the charts!? What is it? Where did you find it? How does it work? and where is your heater it is freezing in here... He walked around the orb and kept peeking at it, it was beautiful in a way...

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Pixie watched as listed off all the things. Before pulling a face "You haven't changed much doctor!" she sighed. She then looked at her dog barked at it, she looked at her dog and sighed. "I know Moses, it's bad!" she said to the dog. She paused, "I can understand dogs" she said to everyone else.

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"This is a cousin to an evil you already know of, this is the Darkness, relatives of the silence, they are everywhere that is dark, your shadow caves, anywhere, the only way i have found to stop them is to freeze them. Also i don't own a heater Doctor, i can't, not very safe for me. Also you might be wondering why there is snow in the middle of summer no? its magical snow, one of the brightest substances i have found other then the sun is snow, so at the moment i am the only being here who is keeping this world alive at the moment." Icicle then went over to a couch in the room he sat down and rubbed his temples, "sorry but i have been using to much of my magic its really quite tiring." as Icicle rubbed his head he literally started to melt slowly.

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"So," Ramasus pondere, "you're telling me this orb of darkness is related to the silence?" Velgar walks towards it. Velgar stops, eyes shut "what the?!?!" Velgar slowly goes down, trying to get away from it. "the dark energy in there...it...it gives me a migrane...jusbe looking at it..." Ramasus quickly shifts his attention from the orb to Icicle "how much energy is in that thing?!"


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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