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Discord, evil or just plain chaotic?

That Colt

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Discord isn't evil or chaotic, he is simply unique, one of a kind. He sees things differently than what most ponies in Equestia do, and is why he is do greatly admired.
  • Brohoof 2

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Discord isn't evil or chaotic, he is simply unique, one of a kind. He sees things differently than what most ponies in Equestia do, and is why he is do greatly admired.


YAY! Are you another Discord fan? I think he's the hottest villain on the show.

I've been doing pics of him with my OTP Airi! Tee hee hee!


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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YAY! Are you another Discord fan? I think he's the hottest villain on the show.

I've been doing pics of him with my OTP Airi! Tee hee hee!


I wouldn't call my self a fan, but I do really like him! My heart only belongs to Twilight and no one else (on the show)


And uh...what kind of picks?

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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So I posted this thread in the MLP topic of another board (Starfox-Online, where me and Wolf come from. Here's the post and the replies:


From the other site:



What do you think of discords motives, we know he LOVES chaos, but does he love torturing other ponies or is this just apart of his chaos?



Chaos isn't always a bad thing. Discord COULD have been a good guy. However...

The character is truly heinous by the standards of the story, which makes no attempt to present the character in any positive way.

The character's terribleness is played seriously at all times, evoking fear, revulsion and hatred from the other characters in the story.

They are completely devoid of altruistic qualities. They show no regret for their crimes.


This is taken from the Complete Monster trope. He mentally tortured the first 5 to the point of having them go bad, made Twilight watch it happen causing her to go into despair and depression AND enjoyed every single moment of it!


He's a monster not just in looks or in chaoticness but in the way he acts! He breaks ponies and enjoys every second of it! That's not simply chaos, that's evil!

Posted Image


Discord is the ‘antagonist’, which simply means he is a force arranged against the ‘protagonist’ in order to create a conflict., and the protagonist is simply the central character of the story. Now the term “protagonist” is the preferred term because “hero” is not only bias but also its down right ambiguous.


Discord serves as a vehicle that brings out Twilight’s faults. He tests to what extent, exactly, does Twilight hold up her system of beliefs. For a time, Twilight only saw the Elements of Harmony as a dues ex machina rather than symbols of a power she already possessed. Had this fault festered, it could in fact be deemed detrimental to Twilight's well being.


Now if you touch a hot stove and it burns you...are you going to wake up the next day and touch it again? Moreover, is the stove evil because of your previous ignorance? No. Your the one who walked into the kitchen . And that's how equestria was made.


First, allow me to say that I love anything portraying Discord as something other than a complete evil monster. As a character, there's a lot of things we don't know that can make him quite sympathetic, and in the right hands a downright good guy who just got the short end of the stick. But...




This does not make him a good guy, nor does it redeem his actions or the motives we were given for them. Yes, what he did arguably made Twilight and her friends stronger as well as potentially avoiding an even bigger catastrophe further down the road, but that happens plenty of times in fiction due to the actions of completely evil douchebags. TV Tropes calls that "Nice Job Fixing it, Villain."


His motives were in no way altruistic. As Xidphel's quotes pointed out, everything he did was out of his own selfish desire and served no other purpose than for him to be entertained at the suffering of others. Given what we know from the show, Discord is not a good guy in any way. He is evil.




The stove was just doing what it does. The same can possibly be argued in the case of Discord, as he is the very physical embodiment of chaos and thus that is what he does, but Pinkie is a perfect example of how chaos can be mostly harmless. Discord is not a machine that always has to follow certain rules. He is a sentient being who chose to be evil. The stove in your example is given no such choice. It simply exists in a certain state and someone stupidly disturbs it. Your analogy more accurately fits the Ursa Minor, as the information we have on it is that it's essentially just a cranky baby with super strength. Not a sentient god who tortures people for fun.


Though I find he's an awesome villain (They're awesome in this show) he's evil-

Woah. Woah! WOAH!



I wouldn't call my self a fan, but I do really like him! My heart only belongs to Twilight and no one else (on the show)


My heart only belongs to Twilight and no one else (on the show)




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SHE'S MINE!!! :angry:

Edited by Xidphel
  • Brohoof 1
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To me Discord might be a bad, guy but I think it's a part of his nature.

After all, he is the spirit of chaos and disharmony. To me the question is

how did he come to be? Did he just appear from a fight or something?

Could he be the last of his own kind? NO BODY KNOWS!!!



Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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I just think it is for the sake of chaos. Like he says "Make sense? oooohh what fun is there in making sense?" and in the scene where she sprinkle pepper on Berry Punch he is just doing it to laugh.


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I think Discord is just a normal organism... He just likes chaos... it's the way he is and he'll always B... From his perpective we are all discord's cause we're different from him :P

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Copy paste, Im done replying to this XD


If I had a nickel for every time Ive seen one of these threads, Id have a sock full of nickels to beat the OPs with.


Epic Wiki Article Quote time!

"In The Return of Harmony Part 1 and Part 2, Discord is shown to be a mischievous, manipulative trickster who pulls gags on his targets through the use of his powerful magic, illusions, and hypnotism, with little to no consideration towards his victims. He has a sense of showmanship and drama, preferring to be playful towards his victims before getting down to business, even mocking and bantering with Celestia and the six main ponies in Canterlot Tower. He is seen laughing at the expense of others and often manipulates the laws of reality for the sake of his own amusement, often at the cost of others. Among other things, Discord reverses the ponies' behavior, making Twilight Sparkle miserable and depressed, and generally causing ridiculous and horrific things to happen."


Lets look at it this way. If some marauding maniac with a maniacal laugh came in to your town, and turned all your rasberries into raccoons, how happy would you be? Need that in english?


Argument 1:

Oh discord isn't a bad guy, he was justified in undermining Celestias power and torturing the Mane 6 because he just wanted to have fun, so he shouldnt have been turned to stone.


Argument 2:t Oh the terrorists were justified in flying a plane into the World Trade Centers because they didnt like our way of life, they just felt threatened by the USA, and the US had no right in retaliating.


See how that looks? I will give you its a bit extreme, but the arguments are structured the exact same way.

Riley was here

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion, to be evil you must follow these rules,

1. You must know what your doing is wrong, and you have no justification.

Discord follows this rule.

2. You must do horrible things.

Discord kinda follows this rule, although I don't see what he did as horrible. He did not physicly torture or murder and did not torture inocents, although he probably trolled them a bit.


Also your intent of what you would do factors in, he's somewhat evil, but he just likes messing with others.

I think if we gave discords power to queen chrysalis we would all be screwed.

Also discorded fluttershy was obviously enjoying herself.

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I think Discord is kinda evil, but not 100% evil. Yeah, he's the living embodiment of chaos, but he is sentient. Although he did put the mane 6 through a lot, like others have said, he's never killed anypony. This is mostly a guess, but I guess he feeds off chaos, so he probably HAS to do what he does to survive (or at the very least he'll lose power if he doesn't).


I would love to see more Discord episodes, and maybe an episode that explains his origin.


Edit: Or maybe he doesn't have to do anything, he just simply loves torturing ponies xD

Edited by Jason Caternolo
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I would love to see more Discord episodes, and maybe an episode that explains his origin.


Yes. I agree. Discord should have his own back story. Sure there are fan fics and fan comics

that are out there on him, but not a canon story on him.


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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