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I was thinking a role play with humanized mane six? They are sailor moon character!


So here is my plan!


Plot Summary:



Our first girl (Sailor Twilight Sparkle) looks into the beginning of Equestria and finds a prophecy foretelling Nightmare Moon's return on the longest day in the thousandth year. Nightmare moon was Princess Luna, sister to Princess Celestia. She became evil after she realized that the people of Equestria didn't love her as much as her sister and that they didn't care for the night. Because of her jealousy and hatred she became evil and tried to create eternal night. Then Celestia, with the power of the elements of Harmony, sealed Nightmare Moon into the Moon. The girl believes that Nightmare Moon will return the next day at the Summer Sun Celebration to bring about eternal night. She tells Princess Celestia about the prophecy and Celestia sends her with her guardian Spike to make friends with people in a town called Ponyville. The next day Nightmare Moon escapes the moon.


This will start out with the first girl (Sailor Twilight Sparkle) trying to find the other soldiers after Nightmare Moon has made eternal night. The other senshi will be the only girls who can use the elements of harmony and make the final, unknown, element of harmony appear. She will have to take a while to find the others. They will also be searching for the elements of Harmony. The known elements of Harmony are honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity and loyalty. While she *(The human name of Twilight Sparkle has not been determined yet) is searching there will be monsters created by Nightmare Moon and they will drain energy from the people of Ponyville because she needs more energy to continue the eternal night.






on any necessary information: The characters are teenagers and they are humans and not ponies. We also want to keep the personalities of the ponies. Their real names are not the Pony names,pony names are only the Soldier names except for Luna and Celestia. Their colors in MLP will be their colors for their fuku. Also we are trying to keep the color of their mane the color of their hair. When they transform they will say "Sailor (insert name here) Cutie Makeup!" (We might add Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom later depending on how the story progresses.)



Main characters :

Sailor Twilight Sparkle,

Sailor Applejack,

Sailor Fluttershy,

Sailor Pinke Pie : midnightive

Sailor Rainbow Dash,

Sailor Rarity,

Sailor Luna,

Sailor Celestia/Queen Celestia

Guardian Spike.



Nightmare Moon


Queen Chrysalis.

We can make minions of each of these villains. Nightmare Moon is the main villain in the beginning and we can add the others later.


What needs to be added to your form:



Senshi information:

Senshi name:

fuku: (dress)

Transformation: (something to do with there cutie mark! )

Powers: (try to have three :) )

Guardian: (if can be applyed)




Note: They all go to the same school so you can role play even if you can't turn into your sailor scout. Also as idon't want to be Twilight I'm trusting who ever plays Spike and Twilight to find all the scouts. (Note: just because you havn't been found out to be a scout you can still re-act to the fights (I.e: If queen Chrysalis sends changlings to attack, you can be attacked by them just so your not of the role play untill found :3)


2nd Note: If you need help thinking of attacks, tell us in the OOC we will be more then happy to help! :3



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Edited by Midnightive
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