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ooc ~~OOC for From A Land Across the Sea~~


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XD Well nothing yet. But we can use this place to talk to eachother as we roleplay. Like if you really wanted Rarity to kick your character in the face for whatever reason, you could go here and be all "Minty! You should make Rarity kick Draco in the face! Awesome stuff will happen if you do!" and I'd be like "Lol why would she do that?" and you'd be all "Just do iiiit" and I'd be all "Fiiiine" and then I'd have Rarity kick him in the face.


...Or something like that. XD;;; ...Really random example.


Here's another link. XD;


I guess you missed the one when I was all WHOOPS I SPOKE TOO SOON or whatever it is that I said.


Right here in this link right here.

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