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Gray Rainbow




Rainbow Dash looked up into the night sky as distant memories floated into her mind. These kinds of nights always did this to her. The nights where the moon was full and bright. Trillions of little dots of twinkling stars were drawn across Luna's dark night sky. These nights were special, in two ways actually. Special to Rainbow Dash because of the images of old happiness and love that found its way into her mind, and special to Equestria because of that little extra magic Princess Luna put into these nights. Luna did not do this randomly however, she did it as a tribute for a fallen pony that was not only close to her, Celestia, and the Elements of Harmony, but to all of Equestria.


These nights used to cause Rainbow Dash to return to an unbearable depression that she felt two years ago, but now they give a bittersweet feeling of happiness. Rainbow Dash was outside on the balcony of the Ponyville library. She was simply sitting there and gazing up into the sky. She looked at the sliver of the blueish-purple on the horizon where the sun had completely descended less than an hour ago. She looked at all of the dark houses of Ponyville, with the occasional one shining light out from a window. The ponies of Ponyville weren't asleep, they were down below in the library, where loud techno and dubstep music was playing. The music was a gentle thump out on the balcony.


In the library, Twilight noticed Rainbow Dash was missing from the party. Knowing exactly where she would be, Twilight excused herself from her group of friends and trotted up the wooden stairs of the library, and into her room where the door to the balcony was. The lavender unicorn saw Rainbow Dash sitting by the rails of the balcony with her head up to the skies. She stopped to simply watch the rainbow-maned Pegasus sitting out there on the other side of the glass door. Rainbow Dash had been through a lot in the last two years; all of her friends had.


Twilight silently pushed open the glass door so that she wouldn't disturb Rainbow. She quietly walked over to Rainbow Dash, and wordlessly sat down right next to her. She acknowledged Twilight's presence and wrapped a wing around the unicorn. After a moment of comfortable silence, Twilight spoke.


"She loved these kinds of nights." Twilight whispered in a soft tone.


"Yeah, she did." Rainbow Dash echoed. The cyan Pegasus looked to her left at Twilight, who returned the gaze. "Twilight..." She sighed as she spoke with a slight trace of hurt in her voice.




"Thank you." Rainbow Dash said with a small smile on her face.


Twilight gave a puzzled look at the Pegasus in front of her and replied, "For what?"


"For these last two years," Rainbow began, "They've been pretty hard for me, for everypony really. I've felt some pretty bad things, and some other mushy ones I'd rather not talk about." Rainbow paused and cleared her throat. She knew this next part would be difficult for her to spit out. "You were there for me from the very start. You didn't leave me hangin' like some other ponies did. Especially when everypony had given up on me." Rainbow paused again to force her tears to stay back. Sure, she was in the presence of the pony she trusted the most, but she still didn't like crying; it wasn't cool. Rainbow Dash finally continued. "When I had given up on me. I guess what I'm saying is..." She trailed off as she was not sure what to say.


"Ugh, you know I'm not good at this mushy thankful stuff, Twilight."


Twilight snickered and put a hoof to her mouth. She took a deep breath and said, "It's okay Rainbow, I know."


Rainbow Dash stood up, and grabbed Twilight's hood to help her up. "Twilight?"




"I love you."


Twilight looked at the mare in front of her. Her magenta irises sparkled in the light of the stars, and her rainbow mane and tail seemed to be shining. Her subtle smile was sincere and thankful. "I love you too." The two mares walked back into the library with leaning their heads together, with Rainbow's wing lovingly draped over Twilight's back.



Chapter One:






Chapter One: The Fall



Two years earlier



"Pinkie, come look at how bright it is outside!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She wasn't too interested in the night sky normally, but her mare friend loved these types of night where the moon was full and bright, and all the stars were out.


The two mares were in Pinkie Pie's room in Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie was giving her pet alligator, Gummy, a bath while Rainbow Dash was reading the newest Daring Do book on the wooden chair next to the window. Pinkie quickly took Gummy out of the small bathtub and quickly dried him off, then set him down on the floor. She then rushed over to the window where Rainbow Dash was, and let out a squeal.


"OOOOoooo, it's so pretty!" She squealed in delight as she bounced up and down. "I love these kinds of nights! The moon is so big and pretty and the stars are SO bright!" Pinkie went on describing the night as Rainbow simply listened as she was attempting to hold back her laughter. After a few more descriptions, Pinkie paused and then said, "But you know Dashie, that's not the best part about them."


"How come Pinks?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked into the water blue eyes of Pinkie. Her silvery moonlight-filled eyes reflected the dim fiery orange flame of the burning lantern that was a few feet in front of the pink pony on her nightstand by her bed.


"The best part about these nights, is that I get to spend them with my marefriend!" Pinkie Pie said as she buzzed with joy.


"Oh really? So who's your mare friend? She must be totally awesome and cool to be going out with you." Rainbow Dash said with a smug expression and a wink. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both laughed as they both leaned into each other and pressed their lips against each other's. They slowly walked towards the bed with their lips still locked. As they got there, Rainbow Dash flapped her wing a single time, blowing out the lantern. The two kissing mares fell onto the bed together, and did not sleep...



Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. The bright mid-morning sunshine shone through the window of the room and hit Rainbow Dash's eyes like a hammer on a nail. Rainbow squinted her eyes shut and rolled out of the teal-blanketed bed, and was confused when she saw no trace of Pinkie Pie in the small room. She assumed that Pinkie had woken up early and went downstairs to start cooking. Rainbow Dash turned around to walk out of the door and go to her weather duties, but she saw a note with mouth-written writing attached to the door.


The note read, "Last night was great Rainbow! I had to get up earlier to make a big batch of super delicious cupcakes, sorry! Make sure you kick them clouds real good! -Pinkie"


Rainbow Dash chuckled at the note and set it down on the bed, then trotted out of the room and descended down the stairs to the main room of Sugar Cube Corner. In the kitchen, she saw Mrs Cake cracking open two eggs into a bowl of mixed flour and butter. She trotted over to Mrs Cake and said, "What's up Mrs Cake?"


Mrs Cake looked up from her work and saw Rainbow Dash in front her, and she smiled. "Hello Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie is at the market buying more flour if you're looking for her. Anything I can help you with?"


Rainbow Dash politely smiled and replied, "Nah, that's all. I've got to get to clearing the skies, it's a sunny day planned." Rainbow Dash trotted out the door and onto one of the cobblestone roads that ran through Ponyville. The sounds of many busy pony's hooves clopping against the hard stone filled the air as Rainbow Dash trotted through the streets to the market. The hot sun against her cyan back energized her and made her want to soar into the sky. That could come soon enough though.


Rainbow Dash arrived at the market and began searching for her pink marefriend. Since Pinkie had probably the brightest coat in Equestria, it didn't take long for Dash to find her. She was trotting away from Applejack's apple cart, and her saddle bags were stuffed with apples and sacks, which Dash assumed to be flour. Rainbow Dash flew up over the crowd and went right to Pinkie, and she landed with a light thud next to the pink party pony.


"Oh hey there Dashie!" Pinkie excitedly said as she and Dash shared a brief kiss.


"What's up Pinks?"


"I was just getting some apples and flour for a cake that Zecora ordered! She came by and asked for an apple cake. It's going to be yummy!" Pinkie said with a large grin as she preformed her usual bouncing movements.


"You should make an extra one for me Pinks!" Rainbow Dash said with a wink.


Pinkie Pie giggled and answered, "Okie dokie lokie! I'll make the second one after I deliver the cake! Oooooo it's g-"


At the mention of delivering the cake to Zecora, Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Whoa whoa whoa, deliver? In the Everfree Forest?" Rainbow Dash asked with a slightly concerned expression.




"Pinkie, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, the Everfree Forest can be pretty dangerous, with it's Timber Wolves and cockratrices." Rainbow Dash said with an unsure tone.


"Oh it'll be fine Dashie! It's just to Zecora's and back. I'll just stay on the path she made and I'll be fine!" Pinkie explained.


"If you say so Pinks. Just be careful, okay?" Rainbow Dash pleaded.


"I promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said as she went through the famous ritual. Pinkie and Rainbow said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Rainbow took to the skies, while Pinkie bounced off in the direction of Sugar Cube Corner.


Rainbow Dash flew up to the many clouds that were littered across the sky and began clearing each individual one. She flew from cloud to cloud, and she occasionally took a quick break and laid down on a cloud. Once she cleared every cloud in the sky except for one, she flew over to the one cloud on the edge of the town that she spared and plopped down onto it. She stretched her hooves above her rainbow mane and arched her back as the various joints crunched and popped like popcorn. Rainbow unfurled her wings and let them lay outstretched against the soft, fluffy cloud. Dash closed her eyes and attempted to fall asleep. By now, it was mid afternoon, and Dash was overdue for her lazy nap.


Meanwhile, at Sugar Cube Corner Pinkie had just arrived back from the market. She would have gotten there much sooner, but she ran into in Twilight Sparkle and had a brief conversation with the lavender unicorn. As Pinkie walked in through the front door, she saw the Cakes and their now one and half year old twin foals getting ready to leave.


"Is today their doctor's appointment? Oh, I hope they aren't nervous! But they're only a year and half years old so I don't think they can be nervous. They don't even know what a doctor is! Oh but this is their first time! What if they ARE scared? What if-"


Mr Cake put his hoof to Pinkie's mouth to silence her and said, "I'm sorry Pinkie Pie, but we have to go. Zecora's cake is boxed and ready to be delivered, so we would appreciate it if you could deliver it while we're gone."


"Okie dokie lokie Mr and Mrs Cake! You can count on me!" Pinkie answered with a bounce and her usual large smile.


Pinkie bounced to the wooden counter as the Cakes left and picked up the cake, then strapped it to her back using similar straps to saddlebags, except that these were made for delivery ponies. Once Pinkie made sure that the leather straps had secured the cake to her back, she carefully trotted out of Sugar Cube Corner, and out onto the streets.


Pinkie made good pace trotting down the streets toward the outskirts of Ponyville and into the Everfree Forest. As she drew near to the edge of the forest, she looked up and saw a lone cloud with cyan wings hanging limply over the edge. Pinkie knew exactly who the Pegasus was.


"Rainbow Dash you silly head! You're supposed to be clearing the clouds, not sleeping on them!" Pinkie exclaimed while giggling.


Rainbow Dash was brought out of her dream land suddenly, and she jumped and fell off the cloud. Before she knew what was happening, she found that she had landed on the dirt path with a hard thud. A blunt pain shot through her chest as she realized what had just happened. Rainbow Dash was about to tell off the pony who had startled her, until she saw who the pony was. Rainbow Dash furled her wings that she had involuntary flared open in anger, and said to her mare friend, "'Sup Pinks! Hehe, yeah I got tired after clearing the skies." Rainbow Dash paused to stretch her hooves and back, and she yawned. "What time is it?"


"Well it was about 4:30 P.M. when I left Sugar Cube Corner, so it's probably around 4:35 now. Dashie, guess what! The Cakes are taking their foals to their first doctor's appointment! I hope they'll be-"


Rainbow Dash gasped and interrupted Pinkie Pie, "What?! Sorry Pinkie, but I'm way late for lunch with Fluttershy! I'll see you later Pinks, love you."


"Okie dokie lokie! Love ya too Dashie!" Pinkie Pie replied. Rainbow and Pinkie shared a brief kiss and then they both took off. Pinkie began to skip towards the Everfree Forest with the cake still attached to her back. She still had a bit of a distance to go before she got to the Everfree Forest and to Zecora's home.


Pinkie continued to skip down the road towards Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. She waved to Fluttershy, who was feeding her animals, as she bounced past. Pinkie Pie then got to the edge of the intimidating forest. The looming evergreen trees cast a foreboding shadow upon the dirt road leading into the forest. It was almost as if it was pleading a pony to walk away. But, Pinkie Pie had been in the forest before, and she had a delivery to make.


Pinkie continued to happily bounce along down the twisting path into the heart of the Everfree Forest. As she bounced gleefully, she was humming her favorite tune that she often referred to as 'my jam'. Without realizing it, Pinkie Pie was continually slowing down as she went.


The party pony looked in front of her, and then up at the sky. Or the sun, to be specific. It was starting to become late, and dusk would approach soon. She knew that the Everfree was a deadly place at night. She knew that she needed to hurry up. She broke off into a light gallop, instead of her usual bouncing, down the barely visible, battered trail. The trail was in desperate need of a touch up.


She glanced up to the sky again. Pinkie saw the sun was approximately 4 hoof lengths from the horizon, or two and a half hours. If she wanted to make it out of the Forest before nightfall, she would have to pick up the pace. Pinkie now broke off into a full gallop towards her destination. Zecora's house was much further into the forest than she remembered. But then again, the last time she was in the zebra's home was shortly after Apple Bloom was infected with the Cutie Pox, so it wasn't surprising that her memory was fuzzy.


Pinkie stopped for a moment in a small clearing to catch her breath and let her calves that were burning like scorching coals cool down. She had been sprinting at a full gallop for nearly ten minutes straight. After a brief moment of rest, Pinkie looked up to the fading light in the sky. She knew she did not have very much time until nightfall. The pink pony searched all around her for any shortcuts that might have been hidden in the darkness around the clearing. She saw that there was a small body of murky water, about fifty yards across, that appeared to be shallow enough to walk through. It was also in the general direction of Zecora's hut.


Well, I guess that's the only way! Ugh, the Forest is starting to give me the creeps! She thought to herself.


Pinkie Pie trotted over to the foggy water for further inspection. The water appeared to be shallow, and that was enough for her. She backed up a few steps, and broke into a full gallop towards the water. As she got to the edge, she bent her knees and preformed a mighty leap. She flew high and far into the air, and covered a good distance over the water. However, as Pinkie came in contact with the bone chillingly cold water, she saw that she gravely misjudged the depth of the water.


Pinkie Pie sunk like a rock to the very depths of the deep pond. The sudden realization caused Pinkie's heart to skip a beat. But, the only thing Pinkie could think was, Darn it! Now the cake is ruined!


Pinkie didn't get a chance to get a breath after the sudden descent, so she started to quickly swim up the foggy, unclear water. She attempted to open her eyes to see where she was going, but she immediately closed them after a painful burning erupted in her eyes. Once the pink pony was about half way up the pond, she came to a sudden halt. She tried to push forward, but she did not move. She relaxed for a few seconds, then lunged forward with all her might. She managed to get a few feet higher, but the same force contracted her back down.


She decided to bear the burning pain of opening her eyes to see what she was stuck on. She opened her eyes, and the burning immediately shot out. She looked down at her hooves and saw that her left hind hood was horribly tangled in a twisted tree root as thin as yarn, but as strong as steel cables. Pinkie desperately tried to untie the root, but to no avail. By now, her eyes were burning holes of iron. Pinkie closed her eyes for a brief moment to try and settle the painful sensation. After a brief moment, Pinkie noticed a deep pain erupting from her chest. She was running out of oxygen.


She began to frantically try rip out the tree root in a panicked attempt. These tree roots obviously were not normal tree roots; they were magic. Pinkie panicked more and more as she was now desperately trying to pull her hoof free. She continued to struggle with all of her strength against the roots, but then... it happened.


Pinkie's mouth suddenly burst open as a large bubble escaped. Water flooded into her lungs before she could even react. Pinkie was now panicking even more, and decided it was now or never. She calmed herself, and tried to shut out the horrendous pain in her chest. She mustered together all of her remaining strength like putting coins in a sack. She then gave one final lunge with every ounce of strength her body possessed.


It wasn't enough.


Knowing what was coming was inevitable, Pinkie Pie gave up. She had a minute at the most before she passed out. Before she passed out in the dark heart of the corrupt Everfree Forest filled with countless evils. Suddenly, a light flashed in Pinkie's eyes, and she was in a different place. She was much shorter, and there were hundreds of rocks in front of her. She was seeing her life before eyes.


Various experiences from her fillyhood flooded through her mind. Images of her old classmates, her cutie mark, and her family were among the memories. Then they started to drift closer to more recent times. She saw herself moving into Ponyville, and meeting Fluttershy and Applejack. Then Rarity, then Rainbow Dash. She saw times of her and Fluttershy hanging out or having lunch, of her buying apples from Applejack, and of her buying a winter scarf from Rarity. Then she saw herself meeting Twilight. This is where the memories became painful. She saw her and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon and Discord, and her friends and her enjoying life.


Then she appeared. Pinkie saw a Rainbow Dash with a beet-red face asking her to be her date at a Wonderbolts show. She saw an enormous grin on Rainbow's face after she said yes. She saw the show. Then their first kiss, first time together, and finally to just the night before.


In the depths of the water, a lone tear escaped the pink pony's eye. Then, they closed. She was gone.



Zecora was working on a new potion as the soft early morning star in the sky slowly ascended from the horizon. The mysterious zebra had hoped to have a delicious cake to test this new potion on, however it was never delivered. Zecora assumed that the cake wasn't ready in time, and that it would be delivered later that day. There was no way for her to prepare what she was about to see in less than an hour.


Zecora finished mixing in a final ingredient into the potion she was working on, and she wore a satisfied grin on her face when the red liquid turned green, just like it was supposed to. She looked outside of her window and saw that the sun was now above the thick Everfree trees, which was usually 8 A.M. She decided to take a rest and go to her favorite pond in the forest to see if the spring flowers that grew near it had bloomed yet. She carefully poured her potion into a flask and stored it in her magically enchanted container to keep liquids cool. She had heard some ponies call it a refrigerator, but Zecora thought the name sounded silly.


Zecora trotted out of her hut and into the Everfree Forest. She noticed the forest was unusually silent. By now, orchestras of song birds should have been chirping away. The forest only grew silent when a great disturbance had happened recently. The zebra made sure to keep careful awareness of her surroundings.


Zecora arrived at the pong a few short moments later, and began to inspect the various flowers around the pond. They had indeed bloomed, and they were now boasting snow white pedals softly brushed with a calm purple. Zecora grinned at the beautiful sight, but her smile dropped when she observed the foggy waters.


She sighed. "Such a shame. Beauty all round, yet these waters enjoy their game." Zecora observed the water with a disappointed look, until she noticed something. Near a certain infamous tree near the edge of the water, she saw a peculiar thick pink object gently floating atop the water. Zecora simply stared at the strange object, trying to determine what it was. Then it hit her.


"No..." She gasped. Zecora galloped as fast as her hooves would carry her to other side of the pond, where the pink object was. She peered closer and confirmed her suspicions. The pink object was a clump of pink hair mixed with frosting. Zecora looked at the tree, then back at the water, and made up her mind.


This is too urgent. Please let the creature I find be resurgent.


The zebra carefully dived into the water, making sure she stayed far away from any of the evil tree roots that belonged to the Everfree Tree of Ending. As she drew near to the depths of of the pond, her suspicions were correct. She saw the unconscious pink pony floating lifelessly in the water with her eyes and mouth closed. Zecora saw this, a slight flicker of hope lit up in her. She carefully untied the complex knot of the root wrapped around Pinkie's hoof. There was a very special technique to untying the knots of this special tree. Once she got Pinkie's hood free, Zecora dragged her to the surface of the water, and onto land. She put her ear to Pinkie's mouth. Nothing. She placed her hoof on Pinkie's neck and wrists; Nothing. No pulse, and no breathing. Still trying to be hopeful, Zecora put the lifeless pony onto her back and began to gallop as fast as she could towards Ponyville. She had a certain lavender unicorn to visit.



"Twilight Sparkle! Twilight Sparkle!" Zecora's unique voice rang throughout the small town of Ponyville. Ponies looked at Zecora with gasps and wide eyes when they saw the pony laying idly on the zebra's back. Zecora arrived at the Ponyville library, and she carefully put the pink pony on the ground. She hit the door with a force largely unneeded. "Twilight Sparkle! I ask you to open this door! A pony needs you, a pony who is a special one of yours!" Urgency was clear in her voice.


Twilight opened the door, and she immediately yelped at what she saw. "Zecora, what's wrong with Pinkie Pie?!"


"No time to explain! In evil waters, I fear her oxygen was drained. She needs medical help, to cause her a breath or yelp."


Twilight helped Zecora take the lifeless pink inside and place her onto a table in the middle of the room. Spike was still asleep, so he was not there to witness this.


Twilight's horn flared as a pink aurora surrounded the pink pony. Twilight did various checks and surges with her horn as Zecora eagerly watched Twilight, hoping she would have luck with the pink pony. All of a sudden, Twilight's expression instantly dropped, and her horn died down.


"Is it too late for her? Were my efforts just a blur?" Zecora asked fearfully.


"Yes." Twilight's voice cracked. Tears were welling up inside her eyes. Just as the flood gates were preparing to open, none other than all of her friends, except for Rainbow, came bursting through the library door.


"Twi'! Y'all alr-" Applejack began, but she stopped immediately as she saw the limp pink pony on the table. "What's wrong with Pinkie?!" Applejack asked as Rarity and Fluttershy gasped.


"She... she's..." Twilight began, but she just couldn't force it out.


"I shall inform them. Very saddened to tell you this, I am." Zecora began." I found Pinkie un-moving in an Everfree pond. Twisted roots were around her hooves, forming tight bonds. I'm afraid your pink friend is no longer with us. To answer the question you no doubt are bearing, I'm saddened to say yes."


Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity all stared with wide eyes and floor-dropped jaws. They could not believe their ears.


"Y-you mean, Pinkie is... gone?" Fluttershy said with her lips quivering and her voice shaky. She broke down right there in the middle of the library. Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack all went over to hug Fluttershy as try to help her. But in all honesty, tears were rolling silently down their faces as well. Zecora simply watched with a heavy heart. It pained her to see such sadness in those who she considered to be close to her.


Zecora sighed. "I am so sorry. But, maybe it will help to know that she was always an enjoyable party."


The four ponies bonded together on the floor ignored Zecora. She didn't take offense, she knew that this was a very difficult time for them. Then without warning, their day just got a whole lot worse.


"Hey, what the hay is up with-" Rainbow Dash began as she landed with a skid into the library. She immediately stopped talking in shock with what was before her. She saw a surprised expression from Zecora, and the same expressions from her best friends, only their faces were coated with silky tears. She then saw Pinkie crumpled on the table; not moving, or breathing. She was lifeless. Rainbow Dash was not a stupid pony. She was able to piece two and two together.


"No.." She yelped with a voice crack.






"Rainbow, I'm sorry..."


"NO, NO! I'M DREAMING!" Rainbow Dash pleaded. She was slowly taking wobbly steps backwards, and she was fighting with all her might not to let out tears.


"Rainbow Dash, please..."


"NOOO!" Rainbow was now screaming with fear and pain. "No...no...no..." She quieted with each word as her legs began to shake more. "No..." She gasped a final plead into the air with a heavy breath. She then crumpled to the floor like a coat.


This is a dream...it's not true. It can't be...



  • Brohoof 1

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

-C.S. Lewis

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