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searching 2 Pony's 1 Adventure OOC thingamajig


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=====Planning OCCthing====





a.no spamming

b.no inappropriate language

c.non pony's arnt aloud









I really dont know how to explain the plot of it


The 2 pony's names are named Zeranok and Alubell



Once,apon a time a pony named Zeranok, and another pony named Alubell were walking to geather,to Sweetapple Acre's to get some apples when suddenly!...Rainbow Dash flew right into them.Zeranok and Alubell ,were knocked out cold.



===Later At the Pony Hospital==================




The mane 6 were at the hospital worrying about zera and alubell.



The doctor had info about their condition,It wasn't good. "Zeranok and Alubell might not wake up" said the doctor.



The Mane 6 gasped and were very worried.



===2 Days Later===




Zeranok And Alubell woke up,they were happy to be alive. They soon went home with headache relief medicine.



=====Part 1 Done=====


=====Part 2 Activate=====


3 days later Zeranok And Alubell soon went back to sweet apple acres to get the apples they needed to make the zap apple pie,applejack came over and asked why we needed the apple's we explained why,soon after we left to go make it during the time we were making it a sudden crash bang happened outside,and what is it?....A METEOR! what was inside we didn't know the Pony scientists reserched it over and over it happend to be a Crystal pony egg that came from the planet "Criestal"




By the way you may join the roleplay if thou must.

only 4 pepole can join.




Edited by TheGreatPinkiePie
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