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private Dead Rising RP


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/37198-searching-dead-rising-rp/#entry879057

its the 27th October. the day that would change Parso Incendiare's life. it was his shift at Manehatten Super Mall, he worked security on the weekends. work was work as usual until he heard the amassment of screams coming from the entrance plaza. he galloped down the escalator to find a large group of zombie ponies, like the ones in the books he read, starting to feast on all the centre guests. his radio called off, enforcing a mall lockdown. all the doors to the mall were locked tight with iron gates to stop more coming in, apparently they overran the city. a zombie pony grabbed Parso and sent him to the floor, within a few seconds, he grabbed the baton from his belt and smacked the undead creature across its head.

"stitch that you arsehole!"

on his radio he heard the cries and screams of all the other guards, meaning that these things were all throughout the mall. his radio paged once more, something about military and three days until it was cut short by screams

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"Well this is swell... One trip to my hometown and I get this...."


Shade was flying and evading the zomponys as much as she could, she started looking for other ponys who were alive.


Shade took a strike to her wing and was grounded... She was trying to get up as zomponies were chancing her "what to do? What to do???"



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When Whirl Wake came out of the bathroom, he immediately knew something was wrong. There were ponies everywhere, but not the kind of everyday ponies you would usually see at the Manehatten mall. These ponies had missing flesh, bloodied mouths, and darkened coats. A unicorn suddenly toppled him over with an intense body slam to his side. Whirl Wake punched the disgusting pony off of him and flew to the ceiling of the mall, sitting down on a chandelier while he tried to take all of this in.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Flame trotted into a small food store near the entrance of the mall. <I need apple's and some daffodil leaves... that's it.> He thought, looking up from his list to see a pony getting eaten by a zombie. "Oh.....Buck." He said, taking a couple steps back.

The zombie looked up from its meal, growled at Flame, then started limping forwards towards Flame. "OH BUCK." He yelled, turning around and flying towards the doors of the mall, but suddenly iron gates slammed over all the doors and windows of the building.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


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Whirl Wake saw the struggling pony on the ground and screamed, "Hey! Fly up here!" He looked down and saw the zomponies growing in numbers, one earth pony by the shoe store screamed as a group of them engulfed her. "Sweet Celestia..." He said under his breath.

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OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Parso rushed into the food court

"crap! there are more of 'em here as well"

he looked over and saw a mare being chased by a rabid zompony. he drew the handgun from the holster and fried several shots into the pursuing zompony

"buck! just drop dammit!"

Parso indeterminably fired more into the zompony torso until the worrying click sound from his handgun

"buck buck BUCK! empty clip"

he pelted the gun away as soon as he was too late to save the mare, who was now laying on the floor getting chunks eaten out of her

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"Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck, oh bu..." Flame was interrupted by somepony's call.

He looked up to see Whirl Wake sitting on a chandelier.. "What The buck are those things doing here ?" He asked, flying up and landing next to Whirl Wake.

"I came here to get apples and daffodil peddles... Not a huge horde of zomponies." He said, staring at the ponies.


(OOC: wouldn't there be pegasus zomponies that can fly ?)

Something something something something


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Shade was grounded and her wing was broken...


She saw one of her "brothers" from the guild... Who was getting his hide torn off


Shade reached into her satlebag and pulled out a cloud, she bucked it and a lightning bolt struck the zompony that was about to get on her...


She dashed away looking for something to defend herself with...



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Parso saw a couple of ponies on top of a chandelier and flew up to them

"are you two alright? this whole mall's gone crazy. I heard on the radio that this mall is to be locked down until the military arrives three days from now"

he looked around and saw a hardware shop

"if we're gonna make it through this, we need to defend ourselves, theres a hardware shop over there, follow me and stay close"

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shade was running around looking for something to defend herself with, she went into a hardware store and found a crowbar... "not much but it will do"


she stayed in the shop to stay out of sight from the zomponies...



"i hope im not the only one living, i cant get through this alone"



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"Alright... Lets go." He said, following closely behind Parso towards the hardware store.

But then, as they flew closer to the ground a Zompony grabbed one of Flames back legs. "Get Off Me." He yelled bucking the pony in the face, breaking its nose and knocking it to the ground.

Something something something something


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Felix stumbled back into consciousness. He had a terrible ringing in his ears, and everything was blurry... Sweet Celestia, what happened... The stallion got up, looked around and found he was in a changing room in the back of some department store. However, it was completely collapsed. Felix attempted to get out of the wreckage all over him. There must have been an earthquake... Tornado maybe? His vision restored, and the ringing in his ears subsided. He carefully exited the back room, but the next things he saw made him cringe. There was a lot of motionless bodies.

Felix had seen his fair share of dead bodies before. He commands what is known as the ESS, which stands for the Equestrian Secret Service. A personal unit of protection to the royal family, and pretty much all of Canterlot. Princess Celestia had given him the week off, and he wanted to go somewhere that he had never been to before. Manehattan was the first city to come to mind.

He stepped through the rubble, trying to find signs of life. As he inspected the corpses from a closer perspective, he noticed most were missing some flesh, as if it had been ripped off. Almost every body Felix examined had this strange... occurrence, and it was uncommon to find a pony that still had off their flesh in tact. Okay, this is freaking weird...

He walked out of the store, on guard. He noticed the mall was full of bodies laying on the floor. He also saw that there were other's running around. He looked closer, and saw they were missing flesh too. However these were more bloody and had foam seeping out of their mouths.

"No way..." Felix uttered in shock. He unfolded his wings, and started flying up to the ceiling of the mall. He reached for the standard issued ESS spring assist blade in the inside of his blazer, and flicked it open. Felix knew he would have to use it very soon. He hovered just underneath the ceiling of the mall. He saw tables and chairs, and concluded that was the food court. Or where the food court used to be... "Ey! Is anypony out there?"

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As Whirl Wake ran with Parso and Flame Dancer to the hardware store, he realized, no matter how crazy it seemed, that these were zomponys. The exact same thing he saw in movies, TV, and books. He picked up his pace to beside Parso and said, "What the hell happened? Why are there a bunch of brain-eating ponies all over the place?" He said with fear overpowering excitement in his voice.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Parso looked over to Whirl Wake

"buck if I know"

he then heard a voice from inside the food court and galloped to the source. he saw a stallion hovering below the ceiling and waved his hooves wildly, trying to get the stallions attention without getting the zompony attention. he gestured for the stallion to follow and then galloped back to the others at the front of the hardware store

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Whirl Wake entered the hardware store first and looked around. He found two heavy pistols, one assault rifle with a name that he couldn't pronounce and two shotguns. He picked up the two pistols with his wings and slung all the ammunition he could find around his neck. Whirl Wake then trotted out as the others arrived. He had only handled a gun like this three times in his life, but he still knew how to use it. "You guys go in and suit up." He said bravely. "I'll make sure none of these fine gentlemen get in there for now." He said, gesturing with his hoof towards the crowd of zomponies in the food court.


Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Flame flew into the store and grabbed a hatchet from a shelf near the front, He pulled off the safety cover and held it at the ready.

"So um... What now ?" He asked, peeking out the door at a group of zombies. "I guess we should find a place where we can rest for tonight... or a way out of this mall."

Something something something something


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"the security room might be our best chance there, the mall is locked down tight, but i dont know if its got zomponies there too"

Parso could hear breathing coming from the back of the store

"stay here, if I'm not back in five minutes, run"

he trotted up the the back of the store and noticed a young mare sitting in a corner

"hey are you alright? you look like you've broken your wing, i have a group of survivors with me, come with me and you'll be a lot safer"

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"hey are you alright? you look like you've broken your wing, i have a group of survivors with me, come with me and you'll be a lot safer"


"Oh thank Celestia there are others oh made it"


Shade stood up


"Ya... I think my wing is busted... Oh Celestia it hurts..."


Shade puts pressure on her wing, she drops her sattlebag and picks up the crow bar


"where to go? The mall has been locked down... And how long till help comes? There's not many things to survive with in a mall"



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"the military arrives in three days, I'm pretty sure the security room will be our safe spot for the nights"

Parso led her down to the others

"the security room is in the west plaza, we could try flying there, but this one has broken her wing and i fear that the zompony pegasi might still fly"

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"We could hoof it... I don't know I think I was hit by a flying zompegasus...


Is it safe to head on over to someplace in a big group? Or should we split up into groups?"


Shade was feeling her wing... And she could feel where the fracture was, she was in a world of pain





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OOC: Happy Halloween guys!


Whirl Wake overheard Parso taking about the security room, so he searched with his eyes and eventually spotted the large red double doors on the far side of the cafeteria, behind a huge, hungry horde of zomponies. Whirl Wake tucked the two pistols under his wings and folded them up. He trotted back into the shop after checking for zomponies and said to Parso, "About your security room idea... It's on the far side of the food court. If we try to get straight there we will be eaten alive."



Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"so we go around the long way, follow close and keep it down, we dont want to attract too much attention"

Parso tried to remember the other way into the security room

"theres a way through the store rooms, there may still be contacts but not as many"

Parso then put on a fake equestrian accent to let the others know he was just going to say his next line for the fun

"don't worry, I've covered wars, you know"

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Shade followed the otherponys as they make the long way to the security room...


Shades wing was in real pain.... She started limping as the pain grew...


"There have been days where Iv broken my wing... Nothing like this tho... Oh Celestia dose it hurt."


(OOC: who's going to lead when parso's gone?)



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Flame trotted behind Parso but then started to notice Shade falling behind. "Hey um... Do you want a hoof ?" He asked, slowing down so he was next to Shade. "When we get to the security room I can find something that we can use as a splint for you wing... if you want." He said, with a small smile.

Something something something something


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OOC: Ooh la la, flame dancer...


Whirl Wake shrugged and pulled out his guns as they left the store and giggled to himself about how winy Shade was being. He had broken his wing at least two times in his life, both times he felt minimal pain. She, however, was freaking out. He pulled out the guns under his wings and turned his head around to see a horrific, disgusting pony a few yards down the corridor. It's body was bulging like a balloon about to pop, and it's horn was spewing out a thick, green ooze. He nudged Parso. "Hey, you seem to know a lot about these things..." He said in an attempt to be calm. "What, pray tell, could that be?"





OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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