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Dumbest thing you've done/seen?

Courageous Thunder Dash

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This was years ago, but I once squirted ketchup directly into my cup of soda.


To be fair, the cup was opaque and I had been making a lot of chocolate milk (by squeezing chocolate syrup into it) lately, but I still felt like an idiot once I realized "Wait a minute... this is soda... and I'm holding ketchup..."

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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Eight words: the United States of America's public schooling system.


In my opinion, it is one of the worst in the world, with very few students actually benefiting in the way that is expected with most learning incorrect ideas and gaining only a hatred for continued learning.

Edited by Pyro_Chick 451



I feast on the words of great authors,

Drink the emotions and thoughts of the characters,
And sleep only once I am through with all of the stories.
It's not the ideas that make books relevant,
It's the READERS.

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Got a 4-wheeler stuck on a log in our back woods... Ended up screaming my head off...


As for dumbest thing I've seen, I'd have to say... The back of the new Cheezit boxes. xD


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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In recent memory? Uhh... probably drink an unknown number of alcoholic beverages in under an hour and a half and getting alcohol poisoning....


I have more dumb thoughts than I do dumb actions, I looked at a streetlight a few weeks back around sunset and stopped in my tracks and thought "Why is the sun so small and not as bright anymore? OH MY GOD ARE WE GONNA DIE!??!"


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

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When I was 4, I put about a total of 30 dry ice balls on both of my ears I couldn't hear anything for 2 days, my mom checked my ears and saw they were stuffed with them, she ended up taking me to the hospital and I couldn't hear for 2 weeks xD


I once tried to eat hand sanitizer by putting a handful of it in my mouth....whatwasIthinking....




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I've seen and done alot of stupid things.


Mostly to do with fire, the stupidest thing that i can think of is when i set a fire in a cheap incinerator (Pictured below) and after pouring water on it which instantly evaporated, i decided to see just how hot it was, by placing my hand on the top.


It made the most horrible sizzling sound, but i took my hand off... leaving some of the skin from my fingers still on the incinerator. Also, being the genius i am, i used my writing hand rather than my other hand to check the temperature, which meant that i couldnt write my exam the next week and had to have a scribe :/


This is the incinerator:

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Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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Well, when I was at school. I was given a letter from my strictest PE teacher about me having to do an Athletic competition. And I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE sports (but I think I do like it when it involves ponies). On the day when the people who got a letter were going to the competition I simply decided not to go. And then, trauma happened. I got yelled at, humiliated, and I didn't have to go. It was one of the most noble things I did... Aaaand one of the dumbest.

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Recently, I broke my hand by punching a brick wall as hard as I could. Not realistic punching a wall for the heck of it, but that's what happened. Simple as that...



One time, me and my cousin went into the garage of an abandoned house. There was broken glass and random plastic items covering the floor. We noticed that there was a milk crate tied to the ceiling with two pieces of yarn, and I decided to swing in it. My cousin pushed me up to about 7 ft. before it broke and sent the crate with me in it falling to the pile of sharp stuff.


I fell down onto the junk below and didn't feel anything, my body was numb. My cousin fell backwards into a rusty 5 inch nail which impaled deep in his back. I had bruises and cuts everywhere, but the gash I didn't notice was the worst... When me and him were talking about not doing stupid things like that again, we were distracted by the first sight of my wound. I lifted up my arm to scratch my head and my cousin noticed a rip under my right arm. He yelled in horror, then I yelled in horror as I looked at it with him. The rip was about 1/3 way in through my arm, and it turned into the biggest scar I have.



I was 9 years old at a camp out with my family. I saw a snake trapped under garbage can lid thinking it was a grarter snake. I take off garbage can lid, pick it up, and drag it 200 feet to show my dad. Well when he saw it, he snatched it out of my hands, and threw it into the bushes.


"Freak, what were you doing!? That was a freaking Western Diamond back rattlesnake, you could have been killed!"


Lucky me, even putting it up to my face, it didn't bite me...



I wrote a school paper on this one so I'll just post it here... You may find it entertaining though! :)


(WARNING: contains tl;dr content. If you don't read, skip to end and read description.)



Have you ever noticed that no matter what situation, stupidity always has a cost? Sometimes it can be a cost like being grounded for month or two, but that wasn’t what I was worried about at the moment... I’m not the criminal type. You would probably understand if you knew me well enough. Maybe I can stop thinking about this day when I can truly forgive myself.


It was what the average person would call a “normal” day. I went off to school (witch was really stressful for a 7th grader) doing the things I would normally do, like not paying attention in class, or deciding NOT to do my homework when I got home. Going to school didn’t have anything to do with the incident, except for the fact that all day I thought about Stephanie, the girl I liked. Stephanie was a lovely, sweet, hotter than Megan Fox, drop dead gorgeous heck of a package. I will explain why that’s important later, but just to think, I had no idea what trouble I was going to get into.


After school, I hung out with my friends. I was with Jeffery, Jacob, and someone named Caleb, who I didn’t know very well. We were walking around talking, checking out the awesome babes as they passed by, and just telling classic, offensive rude jokes about “that one guy that was being a bum to me yesterday”. As we talked, the conversation grew to other things, until I sarcastically suggested; “Yeah, let’s go in front of the cars on state street and see what they do while we pretend fight!”.


Jeffery and Caleb knew I was joking... Jacob did not think this way though. Something weird was going on in his mind at the moment. I know that Jacob has a record for getting in trouble, and even worse, he’s probably the world’s number one smart aleck! I didn’t even have to wait 2 seconds before he said, “I like this idea, let’s see how accurate we can get to Calen’s description!”. Again, Jeffery and Caleb thought it was a joke. This time they were wrong. Jacob wanted to lead us into something that would scar us for life.


I didn’t want to do this. I told Jacob that it wasn’t right. He said that we didn’t have to do it, and he didn’t really call us chickens or anything. That was his plan to tempt us. He wanted to make it seem like it wasn’t that much of a deal, and tried to take away any peer pressure that would repel us. I still didn’t give in. Jacob started walking towards the road, going with his plan. He thought that this was just a way teenagers had fun. I suddenly got a sick feeling in my stomach.


No way I was going to do that. That was suicide! I stared helplessly as my friend stood their in the road, waiting for the cars to start coming. Caleb didn’t say anything. He backed up away from the sidewalk giving the impression that he didn’t know us. Jeff looked like he wanted to join him, but he decided to stand and watch with me. Jacob then yelled at me. “Calen, come on! Pretend you’re beating me up!”. I said that I didn’t want to get in trouble. We argued and argued, until suddenly I see Stephanie and her friend Sarah walking by.


The girl I was thinking about all day at school, was walking towards my friends and I. Maybe, if I joined Jacob, Stephanie would think I was crazy, but crazy in a sexy way. I quickly made my next move by yelling at Jacob. “Fine, I’ll join you!”. I over dramatically ran out to the middle of the road hoping Stephanie would see me. I drooped to the middle of the hot street, heated by the hot sun, standing over the hot skies. I found myself waiting for the cars with Jacob, then I found myself waiting for trouble.


The traffic area was holding a load of vehicles ready to move this direction. Stephanie and Sarah finally spotted us. One of them yelled “What the heck are you doing?!”. The adrenaline rushing through my veins force me to ignore their words. I wasn’t thinking about them. I was thinking about my fate, and the fact that this might be my fate. The traffic light in the distance turned green. Stephanie and Sarah left in fear of our survival. The cars were heading straight for us from only about 400 feet away... they kept coming closer.


*BEEP BEEP* The cars had gotten to a dangerous distance. I could see the sweat coming off from the right side of Jacob’s brow. I saw the confused faces of the drivers morph into shock. I was able to see the bottom of the car wheels flatten slightly from the vigorous weight of the vehicles. I could see the dry road shrivel up as I ignored Jacob. The words that came out of Jacob’s mouth seemed had a deep, low pitch to it. He yelled at me. “Start the fake fight!”. I remembered about what he said earlier. His words finally pulled me away from my daze so I grabbed him, threw him on the ground, and started to throw a mouth full of violent but fake punches. When the cars were really close, they would stop and honk at us. The angered divers sounded like air horns and whoopee cushions. Every time they would honk at us, I would run back to the sidewalk chickened out, as Jacob would stay in the road and taunt the drivers, then I would come back out for more. We repeated this as My friends refused to join us. Amazingly, I started having fun! Of course, that fun didn’t last. Because after a few minutes, in the middle of our activity, we heard a police car pull up in the parking lot right next to the sidewalk where Jeffery and Caleb were watching. The metal door opened violently.


His voice was like fingernails on a chock board. “WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU DOING!?!?” We were in a lot of trouble. I noticed the shocked expression he had. I could tell he wasn’t happy... “ALL FOUR OF YOU, HANDS ON THE HOOD!!” Hands on the hood was a scary sentence. I felt like I just robbed a bank. I was more frightened than I have ever been in my life. Of course, we all rushed over and did exactly what he told us to do. “Do one of you boys have any idea why this is the STUPIDEST THING IV’E SEEN A TEENAGER DO IN MY ENTIRE CAREER??” We tried to avoid eye contact... “YOU LOOK AT MY FACE WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!” We forced ourselves to look up at him. “Now the first one who smiles is going to jail!” He took a couple seconds. I didn’t know if the heat I was feeling was from his car, or from my guilt. He stood straight up, then came around asking us for our names, our phone numbers, and our addresses. Jacob was the last one he asked... “Address?” Jacob got a smart look on his face. Then he stated; “I just barley moved, and I haven’t memorized my house address yet-” The cop interrupted. “Oh, excuses! GET IN THE CAR!” At this moment, I really wanted my parents. I really wanted to cry.


With Jacob in the car, and our fates to be decided, Caleb’s mom comes first. She talked with the police man, and they got the information that Caleb wasn’t involved. The same thing happened with Jeffrey. When Jacob’s mom came over and found out what had happened, she looked miserable. The cop had a private, and rather long talk with her. He actually let Jacob go. It was only me now. I waited and waited, scared. I saw Stephanie and Sarah in the distance frowning at me. That made me feel bad.


Finally, after waiting for what seemed to be an hour, my dad shows up. He also spoke with the cop, but I heard this conversation. The police man told my dad that he didn’t want me to go to jail, and that I’m not the criminal type. The police man came up to me when he was done talking to my dad, then told me softly “I was really upset when I saw you out there, because you could have died. Did you know that I’ve received 17 phone calls in those 2 short minutes that you were out there?” That was a lot of calls. I apologized to him because of that. He let me go home with my dad, and I came back feeling like a different person. That was a very scary moment. Ever since then, I have been more careful of my actions. I decided not to get in trouble with the Orem Police Department ever again.




The police man was actually pointing a gun at us, but I couldn't mention that because it was a paper for school.




If tl;dr...


Pretty much, me and my friends pretended to beat each other up on state street. First time getting in trouble with the cops... he freaked me out SO MUCH! :o





Last but not least...



Did this in September, and recorded it.



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