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open The Wrath of the Changeling Queen

Discorded Bluenote

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Star Keeper went straight to analysis.


'They are shown to be pony-esque creatures that resemble insects and have the ability to change their appearance into any other form that is presented to them. They are also-'


'Yes, I don't need the break down.'


He looked to the others waiting to go and back at the mare who was refusing to make eye contact with any of them. "So you do know a thing or two. We'd best hurry then. But before that, do you by any chance have a name?"


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".....yes...its Bluenote.", she said quietly. "So, w-we should be going, right?", she asked, standing up. 'I'm not sure if I should trust them, or not since he obviously knows I'm a changeling...but I don't know if they won't become hostile...no, as long as we don't get caught or he reveals to the others I'm a changeling, I should be fine...'

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Star Keeper gave a somewhat reassuring smile at Bluenote. 'It was fairly obvious she wasn't herself. She might as well had 'CHANGELING' written in bold letters on her head. The averted gaze, breathing irregularities, lack of eye contact and interaction. Similar to any pony giving a performance on stage.'


"Well, it looks like we better go now. Are you coming or note, Miss?" Star Keepers tone had changed dramatically. As appose to his harsh condescending manner before, it was now soft and welcoming; a rare side of him few saw. His sudden change of heart did go unexplained...


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Star Keeper gave a somewhat reassuring smile at Bluenote. 'It was fairly obvious she wasn't herself. She might as well had 'CHANGELING' written in bold letters on her head. The averted gaze, breathing irregularities, lack of eye contact and interaction. Similar to any pony giving a performance on stage.'


"Well, it looks like we better go now. Are you coming or not, Miss?" Star Keepers tone had changed dramatically. As appose to his harsh condescending manner before, it was now soft and welcoming; a rare side of him few saw. His sudden change of heart did go unexplained...


Bluenote looked down. She was throughly afraid he might spill it, whether on accident or for real. 'But before, he sounded so mean, but now his voice is really assuring, like, he knew I would feel... no, I should really take my mind off of this, we have better things to do.', she thought to herself, walking, also trying not to feel self concious.

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Yavolin was at the door to the library so he knocked at the door waited for twilight to come and answer it but something about to day was a little off to him. First the clouds kept on regenerating then Rainbow dash went off somewhere by herself and hasn't came back, maybe it was something that needed tending to but it still worried him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"wha? where am I?" Ace opaned his eyes to see dark stones "huh?" Ace tryed to get up but fell off the side of somepony "what happened?! Where am I?! Why does my head hurt?!" Ace look around and saw Star Keeper Draco with a sword and purple "uh did i miss anything" Ace asked fear gone replaced with confusion.


"oh this is bad, this is bad, this is bad." Ace realising what was going on was pacing back and forth muttering to himself "I just wanted to have a normal day, clouds regenerating, had to listing to the stick in the mud" looking over at Star Keeper as he said that "then I get knocked out by a bad cupcake and waking up on Dracos back because theres a possability that the changling queen wants revenge on all of us!"
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¨Calm down it wont get better by getting panicked¨ Ashwing said trying to calm Ace down ¨and if you better not want to rot just step up and dont get dots¨ Ashwing said with a serious and comical tone to his voice ¨it was not a bad cupcake either it was sleeping powder¨ Ashwing stopped Ace from talking like a dead man walking ¨so we should go i suppose before we dont know what imprisoned us come?¨ he asked the others.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"oh this is bad, this is bad, this is bad." Ace realising what was going on was pacing back and forth muttering to himself "I just wanted to have a normal day, clouds regenerating, had to listing to the stick in the mud" looking over at Star Keeper as he said that "then I get knocked out by a bad cupcake and waking up on Dracos back because theres a possability that the changling queen wants revenge on all of us!"


"Um, what? I don't r-really get what your t-trying to s-say...", Blue said at an almost impossible to hear voice.






"My Queen, why arn't they trying to escape yet?"


"I'm not sure."


"Well, how did they get the lock open?"


"I'm not sure about that either."


"What should we do?"






"Go and see if we have any excess powder."


"There are 5 barrels of it."


"Alright. I'm hoping you know what to do?"


"Yes Queen. But what if it fails?"


"Then I will deal with them myself. Now go."


"Yes ma'am."

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¨Calm down it wont get better by getting panicked¨ Ashwing said trying to calm Ace down ¨and if you better not want to rot just step up and dont get dots¨ Ashwing said with a serious and comical tone to his voice ¨it was not a bad cupcake either it was sleeping powder¨ Ashwing stopped Ace from talking like a dead man walking ¨so we should go i suppose before we dont know what imprisoned us come?¨ he asked the others.


Ace took deep breaths calming down "thanks, I needed that" Ace said nodding at Ashwing.

"Um, what? I don't r-really get what your t-trying to s-say...", Blue said at an almost impossible to hear voice.

"oh and dont worry i was just freaking out for a secound but i'm good, now! are we gunna sit here or can we leave now? I don't like this place I get the feeling were being watched." Ace looked around if the changlings are behind this he did not want to meet their queen.
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Yavolin knocked at the door to the library again."Hy twilight you home"? Yavolin waited for twilight to answer the door in her usual frantic way or was she to busy to hear him. Yavolin let out a sigh and began to wait for twilight to open up the library door.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Star Keeper had an idea. It was a bold, stupid, poorly thought out idea with no plan of execution. While it seemed everypony else was occupied with Ace's panic attack, he took the opportunity to go on ahead and find an way out. It was a bad idea, and he knew it, but there had to be some way out.


'If Bluenote is indeed a Changeling from the looks of it, then why would she be imprisoned? Something doesn't seem to fully add up. Where the bloody hell am I now?'


It was about now when Star Keeper realized he was utterly lost. But out of the corner of his eye he noticed a small black lens in the corner of the wall. He looked directly into it and trotted closer. He had another idea, nearly as stupid as the first.


"Come find me, then."


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Obviously twilight wasn't home , that was just to strange first rainbow dash vanishes then twilight something didn't seem right to him. Yavolin ran off to tell some pony that something was up. Yavolin needed to talk to another Pegasus or some pony that he trusted.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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¨no problem i love helping other ponies in need of panical help haha¨ he let a little laugh out as he continued to ease the things down ¨well first we need i plan i suggest anyone got an idea?¨ he asked the rest of the ponies completly clueless about where they were or what to do

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Yavolin yelled at the top of his lungs."YO! SOMETHING IS UP"! hoping that he'll get some ponys attention at whats been happening he was still ruining he didn't care if some pony though he was acting crazy but something was up in ponyville. Two ponys just don't vanish in one day.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Purplepower just sort of stood there and listened to all of this. She didn't feel like engaging in any thing social at the moment. Then, she saw Star Keeper going off on his own. Oh, no he doesn't. He's gonna get it if he doesn't get his rump back here. She followed him down a hall way. "And just what, pray tell, are you doing?" Oh he's in for it now. He seemed to be looking at something. She tried to see what it was, and saw what looked like a security camera. Holy crap. We're in trouble.

Edited by Purplepower



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Draco started down the cavern"You ponies coming or do I leave you yellow bellies behind because as I said this will lead the way and no I'm nt a badass miss just able to pick a lock since you've given up"Draco said with an even tone."We're heading towards The Drunken Mare a tavern for supplies"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Draco started down the cavern"You ponies coming or do I leave you yellow bellies behind because as I said this will lead the way and no I'm nt a badass miss just able to pick a lock since you've given up"Draco said with an even tone."We're heading towards The Drunken Mare a tavern for supplies"


"sounds like a plan. Ace said walking beside Draco "but dosent it seem strange that we havent run into any boobytraps, guards, or anything really. I don't like this one bit what about you Purple" Ace looked behind his shoulder to see Purple and Star are gone "hello? purple? stick in the mud? they were here minets ago."
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"Yeah yeah just a second. Mr. Genius here wandered off." She said, wanting to both of them a nice hard kick. "Oh, and one more thing. There are apparently security cameras in here watching us." She was now pretty sure that there was little to no chance of making it out.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Star keeper was interrupted by the arrival of a relatively pissed off purple mare who was not well known for being pissed off all the time. He knew it was always a bad idea to leave without the group but he had to find a out what was going on.


"Miss me already, did you? Not surprised. Oh, and don't worry about the camera, it hasn't responded to anything. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I have an odd feeling they want us to escape. No guards, no intricate traps; just cameras to watch us as we go. Why would anypony do that? I can't say I'm not confused."


(OCC: And my name is Star Keeper, not bloody Stuck in the Mud!)

Edited by The-Master


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Star keeper was interrupted by the arrival of a relatively pissed off purple mare who was not well known for being pissed off all the time. He knew it was always a bad idea to leave without the group but he had to find a out what was going on.


"Miss me already, did you? Not surprised. Oh, and don't worry about the camera, it hasn't responded to anything. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I have an odd feeling they want us to escape. No guards, no intricate traps; just cameras to watch us as we go. Why would anypony do that? I can't say I'm not confused."


(OCC: And my name is Star Keeper, not bloody Stuck in the Mud!)


"hahahaha alright Star I'll stop calling you stick in the mud" Ace laughed trying to cheer up the atmoshere thened turned to purple "cameras? I knew it but why would they let us escape? What kind of plan are they thinking up to let prisoners to escape and not even try to stop them!"
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Oh, IT IS ON! She slugged him. "You really like getting bruises, don't you? And no, as a matter of fact, it's just that if that thing WAS responding, you'd get us all caught, genius." She said. Oh he is practically ASKING for me to slam him through a wall! I'll be nice and let him be for now.




Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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¨Guys they are either toying with us or just think we are stupid enough to let em take us down again¨ he randomly tried to get everyone braver so they could leave he followed Draco down the tunnel/cave ¨so you the lock picker which i dont know the name of may i guess you have been a criminal or murderer some time?¨ Ashwing had a little suspicous tone in his voice.


¨oh just shut up miss so smart you got nothing better to say then he do so just shut it or leave it got it¨ he started to get angry as she started to get mad on Ace ¨no pony will get thrown into a wall here so just chill down¨ he was seriously having a serious angry tone on his voice.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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A powdery substance falls from vents in the ceiling like snow. They look just like real snowflakes. However, they smell horrible.


(Need I say more?)


Bluenote doesn't notice the subastance until a speck of it falls on her snout. "Uhhh, guys?", She says, a hint of panic in her voice. "Guysss!"


(Forgot to add: Don't smell)

Edited by Lightning Dancer
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Star Keeper spat out a bit of blood after another hard sock to the jaw. That was uncalled for. Of all the stupid and immature things to do you don't go and knock somepony round one.


"I'm not accustomed to hitting mares, but I guess this wont count." He shoved Purplepower in the side at just the right time and applying just the right force, losing her balance, and falling into the opposite wall with a thud. "You have a poor stance."


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