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open The Wrath of the Changeling Queen

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Changing Yavolin saw something a pony and by the looks of it a Pegasus. He spoke in his mechanical voice to were Draco can hear him."WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS THE MARE"? Yavolins voice no longer sounded like his own but Yavolin was still in there some where.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Oh." Ugh come on brain think of something to say! Purplepower's brain was starting to freeze up. "So, uhh, what kind of books do you read?" Darn that was a stupid thing to say. She was just making it worse. I really should stop talking all together. It would be less awkward for everypony that way.


"hahaha what books havent I read, your not a vary social pony arn't you? Cause you never seem to find anything to say." gee just start asking her personal questions i'm sure that will not creep her out in any way "*chough* sorry, if im asking personal questions."
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"Haha, not really, no. Oh, it's alright, I don't mind." She was really going to be awkward now. Crap. Is it really that obvious? Ugh! What am I supposed to say? THINK THINK THINK! Uhhhhhh.... "Do you have any favorite books?" Wow, I'm horrible at this. I think after this mess is over I'll go and live in the Everfree Forest or something.




Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Haha, not really, no. Oh, it's alright, I don't mind." She was really going to be awkward now. Crap. Is it really that obvious? Ugh! What am I supposed to say? THINK THINK THINK! Uhhhhhh.... "Do you have any favorite books?" Wow, I'm horrible at this. I think after this mess is over I'll go and live in the Everfree Forest or something.


"Daring-Do, if we ever survive this experince i'll let you borrow it." Ace stratched as his stomech growled "well I guess it's time for breakfeast, want to see if we can find the kitchen?" Ace got up and stratched his wings "and don't worry about being soical I don't mind."
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"Oh, I think I've read a few of those. Yeah, I'm starving. Purplepower started walking to where she thought the kitchen. "The kitchen is this way, right?" Aw, dang it. Why do I have such a problem with conversations?! Just try to act normal, stop talking, and there won't be anymore problems.




Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Yavolin what in the holy ancestors happened to you?" Draco said as he dropped off Star Keeper into the infirmiry and the ingrediant into the lab. Draco looked at his friend and saw that Yavolin didn't even reconized him. That set off red flags in the back of his mind remembering a large quake that shook afew minutes ago.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yavolin replied."IS that our name? so meany voices so meany memories inside our head". Yavolin wasn't operating within the hive mind but he could hear them. Yavolin came forward reveling that he was a changeling will kinda sorta certain parts of him was a changeling mostly his hole body but his eyes stayed the same.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"That is your name the name of my friend now I need you to fight through the voices or it'll destroy your mind" Draco said as he looked at his friend "To fight inside your mind you ned a memory to which you would gladly hold onto. and then use that memory to fight the other voices" Draco explained

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yavolin replied."Friends? last thing we remember was a mare but we don't have any friends, pity". Yavolin didn't attack Draco but he went towards the airship to find this mare that he was looking for but something told him once he fond her all of his memory will come back.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Meta Knight walked into the infirmary to find Star Keeper unconscious and the first ingredient, along with a note from Draco. At least some of the others were OK. He sat down to wait...

Eventually, Star Keeper came to. He said, with no expression on his face, "So, he is alive. Thank Celestia. So... how are you feeling?" Before he could do anything, he gave him a healing potion. "Drink this... it'll heal the physical wounds."

Edited by Chaos Breaker (True Form)
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"No thanks, I'll be fine." He refused the drink, turning up his snout at it. "You don't have to pretend to be my friend. You probably despise me for what I did and I wouldn't blame you. But I think it would be best for me to, well, stop. My roll in this finished some time ago and now I'm just a waste of space. I'm almost spent. You have a plan; do it, but do it quickly or there will be nothing left to save."


Star Keeper rested his head back down, taking a long deep breath and closing his eyes. It cold not be said if he was merely sleeping or dead, he did no make a sound.either way. All the life force he had was scattered when the conductor was destroyed, he had nothing left in him.


"Oh, by the way." Star Keeper opened his eyes one last time, pulling out a small blue crystal that fit in his hoof. "This is a memory crystal. It contains most of my experiences and thoughts. If you do manage to heal the elements, please give this to Twilight. I think it's about time she found out herself."


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"Oh, I think I've read a few of those. Yeah, I'm starving. Purplepower started walking to where she thought the kitchen. "The kitchen is this way, right?" Aw, dang it. Why do I have such a problem with conversations?! Just try to act normal, stop talking, and there won't be anymore problems.


"Alright!" Ace was so distracted by the thought of food he didn't see the pony until he bumped into him. "Oh sorry-OH SWEET CELESTIA!" Ace saw Yavolin but he looked differnt most of his body was a changling exept his eyes, it looked like a changling that forgot to fully change their apperence "YAVOLIN, WHAT IN THE NAME OF LUNA HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Edited by Flying Ace
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Meta smiled. "There is no need to tell me what a memory crystal is, or any need to give it to me." Meta began pacing. "And, by the way..." He put down the remainder of the machines. "If you ever change your mind... put this on your chest." He took out a clear crystal containing his life force onto the table next to him. "And, truly, I hope that you choose to forgive yourself and live. One doesn't need to be challenged about obtaining forgiveness from others... The challenge is obtaining forgiveness from yourself..." Meta turned and started to leave.

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"I can forgive myself, but I cannot forget. It is another way of saying that I will not forgive myself. There is no undoing what has been done, the deeds committed were my own, and now I serve punishment for them. Maybe soon when all this is done I will forget, but that is unlikely and the time is naught. I been limited to only two options; live or die, I must choose or fate chooses for me."


And with that, Star Keeper put the crystal to the side, ignoring it. "And I have chosen."


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Purplepower turned around. "What's the- HOLY PONY CRAP! WHAT THE HAY HAPPENED?!" Darn it, why did I have to yell? That was probably one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done! Purplepower was a bit freaked out about seeing Yavolin looking like that.

Edited by Purplepower



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Very well..." He put a dagger on the table. "But think hard..." Meta left.


He sprinted to where all the yelling was. "Yavolin...? He looks like me with my mask off! Wha... oh. OK."

He took off his mask- reverting to his changeling form, and took flight. He met with Yavolin in midair. Using the changeling mind touch, he said, Follow me... I will show you the mare you are looking for. He flew towards the ship.


(2 points: Unless you truly want to remove yourself from the RP, don't do it, The Master.)

(2: The italics is a mental communication with Yavolin, and to a lesser extent, changelings. Treat it as such.)

Edited by Chaos Breaker (True Form)
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(2 points: Unless you truly want to remove yourself from the RP, don't do it, The Master.)

(Think I will. I need time off so I can study for exams in New Zealand. I've wasted a lot of time on this site when I should be studying, my fault. I'm basically eliminating myself slowly from RP's everywhere. Good luck with this RP, I hope it comes to a truly epic conclusion.)
  • Brohoof 2


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Changeling Yavolin replied to Meta knight in his mind ."Take us to her" Yavolin began to fallow meta knight in hopes of finding the mare that he was looking for when all at once memories came flashing at him his mind was now in chaos which meant the changelings were experiencing it to.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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He landed on the lower balcony of the ship (so not to freak out Purple Power more). He led him to the infirmary, showing him Rainbow Dash. This is the mare of your memories... He saw, with great sorrow, that Star Keeper had decided to move on. While Yavolin was looking at RD, he quickly covered his body. He would bury it in private...

I hope that this helps, Meta said. You must return to us... to help redeem the rest of the world, and to save this mare...

  • Brohoof 1
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Changeling Yavolin looked at Rainbow dash, he kissed her becuse something part of the changeling was technically Yavolin but it was barried inside him , but the changeling had communication with rainbow dash telepathically."I love you , i always will remember that rainbow dash". Yavolin regained control over himself.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"I assume you have re-assumed control over yourself, Correct?" Yavolin nodded. "Good... now, why don't you tell the the others to go get some rest... I'm sure that they will need it." He turned. "And, unfortunately, I have no magic to change you back for now... the cure for them will redeem you of your form. Try not to freak Purple Power out any more than she already is..." He put his mask back on, re-assuming his equine form.

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"I assume you have re-assumed control over yourself, Correct?" Yavolin nodded. "Good... now, why don't you tell the the others to go get some rest... I'm sure that they will need it." He turned. "And, unfortunately, I have no magic to change you back for now... the cure for them will redeem you of your form. Try not to freak Purple Power out any more than she already is..." He put his mask back on, re-assuming his equine form.


"Trust me, after last night and this morning I don't think I can get any sleep but what about Star Keeper? What happened to him? Did you stop him from blowing up Canterlot? What happaned to Yavolin?" Ace was just full of questions I hope Star Keeper is alright...even if he was a stick in the mud.
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Meta looked Ace right in the eye. "We did, in fact, stop him from destroying Canterlot. He felt... he couldn't forgive himself. I had a talk with him, and he decided that the best thing he could do was... move on. Yavolin... I'm not sure, since I was unconscious at the time. But I assume he was captured by changelings, was transformed impartially into one, and then did what he could to remember his past, so he went with the strongest memory- the one of his love, RD. He could give you more detail." He started to pace silently.

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Yavolin stayed in the room with rainbow dash , he placed his head in between his hooves and fell asleep he didn't want to be reverted back to Yavolin all he wanted was rainbow dash to be ok. He continue to sleep but he didn't understand why they were taking so long.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Alright everypony we need to move on Igot us that ingrediant wasn't as easy as stealingg an apple pie but I did it anyhow what's the next stronghold destination?" Draco asked as he just wanted to get it over with and maybe deal with his pain with alot of cider.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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