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private Penthouse Party RP


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hunter followed faceless out to the balcony

"faceless, its ok, i understand, you believe you're not good enough for anypony. my daddy taught me how to read people. all i have to say to that is...nonesense, you're strong-hearted, kind, not to mention handsome. you're everything a mare can ask for, even if she isnt me"

she sat on the ledge of the balcony and gazed into the city below

"the only one who cant see that...is you"

she let out a peaceful smile

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"What now then... just carry on with my life and pretend it's all a horrible twisted lie."

He hit his head against the window again, making the crack larger. He felt lost and cold, daring himself to look at his reflection just to see the monster he had become.

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"Sure... That would sound very.... Nice... As long as there's no alcohol involved.... Or anything like that.... I can't tolerate most alcohol.... Like with that drink I had... I could hardly stomach that without getting any bit nauseous..."


Percussive was a bit unsure on what to do when Shade held her hoof out. Was he supposed to hold her hoof, or...? Nervously, he extended his hoof, holding hers.

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Shade grabed his hoof and dragged him over to the bar...


"2 ciders pleas! No alcohol... I don't think I want to be drunk again tonight..."


Shade said to the bartender... Then turned to percussive.


"So what do you do? I live in ponyville, but as you know I controle the big storms all over equestria, I spend a lot of time in the frozen north... Lol"



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"Well, uh... I'm a musician... I specialize in percussion... Mostly with concert music... Though, I never got into a concert or anything... Now, I just... Learn most of my stuff by ear... Not too difficult to transpose all of it though. Though, that's coming from a musician like myself..."


Percussive couldn't really feel shy anymore. Sure, he was still nervous in this party, but just hanging around with Shade had really caused him to open up a bit more.

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"A pony of music? That cool... Back in the guild I would sometimes drum on a bench to pass the time, but I'm not so much a pony of music"


The drinks came to them...


Shade grabbed her drink and drunk it...


"Hm... Doesn't top off applejacks... I can't wait till zap apple season comes... But that a painful season for me... But the jam is worth it!"



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Percussive took his drink from the barkeep, and took a sip, sampling it.


"Hmm... I'm not really a big... How would you say... most ciders... This is probably the only one where I can actually enjoy it... But, most of the time, I drink water. Helps my body flow a lot easier and cleans it up..."


He sighed. "You know? I'm actually glad that I went to this party... I thought I would just get ridiculed again... But, I guess that changed."

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"I think this party changed me... Even tho I still can't do much with my horn... If it even is a horn... Oh I don't know"


Shade pocked her horn for a bit


"But anyways, I'm glad I met you, even if it started with me attacking another pony. But ya... Your a nice pony! But really... Why do ponies diss your mane? I don't get it..."



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"Well... It's mostly because I came from a part of Ponyville... That had regular manes... Like black, or brown, or blond... Apparently, no pony had approved of it, and I guess the whole bullying thing had carried onwards into the others... But, it's fine, honestly. I'm comfortable with it."


He downs the rest of the drink.

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Shade holds percussive's hoof..


"Well anyways, it not about the color of the coat or mane... It's about who you are inside... Except I haven't found who I am yet...but one day... I will"


Shade gazes into his eyes, as more electricity waves out her mane.


could I really be falling for him? I... I... Hm... Well... He is nice... And... Well... He is nice... And well... I guess I do like him... Just go with it shade... Just go with it>



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"You're right.. I really haven't let that been bugging me at all. But, it's good to stand up for what you are. And you basically taught me that. Thanks again."


Percussive felt a bit nervous when Shade held his hoof.


Why am I like this? Usually, I'm shy and nervous, but not like this! I can speak clearly, which is weird... But what's this weird feeling?! Do I like her? Does she like me?

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Shade looked into his eyes and said


"I don't know how to say this... But, I think I like you... Like "like" you"


Shade blushed saying that... She had never felt "like" before... But she liked it.


Her eyes sparkled and more waves of electricity flowed out of her mane





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Percussive let out a sigh in his mind.


*Good, she does...*


"That's... Really great to hear... Because I kinda... Like you too... You know, like "like" like... I was just unsure on how to say it...


*'Like "like" like?' Nice job, Percussive... You can't even speak regularly without being nervous...*


He smiled to her, embracing the moment, the sparkle in her eyes... It even looked like he was leaning a bit towards her.

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Shade was leaning closer to percussive... She knew that "the moment" was comeing...


is this really happening? Are we really going to... Is this a dream? Is it... If it is, it better not end... This isn't a dream shade... Come on snap out of it... This just might be happening... Keep it cool shade... Keep it cool... And just let it happen >


She slowly opened her wings as she felt warm.



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*Holy... Are we seriously going to.... Will she like it? Will I like it? Is anyone going to interrupt this? Dang it Percussive! Shut up and just kiss her!*


Percussive closed his eyes and pressed his lips up against hers. His coat was starting to be covered in goosebumps, his spine sending cold chills through the body.


*Let the moment last...*

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It lasted for about 6 seconds


Shade opened her eyes as they sparkled more and waves of electricity waved threw her mane...


"Um... Wow... I... I don't know what to say..."


She droped her head and looked at him with a shy expression...


" that was... Great." She said smiling




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Faceless looked up at Hunter, tears in his eyes.


"It's not that! I did something terrible, something that drove away my friends and family. What if I do the same thing to another pony, or you?


"All I wanted was a normal life in Cloudsdale, but now I can never return. Go and find another stallion who didn't muck it up..."

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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hunter put a hoof on faceless' chin to raise his head to look at her

"faceless, nopony's perfect, we all muck things up with our friends and family, even I have. everypony learns from their mistakes, if you think you've ruined your life, you can always start-over"

she kissed him on the forehead and smiled

"there's enough hope for everypony in this world"

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Once they broke from the kiss, Percussive was already starting to calm down. He let off a small smile.


"That was.... Great. I'm glad... You enjoyed it, because.... That was my first kiss.... And I enjoyed every single second of it."


He went and grabbed Shade's hooves, mesmerized by her sparkle in her eyes.


"So... What would like to do next?"

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shade blushed...

"i was your first? you were my first as well."

she said quietly and shily


" i... i dont know.. i dont know what to do next"


<i never really though what to do when i got to this point...>


"do you have something on your mind?"


< pleas dont say dancing.... im bad at dancing.... but i guess i could try if he likes....>



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"Uh... I don't... honestly know. I could say dancing... but I stink at dancing. It's like I want to embarrass myself even more than usual...", Percussive quietly said.


It's kind of cute how we don't know what to do next... And how we're being a bit quiet...


"I can't really think of anything...", he said, while scratching the back of his neck, a bit nervous on what to do next.

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Shade smiled...

"We'll what are we going to do... If we can't think about what to do?"


*that coudnt have been more aquward to say *


"How about we go somewhere quiet? I don't think I can stand the other ponys and the loud music"


She grabed his hoof and started to walk back to the liveing room



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"Uh, sure... Though the percussion to this song is amazing, it is starting to get to be a bit too much.", Percussive complied, following Shade into the living room.


Whoa... Am I actually speaking clearly this time?! Wow! I can't believe it! And it's all thanks to her!

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They went into the living room... Shade sat on the couch... She has her hoof brushing her ear...


"Ok... We're here... Its quiet, its confertable, nopony is around... Now what?"


Shade clearly didn't think this through... She wanted to have a good time, with another pony... But she didn't think what to do...



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"Um.... I really can't think of anything... Sorry.", Percussive merely said, looking down to his hooves.


What now? I mean, you just agreed to come here... What now, smart guy?!


"Uh.. You know, maybe we could, uh... Snuggle? I mean, if-you-don't-want-to-then-that's-totally-fine.", he shot out.


OK, scratch that. You can speak. Just not clearly OR slowly!

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