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private Penthouse Party RP


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* snuggle??? Um... I.., *


Shade thought for a moment... And then


"I know what we can do"


She grabbed him and flew out the window and onto the roof, it was still cloudy... So shade flapped her wings and pushed all the high voltage clouds away to get a clear view of the stars.


She lands and walks to him and puts her hoof around him...


"Isn't it beautiful? All the stars?"



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  On 2012-11-21 at 9:30 AM, 'ParsoOfEquestria' said:


Faceless looked into the eyes of Hunter. They shimmered in the stars as they stood on the balcony.


The less she knows, the safer she'll be, thought Facelesse here, but I can't just leave because I'm scared of what happened... it was still my fault...


Faceless shuddered at the memory, then smiled. "I suppose you're right."

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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  On 2012-11-22 at 7:40 AM, 'Faceless' said:



hunter seemed to smile peacefully, as if she accomplished something

"life is too short to dwell on the past, always look to the future and greatness will fall upon you"

she really really liked faceless, she hadnt felt this kind of way before, even if she was cursed to fall in love easy.

"faceless, I....really really like you, I wont say love because of my curse but close enough. nothing would make me happier than to spend my days with you"

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OK, snuggling is totally out of the question.... This is ten times better than snuggling.


"Wow... This is beautiful...", Percussive said, mesmerized by all the stars in the sky. He put a hoof around her, drawing her closer to him. "I never thought that I would see more amazing in my life... Hmm? Hey, check it out! A shooting star!", he said, pointing to where it was.

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Featherheart turned around, teeth grinding and red in the face "they don't know the real me, no pony does" he swung his body around and trotted over to the window overlooking the party "look at them all going about their lives which they take for granted" he turned his head once more and looked out the window at the night sky.


"Why is this my life?"

He questioned himself turning back with a small huff, he looked over the party at all the happy... little... ponies.

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"Hunter..." Faceless tried to find a way of describing what he felt.


"I like you too, but I don't want anything long-term at the moment. I never came to this party looking for love, but it seems like that's all I'm finding. Besides, my life is..." What is my life? A life of knowing that you can never have what you had and are forced to look over your shoulder ever waking second...

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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  On 2012-11-22 at 8:16 PM, 'Faceless' said:



"i understand"

hunter took a deep breath in the crisp night air

"if you want to talk about your life, I will listen. dont fret that the story might horrify me, I've seen worse. love is companionship, companionship is what makes this world turn. but if you do not want anything long-term, just this night is all I ask"

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Featherheart decided to take walk down to the dance floor, He stood in the center of all the happy ponies and stared off into the distance trying to feel the happiness they do. "I wish the Princess was here so I can at least have somepony to talk to and understand me" he walked around a bit and then over to the bar and sat heavily on the ground.

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Shade saw the shooting star..

She closed her eyes and made a wish


* I wish I could find the truth *


She then huged him and laid down pulling him down with her... She rested her head on his...


"So... What did you wish for? I think it's obvious what I wished for"





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He also closed his eyes, making his wish. Percussive turned his head over to Shade, looking into her eyes as he was brought to laying down on his back.


"I... I wished that.. we could be together for a while...", he softly said to her, as he pulled her in closer with their hug.

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Shade looked at him laying down


"I wish for that too"


She was looking up in the sky huging him and kind of *snuggleing* him...


"I hope this night dosnt end soon... I'm haveing so much fun being with you"


"Even if its cold up here... I could just look at the stars forever."


Shade did start to get cold... Even tho she spends a lot of time In the north... It was getting cold for her



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Percussive laughed a little. "Well, at least we're close together. That way, we won't freeze to death...", he said, getting a bit closer to her. "And the stars really look lovely... You're right. I really don't want this night to end as well... I love hanging out with you."

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(OOC: ok... This is driving to finish... How are we going to continue this?)


Shade huged him tighter and rested her head on his, she started to close her eyes...


Trying to hold electricity from not flowing out of her mane...


*dont want to zap him now, do I? Hmhmhm*





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  On 2012-11-22 at 8:26 PM, 'ParsoOfEquestria' said:


(OOC: Sorry I haven't been active. I've had some bad news...)


"Then this night shall be yours." Faceless said, as he looked at the stars. "Anyway, it's no use moping around out here, let's have some fun." He turned to Hunter and looked her in the eyes. "What do you want to do tonight?"

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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All of a sudden, Percussive started to hear some thunderclouds off in the distance. Well, that's odd... I thought Shade cleared out all the clouds. At that moment, one of the clouds happened to appear right under them and started to pour down rain.


"OK, that's... odd...", he said. What he didn't notice was that it was making the roof slick, casing him to slide off, losing his hug with Shade. "Wh-WHOA!" He went right off the edge until he grabbed onto the edge, hanging on for dear life.

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"Damn it... I thought I cleared out all the clouds."


Shade quickly kicked the cloud away, then swooped below percussive


"Don't worry... I got you"


Shade puched him up back onto the roof.


"You ok? That was scary.. I thought I pushed away all the clouds... I don't know why that cloud came back"



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Once he was settled back onto the roof, Percussive was breathing heavily, his eyes shot. "That... was close... I nearly.... Fell from the roof... Thank you...."


He settled himself back down, laying back again, looking at the stars. His breathing was a lot calmer, and he started to relax.

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  On 2012-11-24 at 11:53 AM, 'Faceless' said:



Hunter gazed back into Faceless' eyes

"as long as we're together, I don't care what we do"

she slowly leaned in and kissed him, the kiss was so good that her wings started to flutter wildly. to hunter, it was better than any first kiss, she held it for a good 5 seconds

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"What's it I'm not gonna sit here and wait for love, I'm going to get up and get it" he thought to himself as he stood up and walked over to the punch.

"With a little magic and punch of cores"

Featherheart spoke out loud with thunder in his voice, willing himself he put a spell on the punch itself, it turned a green which glowed and then back to its normal state. "Anypony who dares to take the tiniest sip of this here punch will fall into a deep feeling of love for every pony they see and will be unable to leave them, making a larger and larger group of love punch ponies who will offer it as a gift to any other pony they see. Chaos with love, Celestia didn't see this coming."


He left the punch bowl with a smirk an retreated back to Hunter's living room, where he watched over the party waiting for his puppet show to begin.

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As Percussive was still trying to calm down, he could hear some yelling coming from inside, but he never caught a single word of it.


"Hey Shade... Who in the world just yelled from inside? I couldn't catch a single word of it at all. Did you?", he asked her, sitting upright.

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"No I didn't... But you stay here... Il get us some punch!"


Shade flew threw the window indoors to get some punch... She grabed 2 glasses and scooped some punch into both of them... Then flew back out onto the roof..


"Hey! Got you some punch"


She hands a glass to percussive



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"Oh, thanks!", Percussive said as he took one of the two glasses from Shade. He took a sip, wincing a bit.


"That's a... sort of weird taste... I think the taste from the cider earlier is still in my mouth, and it's mixing with whatever the taste of the punch is supposed to be.", he said with a bit of a laugh.

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Shade laughed a bit and took a sip of the punch...


"I never tried this but..."


Shade put a tiny lightning bolt into her drink.. It sparkled in the drink... Then she gluged the drink down...

Shade felt a bit of electrocution... " woh.. That made it more sparkly!"

Then shade felt a headache... "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea..."



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Percussive was still trying to get the taste out of his mouth, as he looked over to Shade, who seemed to be in a bit of pain.


"Shade? You all right?", he asked. "You don't seem to be feeling all right... Maybe the spark in your drink just set off your headache? Anything I could do for you?"

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She closed her eyes then reopened them... She had Derpy eyes


"No I'm fine, I love you"


She walked over to him and huged him tightly, her mane was sparking crazily...


"I really really really really really LOVE you!!"


Shades mine went blank... No thoughts, no controle... Only love



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