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hunter smiled at faceless' request

"of course, but, maybe we should get our drinks from the bar, i feel like I'm put off punch forever now"

she giggled and put a wing over faceless as they walked back inside 

"the drinks are on me, don't worry. what would you like?"

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Faceless liked the wing over him, as if it were protecting him from harm. "I'll have an apple cider. I can't get enough of the stuff after attending one of Sweet Apple Acre's cider days."


Flyer smiled at Hunter. "Thanks for sticking by me for tonight. Things can only go up from now, right?"

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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Rose hadn't expected Percussive to jump in front of her. She had been ready for the lightning bolt to be cast. And here he was again, defending her. *Why does he keep doing this for me?* Rose wondered, blushing again. *If he and Shade were... Then why is he...* 



She simply could not understand him. She appreciated the gesture, but this was between her and Shade. Stepping forward, to where the three of them formed a triangle, Rose said, "No, Percussive. Let's just wait and see what she does." Rose then turned back to look at the other mare, whose eyes were positively crackling. She stared into that face, convinced it was not Shade who stared back at her, but Death himself, from his dark throne in Tartarus.




Shade stopped in her tracks
"Love curse hm? That not a curse... This lightning and thunder that inside me is a curse..."

Shade turned to the unicorn
"Iv been cursed my entire life but didn't know it till weeks ago"

Shade raised her hoof and lifted her fore mane showing a broken bone that's comeing out of her forehead...
"This is a curse... A love curse is nothing"

This ought to catch your attention :P 


Oh, and (OOC. Rose had known what she was doing, before Percussive walked up. Now she's not so sure anymore.)


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Percussive couldn't believe it. Why in the world does Rose want to see what Shade is about to pull off? She happened to fall under two categories: She either knew what she was doing, or Rose was about to commit a suicide attempt at this.


"Why?! Shade's jealousy is growing by the second because she saw you and me! If she hits you with a bolt or something, you're gonna die! She only wants you out of the picture to be with me! I don't want to see her kill you or anything! Because I--" He immediately stopped talking right there, knowing that Shade would electrocute him on the spot.

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Rose didn't know what to think of Percussive's exclamation. *He what?* she asked herself. *He doesn't want me to die, and he what, he what, he what? Gah! This is why I never come to parties.* 


She wasn't there with a death wish, though, of course. Taking advantage of Shade's indecision, she prepared herself mentally for the magic, knowing full well that casting such a powerful spell so unexpectedly again would take a lot out of her. Shame her plan would destroy the rose in her hair, though... It was such a pretty rose... But she had many more at home, so it wasn't a total loss.

Edited by Descant

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shade looked at percussive step in front... and listened to every word they spoke...


shades hoof started to glow, electric waves rippled out of her hooves... she lifted her hoof and swung it... and hit herself in the face


she fell to the ground, dazed, 


its true.... i dont deserve to live



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Rose gasped, dismayed. That hadn't been the plan at all! She ran over to the shaking mass on the floor, fumbling in her satchel. "No!" 


For the first time in years, Rose stood there, almost crying, not knowing what to do. "This isn't what was supposed to happen!" She despaired.

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"SHADE!", he cried out as he ran over next to her, his tears beginning to fall on her body.

"No Shade, no!", he pleaded. "Please don't die, Shade! Please! You don't deserve this! Please don't go away! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE RIGHT NOW! PLEASE DON'T DIIIIIE!"


Was she really...

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Rose pulled her characteristic rose out from behind her ear, and placed it on Shade's unmoving form, over her heart. Casting the magic she had already had charged up, the rose spread, and mutated, surrounding Shade in a wreath of beautiful wildflowers, in hues of periwinkle blue and red and pink and white. Leaving the rose there, with the rest of her handiwork, Rose Petal shed a single tear over Shade's body, and said in a barely audible, yet oddly carrying whisper, 

"I'm so sorry." 


Rose turned away from the scene, letting Percussive stay with his fallen friend, and started on her way back to the party, quietly sobbing.

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shade was lying on the ground, she shook her head...


"damn it... i knew that wouldn't work"


since shade is not affected by shocks... she only felt the punch...


she looked at percussive who was screaming at her...


"im not dead you idiot... why did i do that?"


shade got up from the floor... she looked out the window...


"was that? did i see? a clue? what?"



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"H-huh? You're not dead? You...", Percussive was wondering what had just happened.


"Did you just cause me to embarrass myself right here? You... You...."


Immediately, Percussive was walking a few feet away from her, seeing as though that he was honestly worried about her.


He left the room, upset with Shade...

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Rose heard Shade grumbling at Percussive, even from a distance. *Way to look like a fool, Rose. You're supposed to notice if she's not actually unconscious, and just play-acting. But that electrified punch... I doubt anypony besides her could survive that...* Lost in these rather unpleasant thoughts, Rose barely notices as she walks right into a bar. Blushing slightly, she hops up and sits at the bar, barely noticing that Faceless and Hunter were sitting there too...

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Percussive couldn't believe it. He didn't like how Shade had just decided to give him a near heartbreak. She had actually broke his heart with that. He went up to the bar, putting his head down, crying onto the counter softly. He hated being lied to... Especially like that.

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Rose saw Percussive approach the bar, a few seats down. Admittedly, she was pretty shaken up, but she was nothing compared to him. He was a complete wreck. Rose wasn't sure she'd be able to make a difference. Something, though, drive her to at least try to comfort him, where she ordinarily would not have bothered. There was just something about Percussive that set Rose's heart all aflutter. 


Moving down the bar to sit next to him, Rose tried to catch his eye. "Want anything to drink? I'll treat." She said, blushing, then sighing inwardly. She wasn't able to say even three words to this stallion without blushing.

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Percussive lifted his head up to see Rose talking with him.


"Is there anything that can cure a heartbreak? Because I would want 10 of those right about now...."


His face was covered in tears, he honestly looked like a mess.


"The pony I liked... Why did she do that?"

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shade looked at percussive run out of the room to the bar followed by rose...


she didnt care for anything at the moment... when she punched herself... she had a vision of somepony....


shade coudnt quite remember but she thought for a moment...


she remembers and what she saw, it was a pony that looked like her... but different... it looked like a changeling... but shade coudnt remember anymore of it...


shade looked at the sky... then walked to the bar... shade sat at the opposite end of the bar that percussive and rose were at



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Rose sighed. "I don't know. I think she saw how you jumped in front of me..." She trailed off, not sure how to put the rest of her thoughts without upsetting him further. As he flopped his head back down on the bar, Rose tried something she had never done before; she put a comforting hoof on his shoulder, and apologized. "I fear it might have been me that did it. I was goading her on, I didn't want her to try and hurt herself. I wanted her to try and hurt me..." *So she wouldn't hurt you...* "...Percussive, I'm so sorry." 

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Shade was sitting at the bar... She didn't know what to do...


She drove away a pony that she liked... Or was it the spell? Or was it her??? ???

And she had a vision on what she thought was a changeling... Or was it?


She flopped her head on the counter and started to sob... And raised her hoof and started smacking the back of her head...



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It had been some time since hunter hit Featherheart, he woke up, still on the storm cloud and in a daze.

"What... did it work?"

He questioned himself and peeked over the cloud, all was fine. "How long was I out?" He wondered as he raised his hoof to his head and rubbed it.

"Well, no point showing my face at the party."

His gaze drifted across the horizon, of to the rising sun. "Celestia is up early" He thought, laying down on his front, front hooves dangling over the edge and a doomed expression plastered on his face.

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Faceless overlooked the whole scene, watching Shade as she fell into a self-induced "it's-all-my-fault" state.


"Geez, Hunter. I wish I could do something for her - for everypony here." He sighed and looked over at Featherheat, sulking over the balcony.



19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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He turned around and saw faceless looking at him. 

"What now?"

He breathed, so quietly. Featherheart swung his head back around with a sigh and continued to gaze at the rising sun. "So simple yet so beautiful."  The sun hurt his eyes a little but he had seen it rise and lower so many times, the same amount of times as the moon. He had not yet raised or lowered, his time at the castle meant nothing to him, seeing the Princesses was common to him, the talks he had with them brought happiness to his lonely world. He knew them more than any other pony and he was proud to be related to them, through Celestia's magic "born a second time, never thought it would lead to this."  

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Percussive seemed like he needed some time to himself, to think, so, giving the bartender a few bits to bring him something to drink, that would hopefully cheer him up, Rose vacated her seat next to him, and trotted over to the balcony, where Featherheart was busy sulking. "It's Featherweight, right?" She said, putting on what was hopefully a friendly tone. She sat down next to him, and said kindly, "What's wrong, then? You can talk to me."

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He didn't move, he didn't speak, he only sighed and traveled back to his memories. Featherheart had no mean for talking now, it only brought him trouble, only the thought of the Princesses soothed his pain as well as make it worse. "They done this to me, made me a walking joke, element of love. Yer right." his face was still and unreadable, he had mastered this through time with the Princesses. He was running on memories now, some old and some new. Dreams, hopes and warm smiles "I miss them so much, why did she tell me to leave... why?"   

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Despite the well-rehearsed air and practiced, expressionless face, Rose could tell the alicorn was not at peace. It was something in his eyes, she decided. "I'm Rose Petal." When he continued to ignore her, she sighed. He was going to be like that, wasn't he? Wandering back inside, she found the circle of potted plants from earlier, and restoring them to their former, peacable state, plucked a flower from one of them, then walked back to the balcony and thrust it right under Featherheart's nose. *Nopony can ignore me for long.*

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Featherheart levitated the flower up into the air and over the balcony. He bowed his head once more, keeping quiet and distant, he carried on with the memories of the Princesses, the most happiest memory of his was on hearth's warming eve after the play, they talked all night by the fire place, enjoying each other company. He would never be far from them, He would stay up all night with Luna, pointing out the stars and their constellations, falling asleep beside her, hugging her as she rested head on him. "I want to make it up to them... but what did I do to them in the first place?" This was one of the only memories that he couldn't tap into, the one that confused him the most.

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