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"You don't have anything to be sorry about. I was only helping you out because I didn't want to see a innocent pony injured. Plus, I kind of lik--"


Right when he says that, Percussive looked up to see that Rose was gone, leaving him some bits for a drink. He only sighed as he watched the barkeep picked up the bits and sliding him a whiskey down to his seat. He took a sip and looked around, wondering where she had gone.

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Rose sighed. She had tried. At least the alicorn had acknowledged her presence. She wasn't done trying to get to him, no, definitely not. But she could tell there was no point trying right now, when he was obviously in such a pensive mood. She walked back over to Percussive, who appeared to be looking around for her, and said, "Sorry. I thought you needed a moment to yourself..." 

Edited by Descant

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Featherheart sighed. "No pony can help me, only I can help me. I have to say sorry to the Princesses, for whatever I've done... I wish I knew, I wish they tolled me. There's no hope and no love anymore." He looked up at the clouds and was taken back by what was written with in them, the shock through him back, he started to cry but not with sadness. He read the clouds: "Featherheart do not despair, we still love you, pleas don't take it out on yourself, I am upset for what you have become but I am happy I made you, we are sorry and we wish you to come home. Love Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.


Featherheart was filled with emotion at this point, he didn't know if he should leave or stay, what they had put him through played on his mind the most, it seemed to flush out all other memories. "I can't go back... not after what happened,  just can't" the thought of why he was set away circled his mind, bringing sadness and hate for the ones he loved, the ones he grew so close too.

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hunter nodded at faceless

"shade, come down here sweetie, let me buy you a drink"

she really wanted to offer shade a shoulder to cry on, instead of waiting for shade to come to her, she went to shade and gave her a comforting hug

"do you want to tell me what happened?"

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Percussive looked to see that Rose had found him.


"Well, I... Sort of needed to talk with you. What I said before was that I didn't want to see you get hurt, even if you chose to... I wanted to look out for you because.... ((Sorry Shade.))


I like you... More than a friend to be honest...."

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Featherheart curled up on the balcony, putting his hooves over his eyes.

"No, never again.... never again, so kind... why, what did I do to deserve their love?"

He shakes and peeks out to look back up at the clouds. There was no writing, all was clear. "Just my imagination, that's all." He chuckled out loud before picking himself up off the ground and brushing himself down. Still a little shaken and deeply confused he trotted back over to the edge of the balcony, he had lost the will to search through old memories, as they seem to be crippling his reality a little and his feelings.

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Rose blushed harder than she thought she ever had before. She was at a complete and total loss for how to respond to his declaration. She compensated, for the words that would not come to her, by throwing herself into him, and whispering, "Oh, praise Celestia."


A wild happiness stole over her, unlike any she had ever experienced. But at the same time, a slight guilt arose as she thought of Shade. Casting that thought aside for now, she appreciated what fate had given her. She smiled, and looked into Percussive's eyes...

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Unable to think straight Featherheart stomped back to the bar and sat with a thud by the counter. He looked about, the bartender asked him if he would like anything, he just bowed his head and sighed. After the bartender got bored he looked up again, taking a glance around the room he made little stories up about the ponies in his mind to try and cheer himself up a little, a grin widened across his face for a second as he thought about Vinyl being a secret spy for Celestia, sent to watch me all this time. The grin was gone in an instant and he was back to looking at the floor, waiting for the next pony to try and pry him open and dig into his life.

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shade cryed on hunters shoulder...


"alot has been going on in my head lately... and being dumped dosnt help"


shade had been trying to put a puzzle togeather.. and she thinks shes almost put in the last parts...


"when i punched myself in the face... i think i got a clue on who i really am" 



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Immediately, Percussive caught Rose as she ran into his arms. This new warmness was a better feeling... She didn't have the danger of shocking him to death, or anything like that. And she actually smelt really nice... Like roses, as he was unaware of the rose in her mane.


He looked down to her, smiling as well. "You look really cute when you blush like that..."

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Predictably, Rose blushed again at that comment, but this time, it wasn't due to embarassment. Smiling faintly, she closed her eyes... She really, really liked this colt... She leaned in towards him slightly, wanting to kiss him, then hesitated. A faint siren went off inside her head. *What are you doing?* she asked herself. *Too fast, too fast!*

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Featherheart could see the two ponies at the other side of the bar, he made up back stories for them to, "who would have thought a grandmother with seven kids would take interest in that pony from the cave of doom... just makes no sense" he laughed but that slowly faded away into a sob. "At least somepony is taking an interest, did I really see the writing, was it real. What should I do?" He paused thought for a second, something was working its way into his mind, he could feel it worming its way in, burying itself deep with in his thoughts -whether it was himself doing this was hard to tell, reality had already snapped once today so who's to say it can snap again for him- he could hear a small voice in the back of his head, it was muffled, drowned in fact, like it was underwater and rising up from it fast. 

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Percussive smiled a bit more as she blushed again. That was really cute of her...


Though, he was confused on why she was leaning, then backing away a little. Was she...


*Ohhh... I know what she's about to do... I'll just meet her halfway....*


And at that moment, Percussive leaned to her face, and pressed his lips against hers.

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And here she was, thinking she had been moving too fast for both of them. Thinking about just how wrong she had been to think that. These thoughts were swept away before she could think any more about them. And the broom that swept them out of her mind was the amazing experience she was now sharing with Percussive. She thought she could still detect a hint of yarrow on his breath... She opened her eyes, and they were sparkling and dancing in their sockets with utter bliss.

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As Percussive just kept kissing her, he opened his eyes to see her eyes twinkle and sparkle. Right when he saw that, he put even more passion into the kiss, taking in this moment they had. He wrapped his hooves around her back, drawing her into the kiss more.

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Featherheart looked back over to them again. "Well, their having a good time" he thought, trying to suppress the other voice which was getting much louder ad clearer with every passing second. "Why do you sit in sadness?" the shock of hearing the voice made Featherheart jolt back as if somepony had just jumped up in front of him and shouted at him, "their so weak and unable to love" the voice was calm and therm, as much as it had stunned Featherheart it was also bringing on confusion with what it was saying... stating, as fact, twisting lies to tell the truth. "No who are you, what are you. Stay out of my head" Featherheart felt strange, like he had lost control to this thing, he sat with a blank look about him as if somepony had turned out the lights and the room was pitch black -without the sun of cores- "I am you... and you are me" the voice cackled, echoing around his head. 

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*This is simply magical... I've never felt anything like this before... I wish this moment could last forever...* 


At long last, the two broke apart, both panting. Rose flashed a smile at Percussive, which disappeared almost as quickly as it had spread across her face, as she remembered where they were, and that everypony was there. She didn't particularly care if Hunter and Faceless saw them, but she wasn't too keen on the idea of Shade noticing what they were doing. "Come on," she said, "Let's find somewhere a little more... private."

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Featherheart had never had this happen before, he couldn't tell his thoughts from the others thoughts, it was all a blur and he was not happy with it. "what do you want from me?" at that demand a crackling laugh boomed through his head, "it's not what I want from you, it's what you want from me. You seek the truth do you not, you also seek love and acceptance." Featherheart froze, could this really be him, was he really having this conversation with himself... if he seeks the truth then he has not found it yet, how could he know then. "your not me, you can't be. I'm me... your just, your nothing" He started twitching, trying to grasp the concept that his own mind had over ridden itself and is now trying to make peace with its twin. "Oh please, you mean to say that you are also nothing. Those other ponies don't care for you, I saw you try to get their attention, and what did they do. Shove you to one side and forgot about you, that's what they did."  The tone of the voice had gotten sharper and it stepped up the pace, almost as if it were telling secrets instead of lies. 

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(OCC: On a phone. Bare with!)


Faceless chuckled as the unicorn pair moved into another room. He watched Hunter trying to console Shade, and decided it was best to leave them alone for a moment.


Flyer moved to the bar and sat down, asking for a glass of water. No way was he getting drunk like last time.


Faceless turned and realised that he was sitting right next to Featherheart. He wasn't sure how he had not noticed sitting next to him, but Flyer noticed something odd in his expression.


"Featherheart, you okay there?" He asked, waving his hoof in front of the alicorn's face.

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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"Get out of my head!"

He snapped, pushing faceless away. "That's right, they don't care for you so why care for them. He hates you everypony hates you, they can't love, they can't accept you, they are selfish, cruel and unkind." Featherheart breaks down into a twitching mess, unable to stand or speak, battling the raging thoughts he held inside his head, "what are you doing to me... what are they doing to me, why won't they leave me alone, why do they keep trying to pry me open?" 

"Get away... leave... don't, love."

He forced out, waving his hooves about and flapping his wings in a rage. "They want to hurt me, but I won't let them" by this time Featherheart was a babbling mess on the floor, "it's all ok, we both know you can handle a few doomed souls. Don't we." Featherheart stood up straight with a dead expression.  

Edited by featherheart

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"That would sound really nice right about now... Let's head to a VERY private place...", Percussive softly said to Rose, as he led her through the multiple ponies in the room, heading all the way upstairs to a small bedroom. He opened the door, allowing her to go in first, and he quickly shut the door behind him....

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Rose hadn't noticed that it was a bedroom until she was actually inside and the door had been closed behind her. "You picked a bedroom on purpose," she teased him. 


Remembering her rose wasn't in her hair, she walked over to a small vase that was beside the bed, and plucked out a suitable replacement, gently putting it back in her hair. "Now, what do you want to do?" Rose asked, knowing full well what the answer would be, and blushing slightly as a result.

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Rose hadn't noticed that it was a bedroom until she was actually inside and the door had been closed behind her. "You picked a bedroom on purpose," she teased him.


Remembering her rose wasn't in her hair, she walked over to a small vase that was beside the bed, and plucked out a suitable replacement, gently putting it back in her hair. "Now, what do you want to do?" Rose asked, knowing full well what the answer would be, and blushing slightly as a result.

Percussive grinned a bit from her remark. "We'll, my little plan is ruined now, all thanks to you...", he teased back. He moved closer and closer to her, to where they were nearly on top of the bed.


"Well, let's continue from where we left off."


He moved over her body, pressing his lips against hers again, emulating the same passion from before.

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*I like where we were when we left off,* Rose thought to herself. That's all she had time to think before she and Percussive were joined again, their forms pressing against each other passionately. They fell over onto the bed, and continued their thoroughly nonverbal conversation. Rose enjoyed it quite as much as she had the first time. It wasn't very often that anypony actually expressed an interest in her when sober, and even rarer still that she should get to even hug them. This happened to be her second kiss ever, the first having happened just downstairs. But there was no way she was ever going to tell anypony that.

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Percussive couldn't help but moan a little at her kissing. Her scent, her skin up against his... This was all too beautiful. Then, he suddenly had a crazy idea. He moved over top of her onto the bed, looking into her eyes as he broke the kiss.


"Shall we enhance this a little more?", he said with a wink.

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