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private Penthouse Party RP


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Rose grimaced. "That's a good sign, if she's aware something's wrong. But still, it's not a fun process for any involved, curing a love curse. I'll need help. She won't like it at all. But the hardest part is going to be getting her away from him... Unless... I have an idea." Not looking too enthusiastic about it at all, Rose elaborates. "I'll need somepony to be the bait."

Edited by Descant
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"thank celestia I didnt drink this stuff then"

hunter threw the punch away

"I have enough love curse as it is"

she nuzzled up to faceless

"what kind of bait do you need?"

hunter was curious about the cure for the tainted punch and being it was her party, she wanted to help fix it

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Rose gestured at the various small plants that she had spotted earlier around the house. "I can use my magic to bind her in place, if I have permission to use your plants. If I'm correct, the curse makes her love everypony, not just that poor fellow over there. I need somepony to lure her over into my leafy trap." As she was speaking, she magically manuevered each plant she sensed in the house, to form a rough circle in the floor. The rose she kept behind her ear was included in this circle.

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Faceless looked at the two mares. "I can see who needs to be Bait." Faceless sighed, heavily. "Okay, I'll do it, just catch her quick. My side is still painful and a hug would probably be the end of me."


Faceless moved into the middle of the circle of plants. "Do I stand here?"

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Percussive Force was freaking out. Shade's behavior was getting even crazier, and he needed to find help. Fast.


As soon as he saw a few other ponies, he walked-- well, limped over there, to where they were standing. And what was with the plants? Was something else crazy going on?

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Rose nodded, and wordlessly gave Faceless a root from in her satchel. "You said you were hurting, right? It'll numb whatever pain you might be feeling, but it's bitter."


*That pony's got some guts,* she thought inwardly, admiring his selflessness.


"Draw her attention, and I'll try and keep her from getting you. Be ready to bolt when she enters the circle."

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Faceless chewed on the odd looking root, swallowing with strain. "Thanks."


He looked at the dazed Shade and smiled. "Hey Shade! Look over here at this hunk of a stallion, huh?" Flyer cringed at his own words. Celestia, I sound like Prince Blueblood. He thought.

  • Brohoof 1
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Featherheart opened the door and trotted over to join the group, he had been eavesdropping through magic. When he stood at behind the ponies crowded around the cursed mare, he kept silent. "This is only a prototype spell" he thought ti himself as he pondered his next spell "they know it's me now of cores, but how will they deal with my love virus." With a smile plastered across his face, he stepped forward, letting of a pules of magic.


The magic only effects the cursed, any pony she touches or any living being, will catch the love virus and will be unable to tare themselves from over ponies. Featherheart made a dash for the living room again, he bolted through the already cracked window, smashing the glass. He flapped his wings as fast as he could and headed for a nearby storm to hide in.

  • Brohoof 2
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shade was still hugging percussive...

"Hey Shade! Look over here at this hunk of a stallion, huh?"

shade looked up and made eye contact with faceless, waves of sparking electricity sparked out of her mane... she looked at him for a moment... and then.... she bolted at him with lightning speed going for a hug


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As soon as Shade darted for the other pony, Percussive fell over, landing on a nearby wall.


Thank Celestia that is over... Wait. She's going after another? WHAT?!


He got back up tp his hooves, brushing himself off and walked over to what looked like another unicorn... "Uh... Were you the one that caused this?"

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"HOLY MUFFIN!" Faceless said, suprised by the speed of Shade. He turned around and dashed towards the edge of the circle. All he had to do was get out of the range of Shade and-


Faceless yelped as his foot hit the other and he was sent sprawling along the floor.


Please make it out, please make it out, please make it out...

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"FACELESS, RUN!" Rose cried. The alicorn's use of magic had not escaped her notice. She didn't know what he had done, but she knew Faceless was in danger. Powering up her own magic, Rose took control of the plants in the circle in the center of the room. All growing and shifting at alarming rates, the plants seemed to come alive, and cast out, thorny tendrils and strong leafy vines and branches curling around Shade's running form, and grew to be pulled tight, immobilizing her. Rose collapsed, unconscious, not having cast a spell that powerful in a long time. Edited by Descant
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And of course, he never got an answer right there. Percussive saw the mare collapse to the ground, causing him to run over to her.


"Hello? Are you OK?! Can you respond?!", he cried out. There was no response. He put the unresponsive mare on his back, taking her outside for fresh air. Maybe that will wake her up. He lays her on the ground, hoping that she woke up.

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Featherheart watched over as she sat upon the rolling storm, he laughed at the sight. "good it's working, soon the whole party will be a mindless bunch of hugging ponies, and then Equestria will feel the full power that love holds, its ability to control and break the spirit of ponies, when the Pegasus ponies catch it my virus will be airborne, spreading faster and faster."


He sat back with a lazy gaze and laughed to... himself.

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"Phew, close one!" Faceless said, lying on the floor. "Got out of the circle! Mind you, she did almost get me. I felt her tap the end of my hoof..." Flyer felt something come over him. His mind clouded as all he could see was a group of lovely... huggable... pretty... ponies.


"HUGS FOR EVERYPONY!" He cried, as he tried to dart towards the ponies. He was pulled back suddenly, and sent to the ground again. Confused, he looked behind him, to see that his back hoof was still in the circle, entrapped in a vine.

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"Every living thing."

Featherheart chuckled to himself as he sat alone. "well the ball is rolling, snowball that is. This will only get bigger... maybe it was too strong, I hope not, I don't want to catch it through the breath of another pony" he wondered to himself about what he had started and how or if it can be stopped.

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hunter saw featherheart laughing manicly at the display which gave her the impression that he was behind this

"you did this didnt you?! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! my party, my reputation is on the line because of you! you bastard!"

she slapped him as hard as she could across the face, leaving a bright red hoof mark on his face

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Rose opens her eyes groggily. She had a massive headache. Everything was a blur.


Eventually the world starts to come into focus, and the first thing she can really see is a pony standing over her. He looked familiar... Did she know him? Either way, she contented herself to stare blankly at his face for a few moments as the world around them came back into focus. After all, he was easy on the eyes...


She heard shouting as though it was far away. She tried to get up. "Whaa happened?" she asked the air in front of her.

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As soon as the mare got back up, Percussive let out a sigh. Great, she's not dead at all...


"Finally, you came to. I didn't see the whole thing, but your magic was controlling some plants, and then you passed out.", Percussive told her. "I carried you out here because I thought that it would cause too big of a commotion in there.", he said as he looked back inside. "As if there wasn't already a big enough commotion..."

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Rose looked at the stallion who said he'd carried her out. She was able to focus on him now.


"Thank you..." She murmured. She goes on, quite as quietly, "My name's Rose Petal."


She could feel herself flushing. She didn't know why, though. Since when did she ever get embarrassed? She tried to start walking towards the source of the commotion, to find out what had happened, but stumbled, still off balance.

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"Whoa, wait a sec!", Percussive yelled out, jumping in to help Rose to her hooves. "You're still not fully... er... well yet. You, at least, need to sit down. You're just having a hard time try to walk. No way that you can head in there and do whatever you want without getting fully rested."


He moved her back to the railing of the balcony, sitting alongside her. "I'm Percussive Force. But, uh, I didn't catch your name there quite so well."

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Rose let Percussive Force help her back to the railing, and sat down willingly. Why should she argue?


Taking several deep breaths to calm herself, Rose took her good time answering him. "My name's Rose Petal," she told Percussive. She wasn't looking at him. She was looking out over the balcony, and appeared to be lost in thought. A particularly loud shout from inside pulled her out of her reverie, however. "Thank you for helping me." She blushed slightly, and looked away again. After another brief pause on her part, she asked, "Did it work? Did my plants catch her?"

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Percussive looked at her, with a little of a confused gaze. How come she kept blushing every time he talked?


"Your... friend? Was that you were trying to protect? I see... My friend, the one who going all crazy, flew after your friend, aying that she loved him. Which is another thing I was wondering about. What the heck is up with that? Did someone spike the punch or something?"

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Rose was impressed. He had indeed realized that it was the punch.


"The punch... Yes, somepony placed a love curse on the punch. I think it was... Featherweight?" She paused for a second, trying to remember if that was indeed the name she heard earlier, then plowed on. "But I need to know. Did my plants catch her?" She paused for yet another moment, thinking, then looks at Percussive critically. "You didn't drink any punch, did you?"

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"I... I don't know that, to be certain... All my attention shifted to you once you collapsed. I'm sorry...", Percussive said as he lowered his head. "And, not enough to where I can be affected by it, luckily... Shade however, downed hers in a gulp. Not to mention, adding a bit of spark with it."

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