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private (No longer cancelled)Stranded! Rp

Sunbro 4 Lyfe

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bright calls back in response to rooks advice "Nah im good! ive got magic to help!" as he picks up the sticks further in the forest, he hears an unusual growling within the bushes. He didnt want to find out wether or not it was friendly or not. he takes his stickes and goes back cautiously to the beach.

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Later that night...


The group all sat around Rook's fire. Something about it gave everypony a calm feeling. No pony was really talking, though...


Rook decided to start a conversation, "So, why were you guys on the boat?" The group needed to feel comfortable with each other, it was a matter of survival.

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Far Fetched and Trixie were seated side by side right in front of the crackling, popping fire. It was rather impressive that they'd managed it by nightfall and Fetched was quite proud of his own contributions. It'd been unexpectedly fun, kind of like a treasure hunt. He'd even considered making a drinking game out of it, but Fetched didn't want to hog the vodka still nestled in the sand. Just then he heard Rook ask why they'd been on the boat.


"Why, that is a fascinating story! Full of intrigue, and plenty of hot-"


"Shut up, Fetched. He was taking me somewhere for my birthday," Trixie interrupted. She brushed her mane back once again and kept staring into the fire.

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"I was on a trip with some friends" replied spark. "me and my friend were going to cruise the world. it was, in a way, geography homework. just alot more expensive" He looked down at the floor and mumbled to himself " i just hope they made it off that ship in one piece" He then brought his head back up "what bout you rook? why were you there?"

Edited by darklord260
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"I...uh..." Rook racked his brain for an answer... startled that nothing came up. "I don't really remember? I remember a cello player on the boat, but that's about it. I don't even know why i'm wearing this jacket." Rook raised his sleeve. "Strange... Why don't I remember it?"

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Trixie kept her ears open, but didn't react to the various stories. It wasn't any if her business, and she was busy thinking. Trixie always left it up to Fetched to do the talking, any way. It was an accepted fact that unless somepony talked directly to Trixie, then Fetched would field all questions. He liked it that way too, Trixie knew. He could flirt with more ponies that way.


Fetched chuckled at Rook's story and reached over to pat the other stallion on the back. "That's called getting drunk, my friend. Enjoy the feeling of cluelessness," Fetched advised him. A cello player, though? Sounded like Rook might've had one fun night- too bad he couldn't remember the details. That happened to Fetched a lot, though he never really minded the mystery.

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Sky opened his bottle of vodka and took a sip of the clear alcoholic mixture. "Anypony want some?" Sky offered the rest of the group of ponies around the fire. "This may be the last drink any of us might have." Sky then layed on his back and began watching the stars.

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spark, despite bieng underage and not an alchaholic, decided to try the drink anyway. It was the last bottle they'd see for a long time, and trying something new. so when the bottle was passed over, he decided "why not?" and tasted it. odly enough, he actually enjoyed it. and drank about a quater of the bottle before passing it to fetched.

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Ohh, my head... what happened?The crackling of the fire brought back a rush of memory. "AAGH! FUSE! FUSE! FUSE, GET UP! STANDOFF! GET OVER HERE! FUSE TOOK A MORTAR! Come on Fuse, you aren't goink yet, you schtill owe me zat three bits! STANDOFF! NOW, VERDAMMIT!" Suddenly, the crazy light in his eyes died. "Vait, vhere am I?"
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Fetched grinned as Sky offered up the bottle of vodka, though he let the younger Spark take it first. He watched with a raised eyebrow as the stallion drank quite a bit before passing it off. "Hey, looks like someone's eager! This is the way to spend a night," Fetched commented cheerfully. He tipped back the bottle, taking a gulp before offering it to Trixie. As he expected, she shook her head. Fetched leaned around Trixie and passed the bottle to Rook.


Just then a very loud, Russian voice came from the unconscious pony. "Well, welcome to the party!" Fetched crowed cheerfully.

Edited by With A Bang
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(OOC: I am staring to regret choosing a bottle of vodka as my item... I don't even like vodka :P)


Sky frowned "oh my Celestia you drank a quarter of my last drink." Sky said to Spark. "I only had a sip. Also that's some pretty strong stuff you must be extremely drunk now." Sky continued to rant at Spark.

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spark looked at sky with a bit of anger, which he generally never has " i dont know what the buck your on about man! i feel," hes interupted with a burp "FINE!" the thoughts of regret run through his head. "sweet celestia what am i like" he mumbled, before lying in the sand and going to sleep.


(ooc: vote time. message me wether or not i should kick hatman from the rp. im also going to bed, be back at around 3:17 pm GMT)

Edited by darklord260
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Voices, on a deserted island? Get out of my-oh a fire, As Red got up, something poked his leg. He rummaged around in his vest and pulled out his trench knife. Oh, the knife!...we meet again, my friend. He decided to approach the fire from the most concealed side.
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Arcane's eyes fluttered open as he slowly tried to gather what had happened. He had floated a good distance in a bubble he conjured up, but he was running out of power, so the bubble expired. He had luckily found a large rock to rest on for a short while, but he had slipped and chipped his horn. He had seen an island a distance off, but he didn't know how fast he could swim. He eventually decided to try and get to the island, but halfway there he couldn't continue, so he let the tide bring him closer.

"Agh... uh... HELLO?" he shouted, he thought he could hear a few voices not too far away. But his vision was too foggy and he was too tired to get up. Hopefully somepony would find him shortly.

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(OOC:lets see if we can get this going again)


2nd day: Early morning


It appeard that Bright spark had woken up first again. his head was still pounding from that drink last night.

"thats the last time IM ever drinking again." he thought under his own breath. He eventually got up. it was still early morning, so he decided to take a stroll into the forest, and see if there was a safe source of water to drink from.

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Before night had fallen yesterday, Arcane had pulled together a small bed of leaves, granted it wasn't very warm, but it would protect him from anything other than the cold. He had spotted the camp the other ponies were at, but by the sight of things, he might want to wait a while before trying to approach the camp.

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(OOC: rook died ( or he resigned) so kaldr will take his place)


as spark delves deeper into the forest, he comes across a large mountain, a large peak, just visable above the clouds. there was a sheer vertical drop going down one side of the mountain, that lead to a small lake. Bright spark tasted the water, and it did appear to be fresh. he took out his A4 notepad and pencils, and started to draw a brief map of the island.

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Fetched stretched in the morning light and turned to find Trixie glaring at him.


"Gah! Don't do that!" Fetched cried, back pedaling furiously. He jumped to his hooves and shook sand out of his mane.


"I'm hungry," Trixie responded. Fetched sighed and reached over to muss the mare's mane.


"I don't think I can do anything about that. How about I go look for something in the forest, and you go look for more wood so we can keep the fire going?" Fetched responded. Trixie agreed and the two parted ways, Fetched heading for the forest and Trixie trotting down the beach.

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after drawing his surrounding, and remembered his path, Spark decided to head back to where he started, and see if anypony else had woken up. He took one final gulp of the lake, and headed back to the beach. Along the way he saw fetched, and decided to ask the colt what he was doing and if he could help.

" hey fetched," Bright Spark said to the colt, "what'ya doing?"

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